Def Essay Rough Draft
Def Essay Rough Draft
Def Essay Rough Draft
Nicco Goss
AP English Language and Composition 1
7 September, 2016
A Confused Society of Sadness
Depression envelopes around 6.7% of the adult population each year, although this mental
illness entraps 20% of the teen population every year. Depression, although known widely
throughout society, is misunderstood in its definition and severity. Its use in the daily language
among the teenage culture is rigorously misused for the emotions they are feeling.
Originally called melancholia, depression was first diagnosed in ancient Mesopotamian
times, and was not associated with a mental or physical illness, but a spiritual disorder residing
from demonic possession. During the enlightenment era, depression was thought to be inherited,
and those with this trait were shunned from society. This illness never subsided in daily emotions
and has been so effective on some that it controls them. I have had issues with depression all my
life There was often - and this is quite common with comics - a sense of not feeling as if I
belonged anywhere. (Dee). Depression is the feeling of constant loneliness and as if some part
of the person is missing. Those with anxiety constantly feel nervous and shaky. If a routine is
broken or something is done with wrong way, a person with anxiety most likely will have an
anxiety attack over it, even though it seems overly dramatic to those around them. Although
treatable, depression has a large negative impact on a persons life, especially teenagers dealing
with their peers and the stress of schoolwork. The definition of depression is not usually used
correctly in daily interactions. Not all people understand the severity and dangers of having a
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mental illness. To understand how much anxiety and depression can affect the daily life, a person
would need to experience or be constantly involved in the study of them.
The Tumblr Effect, even though it is not known amongst everyone, is a major aspect of the
misuse of the mental illnesses. Tumblr, the media outlet, idealizes different mental illnesses.
Anybody reading these social media posts on a constant basis sees depression and anxiety as a
wanted trait. These disorders are posed as something that everyone has, sin such a way that
people reading about them will want to be like others. These particular people may make it seem
as they are suffering from depression and anxiety as well. Both anxiety and depression are
treatable, but that is not always the solution. Most likely, if a persons friend has anxiety or
depression, their friend may claim to have the same disorders, because they see how much
attention others get with their issue. Many teenagers of this time period constantly joke about
having a mental disorder, but it is not a laughing matter. The extremity of a persons depression
and anxiety is nonchalantly thrown into conversations in order to gain attention and acceptance
of their peers. Being able to include themselves in the society of the ill makes these
impersonators feel more at home. Without having a full understanding of what it feels like to
deal with these issues, it is easy to pick out the people faking their way to comfort. There are
many people that constantly change their stories or immediately agree with others when
discussing the illnesses. Those that dont show full symptoms of the illness they pretend affects
their mental state are those that do not understand the true definition of depression and anxiety.
Depression has changed over time in the sense that it is no longer understood widely as a
mental illness. It is now associated with a feeling of sadness or loneliness, even if those feelings
are not over a long period of time. Anxiety disorder is not feeling nervous when you need to give
a speech, or feeling shaky when you are forced to present in front of the class. Anxiety disorder
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stems from many aspects of a persons life, but once it becomes a regular trait, can be highly
disruptive. Not all understand that an anxiety attack closely resembles a heart attack, and can
affect a subjects entire day by giving them constant anxiety, especially from dealing with
questions about their mental health from those around them. Depression is no longer seen as an
issue that needs to be solved, but as an emotion that everyone goes through. Parents do not hear
their children telling them their anxiety and depression are getting worse and immediately try to
find a solution. Unlike past time periods, doctors are now the last resort, as ignorance is the first.
Even those told that their condition is severe, as it affects their daily lives and actions, it is not
immediate to find a solution for most, but to assume that its caused by the age. Mental illnesses,
especially among teens, are generalized with age groups, and not a mental state that help is
needed to fix it.
Even though the true definition of depression and anxiety disorder are not completely
understood throughout communities, it is understandable because peers want to be able to relate
to those around them. The way for them to fit in is to pretend they are going through the same
troubles as everyone else. These disorders, affecting a large percentage of the population, are
misunderstood throughout the communities, but would be more understood if those who thought
they were suffering from the condition would seek treatment.