Phoneme PDF
Phoneme PDF
Phoneme PDF
The main importance of this definition lies in the fact that L.V. Shcherba
speaks of the sense-differentiating function of the phoneme, which proved to be a
turning point in the understanding of the phoneme.
For a number of years there were two main trends in linguistics concerning the
concept of the phoneme. One of them was headed by Leningrad linguists, the
followers of L.V. Shcherba (M M.C., 1951; .., 1960). The second
trend comprised the representatives of the so-called Moscow phonological school
( .., .., A.A., .., ..
and others).
The main difference between the schools was in their conception of the
phoneme. The followers of L.V. Shcherba proceeded from the word, while Moscow
linguists proceeded from the morpheme. These different points of view determined
their treatment of the phoneme, their understanding of the phonetic system as a
R.I. Avanesov (1956) pointed out that the two theories were correct and
compatible, as they reflect different language facts. Accordingly, he suggested
distinguishing two notions phoneme and phonematic family.
L.R. Zinder in his General Phonetics (1960) further developed the teaching of
the variants of the phoneme, the problem of phonematic structure and other problems,
and supported R.I. Avanesovs notion of the phonematic family.
In the 1950s a new theory of the phoneme was suggested by S.K. Shaumyan
, 1952.
All these theories developed many complicated questions of the phoneme but
the problem has not been solved yet. Many points need strict proof and completion.
The theory of the phoneme was also being treated by many linguists abroad. It
was investigated by the scientists of The Prague Linguistic Circle (Trubetskoy
N.S., 1929; ., ., 1962). Some foreign linguists (Sapier E.,
Twaddell W.F.) treated the phoneme apart from its real sound value. As a result the
real human speech sounds were replaced by abstract properties of sounds. The
phoneme figured as a symbol of a certain quality of the sound.
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The English linguist D. Jones fell in another extreme, treating the phoneme as a
sound fully disconnected from its sense-differentiating function. D. Jones treated the
phoneme as a group of sounds united by similar articulation features. A phoneme is
a group of sounds consisting of an important sound together with other related
sounds wrote D. Jones in his Phoneme, its Nature and Use (Jones D. Outline of
English Phonetics, 8th ed.).
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