Power Electronics For Renewable Energy Resources - Question Bank 16 Marks
Power Electronics For Renewable Energy Resources - Question Bank 16 Marks
Power Electronics For Renewable Energy Resources - Question Bank 16 Marks
Discuss the influence of different renewable energy sources with
special reference to the global warming context.
Describe the consequences of green house effect.
Enumerate the prospects pf ocean and biomass energy.
Explain the qualitative study of different renewable energy resources.
Explain the impacts of renewable energy generation on environment.
How does environment get affected by the use of the renewable
energy? And also discuss the GHG emissions from the various energy
Compare and contrast the conventional energy sources with renewable
energy sources in the environmental aspects.
What are fuel cells? Explain the operation of fuel cells based energy
system with a neat schematic.
Explain the following with neat schematic.
Hydrogen energy
Energy from the Ocean.
Draw the schematic of squirrel cage induction generator and explain
the construction and principle of operation in detail. Also discuss the
characteristics and issues briefly.
Explain the principle of operation and constructional features of
doubly fed induction generator with a neat diagram. Analyse the
merits and demerits of the above.
Explain machine capacity factor and capacity utilization factor.
Explain the principle of operation of double output induction
generator system with a neat diagram.
Draw the circuit model of self excited induction generator and explain
the methods used for steady state analysis.
With neat diagram, explain the principle of PMSG and analyze in
Explain the operation of SCIG in details with proper analysis.
Explain with neat diagram the operation of an induction generator.
8. Bring out the merits and demerits of mains excited and capacitor
excited induction generators.
9. Describe the construction and theory of operation of PMSG.
1. Explain with neat diagram the philosophy of operation of a solar
source fed boost converter.
2. Bring out the delicacies involved in sizing the solar arrays.
3. Describe how a three phase line commutated converter is operated as
an inverter.
4. Discuss the limitations in the operation of matrix converter.
5. Explain the principle and operation of line commutated converters in
inverse mode.
6. Explain the three phase uncontrolled rectifiers in detail.
7. Write short note on PWM inverters.
8. Explain the operation of line commutated converter under inversion
mode with the help of a neat circuit diagram and necessary
9. Write a short note on the grid interactive inverters.
10.A single phase full bridge inverter has a resistive load of R=3 ohms
and the dc input voltage is E=50V. Compute the RMS output voltage
at the fundamental frequency, the output power, the average and peak
currents of each thyristor and peak reverse blocking voltage of each
11.Consider buck boost converter of input dc voltage E=14V. The duty
cycle =0.6 and the switching frequency is 25 KHz. The inductance
L=180H and the filter capacitance C=220F. The average load
current I=1.5 A. Compute the average output voltage on peak current
of the devices.
Explain with necessary diagram, the stand alone fixed speed and
variable speed operation of WECS. State the advantages of fixed
speed system over variable speed system.
Discuss in detail the grid system characteristics and explain with a
neat diagram the stand alone and grid integrated solar system.
Explain in detail of the stand alone operation of fixed and variable
speed energy conversion systems.
Write short on