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Teaching Critical Appraisal: No Quick Fixes: David L. Sackett, MD Julie Parkes, MD

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15422 January 27/98 CMAJ /Page 203

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Customer: CMAJ

Initial: JN

Teaching critical appraisal:

no quick fixes
David L. Sackett, MD; Julie Parkes, MD


or decades epidemiologists and biostatisticians have striven in earnest and

often imaginative ways to educate medical students in how to separate the
wheat from the chaff of medical literature. Forced to confine themselves to
preclinical curricula, and often trapped in vast lecture halls, they seldom brought
joy to either side of the lectern and often found themselves talking in their students sleep.
This began to change when clinicians finally awakened to the importance of
acquiring skills that would enable them to determine whether the results reported
in an article were likely to be true, important and applicable to the care of their
patients. The pace of change accelerated when doubly trained clinical epidemiologists, working with their more classically (and more thoroughly!) trained
methodological colleagues, began to generate useful ways of extrapolating the results of clinical trials to the unique biology and desires of individual patients. Critical appraisal began to compete for time in crowded curricula, sometimes extending not only into clinical practice but also into postgraduate education.
For the most part, these efforts were based on earlier pedagogic models (honoured by time, but little else) of concentrated, short bursts of classroom instruction. (The undergraduate programs reviewed by Drs. Geoffrey R. Norman and
Susan I. Shannon in this issue [page 177] were as short as 3 hours, and only one
was longer than 16 hours.) Borrowing from the example of the increasingly rigorous clinical literature they were using in their teaching (but in contrast with colleagues giving more established courses) several teachers of critical appraisal
made efforts to determine whether their instruction was effective.
In some ways their job was made easier by the rise of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). When such trials validate the effectiveness of specific
treatments in reducing morbidity and untimely death, it becomes possible to
judge the success of teaching programs according to whether they lead to increased use of such treatments. This evaluation need not concern itself with
tracking down and documenting patient outcomes, but only with examining
the process of care.1
But in other ways the job of evaluating the success of programs that teach critical appraisal has been terribly difficult. The evaluative culture that encourages
randomization in trials of cancer therapy, for example, rarely extends to curriculum committees, and it is unusual for evaluators to be permitted to assign learners
randomly to different programs even in the short term. Second, although learners
are often accused of being deaf to the teaching they receive, they can never be
blind to it (even though efforts can be made to keep their evaluators blind).
Third, because medical education occurs in a maelstrom of information, advice
and admonishment, every critical appraisal course is contaminated, and co-intervention is the rule. As a consequence, it is difficult or impossible to isolate the
contribution of instruction in critical appraisal to the way that its graduates practise medicine. Finally, the turnover of clinical learners is high. This not only renders long-term evaluation difficult but also makes even medium-term educational
interventions impossible. No surprise, then, that investigators who review the evidence on the effectiveness of instruction in critical appraisal conclude that the
quantity and quality of the evidence are reminiscent of the pre-RCT era of therapeutic evaluation.
Norman and Shannon discuss an earlier review by Audet and associates2 and

Dr. Sackett is with the Centre
for Evidence-Based Medicine,
University of Oxford, Oxford,
England; and Dr. Parkes is
with the Centre for Statistics
in Medicine, Institute of
Health Sciences, Oxford,
Can Med Assoc J 1998;158:203-4

See related article page 177

CAN MED ASSOC J JAN. 27, 1998; 158 (2)

1998 Canadian Medical Association


Docket: 1-5422
Customer: CMAJ

15422 January 27/98 CMAJ /Page 204

Initial: JN

Sackett and Parkes

seek to expand on it. The resulting study, which does not

look past 1995, is not claimed to be a systematic review of
the literature on critical appraisal teaching. Indeed, a
search of educational databases such as ERIC and the
nursing database CINAHL, as well as of EMBASE
(which provides a wider coverage of European journals)
and the World Wide Web, yields 16 additional studies,
including unpublished material. In addition to the reviews
by Audet and associates and by Norman and Shannon, we
know of 3 systematic reviews either in the public domain
or in progress. The reviews differ in the studies included
and in the enthusiasm of their overall conclusions. Audet
and associates2 focused on study methodology but reported improvements in some measures of knowledge
and performance. Norman and Shannon, in this issue,
conclude that knowledge gains among undergraduates are
consistent but among postgraduates, small. Taylor and
colleagues3 reported statistically significant improvement
in 65% of outcomes and overall support for critical appraisal training. Burls4 found that teaching critical appraisal skills improved participants self-assessed understanding and their commitment to promoting clinical
effectiveness. Finally, the UK National Health Service
Research Programme into the Implementation of Research Findings is supporting the lead author of this editorial in a systematic review that has found 39 relevant
studies. All the published reviews have emphasized the
difficulty of finding high-quality, adequately powered
studies and the problems posed by brevity of follow-up.
As is frequently the case in rapidly changing fields,
events have passed this debate by. Critical appraisal is now
regarded as just one element of a much larger process that
begins with the patient and involves asking answerable
questions, finding the best evidence, assessing it, integrating the results of that assessment with the patients unique
biology and expectations, and evaluating ones performance: in other words, practising evidence-based medicine. As more curriculum planning committees become
convinced of the need to teach the practice of evidencebased medicine, literature searching and critical appraisal
are being taught at multiple stages in preclinical and clinical curricula and are becoming incorporated into the
everyday function of the clinical teams in which learners
gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes that shape their
clinical performance. Evaluations of teaching programs
are turning to the issue of how, rather than whether, to
teach these skills. The usefulness of reviews such as that
performed by Norman and Shannon must not be lost in
this process. Although many educators view the continued


CAN MED ASSOC J 27 JANV. 1998; 158 (2)

evaluation of the teaching of evidence-based medicine as

unnecessary, we support the view that alternative methods
for instilling evidence-based medicine practice should
continue to be compared so that we can employ those
methods that are the most effective and efficient.


Mant J, Hicks N. Detecting differences in quality of care: the sensitivity of

measures of process and outcome in treating acute myocardial infarction.
BMJ 1995;311:793-6.


Audet N, Gagnon R, Ladouceur R, Marcil M. Lenseignement de lanalyse

critique des publications scientifiques mdicales est-il efficace? Rvision des
tudes et de leur qualit mthodologique. Can Med Assoc J 1993;148:945-52.


Taylor RS, Reeves B, Ewings P. How effective is teaching critical appraisal

skills to health care professionals? A systematic review of the literature [poster
263]. 5th Annual Cochrane Colloquium; 1997 Oct; Amsterdam.


Burls AJE. An evaluation of the impact of half-day workshops teaching critical appraisal skills. Oxford (UK): Institute of Health Sciences; 1997.

Correspondence: Prof. David L. Sackett, Director, Centre for

Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford, Nuffield
Department of Clinical Medicine, Level 5, John Radcliffe
Hospital, Headley Way, Headington, Oxford, England OX3 9DU

Essay Contest
The Canadian Cancer Society
Essay Prize for Oncology
or Cancer
The Canadian Cancer Society (National) will award
$1000 for the best paper on a topic in oncology or
cancer control written by a student enrolled in an
undergraduate medical program in Canada. Essays
should be no longer than 3000 words and will be
judged on relevance, originality and scientific merit.
The winning paper(s) will be considered for publication in CMAJ.

Deadline: Jan. 30, 1998

For information and/or submission forms contact: Mrs. Monika
Dixon, Junior Administrator, Essay Prize for Oncology or Cancer
Control, Canadian Cancer Society (National), 10 Alcorn Avenue,
Suite 200, Toronto ON M4V 3B1; tel 416 961-7223; fax 416 9614189; mdixon@cancer.ca

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