Payday Loan Pamphlet
Payday Loan Pamphlet
Payday Loan Pamphlet
Signature_______________________ Date_____________________
I l l i n o i s D e p a r t m e n t o f Fi n a n c i a l
a n d P ro f e s s i o n a l R e g u l a t i o n
to Payday
Division of Financial Institutions
Consumer Credit Section
100 West Randolph Street
9th Floor
Chicago, IL 60601
(Rev. 3/18/11)
D epar tment
of Financial &
Consumer Responsibilities
Pay back your loan. Know when each payment is due and
be sure to repay the loan on time and in full.
Know your limitations. Determine how much money you
can afford to borrow so you can make each payment on
time and fully repay the loan.
Read the contract thoroughly and be sure that you
understand all the terms and conditions of the loan.
Be sure that you have money in your checking account
on the due date of the loan so that your check does not
bounce when it is deposited.
Other Loans You May See in a Payday Loan Office
You may see other types of loans being offered in a payday
store. Your rights and responsibilities for these other loans
may be very different than your rights and responsibilities for
Payday Loans. When taking a loan, be sure to understand the
contract before you sign it.
Consumer Counseling
and Debt Management Services
To the extent you would like licensed debt
management services, contact the Division of
Financial Institutions at 1-888-298-8089.