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Chapter 8

Hydrocarbon Petroleum
Tankage and Terminal
This chapter summarizes but brings together the history and use as well as salient features of design, operation and maintenance of hydrocarbon liquids storage facilities.
Citations are provided in the list of reference to assist readers to source all documents
necessary for full comprehension of issues related to components making up such
systems. It is a reference chapter only on the subject matter and should not be used as
turnkey. Readers are encouraged to refer to and consult all standards listed herein.


Oil terminals are widely used to store various liquids and gases such as chemicals,
crude oil, and natural gas. Oil storage terminals play a vital role in oil transmission systems for temporary parking/storing liquid petroleum products. Such tankage provides
the management of product inventory and shipment, side stream injection, pumping
and product movement, pipeline maintenance, etc.
A storage tank is a container, usually for holding liquids (hydrocarbon, water,
etc.), sometimes for compressed gases (gas tank). The term is also used for reservoirs
(artificial lakes and ponds), and for manufactured containers. Tank farms cover a group
of tanks for the commercial storage of oil and petroleum products, sited together.
Oil terminals are widely used to store various liquids and gases such as chemicals,
crude oil, hydrocarbon liquids, natural gas, LNG/LPG, etc. Oil storage terminals play
a vital role in oil transmission systems for temporary parking /storing liquid petroleum
products. Such tankage provide the opportunity for the management of product inventory and shipment, side stream injection, pumping and product movement, pipeline
maintenance, etc.
Figure 8-1 illustrates a typical liquid hydrocarbon pipeline system and storage and
shipping facilities.
The tank farm is generally provided with a bund wall and contains pipe racks,
drainage, and fire-suppressant piping (Figure 8-2). Such bunds are generally designed
to contain any spills from the tank or tank piping.
From a regulatory point of view, Bunding is a legal requirement in many countries
particularly around tanks, storage vessels and other plant that contain liquids which
may be dangerous or hazardous to the environment.
As well, bunded hydrocarbon storage tanks are generally a requirement from most
insurance companies as opposed to single skinned oil storage tanks. Due to the safer
oil storage solutions brought about by bunded oil storage tanks, some environmental
agencies require to install bunded oil tanks.


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408 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-1. Liquid hydrocarbon pipeline transportation storage and shipping facilities

Figure 8-2. Typical tank farm with tankage bund walls

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 409

The height of the bund walls is typically designed to assure the retention of any
fuel spillage from the tanks within the tank farm boundary. The industry requires that
the bund containment generally exceed 110% of the storage capability in each bund
(or 180% of the volume of the largest tank). Additionally, each tank is also separated
by intermediate bund walls to hold minor spills.
One of the key imperative requirements for a tank farm is Health, Safety and
Environment (HSE) and that the operators of a depot must ensure that all petroleum
products are safely stored and handled and that there are no leakages (etc) which could
damage the soil or the water table. Fire protection is a primary consideration, especially for the more flammable products such as gasoline and aviation fuel.
Fire prevention (fire protection/fire safety) often comes within the remit of health
and safety professionals as well. The primary need is for safety measures must be in
place to prevent fuel from exiting the tanks in which it is stored. Added safety measures
are needed for when fuel does escape, mainly to prevent it forming a flammable vapor
and stop pollutants from poisoning the environment.
Poor design, layout and lack of safety planning and execution can lead to disastrous consequences in an event of unforeseen incidents. An example is the fire incident
at the Burchfield Oil Depot in the UK in 2005 (Figure 8-3).
The Buncefield fire was an inferno caused by a series of explosions on 11 December 2005 at the Hertfordshire Oil Storage Terminal (Total UK & Texaco facilities), an
oil storage facility located near the M1 motorway by Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire, UK. The terminal was the fifth largest oil-products storage depot in the United
Kingdom, with a capacity of about 60,000,000imperialgallons (about 1.7 106BBLS)
of fuel. Figure 8-3 inset indicates the fire just ten minutes after the explosion.

Figure 8-3. Buncefield fire and explosion of Hertfordshire oil storage terminal [1, 2]

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412 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-5. General view of hydrocarbon tankages system and tank farm

transportation with no backhaul, i.e., they are unidirectional with products that only
move in one direction through the line.
A tank farm includes many tankage systems and appurtenances (Figure 8-5). It is a
facility where various petroleum products are stored prior to being transported further,
shipped and disbursed to end consumers or retail facilities. They are also referred to
Some tank farms are owned by a single company which uses the farm to meet
its needs, while others are administered by a group. It is also possible for facilities to
have their own tank farms for the purpose of storing fuel on site, with airports being
a classic example of a facility which needs to have a large quantity of fuel (mostly jet
fuel) on hand.
It is believed that the first permanent, professionally designed tank farm for storage hydrocarbon liquids was built at the turn of the century simultaneous with construction of major refineries.


Petroleum products that are stored in tanks, tank farms, breakout facilities depends on
transportation company systems and the complexities of liquid hydrocarbon mixtures
being transported and as well acceptable contamination levels.
It also depends where refineries/terminals are located along pipelines and in major
cities and where there are only a few large-long refined products pipelines.
Products transported and/or stored generally include the following:
Crude Oil:

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 411

Figure 8-4. D
 iscovery of oil in Iran, Masjid Soleiman, 1908 (left photo [4]) and the Abadan
Oil Refinery, 2008 (right photo)

1910 Discovery of significant oil fields in Canada (in the province of Ontario)
1912 Completion of 1st largest Oil Refinery, Abadan, Iran
1914 1st record of Storage of Oil Fuel [5]
1916Establishment of National Tank Association (NSTA), now Steel Tank
Institute (STI), USA
191617 Formation of Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
1919 Formation of American Petroleum Institute (API)
1922First UL Standard UL142 Steel Above Ground Tanks for Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
1923 First floating-roof tank for the oil industry By CB&I
1942Destruction of oil tank farm by the bombing the US Army barracks at Fort
Mears, Amaknak Island in Unalaska Bay
1950 Construction of Milford Haven oil port
1951 Formation of Petroleum Equipment Institute (PEI)
1964 The Texaco oil refinery Milford Haven
1964Construction of 1st Largest Crude Oil Tank(160,000 BBLS, 109 m diameter, 18 m height), Kharg Island, Persian Gulf
1974 Construction of the largest Crude Oil Tank, Abu Zabi (182, 000 BBLS)
It is difficult to pin point the birth of hydrocarbon tankage and tank farms/depot
and early years of professional design tank farms for storage of hydrocarbons fuels
in large volumes. The only reference found is due to Lugoff and Camden [5], where
in a book published in 1914, titled Oil fuel for steam boilers, describe in a chapter
the Storage of Oil Fuel. There, they have a diagram of what they call a small or
medium size cylindrical steel tank. They also state that the common sizes of oil tanks.
However, search of literature indicates the birth date for large tankage systems to be in
the late 19th century.
Similar to liquid pipelines, storage tank systems have played an important role in
the transportation industry, particularly in the post-World War II era.
Early in the twentieth century, the oil companies operated the pipelines and storage facilities as integrated subsidiaries and often along with refineries. They also often
used them to control the oil industry.
Without storage facilities, pipelines are limited in the markets they can serve and
would be limited in the commodities they can haul. Pipelines are the only mode of

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412 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-5. General view of hydrocarbon tankages system and tank farm

transportation with no backhaul, i.e., they are unidirectional with products that only
move in one direction through the line.
A tank farm includes many tankage systems and appurtenances (Figure 8-5). It is a
facility where various petroleum products are stored prior to being transported further,
shipped and disbursed to end consumers or retail facilities. They are also referred to
Some tank farms are owned by a single company which uses the farm to meet
its needs, while others are administered by a group. It is also possible for facilities to
have their own tank farms for the purpose of storing fuel on site, with airports being
a classic example of a facility which needs to have a large quantity of fuel (mostly jet
fuel) on hand.
It is believed that the first permanent, professionally designed tank farm for storage hydrocarbon liquids was built at the turn of the century simultaneous with construction of major refineries.


Petroleum products that are stored in tanks, tank farms, breakout facilities depends on
transportation company systems and the complexities of liquid hydrocarbon mixtures
being transported and as well acceptable contamination levels.
It also depends where refineries/terminals are located along pipelines and in major
cities and where there are only a few large-long refined products pipelines.
Products transported and/or stored generally include the following:
Crude Oil:

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 413

Refined Product:
motor gasoline
diesel fuels
aviation fuels
Natural Gas Liquids propane, butane and condensate mixture
Buffer (slops only) synthetic (semi-processed) oil
Synthetic Oil
Buffer is a synthetic crude oil, a semi-refined, clean, crude product which is
used as a buffer between the natural gas liquids and the refined products. This ensures
that NGL does not migrate into refined products, affect the vapor pressure and thereby
impact the flash point of the refined products. Therefore refineries and pipeline companies will have separate tanks for storing products used as buffer. Typical volume is
about 2000 to 3000 m3 in volume.
Products transported and stored have typical properties as indicated in Table 8-1
Typically product storage depends on what, how, and rate and sequence various
products are delivered. For example, crude storage depends on delivery of the crude
to a refinery. While a pipeline is normally the preferred mode of transportation (as
Table 8-1. Typical properties product transported and stored
Gasoline (leaded)
Gasoline (unleaded)
Jet A Fuel
Jet B Fuel
Condensate (sweet)

Condensate (raw)
Propane (at 1000 kPa)

Butane (at 470520 kPa)

Very Heavy Oil

Heavy Crude
Medium Crude
Light Crude

Viscosity (CS)

Temperature (oC)



Density (kg/m3)*

690 (assumed)


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414 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

considered more reliable and less affected by weather), the crude tankage depends of
various factors including:

Pipeline capacity, Reliability

Capacity of largest ship
Ship unloading rate
Ship travel/turn around frequency
Number of ships at one time

For intermediate storage, (the storages that are for transferring and importing), the
following are typically applicable:
Crude charge: 1 to 2 days supply per crude grade plus one identical tank
Unit rundown: 1 to 4 days production capacity plus one identical tank per
Blending stock: 5 days storage at production (line blending) rates plus one
identical tank per group
Similarly, in the refined product storage, the following applies:
Pipeline shipment: for each product, frequency, rate, reliability
Truck and Rail: truck or tank car size, Time for loading, loading capacity
Marine Shipment: largest ship capacity and ship frequency, Number of ships
at one time
The storage of liquid hydrocarbons depends on the quantity and its physical
The physical properties include density/specific gravity and vapor pressure/boiling point; Their effects are described below:
Density and specific gravity: the density of the liquid is its mass per unit volume.
Water has a density of 1 gm/cm3 at 4C. The density of a liquid plays an important
role in the design of a tank because larger densities require thicker shells.
Specific gravity: another important physical property of the liquid stored. It is
a measure of the relative weight of one liquid compared to water. Specifically,
it is the ratio of the density of the liquid divided by the density of the water at
15.5C. For example, petroleum oil, kerosene, and gasoline have a specific
gravity of 0.82, 0.80, and 0.70, respectively. Care must be exercised if there is
a significant increase in the specific gravity of the new liquid because the effective hydrostatic pressure acting on the tank walls will be greater if the design
level is not reduced and could cause damage on the cylindrical shell.
Vapor pressure and boiling point: the vapor pressure of a pure hydrocarbon
liquid is the pressure of the vapor space above the liquid in a closed container,
and increases with increasing temperature. It is an important consideration in
order to select the type of tank and its roof and is crucial for the purpose of
characterizing fire hazardousness.
The boiling point: also important. It is necessary to know the temperatures at
which some liquids should be stored, always below its boiling point. For example, some flammable and combustible liquids are prohibited by the fire codes to
be stored at temperatures above their boiling point. A large number of tanks in
oil refineries or petrochemical industries, store flammable liquids.

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 415


8.4.1 Definition and Classifications
A storage tank is a container, usually for holding liquids, sometimes for compressed
gases (such as LNG, NGL, etc.).
Generally (excluding spheres), there are six basic tank designs that are used
for hydrocarbon liquid storage vessels: fixed roof (vertical and horizontal), external floating roof, domed external (or covered) floating roof, internal floating roof,
variable vapor space, and pressure (low and high). These are described further
There are many different forms to classify storage tanks. The most fundamental classification is based upon whether they are above or belowground. There
are usually many environmental regulations applied to the design and operation
of storage tanks, often depending on tank classification internal pressure (IP) or
atmospheric pressure (AP) and on the nature of the fluid contained within. Aboveground storage tanks (AST) differ from underground storage tanks (UST) in the
kinds of regulations that are applied. The aboveground tanks (AST) have almost
all their structure exposed. The bottom part of these tanks is placed directly over
soil or on a concrete foundation.
Classification based on the internal pressure: In the case that an internal
pressure acts on the tank during storage, it is possible to classify these tanks
based on this level of pressure. This pressure effect depends directly of the
size of the tank. The larger the tank, the more severe effect of pressure is on
the structure. This classification is commonly employed by codes, standards,
and regulations.
Classification based on atmospheric tanks: These tanks are the most common. Although they are called atmospheric, they are usually operated at internal pressure slightly above atmospheric pressure. The fire codes define an
atmospheric tank as operating from atmospheric up to 3.5 kN/m2 above atmo
spheric pressure.
Low-pressure tanks: Within the context of tanks, low pressure means that tanks
are designed for a pressure higher than atmospheric tanks. This also means that
these tanks are relatively high-pressure tanks. Tanks of this type are designed to
operate from atmospheric pressure up to about 100 kN/m2.
Pressure vessels (high-pressure tanks): Since high-pressure tanks are really
pressure vessels, the term high-pressure tank is not frequently used; instead they
are called only vessels. Because these kinds of tanks are usually built underground,
they are not included in this work and they are not covered in detail herein. However, they are treated separately from other tanks by all codes, standards, and
In the USA, storage tanks operate under no (or very little) pressure, distinguishing
them from pressure vessels. Storage tanks are often cylindrical in shape, perpendicular
to the ground with flat/sloping bottoms, and a fixed or floating roof.
Generally Tankage cost in refineries and terminals cost between 25% and 30% of
total facilities capital investment. This includes utilities and design.
Tank capacities are determined based on the type of products, crude, intermediate
and refined and the transportation system (pipeline, truck, and rail) as well as other
requirements such as crude charge, unit rundown, blending stock, etc.

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416 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

8.4.2 Types
Types of tanks includes the following:
Fixed roof, vertical and horizontal
Floating roof (external floating roof, domed external (or covered) floating
roof, internal floating roof)
Variable vapor space
High pressure
Low pressure
Heated Tanks (Hot fluids)
High viscosity Oil (bitumen, asphalt, etc.)
Refrigerated Tanks
The shape of the roof is an indicator of the type of a tank because it is selfe xplanatory to tank designer, fabricator and erector. The configuration of a vertical
aboveground tank design can be either an open top with the roof floating on the stored
liquid or a fixed roof. The safe design of floating roof tank offers a considerable level of
fire safety over other vertical tank designs. As a result, fire codes allow closer spacing
between floating roof tanks and for separation from adjacent properties or operations
providing a cost advantage in tank farm layout and arrangement. Fixed Roof Tanks
Fixed roof tanks are generally for hydrocarbon liquids with very high flash points (e.g.,
heavy crude oil, diesel, heavy kerosene, fuel oil, bitumen/asphalt etc.). Vapor pressure
in such tanks is of the order of 3.5 kPa (0.5 Psia). Figure 8-6 illustrates vapor pressure
of hydrocarbon liquids commonly transported by pipelines and stored in storage tanks
[6]. Similar graphs were presented in Chapter 2, Figure 2-9.

Figure 8-6. V
 apor pressure of liquid hydrocarbons commonly transported by pipelines (reproduced from [6])

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 417

Losses from fixed roof tanks are caused by changes in temperature, pressure, and
liquid level. Fixed roof tanks are either freely vented or equipped with a pressure/vacuum vent. The latter allows the tanks to operate at a slight internal pressure or vacuum
to prevent the release of vapors during very small changes in temperature, pressure,
or liquid level. Of current tank designs, the fixed roof tank is the least expensive to
construct and is generally considered the minimum acceptable equipment for storing
organic liquids.
Fixed roof tanks have several roof designs (Figure 8-7) including:
cone roofs,
dome roofs, and
umbrella roofs
Cone-roof tanks have cylindrical shells in the lower part. These are the most
widely used tanks for storage of relatively large quantities of fluid. They have a vertical axis of symmetry, the bottom is usually flat (or slightly sloped), and the top is made
in the form of shallow cone as illustrated in Figure 8-7. A shallow cone roof deck on a
cone roof tank approximates a flat surface and is typically built of a thick steel plate
(approximately 4.76 mm thick).
Steel dome roof tanks have the same spherical shape as an umbrella roof. An
umbrella roof is nothing more than a stiffened dome roof. If the umbrella roof framing
is internal, visually there is very little difference in the appearance of a dome roof and
umbrella roof. The dome roof shown in Figure 8-7 is an aluminum geodesic dome roof
and looks very different than any other roof due to the triangular panels.
There are several ways to fabricate such tanks. One of these techniques is the tank
airlift method, in which the roof and the upper course of shell are fabricated first, then
lifted by air that is blown into the tanks as the remaining lower courses of steel shell are

Figure 8-7. Fixed roof tanks (dome and conical roofs and float)

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418 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-8. Fixed roof construction (airlift method) [7]

welded into place (Figure 8-8). See Section 7 Petroleum Storage/Terminal Design
& Construction.
Cone and dome roofs can be either self-supported or column supported. Cone-roof
tanks typically have roof rafters and support columns (Figure 8-9 (column support)
and Figure 8-10 (Cone Roof and Roof Hob Details, [8])). Figure 8-9 is an indication
of some of the older design.
Umbrella-roof tanks: They are very similar to cone-roof tanks, but the roof looks
like an umbrella. They are usually constructed with diameters < 20 to 30 m. Another
difference is that the umbrella-roof does not have to be supported by columns to the
bottom of the tank, so that they can be a self-supporting structure. The umbrella types
are spherical design.
Typical fixed roof storage tank together with appurtenances are shown in Figure
Geodesic dome-roof tanks: Although most tanks are made of steel, some fixedroof tanks have aluminum geodesic dome-roof. Some advantages include that they
have a superior corrosion resistance for a wide range of conditions compared with
steel tanks (Figure 8-12). Also they are often an economical choice and are clear-span

Figure 8-9. Cone roof tank with column support (under construction) [8]

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 429

clings to the columns and evaporates. Evaporative loss occurs until the tank is filled
and the exposed surfaces are again covered.
Standing storage losses from floating roof tanks include rim seal and deck fitting
losses, and for internal floating roof tanks also include deck seam losses for constructions other than welded decks. Other potential standing storage loss mechanisms include breathing losses as a result of temperature and pressure changes.
Sealing systems consist of primary and secondary rim sealing as follows:
Primary seals are three types
highest emissions
fair service history
Tube type: kerosene, foam filled
lowest emissions
but has poor service history
Mechanical-shoe type
relatively low emissions
has best service history
Secondary seals
Designed to reduce emissions
Additional safeguard against emissions
Types include:
Rim type
Mini-tube type
Shoe type: seal fabric
Wiper type: rubber
Mounted above the primary seal
may result in loss of tank capacity
Shoe-mounted secondary seal (not recommended)
The rim seal system is used to allow the floating roof to rise and fall within the
tank as the liquid level changes. The rim seal system also helps to fill the annular space
between the rim and the tank shell and therefore minimize evaporative losses from this
area. A rim seal system may consist of just a primary seal or a primary and a secondary
seal, which is mounted above the primary seal. Examples of primary and secondary
seal configurations are shown in Figures 8-22 through 8-27 and described below.
The primary seal serves as a vapor conservation device by closing the annular
space between the edge of the floating deck and the tank wall. As indicated previously,
three basic types of primary seals are used on external floating roofs:
Flexible wiper seals
Resilient filled (nonmetallic), and
Mechanical (metallic) shoe.
It may be noted that resilient foam filled primary seals have not been commonly
used in the last 20 to 30 years.
Wiper seals generally consist of a continuous annular blade of flexible material
fastened to a mounting bracket on the deck perimeter that spans the annular rim space
and contacts the tank shell. This type of seal is depicted in Figure 8-22. New tanks with
wiper seals may have dual wipers, one mounted above the other. The mountingissuch

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 431

Figure 8-24. R
 esilient foam (left) or liquid filled (right) primary rim seal with secondary

The core provides the flexibility and support, while the fabric provides the vapor barrier and wear surface.
A secondary seal (Figure 8-23) may be used to provide some additional evaporative loss control over that achieved by the primary seal. Secondary seals can be either
flexible wiper seals or resilient filled seals.
A resilient foam-filled seal, can also be mounted to eliminate the vapor space between the rim seal and liquid surface (liquid mounted, Figure 8-24) or to allow a vapor
space between the rim seal and the liquid surface (vapor mounted, Figure 8-25). Resilient filled seals work because of the expansion and contraction of a resilient material to
maintain contact with the tank shell while accommodating varying annular rim space
widths. These rim seals allow the roof to move up and down freely, without binding.
Resilient filled seals typically consist of a core of open-cell foam encapsulated in
a coated fabric. The seals are attached to a mounting on the deck perimeter and extend
around the deck circumference. Polyurethane-coated nylon fabric and polyurethane
foam are commonly used materials. For emission control, it is important that the attachment of the seal to the deck and the radial seal joints be vapor-tight and that the
seal be in substantial contact with the tank shell.
The scuff band as shown in Figure 8-24 is usually thin metal band that acts as
protection against snags and tears in the foam bag fabric from the tank shell.
A mechanical/metallic rim mounted shoe seal (Figure 8-26) uses a light-gauge
metallic band as the sliding contact with the shell of the tank. The band is formed as a
series of sheets (shoes) which are joined together to form a ring, and are held against
the tank shell by a mechanical device. The shoes are normally 1 to 1.5 m (3 to 5 ft)
deep, providing a potentially large contact area with the tank shell. Expansion and

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 421

These tanks have a roof that floats on the surface of the liquid (Figure 8-13). The
floating cover or roof is a disk/pontoon structure that has sufficient buoyancy to ensure
that the roof will float under all expected conditions, even if leaks develop in the roof.
External floating roof: An external floating roof tank is a storage tank commonly
used to store large quantities of volatile petroleum products such as crude oil or gasoline (petrol). The external type floating roof tank is open on top (Figure 8-13) and the
float can be of the following design types:

Pan type
Pontoon type
Double deck type
Buoy roof type

Most floating decks that are currently in use in the industry are constructed of
welded steel plate and are of two general types: pontoon (Figure 8-13) or double-deck
(Figure 8-14).
A typical external floating roof tank (EFRT) consists of an open-topped cylindrical steel shell equipped with a roof that floats on the surface of the stored liquid. The
floating roof consists of a deck, fittings, and rim seal system. With all types of external
floating roof tanks, the roof rises and falls with the liquid level in the tank.

Figure 8-14. T
 ypical floating roof tank component make up and appurtenances (double

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422 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

As opposed to a fixed roof tank there is no vapor space (ullage) in the floating roof
tank (except for very low liquid level situations). In principle, this eliminates breathing
losses and greatly reduces the evaporative loss of the stored liquid.
External floating decks are equipped with a rim seal system, which is attached
to the deck perimeter and contacts the tank wall. The purpose of the floating roof and
rim seal system is to reduce evaporative loss of the stored liquid. Some annular space
remains between the seal system and the tank wall. The seal system slides against the
tank wall as the roof is raised and lowered. The floating deck is also equipped with fittings that penetrate the deck and serve operational functions. The external floating roof
design is such that evaporative losses from the stored liquid are limited to losses from
the rim seal system and deck fittings (standing storage loss) and any exposed liquid on
the tank walls (withdrawal loss).
The roof has support legs hanging down into the liquid. At low liquid levels, the
roof eventually lands and a vapor space forms between the liquid surface and the roof,
similar to a fixed roof tank. The support legs are usually retractable to increase the
working volume of the tank.
Components of external floating roof tanks are further detailed in Figure 8-15.
Different types of floating roofs design (as per API 650) for floating roof tanks are
illustrated in Figure 8-16.
Advantages: External roof tanks are usually installed for environmental or economical reasons to limit product loss and reduce the emission of volatile organic
compounds (VOC), an air pollutant.
Normally (roof not landed), there is little vapor space, and consequently a much
smaller risk of internal tank explosion.
Disadvantages: Rain water and snow can accumulate on the roof, eventually the
roof may sink. Water on the roof is usually drained from a flexible hose that runs
from a drain-sump on the roof, through the stored liquid to a drain valve on the

Figure 8-15. Components of external floating roof tank (EFRT) [15]

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 423

Figure 8-16. S
 ectional view of floating roofs (reproduced from ref. [11]) and a double design
details [12]

shell at the base of the tank. The hose often develops leaks and drains both water
and product.
Domed External Floating Roof Tanks: Domed external (or covered) floating
roof tanks have the heavier type of deck used in external floating roof tanks (EFRT)
described previously, as well as a fixed roof at the top of the shell like internal floating roof tanks. Aluminum floating roofs may also be used in a tank with an aluminum
geodesic dome. In many cases the aluminum Internal Floating Roof (IFR) is supported
from the dome rather than on legs.
Domed external floating roof tanks usually result from retrofitting an external
floating roof tank with a fixed roof. This type of tank is very similar to an internal
floating roof tank with a welded deck and a self-supporting fixed roof. A typical domed
external floating roof tank is shown in Figure 8-17.
As with the internal floating roof tanks, the function of the fixed roof or geodesic
dome is not to act as a vapor barrier, but to block the wind and as well keep rain and
snow out of the tank and off the floating roof. The type of fixed roof most commonly
used is a self-supporting aluminum dome roof, which is of bolted construction. Like the
internal floating roof tanks, these tanks are freely vented by circulation vents at the top
of the fixed roof. The deck fittings and rim seals, however, are identical to those on external floating roof tanks. In the event that the floating deck is replaced with the lighter
IFRT-type deck, the tank would then be considered an internal floating roof tank.

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424 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-17. Domed external floating roof tank [13,14]

Internal Floating Roof: An internal floating roof tank (IFRT) has both a permanent fixed roof and a floating roof inside. There are two basic types of internal floating
roof tanks: tanks in which the fixed roof is supported by vertical columns within the
tank, and tanks with a self-supporting fixed roof and no internal support columns.
Fixed roof tanks that have been retrofitted to use a floating roof are typically of the
first type.
The advantages of using internal floating roofs are as follows:
Decrease in the level of evaporation of stored product;
Lower risk of fire there almost are no cases of fire in the world practice;
Aluminum internal floating roof. It has low height and storage capacity is
Protection from ambient climatic conditions therefore the tanks could be used
in various earth regions;
No requirement for mounting of roof drain.
External floating roof tanks that have been converted to internal floating roof tanks
typically have a self-supporting roof. Newly constructed internal floating roof tanks
may be of either type. The deck in internal floating roof tanks rises and falls with the

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 439

Figure 8-36. Floating roof deck fittings: gauge floats [13,14]

hand-gauging or sampling of the stored liquid (Figure 8-37). The gauge-hatch/sample

port is usually located beneath the gaugers platform, which is mounted on top of the
tank shell. A cord may be attached to the self-closing gasketed cover so that the cover
can be opened from the platform if required.
Rim vents. Rim vents are used on tanks equipped with a seal design that creates a
vapor pocket in the seal and rim area, such as a mechanical shoe seal. A typical rim vent

Figure 8-37. Floating roof deck fittings: gauge hatch/sample port [13,14]

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426 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-19. A typical internal floating roof tank (IFRT) details [13,14] (inset [11])

Installing a floating roof minimizes evaporative losses of the stored liquid. Both
contact and noncontact decks incorporate rim seals and deck fittings for the same purposes previously described for external floating roof tanks. Evaporative losses from
floating roofs may come from deck fittings, non-welded deck seams, and the annular
space between the deck and tank wall. In addition, these tanks are freely vented by
circulation vents at the top of the fixed roof. The vents minimize the possibility of
organic vapor accumulation in the tank vapor space in concentrations approaching the
flammable range.
It may be noted that an internal floating roof tank that is not freely vented is considered a pressure tank.

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 427

Figure 8-20. Typical high-pressure horizontal storage bullet [11]

Pressurized Storage Tanks: Pressure tanks generally are used for storing hydro
carbon liquids and gases with high vapor pressures and are available in many sizes
and shapes, depending on the operating pressure of the tank. These depending on the
pressure maintenance requirements will be either low pressure or high pressure as
Low-pressure tanks
Cylindrical (15 kPa to 100 kPa, 2.5 to 15 psig)
Spheroid (15 to 210 kPa, 2.5 to 30 PSI)
Noded Spheroid
High-pressure storage tanks
Bullets (15400 PSI), Figure 8-20
Spheres (153000 PSI), Figure 8-21
Pressure tanks are equipped with a pressure/vacuum vent that is set to prevent
venting loss from boiling and breathing loss from daily temperature or barometric
pressure changes.

Figure 8-21. High-pressure storage sphere (Horton spheres) [11,16]

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428 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

High-pressure storage tanks can be operated so that virtually no evaporative or
working losses occur. In low-pressure tanks, working losses can occur with atmo
spheric venting of the tank during filling operations. No appropriate correlations are
available to estimate vapor losses from pressure tanks.
Horton sphere was the name given to the storage vessels weld fabricated by
the Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. These Horton spheres are at the Gulf Oil Corp. in
Port Arthur, TX, completed in 1938, came in two sizes. One is 35 ft, 3 in., and the
other 22 ft,3 in., in diameter. Their respective storage capacities are 4000 and 1000
Variable Vapor Space Tanks: Variable vapor space tanks are equipped with expandable vapor reservoirs to accommodate vapor volume fluctuations attributable to
temperature and barometric pressure changes. Although variable vapor space tanks are
sometimes used independently, they are normally connected to the vapor spaces of one
or more fixed roof tanks.
The two most common types of variable vapor space tanks are lifter roof tanks
and flexible diaphragm tanks. Lifter roof tanks have a telescoping roof that fits loosely
around the outside of the main tank wall.
The space between the roof and the wall is closed by either a wet seal, which is a
trough filled with liquid, or a dry seal, which uses a flexible coated fabric.
Flexible diaphragm tanks use flexible membranes to provide expandable volume.
They may be either separate gasholder units or integral units mounted atop fixed roof
Variable vapor space tank losses occur during tank filling when vapor is displaced by liquid. Loss of vapor occurs only when the tanks vapor storage capacity is

8.4.3 Emission Control In Storage Tanks

Storage vessels containing organic liquids are common in many industries, including

Petroleum producing and refining,

Petrochemical and chemical manufacturing,
Bulk storage and transfer/distribution/terminal operations, and
Other industries consuming or producing organic liquids.

Organic liquids/petroleum liquids, generally, are mixtures of hydrocarbons having dissimilar true vapor pressures (for example, gasoline and crude oil, etc.). Organic
liquids in the chemical industry, usually called volatile organic liquids, are composed
of pure chemicals or mixtures of chemicals with similar true vapor pressures (for example, condensate, benzene or a mixture of isopropyl and butyl alcohols).
Once stored, hydrocarbon products (unless they are under pressure) will evaporate. Total emission from storage tanks includes withdrawal as well as standing storage
Therefore, storage tanks are usually equipped with seals and vapor controls and
sometime leak detection systems to assure minimal emissions and as well increased
safety. Tank Rim Sealing Systems: Floating Roof Tanks
Emissions from floating roof tanks are the sum of withdrawal losses and standing
storage losses. Withdrawal losses occur as the liquid level, and thus the floating roof,
is lowered. Some liquid remains on the inner tank wall surface and evaporates. For
an internal floating roof tank that has a column supported fixed roof, some liquid also

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 429

clings to the columns and evaporates. Evaporative loss occurs until the tank is filled
and the exposed surfaces are again covered.
Standing storage losses from floating roof tanks include rim seal and deck fitting
losses, and for internal floating roof tanks also include deck seam losses for constructions other than welded decks. Other potential standing storage loss mechanisms include breathing losses as a result of temperature and pressure changes.
Sealing systems consist of primary and secondary rim sealing as follows:
Primary seals are three types
highest emissions
fair service history
Tube type: kerosene, foam filled
lowest emissions
but has poor service history
Mechanical-shoe type
relatively low emissions
has best service history
Secondary seals
Designed to reduce emissions
Additional safeguard against emissions
Types include:
Rim type
Mini-tube type
Shoe type: seal fabric
Wiper type: rubber
Mounted above the primary seal
may result in loss of tank capacity
Shoe-mounted secondary seal (not recommended)
The rim seal system is used to allow the floating roof to rise and fall within the
tank as the liquid level changes. The rim seal system also helps to fill the annular space
between the rim and the tank shell and therefore minimize evaporative losses from this
area. A rim seal system may consist of just a primary seal or a primary and a secondary
seal, which is mounted above the primary seal. Examples of primary and secondary
seal configurations are shown in Figures 8-22 through 8-27 and described below.
The primary seal serves as a vapor conservation device by closing the annular
space between the edge of the floating deck and the tank wall. As indicated previously,
three basic types of primary seals are used on external floating roofs:
Flexible wiper seals
Resilient filled (nonmetallic), and
Mechanical (metallic) shoe.
It may be noted that resilient foam filled primary seals have not been commonly
used in the last 20 to 30 years.
Wiper seals generally consist of a continuous annular blade of flexible material
fastened to a mounting bracket on the deck perimeter that spans the annular rim space
and contacts the tank shell. This type of seal is depicted in Figure 8-22. New tanks with
wiper seals may have dual wipers, one mounted above the other. The mountingissuch

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430 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-22. V
 apor mounted primary rim seal with secondary seal (left flexible wiper and
right resilient foam) [12]

that the blade is flexed, and its elasticity provides a sealing pressure against the tank
Wiper seals are vapor mounted; a vapor space exists between the liquid stock and
the bottom of the seal. For emission control, it is important that the mounting be vaportight, that the seal extend around the circumference of the deck and that the blade be in
substantial contact with the tank shell. Two types of materials are commonly used to
make the wipers. One type consists of a cellular, elastomeric material tapered in cross
section with the thicker portion at the mounting. Rubber is a commonly used material;
urethane and cellular plastic are also available. All radial joints in the blade are joined.
The second type of material that can be used is a foam core wrapped with a coated
fabric. Polyurethane on nylon fabric and polyurethane foam are common materials.

Figure 8-23. Typical secondary seal (A rim mounted and B wiper type) [11,12]

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 431

Figure 8-24. R
 esilient foam (left) or liquid filled (right) primary rim seal with secondary

The core provides the flexibility and support, while the fabric provides the vapor barrier and wear surface.
A secondary seal (Figure 8-23) may be used to provide some additional evaporative loss control over that achieved by the primary seal. Secondary seals can be either
flexible wiper seals or resilient filled seals.
A resilient foam-filled seal, can also be mounted to eliminate the vapor space between the rim seal and liquid surface (liquid mounted, Figure 8-24) or to allow a vapor
space between the rim seal and the liquid surface (vapor mounted, Figure 8-25). Resilient filled seals work because of the expansion and contraction of a resilient material to
maintain contact with the tank shell while accommodating varying annular rim space
widths. These rim seals allow the roof to move up and down freely, without binding.
Resilient filled seals typically consist of a core of open-cell foam encapsulated in
a coated fabric. The seals are attached to a mounting on the deck perimeter and extend
around the deck circumference. Polyurethane-coated nylon fabric and polyurethane
foam are commonly used materials. For emission control, it is important that the attachment of the seal to the deck and the radial seal joints be vapor-tight and that the
seal be in substantial contact with the tank shell.
The scuff band as shown in Figure 8-24 is usually thin metal band that acts as
protection against snags and tears in the foam bag fabric from the tank shell.
A mechanical/metallic rim mounted shoe seal (Figure 8-26) uses a light-gauge
metallic band as the sliding contact with the shell of the tank. The band is formed as a
series of sheets (shoes) which are joined together to form a ring, and are held against
the tank shell by a mechanical device. The shoes are normally 1 to 1.5 m (3 to 5 ft)
deep, providing a potentially large contact area with the tank shell. Expansion and

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432 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-25. Schematic of resilient filled seal (vapor mounted) [13,14]

contraction of the ring can be provided for as the ring passes over shell irregularities
or rivets by jointing narrow pieces of fabric into the ring or by crimping the shoes at
intervals. The bottoms of the shoes extend below the liquid surface (as shown in Figure
8-25 above) to confine the rim vapor space between the shoe and the floating deck.
The rim vapor space, which is bounded by the shoe, the rim of the floating deck,
and the liquid surface, is sealed from the atmosphere by bolting or clamping a coated
fabric, called the primary seal fabric, which extends from the shoe to the rim to form
an envelope. Two locations are used for attaching the primary seal fabric. The fabric
is most commonly attached to the top of the shoe and the rim of the floating deck. To
reduce the rim vapor space, the fabric can be attached to the shoe and the floating deck
rim near the liquid surface. Rim vents can be used to relieve any excess pressure or
vacuum in the vapor space.
Some primary seals on external floating roof tanks are protected by a weather
shield. Weather shields are usually simple metal pieces without fabric barriers but can
be of elastomeric, or composite construction and provide the primary seal with longer

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 433

Figure 8-26. T
 ypical mechanical shoe primary rim seal with a shoe mounted secondary seal
system, from [11,18,19]

Figure 8-27. Flex-a-seal double wiper seal system including weather shield [11,20]

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434 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-28. Weather guard secondary seal (from [21])

life by protecting the primary seal fabric from deterioration due to exposure to weather,
debris, and sunlight. However, it may be noted that when a weather shield is combined
with a continuous vapor fabric, it can also can act as a secondary seal. Without such a
continuous vapor fabric, it cannot be considered as a secondary seal.
On external floating roofs, the most common secondary seal systems incorporate
a compression/protection plate over a continuous fabric to provide additional vapor

Figure 8-29. Weather shield and secondary seal system (Horton VS 200 [20])

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 435

preservations, besides protecting the primary seal. Some designs incorporate an exposed vapor barrier fabric.
Internal floating roofs typically do not have weather shields over the secondary
seals, however, more recent designs incorporate steel compression plates and support
to increase the longevity of the secondary seal over traditionally used wiper seals.
Internal floating roofs typically incorporate one of three types of flexible, productresistant seals: Shoe seals, resilient foam-filled seals or wiper seals. It may be noted
that rim mounted shoe seals are the most common type of primary seal used in the
tanks and that Resilient Foam seals have not been common for many years. Wiper
Seals are still used but they are not as common as they were years ago.
Some primary seals on external floating roof tanks are protected by a weather
shield, Figures 8-27, 8-28, and 8-29, [20].
Other kinds of floating roof tank sealing systems are illustrated in Figures 8-30
through 8-34.
Consideration for Tank Seal Selection:
Tank floating roof rim seal are selected on the basis of the following:

Tank shell wax or other scraping requirements

Rain water shedding
Sal tip life
Fire protection
Roof centering
In-service installation (retro fitting)
Life expectancy
Cost (including maintenance)

8.4.4 Tank Fittings and Appurtenances

Floating Roof Tanks
Numerous fittings pass through or are attached to floating roof decks to accommodate
structural support components or allow for operational functions. Internal floating roof
deck fittings are typically of different configuration than those for external floating

Figure 8-30. H
 MT seal-king (left) and HMT secondary low profile wiper (right) seals (courtesy of HMT Inc.)

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436 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-31. Flex-a-seal secondary seal

Figure 8-32. HMT scissor shoe primary mechanical seal [19]

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 437

Figure 8-33. Horton SR-1A mechanical shoe seal [20]

Figure 8-34. HMT seal-master primary and secondary seal (IFR) courtesy of HMT Inc.

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438 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

roof decks. Rather than having tall housings to avoid rainwater entry, internal floating
roof deck fittings tend to have lower profile housings to minimize the potential for the
fitting to contact the fixed roof when the tank is filled. Deck fittings can be a source of
evaporative loss when they require openings in the deck.
External Floating Roof: The most common components that require openings in
the deck are listed below:

Access hatches (Figure 8-35)

Gauge-floats (Figure 8-36)
Gauge-hatch/sample ports (Figure 8-37)
Rim vents (Figure 8-38)
Deck drains (Figure 8-39)
Deck legs (Figure 8-40)
Un-slotted guide-poles and wells and slotted (perforated) guide-poles and wells
(Figure 8-41)
Vacuum breakers (Figure 8-42)
Access hatches. An access hatch is an opening in the deck with a peripheral vertical
well that is large enough to provide passage for maintenance personnel and materials
through the deck for construction or servicing (Figure 8-35). Attached to the opening
is a removable cover that may be bolted and/or gasketed to reduce evaporative loss.
On internal floating roof tanks with non-contact (pontoon type) decks, the well usually
extend down into the liquid to seal off the vapor space below the noncontactdeck.
Gauge-floats. A gauge-float is used to indicate the level of liquid within the tank
(Figure 8-36). The float rests on the liquid surface and is housed inside a well that is
closed by a cover. The cover may be bolted and/or gasketed to reduce evaporation
loss. As with other similar deck penetrations, the well extends down into the liquid on
noncontact decks in internal floating roof tanks.
Gauge-hatch/sample ports. A gauge-hatch/sample port consists of a pipe sleeve
equipped with a self-closing gasketed cover (to reduce evaporative losses) and allows

Figure 8-35. Floating roof deck fittings: access hatch [13,14]

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 439

Figure 8-36. Floating roof deck fittings: gauge floats [13,14]

hand-gauging or sampling of the stored liquid (Figure 8-37). The gauge-hatch/sample

port is usually located beneath the gaugers platform, which is mounted on top of the
tank shell. A cord may be attached to the self-closing gasketed cover so that the cover
can be opened from the platform if required.
Rim vents. Rim vents are used on tanks equipped with a seal design that creates a
vapor pocket in the seal and rim area, such as a mechanical shoe seal. A typical rim vent

Figure 8-37. Floating roof deck fittings: gauge hatch/sample port [13,14]

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Figure 8-38. Floating roof deck fittings: rim vents [13,14]

Figure 8-39. Floating roof deck fittings: deck drains/sumps [13,14]

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 441

is shown in (Figure 8-38). The vent is used to release any excess pressure or vacuum
that is present in the vapor space bounded by the primary-seal shoe and the floating
roof rim and the primary seal fabric and the liquid level. Rim vents usually consist of
weighted pallets that rest on a gasketed cover.
Deck Drains. Currently, two types of deck drains are in use (closed and open deck
drains) to remove rainwater from the floating deck (Figure 8-39). Open deck drains can
be either flush or overflow drains (Figure 8-39, left illustration). Both types consist of a
pipe that extends below the deck to allow the rainwater to drain into the stored liquid.
Only open deck drains are subject to evaporative loss. Flush drains are flush with the
deck surface. Overflow drains are elevated above the deck surface. Overflow drains
are used to limit the maximum amount of rainwater that can accumulate on the floating
deck, providing emergency drainage of rainwater if necessary.
Closed deck drains (Figure 8-39, right illustration) carry rainwater from the surface of the deck though a flexible hose or some other type of piping system that runs
through the stored liquid prior to exiting the tank. The rainwater does not come in contact with the liquid, so no evaporative losses result. Overflow drains are usually used in
conjunction with a closed drain system to carry rainwater outside the tank.
Float Roof Deck Legs. Deck legs are used to prevent damage to fittings underneath the deck and to allow for tank cleaning or repair, by holding the deck at a predetermined distance off the tank bottom. These supports consist of adjustable or fixed
legs attached to the floating deck or hangers suspended from the fixed roof. For adjustable legs or hangers, the load-carrying element passes through a well or sleeve into
the deck. With non-contact decks, the well should extend into the liquid. Evaporative
losses may occur in the annulus between the deck leg and its sleeve. Typical deck legs
are shown in Figure 8-19 and Figure 8-40 below.

Figure 8-40. Floating roof deck fittings: deck legs [13,14]

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442 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Un-slotted guide-poles and wells. A guide-pole is an anti-rotational device that is
fixed to the top and bottom of the tank, passing through a well in the floating roof. The
guide-pole is used to prevent adverse movement of the roof and thus damage to deck
fittings and the rim seal system. In some cases, an un-slotted (Figure 8-41A) guide-pole
is used for gauging purposes, but there is a potential for differences in the pressure,
level, and composition of the liquid inside and outside of the guide-pole.
Slotted (perforated) guide-poles and wells. The function of the slotted guide-pole
is similar to the un-slotted guide-pole but also has additional features as shown in
Figure 8-41B. Perforated guide-poles can be either slotted or drilled hole guide-poles.
The guide pole is slotted to allow stored liquid to enter. The same can be accomplished
with drilled holes. The liquid entering the guide-pole is well mixed, having the same

Figure 8-41. Floating roof deck fittings: un-slotted (A) and slotted (B) guide poles, [13,14]

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 443

composition as the remainder of the stored liquid, and is at the same liquid level as the
liquid in the tank. Representative samples can therefore be collected from the slotted or
drilled hole guide-pole. However, evaporative loss from the guide-pole can be reduced
by modifying the guide-pole or well or by placing a float inside the guide-pole. Guidepoles are also referred to as gauge poles, gauge pipes, or stilling wells.
Vacuum breakers. A vacuum breaker equalizes the pressure of the vapor space
across the deck as the deck is either being landed on or floated off its legs. A typical
vacuum breaker is shown in Figure 8-42. As depicted in this figure, the vacuum breaker
consists of a well with a cover. Attached to the underside of the cover is a guided leg
long enough to contact the tank bottom as the floating deck approaches. When in contact with the tank bottom, the guided leg mechanically opens the breaker by lifting the
cover off the well; otherwise, the cover closes the well. The closure may be gasketed or
ungasketed. Because the purpose of the vacuum breaker is to allow the free exchange
of air and/or vapor, the well does not extend appreciably below the deck.
Internal Floating Roof Tank (IFRT) Fittings
Fittings used only on internal floating roof tanks include
Column wells (Figure 8-43),
Ladder wells (Figure 8-44), and
Stub drains.
Columns and wells. The most common fixed-roof designs are normally supported
from inside the tank by means of vertical columns, which necessarily penetrate an
internal floating deck (Figures 8-43 and 8-44). (Some fixed roofs are entirely selfsupporting and, therefore, have no support columns.) Column wells are similar to un
slotted guide pole wells on external floating roofs. Columns are made of pipe with
circular cross sections or of structural shapes with irregular cross sections (built-up).
The number of columns varies with tank diameter, from a minimum of 1 to over 50 for
very large diameter tanks.

Figure 8-42. Floating roof deck fittings: vacuum breaker [13,14]

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444 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-43. Internal floating roof tank (IFRT) support (un-slotted), [13,14]

The columns pass through deck openings via peripheral vertical wells. With noncontact decks, the well should extend down into the liquid stock. Generally, a closure
device exists between the top of the well and the column. Several proprietary designs
exist for this closure, including sliding covers and fabric sleeves, which must accommodate the movements of the deck relative to the column as the liquid level changes.
A sliding cover rests on the upper rim of the column well (which is normally fixed to

Figure 8-44. Internal floating roof tank (IFRT) - support (slotted) [13,14]

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 445

Figure 8-45. Internal floating roof tank (IFRT) ladders and wells design [13,14]

the deck) and bridges the gap or space between the column well and the column. The
cover, which has a cutout, or opening, around the column slides vertically relative to
the column as the deck raises and lowers. At the same time, the cover slides horizontally relative to the rim of the well. A gasket around the rim of the well reduces emissions from this fitting. A flexible fabric sleeve seal between the rim of the well and
thecolumn (with a cutout or opening, to allow vertical motion of the seal relative to
the columns) similarly accommodates limited horizontal motion of the deck relative
to the column.
Ladders and wells. Some tanks are equipped with internal ladders that extend
from a manhole in the fixed roof to the tank bottom. The deck opening through which
the ladder passes is constructed with similar design details and considerations to deck
openings for column wells, as previously discussed. A typical ladder well is shown in
Figure 8-45.


Below is a list of frequently used storage tank standards and practices that may be
referred to for the design, operation, maintenance, and protection of storage tanks
[2224]. There may be other applicable standards.
Note: The current (or most recent) edition/revision of a publication should be

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446 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

A American Petroleum Institute (API)
Standard/RP #

Title and/or Description

A-1 Construction Standards:

API Spec 12D Specifications for field welded tanks for storage of production liquids
API Spec 12F Shop welded tanks for storage of production liquids
API Spec 12P Specifications for fiberglass reinforced plastic tanks
API Std 620 Design and construction of large, welded, low-pressure storage tanks
API Std 650
Welded steel tanks for oil storage (replaced API 12 series Specs)
API Std 2000 Venting atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks
API Std 2610 Design, construction, operation, maintenance, and inspection of terminal and tank facilities
A-2 Inspection Standards: (including construction modification, and reconstruction
API Std 510 Pressure vessel inspection code (maintenance inspection, rating, repair and alteration)
API Std 570 Inspection, Repair, alteration, and rerating of in-service piping systems
API Std 653
Tank inspection, repair, alteration, and reconstruction
API Std 2015 Requirements for safe entry and cleaning of petroleum storage tanks
A-3 Recommended Practices (RP):
Installation of new bottoms in old storage tanks
API RP 12R Setting, maintenance, inspection, operation, and repair of tanks in
production service
API RP 574
Inspection practices for piping system components
API RP 575
Inspection of atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks
API RP 580
Risk-based inspection
API RP 651
Cathodic protection of aboveground petroleum storage tanks
API RP 652
Lining of aboveground petroleum storage tank bottoms
API RP 1107 Pipeline maintenance welding practices
API RP 1110
Pressure testing of liquid petroleum pipelines
API RP 1604 Closure of underground petroleum storage tanks
API RP 1615 Installation of underground petroleum storage systems
API RP 1626 Storing and handling ethanol and gasoline-ethanol blends at distribution terminals and service stations
API RP 1627 Storing and handling of gasoline-methanol/cosolvent blends at distribution terminals and service stations
API RP 1631 Interior lining and periodic inspection of underground storage tanks
API RP 1632 Cathodic protection of underground petroleum storage tanks and
piping systems
API RP 1637 Using the API color-symbol system to mark equipment and vehicles
for product identification at gasoline dispensing facilities and distribution terminals
API RP 2003 Protection against ignitions arising out of static, lightning, and stray
API RP 2016 Guidelines for entering and cleaning petroleum storage tanks
API RP 2021
Management of atmospheric storage tank fires
API RP 2027 Ignition hazards involved in abrasive blasting of atmospheric storage tanks in hydrocarbon service
API RP 2350 Overfill protection for storage tanks in petroleum facilities

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 447

A-4 Other API Publications:
API-334 A
Guide to leak detection for aboveground storage tanks
API Pub 2009 Safe welding, cutting and hot work practices in the petroleum and
petrochemical industries
API 2517
Evaporating losses from external floating roof tanks
API 2519
Evaporating losses from internal floating roof tanks
API Pub 2200 Repairing crude oil, liquefied petroleum gas, and product pipelines
Preparing tank bottoms for hot work
API Pub 2217A Guidelines for work in inert confined spaces in the petroleum industry
API 2550
Measurements and calibration of petroleum storage tanks
B Petroleum Equipment Institute (PEI)
B-1 Recommended Practices:
PEI RP 100 Recommended practices for installation of underground liquid storage systems
PEI RP 200 Recommended practices for installation of aboveground storage systems for motor vehicle fueling
C National Leak Prevention Association (NLPA)
C-1 Recommended Practices:
NLPA Std 631 Entry, cleaning, interior inspection, repair and lining of underground
storage tanks
D National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE International The
Corrosion Society)
D-1 Inspection Standards:
NACE TM 01-01 Measurement techniques related to criteria for cathodic protection on underground or submerged metallic tank systems
NACE TM 04-97 Measurement techniques related to criteria for cathodic protection on underground or submerged metallic piping systems
D-2 Recommended Practices:
NACE 1/SSPCSP5 Steel Structures Painting Council: White Metal Blast Cleaning
NACE 2/SSPCSP10 Steel Structures Painting Council: Near White Metal Blast
NACE 3/SSPCSP6 Steel Structures Painting Council: Commercial Blast Cleaning
NACE 4/SSPCSP7 Steel Structures Painting Council: Brush Off Cleaning
NACE 10/SSPCPA6 Steel Structures Painting Council: Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Linings Applied to Bottoms of Carbon Steel Aboveground Storage Tanks
NACE RP 0169 Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged
Metallic Piping Systems
NACE International The Corrosion Society
NACE RP 0172 Surface preparation of steel and other hard materials by water blasting prior to coating or recoating
NACE SP 0177 Mitigation of alternating current and lightning effects on metallic
structures and corrosion control systems
NACE RP 0178 Design, fabrication, and surface finish of metal tanks and vessels to
be lined for chemical immersion service
NACE RP 0184 Repair of lining systems

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448 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

NACE RP 0187 Design considerations for corrosion control of reinforcing steel in
NACE SP 0188 Discontinuity (holiday) testing of new protective coatings on conductive substrates
NACE RP 0193 External cathodic protection of on-grade carbon steel storage tank
NACE RP 0275 Application of organic coatings to the external surface of steel pipe
for underground service
NACE RP 0285 Corrosion control of underground storage tank systems by cathodic
E National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) see also 37 PA Code Chapters
11 and 13, Flammable & Combustible Liquids Handbook
E-1 Construction Standards:
NFPA 70 (NEC) National electric code
Static electricity
Flammable and combustible liquids code
Motor fuel dispensing facilities and repair garages
NFPA 303
Marinas and boatyards
NFPA 326
Safeguarding tanks and containers for entry, cleaning, or repair
E-2 Recommended Practices:
Standard for low-, medium-, and high-expansion foam
Standard for water spray fixed systems for fire protection
Standard for dry chemical extinguishing systems
Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
National Fire Alarm Code
NFPA 1561
Fire Department Incident Management System
F Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
Construction Standards:
UL Std 58 Standards for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids
UL Std 142 Standard for Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids
UL Std 567 Standard for Emergency Breakaway Fittings, Swivel Connectors
and Pipe-Connection Fittings for Petroleum Products and LP-Gas
UL Std 842 Standard for Valves for Flammable Fluids
UL Std 860 Standard for Pipe Unions for Flammable and Combustible Fluids
and Fire Protection Service
UL Std 971 Standard for Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable Liquids
UL Std 1316 Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum Products, Alcohol and Alcohol-Gasoline Mixtures
UL Std 1746 Standard for External Corrosion Protection Systems for Steel Underground Storage Tanks
UL Std 2085 Standard for Protected Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
UL Std 2245 Standard for Below-grade Vaults for Flammable Liquid Storage

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 449

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)-American National
Standards Institute (ANSI)
Construction Standards:
ASME B31.3 American Society of Mechanical Engineers: Process Piping
ASME B31.4 American Society of Mechanical Engineers: Liquid Transportation
Systems for Hydrocarbons, Liquid Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous Ammonia and Alcohols
Recommended Practices:
ASSE Z117.1 American Society of Safety Engineers: Safety Requirements for
Confined Spaces
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
Construction Standards:
ASTM A182/A182M Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy Stainless
Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings and Valves and Parts for
High-Temperature Service.
ASTM D2996 Standard Specification for Filament-Wound Fiberglass
(Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe
ASTM D4097 Standard Specification for Contact-Molded Glass-FiberReinforced Thermoset resin Corrosion Resistant Tanks
ASTM D5685 Standard Specification for Fiberglass (Glass-FiberReinforced Thermosetting- Resin) Pressure Pipe Fittings
Recommended Practices:
ASTM E797 Standard Practice for Measuring Thickness by Manual Ultrasonic
Pulse-Echo Contact Method
ASTM D2794 Standard Test Method for Resistance of Organic Coatings on the
Effects of Rapid Deformation (Impact)
Steel Tank Institute
Construction Standards:
STI P3 Specification and Manual for External Corrosion Protection
of Underground Steel Storage Tanks
STI F841
Standard for Dual Wall Underground Steel Storage Tanks
STI F894 Act-100 Specification For External Corrosion Protection of FRP
Composite Steel USTs (See also Association of Composite
STI F921 Standard for Aboveground Tanks with Integral Secondary
STI F922
Specification for Permatank
STI F941 Standards for Fireguard Thermally Insulated Aboveground Storage Tanks
STI R951 Specification for Tanks Using Low Levels of Pressure in
the Tanks Interstice
STI F961 ACT-100 U Specification for External Corrosion Protection of Composite Steel Underground Storage Tanks
Inspection Standards:
STI SP001 Standard for Inspection of In-Service Shop Fabricated Aboveground
Tanks for Storage of Combustible and Flammable Liquids

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450 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Recommended Practices:
STI SP031 Standard for Repair of In-Service Shop Fabricated Aboveground
Tanks for Storage of Combustible & Flammable Liquids
STI R821 sti-P3 Installation Instructions
STI R891 RP for Hold Down Strap Isolation
STI R892 RP for Corrosion Protection of Underground Piping Networks Associated with Liquid Storage and Dispensing Systems
STI R912 Installation Instructions for Shop Fabricated Aboveground Storage
Tanks for Flammable, Combustible Liquids
STI R913
Act-100 Installation Instructions
STI R923
Permatank Installation Instructions
STI R931
F921 Installation Instructions
STI R942 F Fireguard Installation & Testing Instructions for Thermally Insulated, Lightweight, Double Wall Fireguard Aboveground Storage
STI R971
ACT-100-U Installation Instructions
STI R972 RP for the Addition of Supplemental Anodes to sti-P3 USTs
Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) see also NACE International
Recommended Practices:
SSPC Painting Manual volume I
SSPC Painting Manual volume II
Association of Composite Tanks
Construction Standards:
ACT 100 Specification for the Fabrication of FRP Clad Underground Storage
Fiberglass Petroleum Tank and Pipe Institute
Recommended Practices:
FPTP 1 Fiberglass Piping Systems Installation Check List for Underground
Petroleum Pipe
FTPI RP T-95-02 Remanufacturing of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Underground Storage Tanks
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
Recommended Practices:
ACI 350
Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures


The Regulations Governing Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST) that exist are generally intended to address sources of pollution that may result from ASTs operation. To
ensure the prevention and early detection of a Release of a Substance should one occur,
new ASTs are required to meet acceptable design and installation criteria. An example
of such a regulation is cited in ref. [25].
Regulations are purely for storage tanks and therefore generally the following
types of aboveground facilities are not covered

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 451

Pipelines regulated pursuant to 33 U.S.C. and 49 CFR 195;
Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline; or
Pipelines regulated pursuant to 46 U.S.C. and 33 CFR 154 Facilities transferring oil or hazardous material in bulk and 33 CFR 156 Oil and hazardous
material transfer operations.
Reference Standards: All regulatory bodies reference the standards listed in Section 8.5 and use them as the basis for the enacting various regulations.
Design: Regulations generally refer to the following Design and Construction
Requirements for New AST:
API Standard 620, Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure
Storage Tanks;
API Standard 650, Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage;
API Standard 12D, Specification for Field Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids;
NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
Regulatory bodies require that all new metallic field-constructed ASTs be placed
on a Release Prevention Barrier such as:
An impervious soil layer or geo-synthetic clay liner with a permeability of 1
107 cm/sec or less
An impervious geo-synthetic liner installed in accordance with manufacturers
recommendations such as a 60 mil unreinforced liner, 40 mil reinforced liner,
or a material of similar or more stringent specifications
A double bottom with Leak Detection Monitoring system
An Impervious concrete slab foundation.
Regulations also require that all ASTs be equipped with normal and emergency
venting in accordance with API 2000 and NFPA 30. Leak Detection methods other than
visual must be installed, calibrated, tested, operated and maintained in accordance with
the manufacturers instructions, including routine maintenance checks for operability
to ensure that the device is functioning as designed.
Protection: Generally, regulatory bodies require that new metallic ASTs installed
on foundations consisting of sand, soil or other material that can allow moisture penetration and corrosion, and must install a Cathodic Protection System to mitigate external corrosion of the tank bottom as per following:
NACE Standard RP0193 External Cathodic Protection of On-Grade Carbon Steel Storage Tank Bottoms;
API Recommended Practice 651 Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks;
NACE Standard RP0169 Control of External Corrosion on Underground or
Submerged Metallic Piping Systems.
Additionally, regulatory bodies require that Cathodic Protection Systems be designed by individuals who have obtained a NACE Cathodic Protection Level 3 Certification and have relevant work experience in the design of Cathodic Protection Systems
for ASTs.

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452 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Secondary Containment: Regulations usually require a Secondary Containment
to collect spills or Leaks, which are required to be promptly removed with appropriate
disposal and safety procedures.
Secondary Containment Options include diking or bund walls. Any diking must
generally have a minimum capacity to contain 110% of the volume of the largest AST
within the diked area or 100% of the volume of the largest AST plus six inches of
freeboard for precipitation.
The extent of the diked area must be sufficient to capture overflows, splashing
caused by overfilling and/or the trajectory of sidewall leaks.
Sumps should be installed as part of all dikes and the dike floors sloped to the
sumps to enhance material removal.
Pumps to be permanently installed for the removal of collected material to
areas outside the dike area as safely as required.
The paving/curbing combination, to be considered Secondary Containment.
Sumps should be installed as part of all curbs and the floors sloped to the sumps
to enhance material removal.
Inert Requirement: Regulatory bodies usually require inerting for the Ullage
Volumes of ASTs without a Floating Roof containing Flammable Substances as defined by NFPA 30.
Inspection and Monitoring Requirements for Leak Detection: Regulatory bodies require that a leak of a flammable substance be detected and contained
to prevent an impact on surface water, groundwater, or soil outside the Secondary
A leak detection method other than visual is required to be calibrated, tested,
operated, and maintained in accordance with the manufacturers instructions, including routine maintenance checks for operability to ensure that the device is
functioning as designed. The Leak detection method or combination of methods
used, except for those ASTs equipped with a Release Prevention Barrier or a double
bottom, are generally required to be inspected and monitored at least weekly to
determine if a leak from the AST has occurred. A checklist for each Leak Detection
monitoring point also required to be generated to document whether a Leak did or
did not occur.


8.7.1 Typical Layout and Spacing
Petroleum storage terminal layout generally will require the studies which must consider major Service requirements for the facilities. These include:
Study of site facilities and utilities (where expansion is required for existing
Coordination with the architects and other engineering consultants
Space allocation for fuel tank farm, equipment rooms, and fire storage tank
Equipment layout
Equipment selection including pumps, air conditioning units, etc.

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 453

Considerations are:

Land size
Number of tanks
Tank sizes (height and diameter)
Types of tanks
Consider the logical unit/equipment locations
Look at overall site layout for process units
Consider key separations on grounds of safety (e.g. Bund wall and distance
from bund walls, tanks and fence line), wind directions, Security (Inner and
outer walls/fences)
Consider environmental factors (flood, spills )
Consider requirements for access/maintenance
Locate key equipment into each module
Produce initial plan & elevation to scale
Prepare isometric sketches for pipe-runs, utilities, cabling
Location of control centre and offices, parking
Nearest community
Future expansion
EMR facilities
Emergency backup facilities
Geotechnical considerations including
Subsoil conditions
Tank foundation design, monitoring of settlements, see Figure 8-46 for typical
example (refer to Section 8.7.3 for typical settlement calculation)
Hydrotesting (API 653)

Figure 8-46. Layout of settlement points (refer to Section 8.7.3 [26])

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454 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Facilities Layout Review Hierarchy: In order of importance the reviews are
indicated below:
(Overall site) Plot Plan roads access storage admin utilities
Plant Process roads access units buildings
Unit/tankage location: Type, access equipment
Tankage, Equipment spacing arrangement
Important issues in layout include:

General terrain
Safety and environment
Regulations, land acquisition, native title,
Flammable/non-flammable products
High-/low-pressure units
Pumping facilities
Maintenance, utilities

Important safety issues in plant layout:

Accident containment and avoidance of domino effects

High hazard operations
Segregation of different risks
Exposure to possible explosion overpressure
Exposure to fire radiation
Minimizing vulnerable piping
Drainage and grade sloping
Prevailing wind directions
Provision for future expansion

Important equipment/appurtenances layout issues include:

Pumps (NPSH, suction line, motor location)

Instrumentation (CVs accessible)
Heat exchangers (bundles, fin-fan vs water)
Flares (radiation levels, alternative sites and types)
Solids (use of gravity flow if possible, containment)
Expensive piping (run lengths)
Maintenance (access, removal)

Storage Tank Spacing for Chemical/Oil Plants: Codes and standards generally
do not specify/recommend a safe distance between tankage facilities, however NFPA
30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code refers to minimum safe distances.
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Center for Chemical Process Safety indicate distances between tankages as given in Figure 8-47 [27].
Based on the layout consideration and the requirements for safe spacing between
tanks a typical plot plan for a tank farm is indicated in Figures 8-48 and 8-49.
It may be noted that minimum standards of control (including tankage spacing,
piping arrangement, access, etc.) must be in place at all locations/terminals storing
large volumes of petroleum and similar products capable of giving rise to a large flammable vapor cloud in the event of a loss of primary containment [28,29].

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 455

Figure 8-47. Storage tank spacing for chemical/oil plants (adapted from ref. [27])

Figure 8-48. A typical well laid out tank farm layout

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456 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-49. Typical tank farm with safe distances between tankages

8.7.2 Tank Design (Including Sizing, Materials, and Construction) Design Data
Data required to undertake a tank design should include the following:

Design Code
Tank Location
Nominal capacity of tank
Tank diameter and/or height restrictions;
Internal tank pressure

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 457

Rate of filling and emptying tank

Design pressure
Operating Pressure
Design Temperature
Operating Temperature
Density of Liquid
Design Density
Prevailing wind direction
Maximum Wind Speed and Pressure
Seismic Data
Corrosion Allowance (shell/bottom and roof)
Radiography requirements
Stored Product and Class

Design of accessories should also be considered and includes the following:

Access to Roof (Spiral stairway)

Hand Rail at Roof
Stairway, Platform and handrail
Earth/foundation Connection
Platform at Roof
Primary and Secondary Seals
Rolling Ladder
Gauge Hatch/Well
Primary Roof Drain
Cooling & Foam System (including Fire water, fixed foam system, etc.)
Foam riser/Dip Pipe
Reinforcing pads
Manhole Neck, flanges, covers
Nozzle Necks
Nozzle Flanges
Gaskets (Spiral wound)
Bolting for Structure
Bolting for nozzles
Structural components
External Gussets
Internals parts, pipe and other fittings
Wind girder, support, and gussets
Annular plate
Primer/Painting/external protection Design Calculations Tank Working Pressure Generally, there are regulatory requirements
specifying the type of storage tank to be used, based on the storage tank. In addition, there are usually specific design requirements, for example in the type of
seals to be used in a floating roof tank based on the tank design, the liquid type
that is stored.
A design working pressure can be determined to prevent breathing, and thereby
save standing storage losses. However, this should not be used in lieu of any environmental regulatory requirements regarding the design of storage tanks. The

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458 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

e nvironmental regulatory requirements for the specific location should be consulted
prior to the design of storage facilities.
Design pressure is usually the operating pressure plus a margin of safety.
Operating pressure of tank is the pressure at which the tank normally operates. It
should not exceed the maximum allowable working pressure of the vessel. A suitable margin should be allowed between the pressure normally existing in the gas or vapor space
and the pressure at which the relief valves are set, so as to allow for the increases in pressure caused by variations in the temperature or gravity of the liquid contents of the tank
and other factors affecting the pressure in the gas or vapor space (API Standard 620).
The working pressure required to prevent breathing losses depends upon the
vapor pressure of the product, the temperature variations of the liquid surface and the
vapor space, and the setting of the vacuum vent.

f = Bmax + ( D - Bmin ) (Tmax + 273) / (Tmin + 273) - Pa

(8 1)

= absolute internal tank pressure at which vacuum vent opens, kPa (abs)
f = required storage pressure, kPa (abs)
Bmax = vapor pressure of liquid at maximum surface temperature, kPa (abs)
Bmin = vapor pressure of liquid at minimum surface temperature, kPa (abs)
P = absolute pressure, kPa (abs)
Pa = atmospheric pressure, kPa (abs)
T = temperature, K
Ta = ambient air temperature, C
Tmax = maximum average temperature, C
Tmin = minimum average temperature, C
The above relation holds only when Bmin is less than ; that is, when the minimum
vapor pressure is so low that air is admitted into the vapor space through the vacuum
vent. When Bmin is equal to or greater than , the required storage pressure is,

f = Bmax - Pa

(8 2)

Under this condition, air is kept out of the vapor space. Figure 8-50 is presented as a
general guide to storage pressures for gasolines of various volatilities in uninsulated tanks.
These data for plotting the curves were computed from Eqs. (8-1) and (8-2) using
the following assumptions:
Minimum liquid surface temperature is 5C less than the maximum liquid surface temperature.
Maximum vapor space temperature is 22C greater than the maximum liquid
surface temperature.
Minimum vapor space temperature is 8C less than the maximum liquid surface temperature.
Stable ambient conditions (ambient temperature 38C).
These temperature variations are far greater than would be experienced from normal night to day changes. Therefore, the lower, nearly horizontal line, which shows a
required storage pressure of 17 kPa (ga) for the less volatile gasolines is conservative
and allows a wide operating margin.
Maximum liquid surface temperatures vary from 29 to 46C. Sufficient accuracy
will generally result from the assumption that it is 5C higher than the maximum temperature of the body of the liquid in a tank at that location.

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 459

Figure 8-50. Storage pressure vs. true vapor pressure (TVP), redrawn from GPSA [30]

Example 8-1 To illustrate the use of Figure 8-50, suppose a 165 kPa (abs) true
vapor pressure (TVP) natural gasoline is to be stored where the liquid surface temperature may reach a maximum of 38C. A vertical line extended upward fromthe 165kPa
(abs) mark at the bottom of the chart intersects the 38C line at 64 kPa (abs). The design pressure of the tank should be a minimum of 70.5 kPa (abs) (64 kPa +10%).
Figure 8-51 below can also be used for the determination of working pressure of
storage tanks storing LPG and natural gasoline such as condensate. It is not to be used
for crude oil.
In relation to Figure 8-51, the following definitions apply:
RVP = Reid Vapor Pressure is a vapor pressure for liquid products as determined
by ASTM test procedure D-323.
The Reid vapor pressure is defined as pounds per sq in (kPa) at 37.8C. The RVP
is always less than the true vapor pressure at 37.8C.
TVP = true vapor pressure is the pressure at which the gas and liquid in a closed
container are in equilibrium at a given temperature.
Figure 8-51 can be used as follows:
As quick reference to determine true vapor pressures of typical LPGs, natural
gasolines, and motor fuel components at various temperatures.
To estimate the operating pressure of a storage tank necessary to maintain the
stored fluid in a liquid state at various temperatures.
For converting from true vapor pressure to Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP).
For simple evaluation of refrigerated storage versus ambient temperature storage for LPGs.

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460 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-51. T
 rue vapor pressures vs. temperatures for typical LPG, motor, and natural gasolines (not to be used for crude oil vapor pressure), courtesy of GPSA [30]

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 461

Example 8-2 Determine the TVP of an 83-kPa RVP gasoline. In addition,
estimate the design pressure of a tank needed to store this same 83 RVP gasoline at a
maximum temperature of 49C.
Using Figure 8-51, a vertical line is extended upwards from the 38C mark (38C
is used as the reference point for determining RVP) at the bottom of the chart to the
intersection of the 83 kPa RVP line, read true vapor pressure of 91 kPa (abs). A vertical
line is also extended from the 49C mark to intersect the 83 RVP gasoline line. Now going horizontal, the true vapor pressure axis is crossed at approximately125kPa(abs).
The storage tank should therefore be designed to operate at 125 kPa [25 kPa (ga)]
or above. The design pressure of the tank should be a minimum of 10% above the
operating gauge pressure or approximately 137 kPa (abs).
Example 8-3 Evaluate the options of refrigerated storage versus ambient temperature storage for normal butane.
From Figure 8-51, the vertical line is extended up from the 38C (assumed maximum) mark to intersect the normal butane line at approximately 355 kPa (abs) [255kPa
(ga)]. The working pressure of the tank should be 255 kPa (ga) plus a 10% safety factor, or 280 kPa (abs). This same product could be stored in an atmospheric pressure
tank if the product is chilled to 0C.
This temperature is determined by following the normal butane line down until it
intersects the 100 kPa (abs) horizontal vapor pressure line. Reading down to the bottom scale indicates the storage temperature at 0C. The pressurized tank would require
more investment due to the higher working pressure of 380 kPa (abs) [280 kPa (ga)]
and the thicker shell requirement. The refrigerated tank would require less investment
for the tank itself, but an additional investment would be necessary for insulation and
for refrigeration equipment which requires additional operating expenses. The economics of each type of storage system can be evaluated to determine which will be the
most attractive. The graphical method of converting from RVP to TVP is an approximation and is generally more accurate for lighter components.
Crude oils with very low RVPs could vary significantly from this graphical approach. This is due to the fact that during the Reid test the highest vapor pressure
materials tend to evaporate leaving a residue which has a lower vapor pressure than
the original sample. Equation 7-3 was developed by Kremser in 1930 [31] to relate the
two vapor pressures at 37.8C.

TVP = (1.07)( RVP ) + 4.1

(8 3)

Using this formula for the 83 kPa, RVP gasoline example would calculate a 93 kPa
(abs) TVP versus the 91 determined.
However, Figure 8-52 below can be used to determine the true vapor pressure of
crude oils [32].
Similarly, Figure 8-53 below can be used for the determination of petroleum products. Mechanical Design The following provides calculation methods for the
determination of permissible stresses and of major tank elements:
Tank Internal Pressure: Internal pressure of tanks can be calculated as follows
Pmax =

+ 77t , N/m 2
D 2


+ 7.85t , kgf/m 2
D 2

(8 4)

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462 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-52. T
 rue vapor pressure of crude oils with a Reid vapor pressure of 2 to 15 pounds
per square inch [32], courtesy of API

Pmax = internal pressure,

W = total weight of shell and structure supported by shell in N (kgf),
D = diameter of tank in m, and
= thickness of roof in mm.
Shell Thickness: The minimum thickness of shell plates shall not be less than that
calculated from the following formula:

t = 4.9( H 0.3) DG/SE if S is in N/mm

(8 5)

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 463

Figure 8-53. T
 rue vapor pressure of refined petroleum stocks with a Reid vapor pressure of
1to 20 pounds per square inch [32], courtesy of API

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464 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems


t = 50 ( H 0.3 ) DG/SE if S in kgf/cm2

(8 6)

t = minimum thickness in mm;
D = nominal diameter of tank in m;
H = height from the bottom of the course under consideration to top of top curb
angle or to bottom of any overflow which limits tank filling height in m;
G = specific gravity of liquid to be stored, but in no case less than 1.0;
S = allowable stress; and
E = joint efficiency factor
The following should be considered in the determination of shell plate thickness:
Loads: Stresses in the tank shell can be computed on the assumption that the
tank is filled with water of specific gravity 1.00 or the liquid to be stored, if
heavier than water. The tension in each course shall be computed at 30 cm
above the centre line of the lower horizontal joint of the course in question.
Isolated radial loads on tank shells, such as that caused by heavy loads from
platforms and elevated walkways between tanks may be distributed appropriately, preferably in a horizontal position.
Wind and internal vacuum loads should be considered together to check the
stability of tank shells. Wind loads may be as specified as per design data.
Internal vacuum in the tank is usually taken as a minimum of 500 N/m2
(50 kg/m2, 0.5 kPa) vacuum by the industry. API 650 requires a minimum
external pressure of 0.25 kPa
Joint Efficiency Factor This is usually taken as 0.85 for double welded butt
joints, to determine the minimum thickness of shell plates computed from the
stress on the vertical joints, subject to all vertical and horizontal butt welds being spot radiographed. Where welds are not to be so examined by radiography,
the joint efficiency factor considered for design shall be 0.70. It may be note
however that the base tank design procedure of API 650 requires a joint efficiency of 1.0 unless the tank is very small and has a maximum shell thickness
of 13 mm (1/2).
The nominal thickness of shell plates refers to the tank shell as constructed and
is based on stability rather than stress. Any required corrosion allowance for the shell
plates must be added to the calculated thickness.
Stability of tank shells against external loads shall be checked by determining
the maximum height of the shell from the tap curb angle or wind girder that does not
buckle under this loading and providing stiffening to the shell if required.
The maximum height of un-stiffened shell in meters, is not to exceed H1 as determined by the following equation:

H1 = [14700t/p]
H1 = [1500 t/p]

3 if p is in N/m2

(8 7)

t 3 if p is in kgf/m

(8 8)

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 465

H1 = vertical distance between the intermediate wind girder and top angle of the
shell or the top wind girder of an open top tank in m;
t = average shell thickness in height H1 in mm determined from the actual thicknesses of plates used unless the it is specified that the net thickness (actual
thickness used minus corrosion allowance specified) be considered. Tank Material
Tanks are constructed from a number of different materials based upon cost of the
material, ease of fabrication, resistance to corrosion, and compatibility with the fluid
stored. Sometimes specialized composites and techniques are used in tank construction, but these are the exception.
Tanks made of metal materials such as carbon steel, are very prone to failure under
natural hazards. Carbon steels used for storage tanks have specified minimum yield
strengths of approximately 200 to 600 MPa. The principles of material selection are
based on code requirements including brittle fracture and corrosion. In this respect it
may be noted that while API 650 allows for a A285 Gr C and A83 Gr C material which
has a yield strength of 200 MPa, most steel mill do not make this material any longer.
A36 is the most common and widely available carbon steel. A36 has a minimum yield
strength of 250 MPa.
Code requirements that govern tank designs often have very specific material selection requirements and limitations. Most codes include provisions in the material
selection criteria that ensure materials with sufficient toughness under the service conditions to prevent brittle fracture.
The susceptibility of the material to brittle fracture is also one of the most important material selection considerations. Brittle fracture is the tensile failure of
a material showing little deformation or yielding. Brittle fractures typically start
at a flaw and can propagate at high speeds, resulting in catastrophic failures.
Corrosive effects in tanks may be divided into internal and external ones. The
most common is the external corrosion that is usually minimized by the used of
coatings for carbon steel tanks.
The selection of a design metal temperature is important in ensuring that materials are selected which are tough enough to prevent brittle fractures under the
service conditions.
Ensuring a material with adequate toughness. One way to ensure that a selected
steel has adequate toughness for the design metal temperature of the tank is
to proof-test each plate by impact toughness testing samples at or below the
design metal temperature (DMT).
It may be noted that the Minimum Design Metal Temperature (DMT) is usually
defined as 8C above the lowest one-day mean temperature.
Carbon steel is the most common material for tank construction. The material
properties most commonly assumed for engineering calculations are a modulus of elasticity of 2.068 1011 N/m2, Poissons ratio of 0.3, mass density of 7849.7 kg/m3, and
yield strength of 2.156 108 N/m2.

8.7.3 Civil Design Tank Foundation
Tank foundation is the most import part of a tankage design, particularly for large volume tanks as they carried thousands of barrels of hydrocarbon fluid often very heavy. A

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466 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-54. Settlement of steel tank (A maximum and B average)

geotechnical study of the site is thus required in the design of the foundation; however,
in many cases (especially for tanks located in coastal areas), the soils are susceptible to
have uniform or differential settlements. The buckling of the shell due to the foundation settlement however must be considered in details.
Various forms of settlements (D) could take place so it is important to define types
of settlement (Figure 8-54) and all required variables for calculations:
D = Diameter of the tank.
R = Radius of the tank.
H = Height of the tank.
L = distance between two points with differential settlement.
Dmax = max Total maximum settlement: This type of settlement illustrates in
Figure8-54A, ave = Average settlement: This type of settlement is an
average of the settlement of all points of a tank Figure 8-54B. See also
previous Figure 8-46.
Other parameters are:
= Tilt: This component rotates the tank in a tilt plane (Figure 8-55A).
= Differential settlement between two points.
dbottom = Edge settlement occurs when the tank shell settles sharply around the
periphery, resulting in deformation of the bottom plate near the shellto-bottom corner junction (Figure 8-55B), or the depth of the depressed
area of the bottom plate (Figure 8-56).
dshell = This component of settlement at the bottom edge leads to the lack of circularity and creates stresses in the shell. Shell d is defined as differential
outline settlement between settlement of one measurement point with
respect to the average of settlements of its two adjacent points (Figure

d i = Ui - (0.5 Ui +1 - 0.5 Ui -1 )

(8 9)

Figure 8-55. Steel tank settlement (A tilt and B bottom-edge differential settlement) [33]

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 467

Figure 8-56. Steel tank settlement bottom-center differential

di = Differential settlement between one point and average settlement of its adjacent points
Ui = Settlement of each points in Figure 8-57 and previous Figure 8-46
API 653 is the related document for the calculation of tank settlements as follows
[26, 33]:
Uniform settlement: This component often can be predicted in advance, with
sufficient accuracy from soil tests, and does not induce stresses in the tank
structure. However, piping, tank nozzles, and attachments must be designed
with adequate consideration to prevent problems caused by such settlement.
Therefore, piping must be adequately supported to avoid undue stresses.
Planer tilt: This type of settlement could affect tank nozzles which may have
piping attached to them. The tilt will cause an increase in liquid level.
Outline settlement of the shell: Use the following formula to calculate the maximum allowable outline settlement:

shell = ( L 2 y 5.5 ) / ( H )

(8 10)

Figure 8-57. Shell differential settlement of steel tank [33]

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468 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

dshell = shell deflection d in meter,
L = arc length between measurement points in meter (Figure 8-57);
ey = yield strain, (conservatively equal to 0.001); and
H = tank height in meters.
Together with reference to API 653, and the above formula the allowable outline
settlement between adjacent measurement points can be calculated. Thus:
Bottom-Edge differential settlement: The maximum allowable bottom-edge
settlement is shown in Figure 8-58. Conservatively dbottom-edge = Bew could be
assumed and it means areas with bottom lap welds approximately parallel to
the shell.
Bottom-Center differential settlement: Use the following formula to calculate
the maximum allowable bottom plate settlement: dbottom-center = 0.031 R.
Notes: With reference to Figure 8-58, it may be noted that tanks with larger edge
settlements are to be repaired, or have detailed analysis of floor and floor-to-shell junction undertaken.
Welds in tanks with settlements 75% of Bew, and larger than 2 are to be inspected with Magnetic Particle or Liquid Penetrant Examination.

Figure 8-58. A
 llowable bottom-edge differential settlement, (Reproduced from API 653,

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 527

Atmospheric storage tanks that do not meet API-650 or other applicable
code(s) and contain flammable liquids or liquids that may produce combustible vapor.
Tanks with corrosion around the base and/or steel tanks whose base is in direct
contact with ground and exposed to moisture.
Tanks or associated structures (e.g., pipes) with weakened or defective
Tanks used to store mixtures containing water and flammables where the
water phase is at the tank bottom and may contribute to internal bottom corrosion.
Tanks containing combustible vapor and not equipped with flame arrestors or
vapor control devices to limit emissions.
Possible ignition sources near tanks containing combustible vapor.
Safety Areas for Hazard Reduction
Storage tanks should comply with all regulations, industry codes and standards, including inspection and maintenance requirements to keep tanks in proper condition.
Facilities with storage tanks that can contain flammable vapors should review their
equipment and operations. Areas to review should include, but not be limited to, the
1) Design of atmospheric storage tanks: API and other organizations have
standards and codes that address recommended practices for tank design and
construction. It is imperative to evaluate whether the liquids or certain components of liquid mixtures may generate combustible vapors. Design measures
include fire protection, flame arrestors, emergency venting (such as part of the
API-650), prevention of flash back (for tanks containing flammable liquids),
and proper berming or diking.
2) Inspection and maintenance of storage tanks: API-653 has tank inspection
guidelines and procedures for periodic inspections and testing, especially for older
tanks. These procedures call for written documentation of inspections by API Certified Tank Inspectors. Measures to review include procedures for pressure testing,
welding inspections, and checks for corrosion or metal fatigue. API-650 specifies
welding procedures and welding qualifications as well as joint inspection (e.g.,
radiograph and magnetic particle examination). Programs for tank inspection and
maintenance should be developed in accordance with these standards.
3) Hot-work safety: Both the Occupational Safety and Health Administrations (OSHA) regulations concerning hot work and NFPAs standards on
welding should be reviewed for compliance. Hazard reduction measures
include proper hot-work procedures such as obtaining a hot work permit,
having a fire watch and fire extinguishing equipment present, and proper
testing of atmosphere for explosivity; covering and sealing all drains, vents,
manways, and open flanges; sealing all sewers (to prevent gas or vapor migration); and training workers and providing them with appropriate protective equipment.
4) Ignition source reduction: Both OSHA regulations and NFPA standards
should be reviewed for compliance. Hazard reduction measures may include:
having all electrical equipment in a hazardous environment conform with the
requirements of the National Electric Code (NFPA-70), grounding tanks to dissipate static charge, using only non-spark producing tools and equipment in
flammable atmospheres, and taking care to not create sufficient heat or sparks
to cause ignition of flammable vapors.

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470 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-60. T
 ypical concrete ring wall foundation (smaller diameter tanks), all dimensions
in mm

Slab foundations: The concrete slab foundation has the advantages of the concrete ring-wall but is usually limited to tanks with diameters less than 10 m. Often the
edge of the slab will be sufficiently thick to provide for anchorage. A slab foundation is
very versatile, but its high cost limits it to use in small tanks. The slab provides a level
and plane-working surface that facilitates rapid field erection.
Pile-supported foundations: The pile-supported foundation is usually found
where the soil bearing pressures are very low. Examples might be river deltas and land
adjacent to bays. They are also used where high foundation uplift forces are encountered resulting from internal pressure or seismic loading.
Foundation design must conform to welded tank bottom design. A tank bottom
may be broadly classified as flat bottom or conical.
A Flat bottom: They are the most common end closures of tanks. These tanks
appear flat but usually have a small designed slope and shape. These tanks are further
categorized as follows:
Flat: For tanks less than about 5 to 10 m in diameter, the flat-bottom tank is
used. The inclusion of a small slope as described above does not provide any
substantial benefit, so they are fabricated as close to flat as possible.
Cone up: These bottoms are built with a high point in the center of the tank.
Crowning the foundation and constructing the tank on the crown accomplish
this. The slope is limited to about 25 to 50 mm per 3 m run. This is the design
mostly adopted in large diameter above ground storage tanks.
Cone down: The cone-down design slopes toward the center of the tank. Usually, there is a collection sump at the center. It is very effective for water removal from tanks. This design is inherently more complex because it requires a
sump, underground piping, and an external sump outside the tank and therefore
not used in design of very large tanks.

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 471

Single slope: This design uses a planar bottom but it is tilted slightly to one
side. This allows for drainage to be directed to the low point on the perimeter,
where it may be effectively collected. Since there is a constant rise across the
diameter of the tank, the difference in elevation from one side. Again, this design is not used for large diameter/volume storage tanks.
B Conical bottom: The second type is the conical bottom. The designers often use it to
provide a complete drainage or even removal of solids. Since these types of tanks are
more costly, they are limited to the smaller sizes and are often found in the chemical
industry or in processing plants only. Bund Walls/Dikes
Since most liquids can spill, evaporate, or seep through even the smallest opening,
special consideration must made for their safe and secure handling. This usually involves building a bunding, or containment dike (Figure 8-61) around tanks, so that any
potential leakage may be safely contained.
The term bunding also refer to dikes, but it is frequently used to describe liquid
containment facilities that prevent leaks and spillage from tanks and pipes, though
sometimes any barrier is referred to as bunding. Frequently, the liquids in tanks and
pipes are toxic, but bunding is used to prevent the liquid from causing damage (either
by force or its chemistry). If a large tank has a catastrophic failure, the liquid alone can
cause extensive damage.
Bunded oil storage tanks are essentially a tank within a tank. The bund being the
area surrounding the inner tank, hence bunded tank. Bunding is a legal requirement in
many countries particularly around tanks, storage vessels and other plant that contain
liquids which may be dangerous or hazardous to the environment.
Bunded oil tanks are generally a requirement from most insurance companies
as opposed to single skinned oil storage tanks. Due to the safer oil storage solutions
brought about by bunded oil storage tanks, most Environmental Agency require bunded
oil tanks.

Figure 8-61. A typical dike or levee

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472 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-62 shows a well-designed bundwall with an up-sloped dyke that leads
to the perimeter fence line of tank farm. Prior to the fence line there is access road
and perimeter lighting system typical of well secured facility. If there ever was to be a
spill in the tank farm, the protection of underground waters is also ensured by the two
concrete retention walls of 1.6 m and 2.0 m height, located at a distance of 15 to 30m
between them. Furthermore, in order to prevent the infiltration of oil-products into
earth, there is a high density (2 mm) polyethylene underlay throughout the tank farm. Holding Capacity and Alarm Almost all regulations require
a holding capacity of 110% of the maximum capacity of the biggest tank within the
bund or 25% of the total capacity of all the tanks within the bund whichever is the
greatest. In addition, further guidelines in some countries (e.g., the UK) recommend
additional measures such as providing sufficient freeboard or height of wall above
the maximum holding capacity to accommodate dynamic factors such as surge in situations of major tank failure or storm driven waves in larger bunds. As a rule (and unless
specific local laws prevail) most operators work to the 110% capacity guide.
It may be noted that accumulation rain water in a well designed and sealed bund
wall will reduce it s design capacity. Therefore regulations require implementation of
a method for the removal of the rainwater. It is expected that a good system will work
continuously and automatically. It should also provide alarms for conditions. These
automatic pump systems are referred to as BundGuard. Wall Construction It is reasonably easy to construct a water-tight
bund around the base of a tank or vessel. A concrete base and a sealed wall of masonry,
brickwork, concrete, or even prefabricated steel provides the holding capacity. There
are two types of outer bund walls and their details are shown in Figure 8-63 below.
If built properly and bunding is large and strong enough, it will contain the contents of an entire tank, though regulations may require it to be up to a third larger. When
multiple tanks share a bund, the capacity is based on the largest tank. One of the most
common designs for large tanks is a concrete or masonry wall around the tank with a
concrete floor. The outside of the wall may be reinforced with an earth berm.

Figure 8-62. A well-designed bund wall system with an up-sloped dike

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 473

Figure 8-63. Typical oil storage tank bund wall and security fencing design

Concrete works very well for many liquids, but it is unsuitable for some applications like containing strong acids. Using earth berms for bunding is not recommended
for most situations, though liners can be used to decrease permeability.
Large, exposed bunding will need a sump pump or some other system to remove
precipitation, though it may also be used to transfer spilled liquid into another container. Rainwater must be treated if the liquid being stored is toxic because there may
be small amounts of it surrounding the tank.
If the bund wall is over a meter high, it generally requires a ladder or steps to allow ease of escape from the bunded area. Another design uses a channel that drains the
liquid to a secondary container. Failures In 1919, a 15-m high molasses tank in Boston burst
(Figure 8-64) killing 21 and injuring 150. A few other tanks have failed in a similar
manner in the United States, but they have usually resulted in relatively few deaths.

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538 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

or products that will mix readily with water. It may be noted that pure MTBE is only
slightly water miscible (approx. 5% - 7%.) Types of Foam Discharge Outlets
Under Writer Laboratory (U.L.) has established two different types of foam discharge
Type II Discharge Outlet - A fixed device that delivers foam onto the burning
liquid and partially submerges the foam and produces minimal agitation of the
Examples of this type of device are Foam Chambers and Foam Makers.
Type III Discharge Outlet - A fixed or portable device that delivers foam in
a manner that causes the foam to fall directly onto the surface of the burning
liquid in such a manner that causes severe agitation.
Examples of this type of device are Hose Stream Nozzles/hand-lines and
Monitors. Foam System for Fire Protection of Storage Tanks
There are two basic methods of fire protection systems for storage tanks:
1. Sub-surface Base Injection
2. Over the Top - (Subdivided as follows)
Foam Chambers
Foam Makers
Portable Foam Monitor
Foam Tower
These are described below: Sub Surface Base Injection: The sub-surface method of fire protection
produces foam with a High Back Pressure Foam Maker usually located outside the
storage tank. This system delivers the expanded foam mass through piping into the
base of the tank. The pipe may be an existing product line or can be a dedicated fire
protection foam line. The expanded foam entering the tank through a discharge outlet
is injected into the flammable liquid. The discharge outlet must be a minimum of 30
cm (1 ft) above any water that may be present at the base of the tank. The foam will be
destroyed if injected into the water layer. When injected into the fuel, the foam will rise
through the fuel and form a vapor tight foam blanket on the fuel surface.
Advantages of Sub-surface
The rising foam can cause the fuel in the tank to circulate which can assist in
cooling the fuel at the surface. If there is an explosion and fire that may damage the top of the tank, the sub-surface injection system is not likely to suffer
The discharging foam is more efficiently directed to the fuel surface without
any interruption from the thermal updraft of the fire.
Disadvantages of Sub-surface
This technique cannot be used in storage tanks containing polar solvent type
fuels (i.e. ethanol, Methanol, Ketone, Acetone.)

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540 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

correct operation, a minimum of 280 kPa (40 psi) is required at the inlet to the foam
chamber. Foam Makers Type II Discharge Device: The foam maker is normally used to aspirate foam solution before being discharged inside a dike (bund) area or
when used with external floating roof tanks to supply foam to the rim seal area.
The discharge pipe downstream of the foam maker is sized to slow the velocity of
the expanded foam and shaped to deflect the foam back against the inside of the dike
wall or onto a splash board or the tank shell wall when used for floating roof seal protection. The splash board is to be mounted above the top of the floating roof tank. The
foam discharging pipe must be correctly size for dike/bund protection system.
When mounted on a storage tank or used for a dike/bund protection system, the foam
maker can be mounted in either a horizontal or vertical position without any detrimental effect on foam performance. It is recommended that a minimum 30 cm (12) length of straight
pipe be installed upstream from the foam maker during the installation.
When using a 38 mm (1 1/2) Foam Maker for a dike fire protection system, a 10mm
(3) diameter pipe with minimum length of 0.6 m (28) and a maximum of 2.25 m (100) are
usually connected to the foam maker outlet (downstream side). This length of discharge pipe
allows for the correct foam expansion to take place and slows the discharge velocity.
A 63 mm (2 1/2) Foam Maker requires a length of 100 mm (4) pipe to be connected to the discharge side of the maker. This length of pipe should also be a minimum
of 0.6 m (28) but can have a maximum length of 2.7 m (120). The discharge pipe in
both instances should be directed back against the inside wall of the dike. This installation allows a more gentle application to the flammable liquid within the dike and lessen
the submergence of the foam. Criteria for Sizing a Foam System for a Cone Roof Storage Tank

Identify the fuel inside the tank.

Type of foam concentrate to be used.
Calculate the fuel surface area (r2).
Application rate.
Type of discharge device required and quantity (based on fuel flash point and
tank diameter).
Calculate discharge duration.
Supplementary hose lines required and discharge duration.
Quantity of foam concentrate required*.
Establish bill of materials.

* NOTE: To determine the quantity of foam concentrate in a given quantity of foam

solution, use the following formula: Multiply the foam solution by:
0.01 if using a 1% type of concentrate
0.03 if using a 3% type of concentrate
0.06 if using a 6% type of concentrate
Calculation Example 8.1:
Cone roof tank - 150 ft (45 m) diameter
Fuel Gasoline
Foam Concentrate 3% Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF)
Surface area 75' 75' 3.1417 = 17,672 sq. ft. (3.1417 22.52 = 163 m2)
App. Rate at 0.10 gpm per sq. ft. (Per NFPA 11) 0.10 17,672 sq. ft. = 1767.2
gpm of foam solution required.

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476 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-67. Large storage tanks (Kharge Island, Persian Gulf) Welding Techniques

The construction of large-scale cylindrical storage tanks requires automatic welding processes (Figure 8-68) such as submerged arc welding (SAW) and electrogas
arc welding (EGW). In addition, manual shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and
semi-automatic gas metal arc welding (GMAW) may also be used according to the
accessibility and applicability of the welding position and the targeted efficiency for
individual welding joints, [34].
Table 8-3 below shows the typical welding joints for a crude oil storage tank, applicable welding positions and processes and well typical types of steel plates used for
The welding Process (Notes: (1) HT steel: 550-610 MPa X80-90 HT steel (2) Dissimilar: Mild steel and 550-610 MPa, X80-90 HT steel), [34].

Figure 8-68. A
 utomatic welding of large crude oil tanks (photo source: KHK, Safety &
Tomorrow, Mar. 2000, [34])

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 477

Table 8-3. Main joints for cylindrical storage tank and suitable welding procedures (Reproduced from [34])

Some joint designs are indicated in Figure 8-69 below.

The following details the welding procedures for particular welding joints as referred to in the previous Table 8-3. Shell Plate Horizontal Butt Joints: account for 90% of the total welding length of the shell, and the plate thickness of the joints is as high as 12 to 40 mm.
Therefore, welding efficiency has a significant effect on the total construction cost.
To achieve high welding efficiency, the SAW process is usually carried out with
special equipment for horizontal welding is generally used. Figure 8-70 outlines this
process, in which a welding wire is fed at a certain angle into a granular flux that is
sustained by conveyor tracking along the lower part of a double bevel groove. Figure
8-71 shows an application of this process at a construction site, in which the SAW
equipment tracks along the shell plate.
This specific horizontal SAW process uses a particular flux and a thin solid wire
(typically of about 3.2 mm ).
While SAW is the main welding process for shell plate horizontal welding in largecapacity cylindrical tanks, SMAW is equally indispensable. Because tack welding uses
low hydrogen electrodes even for mild steel base metal, cold cracks are prevented by
decreasing the diffusible hydrogen in the weld metal. Shell Plate Vertical Butt: are typically welded by EGW, using portable
equipment suitable for welding short lengths of large-capacity storage tanks. For this
application, the SEGARC process (Figure 8-72) which features easy-to-handle equipment can be used.

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478 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

As shown in Figure 8-72, the welding progresses while the weld pool is shielded
with CO2 gas and is dammed up by a water-cooled copper shoe on the front side
and refractory backing (KL-4) or water-cooled copper backing on the backside of the
welding joint. The welding head tracks during welding on a guide rail attached by a
magnet on the surface of the base metal as shown in Figure 8-73.
The SEGARC process is widely used in the construction of storage tanks due to
the following outstanding characteristics of efficiency and operability:
High deposition rates (e.g. 180 g/min at 380A) ensure high welding
Light-weight, compact equipment makes for easy set up.
There is constant control of the wire extension in varied welding conditions.
The welding line can be located either on the left side (Standard) or, by reassembling, the right side of the tracking rail.

Figure 8-69. T
 ypical vertical and horizontal weld joint design (all dimensions in mm) (Reproduced from [34])

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 479

Figure 8-70. Outline of horizontal submerged arc welding (Reproduced from [34])

With the oscillator (Optional), one-pass completion welding can be conducted

for steel plates with a thickness of 32 mm max. Shell to Annular Plate Tee Joints: can be subjected repetitively to severe
bending stresses over the lifetime of the storage tank because of frequent loading and
unloading of the liquid and uneven settling of the foundation under the tank. In addition, the welding of this joint is likely to be affected by sand, rust, dirt, oil, rain and
dew because this joint is located close to the foundation at the construction site. Welding during fabrication must be conducted carefully in order to prevent welding defects
and ensure the durability of the tank. In particular, root pass welds can easily contain
porosity and cracks. To prevent these defects, the SMAW process is recommended for
the root passes on the backing side and final side because it resists the difficulties in
such a critical welding environment.

Figure 8-71. A
 pplication of horizontal submerged arc welding (photo source: KHK, Safety &
Tomorrow, Mar. 2000 [34])

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480 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-72. T
 he SEGARC (submerged electro-gas arc welding) process for one-run vertical
butt welding (KHK, Safety & Tomorrow, Mar. 2000 [34])

For the filling passes and the capping passes, SAW provides the highest efficiency.
Due to the severe welding environment, the best flux-wire combination for this joint
should emphasize porosity resistance.
With these flux-wire combinations, DCEP polarity will produce better bead appearance in single SAW than AC polarity. Figure 8-74 shows a typical weld pass sequence for this joint, combining SMAW for the root pass and single SAW for the filling
and capping passes.

Figure 8-73. S
 EGARC (submerged electro-gas arc welding) process: a portable EGW process
for vertical welding (Courtesy Kobe Steel [34])

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 481 Plate Joints (Figure 8-75): are typically made of mild steel lap
joints in small-capacity storage tanks and butt joints with steel backing in 10,000 kl
(10,000 BBLS) or larger storage tanks. As with the shell to annular plate joints, a
similarly severe welding environment can lead to the inclusion of rust and dirt in the
welding groove because the bottom plate rests directly upon the foundation of the tank.
This is why SMAW is generally suggested for the root pass welds to minimize the
occurrence of porosity. Because of its high efficiency, SAW is more beneficial for the
filling and capping passes.
Bottoms are usually to either of the following two construction methods:
Lap Welded Plates
Butt welded Plates
The Lap welded plates must be reasonably rectangular and square edged. Threeplate laps are required not be closer than 300 mm from each other and also from the
tank shell.
Plates are welded on top side only with a continuous fillet weld on all seams. Joints
are lapped to 5 times the thickness of the thinner plate, but generally are not to exceed
25 mm (see Figure 8-75, Section BB).
Portion of the sketch plates shown in Figure 8-76A, coming under the bottom shell
ring shall have the outer ends of the joints fitted and lap welded to form a smooth bearing for the shell plates, as shown in the same figure.
Bottom plate attachment with the shell plate may be made by an annular ring of
segmental plates as shown in Figure 8-76B. Such annular rings (if used) must have
their radial seams butt welded with a backing strip as shown in the same figure. Bottom
sketch and rectangular plates can be lapped over the annular ring of segmental plates
with the lap not less than five times the nominal thickness the thinner platesjoined.
For bottoms butt welded construction, plates shall have the parallel edges prepared
for butt welding with either square or V-grooves. If square grooves are employed, the
root opening are generally required to be equal or over 6 mm. The butt welds may be

Figure 8-74. A
 typical pass sequence for shell plate to annular plate tee joint welded by using
a combination of SMAW and single SAW processes [34]

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482 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-75. Typical layout of tank bottom and weld joint design (all dimensions in mm) [34]

made by applying a backing strip 3 mm thick or heavier by tack welding to the underside of the plate (see Figure 8-76B, Section XX). A metal spacer may be used, if
necessary, to maintain the root opening between the adjacent plates.
In bottom plate butt welding three-plate joints are generally not be closer than
300mm from each other and also from the tank shell.
Tank erectors may however propose other methods of butt welding the tank bottom. Nozzle Peripheral and Manhole Joint (Figure 8-77): Some tanks are
fitted with manholes. Such manholes are welded in the factory in advance. They can
be welded by SAW using special automatic welding equipment that can track along the
three-dimensional saddle-shaped welding line.
However, where such automatic welding equipment is not available, semi-automatic
GMAW and SMAW are the second and third best processes respectively in terms of
welding efficiency. These welds are postweld heat treated to remove the residual stresses;
therefore, the filler metal should be selected taking into account the weld metal properties
after the post-weld heat treatment at the specified temperature and soaking time. Post Weld Heat Treatment of Welded Tanks Structures
Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) is generally carried out to relieve residual stresses,
remove diffusible hydrogen, and temper hard transformation microstructures of the
weld, thereby preventing brittle fractures and obtaining the desired properties of the
product. PWHT, however, can have some negative effects, such as stress relief cracking (SR Cracking) Rogantea et al. [35]. It may be noted that For High Strength Material
with an Ultimate Tensile Strength > 415 MPa, shell openings 2 require a PWHT insert plate assembly in shells greater than 13 mm. For a material with a UTS < 415MPa,
A PWHT assembly is required for nozzles >12 in shell plates 25.4 mm.

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 483

Figure 8-76. Tank bottom plate arrangement under tank shell [34]

SR cracking can become a problem particularly in the PWHT of high tensile strength
steel, heat-resistant low alloy steel and stainless steel weldments. Figure 8-78 shows a typical example of SR Cracking that occurred in a 780-MPa high tensile strength steel weld
that was heat treated at 600C for 2 hours after welding. It is believed that this microscopic
crack was initiated by the creep of the metal during relaxation of the residual stress at high
temperatures particularly at the coarse grain area in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) at the toe

Figure 8-77. Welds at the periphery of a manhole in a tank shell plate [34]

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484 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

of the weld. This is where the residual stresses are concentrated. And this crack propagates
along the former austenite grain boundaries of the HAZ.
The SR-crack susceptibility of particular types of steel is governed by PWHT temperature and the alloying element. Figure 8-79 shows how SR crack susceptibility is
affected by particular alloying elements contained in the testing steels and PWHT temperature. It clearly shows that the crack susceptibility becomes highest at 600C. This
is believed to be caused by the alloying elements carbide precipitation hardening of the
crystal grains, thereby decreasing relatively the strength of the grain boundaries.
PSR cracking susceptibility index can be calculated as follows:
PSR (%) = Cr + Cu + 2 Mo + 10V + 7 Nb + 5Ti - 2

(8 11)

where the applicable ranges of alloying elements are

1.5%Cr max,
0.10 to 0.25%C,
1.0%Cu max,
2.0%Mo max,
0.15%V max,
0.15%Nb max, and
0.15%Ti max.

Figure 8-78. T
 ypical SR cracks occurring in a 780-MPa high tensile strength steel weld
(PWHT: 600C 2 h), KHK, Safety & Tomorrow, Mar. 2000 [34], http://www.

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 485

It is believed that where PSR is larger than zero SR crack can occur.
To avoid SR Cracking, the following measures may be taken:
1. Select a less susceptible steel taking into account, for instance, the SR cracking
susceptibility index (PSR).
2. Refine the coarse grain HAZ at the toe of the weld by applying the temper bead
3. Dress the weld metal to smoothen the transition to the surface of the base metal,
or remove the reinforcement of the weld metal to be flush against the surface of
the base metal to minimize or remove the site of stress concentration.
4. Avoid lapping a fillet weld onto a butt joint weld to prevent excessive residual
stresses and stress concentration.
5. Avoid joining components of excessively dissimilar thicknesses to prevent the
high concentration of stress. Construction of Spheres
Figures 8-80 (A, B and C) through 8-81 [7], show the process of fabricating and welding spheres for the purpose of storing high vapor pressures hydrocarbons, such as LPG/
Propane, etc. Typical LPG Sphere Fabrication and Completion is shown in Figure

8.7.5 Mechanical/Piping Components and Instrumentation Mechanical Appurtenances
Typical mechanical appurtenances and piping that make up a storage tank include the

Figure 8-79. S
 R crack susceptibility of Cr-Mo steel (0.16%C, 0.30%Si, 0.60%Mn, 0.99%Cr,
0.46%Mo) as a function of PWHT temperature and additional alloying elements
in groove restraint cracking test [31, 36]

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486 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Gauge well pipe

Gauge Well Sleeve
Shell Nozzle pipe
Water draw off nozzle
Roof nozzle pipe
Temperature hatch
Pipe support sleeve
Pipe support legs
Auto bleeder vent pipe
Auto bleeder vent sleeve
Emergency drain pipe
Roof drain pipe
Fire water line
Foam Water line
Swivel for Primary Roof Drain
Primary & Secondary Seal
Foam & Water System- FR Tank
Pressure Relief Lines
Rolling ladder

Some of the above mechanical components along with other fitting arrangements
are illustrated in previous Figures 8-33 to 8-43 (see Section 8.4.4). Instrumentation and Controls
Storage tank instrumentation includes all gauges (sampling, temperature, pressure,
densitometer, viscometer level/volume/mass measurements) and instruments (including rain and wind gauges) for hydrocarbon liquid handling and controls. It can also

Figure 8-80. A Plate pressing [7]

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 487

Figure 8-80B. Plate cutting

Figure 8-80C. Bending/fabrication [7]

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488 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-81. Bending, lifting, aligning, and welding [7]

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 489

Figure 8-82. Typical LPG sphere fabrication and completion [7]

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490 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

include leak detection system with the appropriate software for data analysis and reporting and inventory management. Instrumentation will also include receiving alarms
and the activation and control of fire and fire suppressant systems and for security
Inventory control of the hydrocarbon products in a pipeline tank farm is very important and must be carried out continuously to assist pipeline operation, particularly
a batched pipeline system.
In a pipeline tank farm tank level measurement is integrated seamlessly into the
automation system (Figure 8-83). Measurement hardware products could include
Level Gauging through
Tank Fittings
Tank Field Control
Some of the other measurement and controls include:

Measurement and control of received and dispatched products

Vapor recovery
Measurement of storage quantities for product inventory
Loading technology, volume measurement and connection to automation
Access control and identification systems
Special loading technology for railcars and barges (if applicable particularly at
delivery ends of pipelines)
Systems for inline and batch blending
Additive Injection
Pump units, systems and control systems for hydrocarbon product mainline
transportation or terminal tank transfers and blending
Valve opening and closure controls for product receipt and shipping as well as
in terminal tank transfers
Control of all product reception, inventory and delivery

8.7.6 Tank Venting Emission Calculations

Emissions from hydrocarbon liquids in storage occur because of evaporative loss of
the liquid during its storage and as a result of changes in the liquid level. The emission
sources vary with tank design, as does the relative contribution of each type of emission source.
Emissions from fixed roof tanks are a result of evaporative losses during storage
(known as breathing losses or standing storage losses) and evaporative losses during
filling and emptying operations (known as working losses).
External and internal floating roof tanks are emission sources because of evaporative losses that occur during standing storage and withdrawal of liquid from the tank.
Standing storage losses are a result of evaporative losses through rim seals, deck fittings, and/or deck seams.
EPA document AP-42 [33], provides a detailed method for calculating emissions
losses from single-wall storage tanks, both internal and external floating roof tanks.
AP-42 can be viewed under section Organic Liquid Storage Tanks (Background

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 491

Figure 8-83. A
 typical level gauging system incorporated seamlessly into terminal automation
systems [37]

Document) on the U.S. EPAs website at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ap42/ch07/index.

The following provide a stepwise approach of calculating emission factors for
single-wall (Non-Insulated) and protected (Insulated) ASTs using AP-42. Only calculation of losses for fixed roof tanks are included in details. However, reference is also
made attributed to floating roof tanks. Total Losses from Fixed Roof Storage Tanks
The following equations apply to horizontal aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) that
store organic liquids i.e. gasoline. These tanks must be substantially liquid and vaportight and must operate at atmospheric pressure. Total losses from ASTs are equal to the
sum of the standing storage loss and working loss calculated for each month:

LT = LS + LW

(8 12)

LT = total losses, lb/year
LS = standing storage/breathing loss, lb/year
LW = working loss, lb/year
Standing Storage or Breathing Loss is calculated as follows


(8 13)

LS = Standing storage losses, lb/month
n = number of days in the respective each year (usually 365, a constant)

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492 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Vv = vapor space volume of the ullage, ft3
Wv = vapor density, lb/ft3
KE = vapor space expansion factor, dimensionless
KS = vented vapor saturation factor, dimensionless
Tank vapor space volume, VV, is considered to be equal to the ullage volume and
is estimated as:

VV = pD 2 /4 H VO

(8 14)

VV = vapor space volume, ft3
D = tank diameter, ft,
HVO = vapor space outage, ft, see Eq. (8-15)
The vapor space outage, HVO is the height of a cylinder of tank of diameter D,
whose volume is equivalent to the vapor space volume of a fixed roof tank, including
the volume under the cone or dome roof.
The vapor space outage, HVO, can be estimated from:

H VO = HS - H L + H RO

(8 15)

HVO = vapor space outage, ft
HS = tank shell height, ft
HL = liquid height, ft
HRO = roof outage, ft;
For a cone roof, the roof outage, HRO, is calculated as follows:
H RO = 1/3H R

(8 16)

HRO = roof outage (or shell height equivalent to the volume contained under the
roof), ft
HR = tank roof height, ft

(8 17)

SR = tank cone roof slope, ft/ft; if unknown, a standard value of 0.0625 can be
RS = tank shell radius, ft
For a dome roof, the roof outage, HRO, is calculated as follows

H RO = H R + 1/6 ( H R /RS)

(8 18)

HRO = roof outage, ft
RS = tank shell radius, ft
HR = tank roof height, ft

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 493

H R = RR - RR2 - RR2


(8 19)

HR = tank roof height, ft

RR = tank dome roof radius, ft
RS = tank shell radius, ft
The value of RR usually ranges from 0.8D to 1.2D, where D = 2 RS. If RR is unknown, the tank diameter is used in its place. If the tank diameter is used as the value
for RR,
Equations (8-18) and (8-19) reduce to

H RO = 0.137 RS and H R = 0.268 RS.

(8 20)

Alternatively the following approximate formulae can be used

VV = tank capacity (ft3)
Example: Tank capacity range = 751 to 1000 gallons
Average tank capacity = 875.5 gallons = 875.5/7.481 = 117 ft3

Vv = 1/2*117 = 58.5 ft3

The standing storage loss LS equation can be simplified by combining Eq. (8-12)
with Eq. (8-13) and consider n = 365. The result is

LS = 365 pD 2/4 HVO KSWV

(8 21)

Vapor Space Expansion Factor, KE (of Eq. (8-12)

The calculation of the vapor space expansion factor, KE, depends upon the properties of the liquid in the tank and the breather vent settings. If the liquid product has
a true vapor pressure greater than 0.1 psia, or if the breather vent settings are higher
than the typical range of 0.03 psig. If the liquid stored in the fixed roof tank has a true
vapor pressure less than 0.1 psia and the tank breather vent settings are 0.03 psig, use
either Eq. (8-22) or Eq. (8-23).
If the tank location and tank color and condition are known, KE can be calculated
using the following equation:

KE = 0.0018D TV = 0.0018 0.72 ( TAX - TAN ) + 0.028aI

(8 22)

= vapor space expansion factor, dimensionless
DTV = daily vapor temperature range, R
TAX = daily maximum ambient temperature, R
TAN = daily minimum ambient temperature, R
= tank paint solar absorptance, dimensionless
= daily total solar insolation on a horizontal surface, Btu/(ft2 day)
0.0018 = constant, (R)-1
0.72 = constant, dimensionless
0.028 = constant, (R ft2 day)/Btu

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494 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

If the tank location is unknown, a value of KE can be calculated using typical
meteorological conditions for the area. For example, the typical value for daily solar
insolation in the USA is 1370 Btu/(ft2 day), the daily range of ambient temperature
is 21R, the daily minimum ambient temperature is 473.5R, and the tank paint solar
absorptance is 0.17 for white paint in good condition.
Substituting these values into Eq. (8-11) results in a value of 0.04, as shown in Eq.
(7-12) below.

K E = 0.04

(8 23)

However, when the liquid stock has a true vapor pressure greater than 0.1 psia,
a more accurate estimate of the vapor space expansion factor, KE, is obtained by Eq.
(8-24) below. As shown in the equation, KE is greater than zero. If KE is less than zero,
standing storage losses will not occur.

KE = (D TV / TLA ) + (DPV - DPB ) / (14.7- PVA )

(8 24)

KE = vapor space expansion factor, dimensionless
DTV = daily vapor temperature range, R
DPV = daily vapor pressure range, psi
DPB = breather vent pressure setting range, psi
14.7 = atmospheric pressure, psi
PVA = vapor pressure at daily average liquid surface temperature, psi (derived
TLA = daily average liquid (gasoline) surface temperature, R (derived earlier)
The daily vapor temperature range, DTV, is calculated below using the daily
maximum and daily minimum liquid (gasoline) surface temperatures (derived
Assumption: The vapor temperature range is equal to the liquid (gasoline) surface temperature range.


(8 25)

The daily vapor pressure range, PV, is calculated using the following


(8 26)

PVX = vapor pressure PVA at daily maximum liquid (gasoline) surface temperature, psi
PVN = vapor pressure PVA at daily minimum liquid (gasoline) surface temperature, psi
Using the daily maximum and daily minimum liquid (gasoline) surface temperatures, the respective vapor pressures can be calculated as:

PVX = exp A ( B/TLX )

(8 27)

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 495

PVN = exp A ( B/TLN )

(8 28)

RVP = 7 psi, A = 11.83 and B = 5500.90R
RVP = 9 psi, A = 11.75 and B = 5314.31R
The breather vent pressure setting range, delta PB, is calculated using the
following equation:

(8 29)

DPB = breather vent range (psi)
PBP = breather vent pressure setting (psi)
PBV = breather vent vacuum setting (psi)
For ASTs with a pressure/vacuum vent valve
PBP = 2 in H2O @ 0.0722 psi
PBV = 4 in H2O @ 0.1444 psi
For ASTs with no pressure/vacuum vent valve
PBP = 0 in H2O @ 0 psi
PBV = 0 in H2O @ 0 psi
The vapor pressure at daily average liquid (gasoline) surface temperature,
PVA, is calculated as shown earlier.
The daily average liquid (gasoline) surface temperature, TLA, is calculated
as shown earlier.
Vented Vapor Saturation Factor, KS The vented vapor saturation factor is
calculated using the following equation:

Ks =

= 1
1 + ( 0.053* PVA * H VO )

(8 30)

KS = dimensionless factor
PVA = vapor pressure at daily average fuel surface temperature, psi
HVO = vapor space outage = 0 ft
(as mentioned earlier, the ASTs being considered in this evaluation are
horizontal with no roof outage or vapor space outage factor)
Calculation of Vapor Properties WV
Vapor Density, WV, is the density of the vapor and is calculated using the following equation:


(8 31)

WV = vapor density, lb/ft3
MV = vapor molecular weight, lb/lb-mole
R = the ideal gas constant, 10.731 psiaft3/lb-moleR
PVA = vapor pressure at daily average liquid-surface temperature, psia

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496 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

TLA = daily average liquid (gasoline/hydrocarbon) surface temperature, R
Molecular weight of the vapor (MV) is obtained from the Table 8-4 below the
physical properties of gasoline. The molecular weight of gasoline changes with
the change in Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP).
Example: The RVP of gasoline for the summer months (April to October) is
7.0psi and for the winter months (November to March) is 9.0 psi. Listed below would
be the molecular weight of gasoline for each corresponding RVP:
April to October RVP = 7 psi, MV = 68
November to March RVP = 9 psi, MV = 67
True vapor pressure (PVA) of gasoline products, at the daily average liquid
surface temperature, can be determined using the following equation:
PVA = exp A - ( B / TLA )

(8 32)

exp = exponential function
TLA = daily average liquid (gasoline) surface temperature, R
Figure 3-5 in AP-42 [38] shows the equations that can be used to determine vapor
pressure constants, A (dimensionless) and B (R) for each corresponding RVP of
RVP = 7 psi, A = 11.83 and B = 5500.90,R
RVP = 9 psi, A = 11.75 and B = 5314.31,R
Daily average liquid (gasoline) surface temperature (TLA) is calculated
using the following equation:
TLA = ( TLN + TLX ) /2

(8 33)

Table 8-4. Properties (MV, PVA, WL) of typical petroleum liquids (reproduced from GPSA [30])
Crude RVP 5
Fuel Oil #2,
Gasoline RVP 7
Gasoline RVP 7.8
Gasoline RVP 8.3
Gasoline RVP 10
Gasoline RVP 11.5
Gasoline RVP 13
Gasoline RVP 13.5
Gasoline RVP 15
Jet Kerosene
Jet Naphta (JP -4)
Naphta Oil #6

Vapor Mole
Weight (60F) Density (60F)

True Vapor Pressure PVA (PSI)




















8.7076 10.3774
9.7656 11.6067
0.00006 0.00009



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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 497

TLN = daily minimum liquid (gasoline) surface temperature, R
TLX = daily maximum liquid (gasoline) surface temperature, R
These values can be determined from ambient temperature data to calculate the
average temperatures as follows:
Tamb.avg = daily ambient average temperature, F
Tamb.range = daily ambient temperature range, F or R
Air Resources Board of Canada [39] conducted a study determining the effect of
daily/diurnal ambient temperatures on gasoline surface temperatures (TLN and TLX)
(Figure 8-84). The results indicate the following:
Single Wall (Non-Insulated) ASTs: Gasoline surface temperature range = Ambient temperature range attenuated by factor 0.17.
Protected (Insulated) ASTs: Gasoline surface temperature range = Ambient temperature range attenuated by factor 0.80.
The study indicated that diurnal changes in ambient temperature have a very small
effect on the gasoline surface temperature.
Using the above attenuation factors and ambient temperature data, the daily minimum and maximum liquid (gasoline) surface temperatures can be estimated for both
non-insulated and insulated ASTs as follows: Note that amb.avg temperature is converted from F to R by adding 460.
The daily minimum liquid (gasoline) surface temperature (TLN) can be calculated


TLN = Tamb.avg + 460 - (1 - Attenuation factor ) Tambrange / 2 (8 34)

The daily maximum liquid (gasoline) surface temperature (TLX) can be calculated

TLX = Tamb.avg + 460 + (1 - Attenuation factor ) Tamb.range / 2 (8 35)

Working Loss (LW), Eq. (7-12)

The working loss, LW, refers to the loss of product vapors as a result of tank filling or
emptying operations. Fixed roof tank working losses can be estimated from:
The general equation for working loss is as follows:

L W = 0.0010 MV PVA QKN KP

(8 36)

LW = working loss, lb/yr
MV = vapor molecular weight, lb/lb-mole; (MV) can be obtained from the Table
8-4 [38]. It may be noted that the molecular weight of gasoline changes
with the change in Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP).
PVA = vapor pressure at daily average liquid surface temperature, psia; see Eq.
Q = annual net throughput (tank capacity [bbl] times annual turnover rate),

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498 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-84. A
 mbient temperature compared to gasoline surface temperature in a single-wall
(non-insulated) storage tank [39]

KN = working loss turnover (saturation) factor, dimensionless

for turnovers > 36, KN = (180 + N)/6N
for turnovers 36, KN = 1
N = number of turnovers per year, dimensionless

N = 5.614 Q / VLX

(8 37)

VLX = tank maximum liquid volume, ft3

VLX = p /4 D 2 HLX

(8 38)

D = diameter, ft
HLX = maximum liquid height, ft
KP = working loss product factor, dimensionless for crude oils KP = 0.75
for all other organic liquids, KP = 1
Using the following steps, Eq. (7-36) can be simplified to combine all variables
into one equation.
Using Eq. (8-31), the term MVPVA can be replaced with Eq. (8-38).


(8 39)

Using a combination of Eq. (7-37) and Eq. (7-38), the term Q can be replaced
with the following Eq. (8-40).

Q = [ N H LX / 5.614 ] ( p /4 ) D 2

(8 40)

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Assuming a standard value of R to be 10.731 ft3 psia/(lb-mole R), the result is
Eq. (7-40).

L W = ( 0.001/ 6.614)(10.731) TLA N H


( p /4 ) D 2 KN KP WV KB

(8 41)

The above assumes that vent setting KB = 1

LW = working loss, lb/yr
N = number of turnovers per year, (year)1
HLX = maximum liquid height, ft
D = diameter, ft
KN = working loss turnover (saturation) factor, dimensionless; see Figure 8-85
for turnovers > 36, KN = (180 + N)/6N
for turnovers 36, KN = 1
KP = working loss product factor, dimensionless for crude oils KP = 0.75 for all
other organic liquids, KP = 1
WV = vapor density, lb/ft3, see Eq. (8-31)
KB = vent setting correction factor, dimensionless for open vents and for a vent
setting range up to 0.03 psig, KB = 1 Total Losses from Floating Roof Tanks
External Floating Roofs: For external floating roof tanks, the majority of rim seal
vapor losses are wind induced. No dominant wind loss mechanism are reported by the
industry for internal floating roof or domed external floating roof tank rim seals.
Rim losses can also occur due to permeation of the rim seal material by the vapor
or via a wicking effect of the liquid, but permeation of the rim seal material generally
does not occur if the correct seal fabric is used. Testing has indicated that breathing,
solubility, and wicking loss mechanisms are small in comparison to the wind-induced

Figure 8-85. Turn over factors for fixed roof tanks (note: for 36 turnovers/year, or loss, KN = 1.0)

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500 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

A test method to estimates evaporation losses for floating rood tank turnover is
describes by Sung [40].
Internal Floating Roofs: Deck seams in internal floating roof tanks are a source
of emissions to the extent that these seams may not be completely vapor tight if the
deck is not welded. Generally, the same loss mechanisms for fittings apply to deck
seams. The predominant mechanism depends on whether or not the deck is in contact
with the stored liquid. The deck seam loss equation accounts for the effects of all contributing loss mechanisms.
Total Losses Calculations: Total floating roof tank emissions are the sum of rim
seal, withdrawal, deck fitting, and deck seam losses. The equations presented in this
subsection apply only to floating roof tanks. The equations are not intended to be used
in the following applications:
1. To estimate losses from unstable or boiling stocks or from mixtures of hydrocarbons or petrochemicals for which the vapor pressure is not known or cannot
readily be predicted;
2. To estimate losses from closed internal or closed domed external floating roof
tanks (tanks vented only through a pressure/vacuum vent); or
3. To estimate losses from tanks in which the materials used in the rim seal and/
or deck fittings are either deteriorated or significantly permeated by the stored
Under normal operation, total losses from floating roof tanks may be written as:
LT = LR + LWD + LF + LD

(8 42)

LT = total loss, lb/yr
LR = rim seal loss, lb/yr;
LWD = withdrawal loss, lb/yr;
LF = deck fitting loss, lb/yr;
LD = deck seam loss (internal floating roof tanks only), lb/yr.
Loss factors may be estimated for deck fitting configurations at the zero miles-perhour wind speed condition (for internal floating roof tanks-IFRTs and coned floating
roof tanks CFRTs), using standard AP-42 [38].

8.7.7 Operational Issues

There are number of issues related to the physical operation and maintenance of hydrocarbon storage tanks. Some of these issues are described below.
Storm Water on Floating Roof Tank - Drainage Operation: Storm water accumulated on a concave floating roof of an oil storage tank may affect its floatation,
hence its operation, making it necessary to immediately drain the water. This is usually
done through a flexible pipe, running from the floating roof down the tank, to an outlet
above the ground near the bottom of the tank (Figure 8-86).
The following problems may occur in the operation of a floating roof drainage
Small or large volumes of the product from the tank can penetrate the flexible
pipe through pinholes or cracks that may appear in it. The product will then
drain through the water drainage system unnoticed.

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 501

Product from the tank may occasionally run over the floating roof through the
roofs seal and exit through the water drainage pipe unnoticed.
Sometimes the flexible pipe is bent or clogged preventing water from the roof
to pass through it. In this case, water remains on the floating roof and this may
disturb its floatation capability.
For safety and to avoid the above challenges the following are typically
1. Installation of Oily Sheen/Water Detector: An oil sheen leak detector (such
as Leakwise ID-223 Oil Sheen Detector) can be installed in a settling tank (or
in a sump or a separator) on the external water drainage pipeline. This settling
tank will settle the liquid flowing in the pipeline from the roof drainage pipe
outlet to allow detection by the detectors floating sensor. Normal indication of
the such a sensor should be water on rainy days, or air on dry days. An alarm
will be triggered if the detector detects oil or oil on water, indicating that oil is
seeping through the roof drainage pipe (Figure 8-87).
2. Detection of Clogs in the Roof Water Drainage System: If air instead of
water is indicated after a rainy day, it means that the flexible roof drainage pipe
is bent or clogged and no water is running through it.
3. Savings on Water Treatment Costs: An oil sheen leak detector (such as the
Leakwise ID-223 Oil Sheen Detector) can be used to control valves, pumps,
and sump gates. By utilizing the control capabilities of detector sensors, the users can decide on the discharge of the storm water from the tanks roof directly
to the sea, river, or public drainage system. Only the oily water will be diverted
to treatment. This reduces the load from the local treatment system and brings
substantial cost savings.

Figure 8-86. Problems in roof drainage operation floating roof tank

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502 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Tank Overfill and Spill: Most tanks are equipped with high level alarm systems
to reduce the risk of spills. However, the greatest concern with a tank is the possibility
of an overflow spill due to instrumentation malfunction or operator error.
An ignited overflow spill will result in a major fire in the dike/bunded area around
the tank as well as a fire at the surface level of the tank.
It is always important to control the spill fire before attempting to control the tank
surface fire, since a spill fire would continue to re-ignite vapors coming from the tank.
With the spill fire contained, efforts can be made to control the tank surface fire. Industrys
practice is to secure the spill area with a foam blanket for the duration of the incident.
A floating roof, when in place, limits the amount of surface available to support a
fire. If the floating roof is lost, due to an explosion or sinking, the fire can be expected
to intensify rapidly.
Floating roof tanks may experience rim seal fires. These fires involve the seal area
between the floating roof and the inside wall of the storage tank. The seals are typically
made from synthetic rubber or plastic. The seal is about 200-300 mm (8 to 12 in.) wide,
depending on the type of tank. These fires are generally controllable with small hand-lines
or dry chemical extinguishers. In a cone/floating roof tank, the fire may be contained in the
space between the floating roof and the fixed roof, out of the reach of hose streams.
When applying foam, care must be taken to avoid sinking or tilting the floater.
Therefore it is important that no plain water is applied onto a floating roof as it could
cause the roof to sink.
Entry onto the roof of a floating roof tank can only occur after assessing the risk to
the personnel and determining if the roof is constructed using an inherently buoyant
design. Floating roofs that are inherently buoyant are constructed of steel with multiple bulkheads that form liquid tight compartments.
The position of the floating roof in relation to the top of the tank shell should also
be assessed. A floating roof that is more than 1.5 m (5 feet) below the top of the tank
shell constitutes a confined space. If entry onto the roof is being considered as part of
the incident strategy, the procedures for confined space operations must be applied.
The industry prefers the use of subsurface foam injection, topside fixed foam
chambers, and hydro-foam monitor nozzles as a method to control a full surface fire.

Figure 8-87. Treatment oil storm water from floating roof tank

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When an entire tank top surface area is involved, hand-line streams will not be able
to penetrate the thermal column to reach the burning liquid surface. Large volume
Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF) streams are the only alternative to subsurface
injection or fixed system.

8.7.8 Cathodic Protection of Above Ground Hydrocarbon Storage Tanks Definition of Corrosion
Corrosion is,
The deterioration of a substance (usually a metal) or its properties because of a
reaction with its environment.
The result of interaction between a metal and environments which results in its
gradual destruction.
An aspect of the decay of materials by chemical or biological agents.
An extractive metallurgy in reverse. For instance, iron is made from hematite
by heating with carbon. Iron corrodes and reverts to rust, thus completing its
life cycle. The hematite and rust have the same composition.
Electrical energy added to metals when manufactured will leave when it is
placed in a corrosive environment.
Generally Corrosion Can be Defined as Either: 1 Practical Tendency of a Metal
to Revert to its Native State or 2 Scientific Electrochemical Degradation of Metal
as a Result of a Reaction with its Environment [41]. Corrosive Environment
Corrosion cannot be defined without a reference to environment. All environments are
corrosive to some degree. Following is the list of typical corrosive environment.

Air and humidity

Fresh, distilled, salt and marine water.
Urban, marine and industrial atmospheres
Steam and gases, like chlorine
Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide
Sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen
Fuel gases and liquid hydrocarbons
Soils Consequences of Corrosion

Some important consequences of corrosion can be summarized as follows:
Facilities shutdown. Shutdown of refiner, power plants and pipelines may cause
severe problems to industry and consumers.
Loss of products, leaking containers, storage tanks, oil and gas transportation
lines and hydrocarbon storage tanks cause significant loss of product and may
generate severe accidents and hazards.
Loss of capacity: efficiency loss in pipelines by corrosion reduces the transportation piping capacity.
Contamination. Corrosion products may contaminate the stored and transported
hydrocarbons and other products resulting in dire consequences.

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The Importance of Corrosion Control are:

Preserve Assets
Reduce Maintenance Costs
Reduce Inspection Cost
Company/Government Requirement
Preserve the Environment

For corrosion to take place, the formation of a corrosion cell is essential. A corrosion cell is comprised of the following four components:

Metallic path

These are described below (Figure 8-88).

1. Anode:
One of the two dissimilar metal electrodes in an electrolytic cell, represented
as the negative terminal of the cell.
Electrons are released at the anode, which is the more reactive metal.
Electrons are insoluble in aqueous solutions and they only move, through
the wire connection into the cathode.
Fe Fe+2 + 2e-

2. Cathode:
One of the two electrodes in an electrolytic cell represented as a positive
terminal of a cell.
Reduction takes place at the cathode and electrons are consumed.

O2 + 2H2O + 4e-4OH- (Figure 8-89)

3. Electrolyte
It is the electrically conductive solution (e.g. salt solution, soil) that must be
present for corrosion to occur.
4. Metallic Path

Figure 8-88. Corrosion cell [41]

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The two electrodes are connected externally by a metallic conductor. Metals
provide a path for the flow of conventional current which is actually passage of
electrons in the opposite direction.
For corrosion to take place the four conditions states above must be present, previous Figure 8-89. The reaction characteristics can be anodic or cathodic.
Anodic Reaction Characteristics
(1) Oxidation of metal to an ion with a charge
(2) Release of electrons.
(3) Shift to a higher valence state.
Cathodic Reaction Characteristics
(1) Cathodic reactions are reduction reactions which occur at the cathode.
(2) Electrons released by the anodic reactions are consumed at the cathode
The most common cathodic reactions in terms of electrons transfer are illustrated
(a) 2H+ + 2e > H2 (in acid solution)
(b) O2 + 4H + 4e -> 2H2O (in acid solution)
(c) 2H2O + O2 + 4e > 4OH (in neutral and alkaline solutions)
(d) Fe3++ e -Fe2+ (metal ion reduction in ferric salt solutions)
(e) Metal deposition: M2+ + 2e -> M

Ni++ + 2e -> Ni

Cu2+ + 2e -> Cu
(f) Bacterial reduction of sulfate:

SO2 + 8H+ + 8e -> S+ 4H2O

Figure 8-89. A galvanic cell (Daniel cell), (reproduced from [41])

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506 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Standard Electrode Potential of various material are indicated in Table 8-5. The
electro Galvanic Series for Materials in Neutral Soils & Water.
The electro potential of some commercially available materials for anodes are
provided in Table 8-6. Types of Corrosion
1 Uniform Corrosion
It is the uniform thinning of a metal without any localized attack.
Corrosion does not penetrate very deep inside. The most familiar example
is the rusting of steel in air.
(1) Dry atmosphere.
(2) Damp atmosphere.
(3) Wet atmosphere.
(4) Acids (HC1, HCIO4, H3PO4).
Table 8-5. The electro galvanic series for materials [42]
Electrode Potential
Na = Na+ + eMg = Mg+2 + 2eAl = Al+3 + 3eMn = Mn+2 + 2eZn = Zn+2 + 2eFe = Fe+2 + 2eCd = Cd+2 + 2eH2 = 2H+ + 2eCu = Cu+2 + 2e4OH= O2 + 2H2O + 4eAg = Ag+ + eAu = Au+3 + 3e-

Volt (Oxidation)
2714 AKTF

Table 8-6. Electro potential of some commercially available anodes

Carbon, graphite, coke
Mill scale on steel
High silicon cast iron
Copper, brass, bronze
Mild steel in concrete
Cast iron (not graphitized)
Mild steel (rusted)
Mild steel (clean and shiny)
Commercially pure aluminum
Aluminum alloy (5% zinc)
Magnesium Alloy (6% Al, 3% Zn, 0.15% Mn
Commercially pure magnesium

Potential Volts (CSE)*

0 to 0.1
0.2 to 0.5
0.2 to 0.8

*Note: The typical potentials given in the above table are normally observed in neutral soils
and water, measured with respect to copper sulfate electrode reference (CSE). It may be
noted that material with more negative potential can protect the less electronegative potential. Thus for example copper can be protected by lead, but not by carbon graphite coke.

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 507

(5) Atmospheric contaminants.
(6) Process water containing hydrogen sulfide.
(7) Brines.
(8) Industrial atmosphere.
(9) Hydrocarbon containing wet hydrogen sulfide.
Examples of Uniform Corrosion
(1) Tarnishing of silver ware.
(2) Tarnishing of electrical contacts.
(3) Rusting of steels in open air.
(4) Corrosion of offshore drilling platforms.
(5) Corrosion of galvanized steel stairways.
(6) Failure of distillation columns.
(7) Corrosion of electronic components.
(8) Corrosion of underground pipes (composite asphalt coated).
(9) Corrosion of automobile bodies.
(10) Corrosion of heat exchanger tubes.
(11) Corrosion of structural steels.
2 Galvanic Corrosion
Galvanic corrosion occurs when two metals with different electrochemical
potentials or with different tendencies to corrode are in metal-to-metal contact in a corrosive electrolyte.
When two metals with different potentials are joined, such as copper
(+0.334V) and iron (0.440 V), a galvanic cell is formed. A cell in which
the chemical change is the source of energy, is called a galvanic cell The corrosion which is caused due to the formation of the galvanic cell is, therefore,
called galvanic corrosion.
3 Defect/Voids Corrosion
This is a localized form of corrosion, caused by the deposition of dirt, dust,
mud and deposits on a metallic surface or by the existence of voids, gaps and
cavities between adjoining surfaces.
An important condition is the formation of a differential aeration cell
for crevice corrosion to occur. This phenomenon limits the use, particularly of steels, in marine environment, chemical and petrochemical
Factors affecting crevice corrosion (Figure 8-90)
(a) Defect/Void type.
(b) Alloy composition.
(c) Passive film characteristics.
(d) Geometry of crevice.
(e) Bulk composition of media.
(f) Bulk environment.
(g) Mass transfer in and out of crevice.
(h) Oxygen

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508 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-90. F
 actors affecting defect/crevice corrosion (reproduced after [41]), (Legend: 1Electrolyte, 2Electrolytic environment, 3Mass convection (in/out of defect), 4Defect
solution, 5Electrochemical reaction (metal solution, O2 reduction, H2 evolution),
6Alloy composition (major/minor base elements, impurities), 7Passive film characteristics (passive current or film stability), 8Defect type (metal/metal, metal/nonmetal, metal/marine growth), 9Defect geometry (gap-width, depth), 10Overall
geometry (exterior to interior defect area ratio, number of defects), after [42])

4 Pitting Corrosion
It is a form of localized corrosion of a metal surface where small areas corrode preferentially leading to the formation of cavities or pits, and the bulk
of the surface remains un-attacked (Figure 8-91).
Metals which form passive films, such as aluminum and steels, are more
susceptible to this form of corrosion.
It is the most insidious form of corrosion. It causes failure by penetration
with only a small percent weight-loss of the entire structure.
It is a major type of failure in chemical processing industry. The destructive
nature of pitting is illustrated by the fact that usually the entire system must
be replaced.
Generally, the most conducive environment for pitting is the marine environment. Ions, such as Cl, Br and I, in appreciable concentrations tend to
cause pitting of steel. The sulfate ions also induce pitting of steels.
Aluminum also pits in an environment that cause the pitting of steel. If traces
of Cu2+ are present in water, or Fe+3 ions are in water, copper or iron would
be deposited on aluminum metal surface and pitting would be initiated.
Oxidizing metal ions with chloride, such as cupric, ferric and mercuric,
cause severe pitting.
Presence of dust or dirt particles in water may also lead to pitting corrosion
in copper pipes transporting seawater.
5 Stress Corrosion Cracking and Hydrogen Blistering/Damage
Stress corrosion is the failure of a metal resulting from the conjoint action of stress
and chemical attack (Figure 8-92).
It is a phenomenon associated with a combination of static tensile stress,
environment and in some systems, a metallurgical condition which leads

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Figure 8-91. Pitting corrosion (reproduced after [41])

to component failure due to the initiation and propagation of a high aspect ratio crack.
It is characterized by fine cracks which lead to failure of components are
potentially the structure concerned. Stress corrosion cracking is abbreviated as SCC.
The following conditions are necessary for SCC to occur:
A susceptible metal.
A specific environment.
A tensile or residual stress.

Figure 8-92. Causes of SCC (reproduced from [41])

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510 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Table 8-7. Sources of stress for SCC
Shearing, punching, cutting
Bending, crimping, riveting
Machining (lathe/mill/drill)
Heat treatment
Straightening, breaking, deep drawing

Rapid heating and quenching
Thermal expansions
Bolting (flanged joints)
Pressure (internal or external)
Structural loading

Sources of SCC are indicated in Table 8-7.

Various types of SCC are distinguished as below:
a. Chloride stress corrosion cracking. It occurs in austenitic steels under tensile stress in the presence of oxygen, chloride ion and high temperature.
b. Caustic stress corrosion cracking. Cracking of steels in caustic environments where the hydrogen concentration is high, for instance, cracking
of Inconel tubes in alkaline solutions.
c. Sulfide stress corrosion cracking. Cracking of steels in hydrogen sulfide
environment as encountered in oil drilling industry.
d. Seasonal cracking. The term is now obsolete. It had a historical significance only. It refers only to SCC of brass in ammoniacal environment, but still occasionally occurs in refrigeration plant using ammonia
6 Hydrogen Attack/Damage (High Temperature Hydrogen Attack)
Steels are also damaged by hydrogen blistering at high temperatures. There are
three categories of hydrogen damage (Figure 8-93):
(a) High temperature hydrogen attack (hydrogen damage)
(b) Hydrogen blistering
(c) Hydrogen embrittlement
For the HIC Figure 8-94, to occur, the following conditions must occur:
(a) The presence of water phase.
(b) The presence of atomic hydrogen.
(c) An agent that retards the formation of molecular hydrogen at the surface.
(d) Presence of grain boundaries or inclusions.
(e) Maintenance of an active surface.
(f) Discontinuity in metal, such as slag, inclusion and/or void.
7 Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking
Mechanisms sulfide stress corrosion cracking is shown in Figure 8-95. Storage Tank Cathodic Protection
Tanks are subject to corrosion if not protected (Figure 8-96).
Corrosion can be initiated and propagated throughout the tankage system including the following locations

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Figure 8-93. Hydrogen diffusion and attack (reproduced from [41])

Figure 8-94. Hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) (reproduced from [41])

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512 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-95. Sulfide stress corrosion cracking mechanism (reproduced from [41])

Tank underside [43] (Figure 8-97A)

Atmospheric corrosion
Presence of corrosive sludge
Contaminants causing corrosion
Water seepage

As indicated previously corrosion is an electrochemical process as it involves transport

of electron(s) from a source (anode, in this case defect in steel) to a receptor (cathode)
through an electrical path created by a conductive medium (electrolyte) (Figure 8-97B).
To avoid corrosion, the aim would be to supply additional electrons to a metallic structure. Such additional electrons would cause an increase in the rate of cathodic reaction
thus reducing the rate of anodic reaction. This would eventually minimize or eliminate
corrosion (Figure 8-98).
The anode would become more negative and the cathode more positive. Cathodic
protection is, therefore, achieved by supplying an external negative current to the corroding metal to make the surface acquire the same potential to eliminate the anodic
areas. The anodic areas are eliminated by transfer of electrons.
After a sufficient current flow, the potential of anodic areas would become negative enough for corrosion to stop.

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Figure 8-96. Underside corrosion in hydrocarbon storage tanks

Figure 8-97. AExternal corrosion of tank bottom and Bcorrosion cell [44,45]

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514 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-98. Cathodic protection of hydrocarbon storage tank

(a) There must be an anode, a cathode, an electrolyte and a metallic path for the
transfer of electrons.
(b) A source of DC current to supply electrons.
(c) Sufficient direct current should be applied to eliminate the potential difference
between the anode and the cathode.
Two types of cathodic protection systems exist: Gavanic and Impressed current. Galvanic Anode or Sacrificial Anode CP System (Figure 8-99)
Cathodic protection can be applied by connecting sacrificial anodes to a
Basically, the principle is to create a galvanic cell, with the anode representing
the less noble material that is consumed in the galvanic interaction.
The following advantages are associated with sacrificial anode CP systems:

No external power sources required.

Ease of installation (and relatively low installation costs).
Unlikely cathodic interference in other structures.
Low-maintenance systems (assuming low current demand).
System is essentially self-regulating.
Relatively low risk of overprotection.
Relatively uniform potential distributions

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Figure 8-99. Storage tank sacrificial anode CP system [41]

However, these relatively simple systems also have some limitations such as:
Limited current and power output.
High-resistivity environments or large structures may require excessive
number of electrodes. Maximum resistivity of 6000 to 10,000 ohm-cm is
generally regarded as the limit, depending on coating quality.
Anodes may have to be replaced frequently under high current
Anodes can increase structural weight if directly attached to a
Anode types:
For land-based CP applications of structural steel, anodes based on zinc or
magnesium are the most important.
1 Zinc Anode (Figure 8-100)
Zinc anodes employed underground are high-purity Zn alloys, as specified in ASTM B418-95a.
Only the Type II anodes in this standard are applicable to buried soil
For zinc anodes, the mass-based theoretical capacity is relatively low at
780 Ah/kg, but efficiencies are high at around 90%.
2 Magnesium Anode (Figure 8-101)
Magnesium anodes generally have a low efficiency at 50% or even lower.
The theoretical capacity is around 2200 Ah/kg (Amper.hour/kg)
The magnesium alloys are also high-purity grades and have the advantage
of a higher driving voltage.

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Figure 8-100. Typical zinc and magnesium anodes

3 Aluminum-Indium Anode
These are mostly employed for seawater applications.
The base metal contains 98-99% of aluminum.
The rate of consumption varies between 7 and 9 lb/A-year. The efficiency
varies between 87 and 95%. Impressed Current CP System In impressed current systems cathodic
protection is applied by means of an external power current source (Figure 8-102).
In contrast to the sacrificial anode systems, the anode consumption rate is usually
much lower. Unless a consumable scrap anode is used, a negligible anode consumption rate is actually a key requirement for long system life.
Impressed current systems typically are favored under high-current requirements
and/or high-resistance electrolyte.
High current and power output range.
Ability to adjust (tune) the protection levels.

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Figure 8-101. Magnesium anodes (courtesy of Corrpro Canada)

Large areas of protection.

Low number of anodes, even in high-resistivity environments.
May even protect poorly coated structures.

Relatively high risk of causing interference effects.

Lower reliability and higher maintenance requirements.
External power has to be supplied.
Higher risk of overprotection damage.
Running cost of external power consumption.
More complex and less robust than sacrificial anode systems in certain

Typical in-ground anode installation is depicted in Figure 8-103. Above Ground Storage Tank CP System
Storage Tanks are applied two different and independent cathodic protection systems.
These are;
1 -External cathodic protection system of the tank.
2 -Internal cathodic protection system of the tank. External Cathodic Protection System of the Tank
External part of the tank is embedded to the soil over the tank base (Figure

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518 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-102. Impressed current CP system

Soil is very resistive and corrosive media.

The tank base is protected with impressed current cathodic protection system.
The reason of applying the impressed current system is requirement lots of
galvanic anode. So, galvanic CP system is more expensive than Impressed current CP system.

Figure 8-103. Typical in ground anode design and installation

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 519 Internal Cathodic Protection System of the Tank Some hydrocarbon
storage tanks may require protection from inside because of ingress of rain water into
the stored hydrocarbon from roof drain system, rim seals etc.
Such water typically accumulates on the tank bottom. Due to lighter density of
the stored hydrocarbon liquid.
The hydrocarbon entrained with water is a corrosive media. So, that area has to
be protected against the corrosion.
Other example is Internal surface of fire water protection tanks.
The Internal CP system of the tank is galvanic anode cathodic protection.
Al-In anodes are typically used in these CP systems.
The anodes are installed to the tank base.
The other alternative is to build a new floor with a liner on the old floor (Figure 8-105)
and thus protecting the tank from both internal adverse/corrosive conditions and external seepage of water, that may occur on the underside of the tank lower bottom. Typical CP Installation for Above Ground Storage Tanks
Figures 8-106 through 8-110 highlight the industrys typical design and installation
patterns of anodes installation and the cathodic protection system in above ground
storage tanks (ASTs). Applicable CP Standards
The standards that the industry uses for the design, installation, operation and monitoring of CP systems are:
Recommended Practices API-651 - Cathodic Protection of Aboveground
Petroleum Storage Tanks: Galvanic anodes method is not practical for protection of large bare structures.

Figure 8-104. Anode and reference cell placement in high resistance sand under tank bottom

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520 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-105. C
 P installation on double tank bottom with liner [44, 45]. Inset: rain water seepage under tank bottom

NACE RP0193-01 - External Cathodic Protection of On-Grade Metallic Storage Tanks: Galvanic protection systems can be applied to tank bottoms where
the metallic surface area exposed to the electrolyte can be minimized through
the application of a dielectric coating or the area is small due to the tank size
or configuration.


8.8.1 Tank Failures
Catastrophic failures of aboveground atmospheric storage tanks (AST) can occur when
flammable vapors in the tank explode and break either the shell-to-bottom or side
seam. Flaws can also cause failures.
These failures have caused the tanks to rip open and, in some cases, hurled the
tanks through the air. A properly designed and maintained storage tank will break
along the shell-to-top seam. For example tanks up to ~16 m in diameter can be designed to fail at the shell-to-roof weld. This is called a frangible joint and is designed
to limit damages to the tank and minimize the extent of a resulting fire/spill. This sacrificial joint is primary designed to ensure integrity of the AST shell-to-bottom joint
in the event of an over-pressurization of a tank to assure containment of the stored

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 521

Figure 8-106. A
 node installation and CP cable conduit under an Above Ground Storage Tank

Figure 8-107. CP installation on re-bottomed tank

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522 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-108. Typical anode installation design in storage tank bottom

Figure 8-109. Cathodic protection of multiple ASTs with deep anode

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 523

Tank Shell

CP Rectifier

Tank Bottom
Tank Pad

Tank Pad
CP Rectifier

Anodes and cables

Conduit to Reference
Cell monitoring
Figure 8-110. Typical impressed current CP system in above ground storage tank

liquid. In such a design, the fire would more likely be limited to the damaged tank and
the contents would not be spilled. This section describes the types of tanks that may
be prone to catastrophic failure and maintenance practices that can help prevent the
accidents [46]. Past Accidents
Several accidents have occurred in which storage tanks have failed catastrophically
when the flammable vapors inside an atmospheric tank exploded (Table 8-8). Table

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524 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

8-8 indicates some of the incidences due to catastrophic hydrocarbon storage tank
The specific incidents demonstrate the potential dangers posed to personnel, the
public, and the environment when these storage tanks fail catastrophically. Often
maintenance personnel were performing tank maintenance or other activities that introduced an ignition source. The vapors were ignited either inside the tank or outside
and then flashed back into the tank.
From Table 8-8, it is clear that catastrophic failures of tanks have occurred in the
past, resulting in either complete removal of the tank wall when the tank rockets due to
an explosion in the vapor space, or an unzipping due to rapid brittle fracture initiated
at a defect. Failures have also occurred in earthquakes, although it is not clear how
rapid the failures were. Causes of Tank Failures Hazards
Tank design and inspection/maintenance practices are factors directly related to catastrophic tank failure.
Tank design: Historically, accidents where the shell-to-bottom seam fails
are more common among older storage tanks. Steel storage tanks built before
1950 generally do not conform to current industry standards for explosion and
fire venting. Atmospheric tanks used for storage of flammable and combustible
liquids should be designed to fail along the shell-to-roof seam when an explosion
occurs in the tank. This prevents the tank from propelling upward or splitting
along the side. Several organizations have developed standards and specifications
for storage tank design. Published standards relevant to this design feature include
API-650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage issued by the American Petroleum
Institute (API). Additional codes and standards, published by API and other organizations, address tank design, construction, venting, and safe welding and are
listed at the end of this alert.
Inspection, maintenance, and repair practices: Tanks that are poorly maintained, rarely inspected, or repaired without attention to design, risk catastrophic
failure in the event of a vapor explosion. Either weakening of the shell-to-bottom
seam through corrosion or strengthening the shell-to-roof seam relative to the
shell-to-bottom seamwill increase the vulnerability of the tank to failure along
the shell-to-bottom seam. The practice of placing gravel and spill absorbants
around the base of the tank, may increase the likelihood of bottom corrosion.
Given years of this practice, the bottom of some tanks, especially older ones, may
be below ground level, thereby trapping moisture along the tank bottom. This

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 525

TABLE 8-8. Historical records of some hydrocarbon storage tank failures
Incident year





(Figure 8-111)

Brief description and comment

USA: a United States Industrial Alcohol Companys distilling tank (2.5 million gallons) which recently had received a shipment of molasses in from Puerto Rico, exploded
Ponca City: Failure of oil tank due to a dramatic drop in temperature, with bund overtopped due to momentum
from release. No fire or fatalities listed.
Meraux: Petrol tank ruptured and fell across bund. Fire occurred, but no fatalities listed. Records show that an
operator closing a valve and also the presence of cast iron fittings (hence brittle failure is the likely cause) and also
a wave spreading over the bund.
USA: Failure of a shell to floor seam due to lightning igniting vapor in slop oil tank.
Addyston: Methanol tank struck by lightning. Tank rocketed and burning contents overflowed surrounding
USA: Three tanks failed catastrophically in an earthquake.
South Dakota: Above ground Tank Leakage from bottom shell caused school closure.
Floreffe, PA: Catastrophic rupture of 48 year old diesel tank on initial fill, after it had been relocated and reconstructed. Testing included only partial x-ray of welds and hydrotest to 5 feet (i.e. about 10% of tank height - 100%
is now normal practice). According to a report The investigation found that the rupture occurred due to low
temperature embrittlement initiated at a flaw in the tank shell base metal, about 20 cm up from the bottom. No
fire or fatalities are listed. Note: this is probably the most famous bund overtopping incident, also referred to as
the Ashland or Monongahela tank collapse after the company and the river.
Richmond: Earthquake ruptured a gasoline storage tank. The spill was contained in the bund and was not
USA: incident, while workers were welding the outside of a tank empty of liquid, the residual vapor in the storage tank exploded and propelled the tank upward and into an adjacent river. Three workers were killed and one
was injured
USA: incident, during a grinding operation on a tank holding petroleum based sludge, the tank was propelled
upward, injuring 17 workers and spilling its contents over a containment berm into a nearby river
USA: incident, during a welding operation on the outside of a tank, the combustible vapor inside two large, 30-ft.
diameter by 30-ft. high, storage tanks exploded and propelled the tanks upward one landing more than 50 feet
away. The flammable liquid inside was instantly released and ignited, resulting in a massive fire that caused five
deaths and serious injuries
USA: a fixed roof gas-oil tank located in the tank farm of Ashdod Oil Refinery exploded, causing the death of one
Sample Man, and a fire in two adjacent tanks located in the same dike.
USA: catastrophic tank failure (Capacity one million-gallon bulk storage tank), Southside River Rail Co
USA: failure of a Crude Oil AST (Capacity :100,000 gallons)
Japan Tomakomai, Hokkaido: A fire occurred at a 33,000,000 l (33,000 BBLS) crude oil floating roof tank and
attached piping at a refinery. There was an earthquake with a seismic intensity of a little under the 6th grade and
a magnitude of eight. The fire was extinguished after about seven hours. Two days after the earthquake, a fire occurred at a 33,000 kL floating roof storage tank containing naphtha, which was damaged by the earthquake. Due
to the earthquake, the floating roof sank and naphtha floated above the roof and ignited. This was the first fire of its
type at a floating roof tank in Japan. It took 44 hours to extinguish the fire. There was insufficient foam available,
and it had to be collected from the whole country
USA, Glenpool, Oklahoma: Tankfire due to a static charge caused by using flowrates that were too high for the
transfer operation
Puerto Rico Refinery: Tank Farm Explosion, multiple tanks exploded or caught fire due to 2.8 Richter earthquake. Flames were as high as 30m and a black toxic smoke stack could be seen from satellite images. 2 people
(from a nearby US Army base) were injured

can weaken the bottom and the shell-to-bottom seam. Alternatively, changes to
the roof seam such as modifications to or replacement of the roof, or attachments
to the roof, could make the roof-to-shell seam stronger relative to the shell-tobottom seam.
Other hazards that can contribute to a tank explosion and possible consequences
Emission of Combustible vapor
Presence of ignition source

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526 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-111. Puerto Rico refinery/tank farm explosion (Oct 2009, www.ffti.com.au)

Combustible vapors: Generation of combustible vapors is a hazard not only for

the storage of pure flammable liquids but also for the storage of any sludge or
mixture where a combustible component is present or can be produced by reaction. Sludge (slop tanks) and mixture (e.g., oil/water) tanks may be particularly
vulnerable because they are sometimes open to the air; explosive atmospheres
may form inside and outside the tank. Facilities may not always recognize this
hazard. In addition, even tanks appearing to be empty may pose a hazard if they
still contain combustible vapors.
In the cited cases, the potential for combustible vapors was not clearly recognized
and materials were stored in tanks that were not equipped with flame arresters to prevent external fire from reaching the vapor space inside the tank or with vapor control
devices to limit vapor emissions from the tank.
Ignition sources: When combustible vapors escape from their containment and
mix with air in the presence of an ignition source, combustion may occur. To minimize
this hazard, all possible ignition sources must be isolated from potential combustible
vapors, e.g., welding equipment or other maintenance equipment that can spark or arc,
sources of static electricity, lightning, hot work in adjacent areas, and any electrical
equipment in the vicinity of tanks that does not conform to National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA)-70, National Electric Code.
Proximity to personnel and environment: The danger posed by hydrocarbon liquid storage tanks is often increased when the location of the tank does not conform
with current minimum spacing requirements. Sections 2.3.2 to 2.3.3 of NFPA-30 discuss
minimum spacing. This subject is previously discussed in Section 7.1 (Figure 7-45). For
mitigating consequences to personnel/workers, the environment, and other tanks, proper
secondary containment (diking/bunding) should be considered for containment.
Hazard Identification:
Facilities should evaluate their storage tanks for potential to catastrophically fail and
identify factors that could cause storage tank explosion. Some of the factors to look for
include, but are not limited to, the following:

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 527

Atmospheric storage tanks that do not meet API-650 or other applicable
code(s) and contain flammable liquids or liquids that may produce combustible vapor.
Tanks with corrosion around the base and/or steel tanks whose base is in direct
contact with ground and exposed to moisture.
Tanks or associated structures (e.g., pipes) with weakened or defective
Tanks used to store mixtures containing water and flammables where the
water phase is at the tank bottom and may contribute to internal bottom corrosion.
Tanks containing combustible vapor and not equipped with flame arrestors or
vapor control devices to limit emissions.
Possible ignition sources near tanks containing combustible vapor.
Safety Areas for Hazard Reduction
Storage tanks should comply with all regulations, industry codes and standards, including inspection and maintenance requirements to keep tanks in proper condition.
Facilities with storage tanks that can contain flammable vapors should review their
equipment and operations. Areas to review should include, but not be limited to, the
1) Design of atmospheric storage tanks: API and other organizations have
standards and codes that address recommended practices for tank design and
construction. It is imperative to evaluate whether the liquids or certain components of liquid mixtures may generate combustible vapors. Design measures
include fire protection, flame arrestors, emergency venting (such as part of the
API-650), prevention of flash back (for tanks containing flammable liquids),
and proper berming or diking.
2) Inspection and maintenance of storage tanks: API-653 has tank inspection
guidelines and procedures for periodic inspections and testing, especially for older
tanks. These procedures call for written documentation of inspections by API Certified Tank Inspectors. Measures to review include procedures for pressure testing,
welding inspections, and checks for corrosion or metal fatigue. API-650 specifies
welding procedures and welding qualifications as well as joint inspection (e.g.,
radiograph and magnetic particle examination). Programs for tank inspection and
maintenance should be developed in accordance with these standards.
3) Hot-work safety: Both the Occupational Safety and Health Administrations (OSHA) regulations concerning hot work and NFPAs standards on
welding should be reviewed for compliance. Hazard reduction measures
include proper hot-work procedures such as obtaining a hot work permit,
having a fire watch and fire extinguishing equipment present, and proper
testing of atmosphere for explosivity; covering and sealing all drains, vents,
manways, and open flanges; sealing all sewers (to prevent gas or vapor migration); and training workers and providing them with appropriate protective equipment.
4) Ignition source reduction: Both OSHA regulations and NFPA standards
should be reviewed for compliance. Hazard reduction measures may include:
having all electrical equipment in a hazardous environment conform with the
requirements of the National Electric Code (NFPA-70), grounding tanks to dissipate static charge, using only non-spark producing tools and equipment in
flammable atmospheres, and taking care to not create sufficient heat or sparks
to cause ignition of flammable vapors.

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528 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

8.8.2 Designing Tankage Systems to Minimize Hazards

Storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids can be conducted without
fire losses to storage tanks with proper awareness of the hazards associates with operation of storage tanks and hydrocarbon fuel transfer. Proper precautions begin with the
design and installation of storage tanks taking into account the accepted safety measures
for the use, storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids [46, 47].
Application of effective fire prevention to the protection of storage tanks and facilities related to handling hydrocarbon fuels at a storage site can be achieved through an
evaluation of fire hazards and installation of protective measures, operating practices
and proper emergency response plans. The facility designer has available a number of
tools to provide a fire safe facility including good engineering practices as outlined in
NFPA Standards. Effective Steps
Effective steps to tank fire safety can be assessed through examination of following:

Fluid in the tank

Type of tank
Tank Location
Spill control technique
Tanks venting arrangement
Control of ignition sources
Fire prevention measures
Fire protection in place for the tank
Emergency Response planning and facilities

Some of the above steps not covered elsewhere in this document are described
below. Fluid in the Tank The information on type and characteristics of the
stored liquid hydrocarbon is essential to understanding the inherent hazards of the
liquid. This should include specific data and whether or not the liquid is a flammable
or combustible liquid.
Such a data is essential for developing an effective site fire protection plan. Data
related to specific hazards of fuel stored should include data from the Material Safety
Data Sheet (MSDS) on flash and boiling points, molecular weight, vapor density, and
flammable range. The key terms that define flammable and combustible liquids fire
hazards are Flashpoint and Vapor Pressure. These information provide the vital information used for emergency planning and fire prevention.
Flashpoint This is the liquid temperature at which a liquid releases sufficient
vapor to form an ignitable mixture with air, either near the liquid surface or
within a storage tank. Flashpoint can be determined by a flashpoint tester and
is the basis for hazard classification.
There is a direct connection between volatility and flashpoint. A liquid with a flashpoint near normal temperatures, without being heated, will produce vapor that can
be ignited by a small ignition source; such as a spark or pilot flame. Flashpoint and
boiling point temperatures are reduced as altitude increases since liquid volatility
increases with reduced atmospheric pressure. Hydrocarbon liquids that are combustible at sea level may be more hazardous as atmospheric pressure is reduced.
Vapor Pressure This is the pressure, measured in kPa (Psia) is exerted by vapor
against the atmosphere. Just as the atmosphere exerts pressure on the hydrocarbon

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 529

liquid surface, the hydrocarbon liquid pushes back. Vapor pressure is normally less
than atmospheric pressure and is a measure of the evaporation or change in state
from liquid to the gaseous state. This characteristic is often termed volatility and
liquids that easily evaporate are termed as volatile liquids. The safety concern is
that the higher the vapor pressure, the more the hydrocarbon liquid evaporates and
the lower the boiling point, resulting in more vapors within an increased risk.
Other important information of the stored hydrocarbon liquid is its classification. Such
a classification will define flammability for application of fire and safety code requirements. Flammable hydrocarbon liquids are Classified as Class I liquids and combustible hydrocarbon liquids are classified as Class II or III liquids.

Flammable Liquids Any liquid with a closed-cup (type of flashpoint test) flashpoint below 37.8C (100F) and a Reid vapor pressure not exceeding 2068 mm Hg
(6 kPa, 40 psia) is a flammable liquid. These liquids are referred to as Class I liquids.
Liquid classifications are further divided into three classifications as follows:
Class IA liquids have flashpoints below 22.8C (73F) and boiling points
below 37.8C (100F).
Class IB liquids have flashpoints below 22.8C (73F) and boiling points at
or above 37.8C (100F).
Class IC liquids have flashpoints at or above 22.8C (73F), but below
37.8C (100F).
Gasoline, Jet B, and JP 4 are typical examples of a flammable liquid.

Combustible Liquid A liquid with a closed-cup flashpoint at or above 37.8C

(100F) is a combustible liquid. These liquids are referred to as either a Class
II or Class III liquids based on the following:
Class II Liquids have flashpoints at or above 37.8C (100F) and below
60C (140F).
Class IIIA Liquids have flashpoints at or above 60C (140F), but below
93C (200F ).
Class IIIB Liquids have flashpoints at or above 93C (200F).
Class IIIB liquids are generally not included in the scope of codes and standards with the
exception of the International Fire Code which does not differentiate between Class IIIA and
IIIB liquids requiring the same safety measures despite the lower hazard. Fuel Oil No. 2,
kerosene, and some Jet A and A-1 fuels are typical examples of a combustible liquid. Type of Tank and Fire Risk The type of hydrocarbon liquid storage tanks
can influence the assessment of safety issues depending on their design, configuration,
and operating pressure, some of which are indicated below [48]:

Tank Type
Floating roof
Fixed roof


Vent Fire


Obstructed Full
Surface Fire

Full Surface Fire






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530 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

The following only considers vertical configuration tanks that are normally designed to operate at atmospheric pressure. While some of the information were described previously, they are however detailed herein to address subsequent safety
Atmospheric Above Ground Storage Tanks: Atmospheric storage tanks operate
at pressures ranging from atmospheric up to and including 0.7 kPag (1.0 psig). Larger
atmospheric storage tanks may have a maximum operating pressure below 0.7 kPag
(1.0 psig) in order to eliminate roof plate weld stress from continuous exposure to
higher operating pressure.
Some locations may have low-pressure tanks designed to operate at pressures greater than 0.7 kPag (1.0 psig) but not more than 100 kPag (15 psig). The
primary differences between an atmospheric and low-pressure tank is that protection is provided to the low-pressure tanks to prevent explosive tank failure when
exposed to fire.
Atmospheric Tank Design and Safety Standards: The most commonly used
standards for the design and construction of atmospheric storage tanks are listed
in Section 5. The definitive standard that is commonly used for fire safety in the
handling, storage, and use of flammable and combustible liquids is the National
Fire Protection Association, Standard 30, The Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. Most building and fire codes and the standards developed by other
organizations use NFPA 30 as the definitive standard for flammable and combustible liquids fire safety.
Vertical Storage Tanks: The configuration of a vertical aboveground tank design
can be either an open top with the roof floating on the stored liquid or a fixed roof.
The safe design of floating roof tank offers a considerable level of fire safety over other
vertical tank designs. As a result, fire codes allow closer spacing between floating roof
tanks and for separation from adjacent properties or operations providing a cost advantage in tank farm layout and arrangement.
Open Top Tanks An open top tank has a floating roof exposed to the environment. Fire scenarios in Open Roof Tanks can be summarized in Figure 8-112.
Open top tanks have a low fire potential with the most likely fire exposure being
a limited amount of liquid in the seal area between the shell and the roof. The fire
potential is very low this area, which is the only space on the tank roof where an ignitable mixture normally exists. Fires in the seal area can be readily extinguished by a
hose line or a portable extinguisher on small to medium sized tanks; while a fixed foam
system is normally installed on larger tanks.
Lightning is the most prevalent ignition source for a seal area fire and is preventable by installing a bond between the roof and the shell. Routine inspection of lightning
protection bonding straps is required to assure that protection measures are in place and
not damaged by roof movement, maintenance activities or by weather effects. Another
ignition source is hot work on the roof or near the seal area without proper precautions
to prevent ignition. Fire in a dike area near or impinging on the tank can ignite seal
area vapors. Fire activities should minimize tank shell fire impingement to prevent fire
spread to the seal area.
Covered Floating Roof Tanks This tank design is a floating roof which is
protected by another fixed roof for weather or environmental control. During
filling, an ignitable mixture can be present in the vapor space between roofs.
Gas tests should be conducted before personnel entry or during hot work in
the vapor space above the floating roof. Personnel entries into the vapor space
should be conducted as a confined space entry. It is possible for the floating
roof to be less substantial or stable than a standard open top floating roof tank.

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Figure 8-112. Fire scenario in above ground open floating roof tank

Where the roof is a pan configuration, see discussion below on Fixed Roof
Fixed (Cone) Roof Tanks Fire exposure to a tank increases internal pressure
from boiling liquids or, very rarely, from an internal explosion. Fixed roof tanks
are designed to vent during an emergency by opening weak roof-to-shell joint
seams at the point of panel attachment to the tank shell. The weak seam allows
the roof to tear free from the tank shell to prevent failure of other joints.
An internal pan roof floats on the liquid. These roofs are typically constructed of honeycombed aluminum panels, metal on plastic/foam floats or similar style roof design.
This type of roof lacks substantial support and stability inherent in an open or covered
floating roof tank and is not fire resistant. A common failure mode for this style of roof
is tilting or sinking resulting in fire exposure to the tank. This style of roof is commonly
used for emission control purposes, but is unlikely to have a substantial effect on tank
fire safety. Installation of a pan roof can also result in blocking application of foam
during a fire, especially where the tank is protected by sub-surface foam and/or the roof
sinks blocked foam inlets. Tank Location/Accessibility The location of a tank facility has a direct
impact on fire safety. The tank location should be arranged to prevent exposing fires from
spreading into the tank farm; and conversely adjacent buildings should be located so that
a fire in the tank farm will not spread off of the property or spread to adjacent tanks.
NFPA 30 contains requirements for spacing between tanks and to or from property
lines and adjacent structures and facilities. These distances are minimal and increased
spacing may be beneficial when constructing a new facility since increased separation
will reduce risk of fire exposure. Reference should be made to NFPA 30 minimum
spacing requirements during emergency planning to prepare for exposure protection
during fire fighting operations. See also previous Figure 8-45 Storage Tank Spacing
for Chemical/Oil Plants.
Accessibility is a key factor in effective storage tank fire control.Fire fighting operations require separation from the tanks in order to avoid fire exposure to fire equipment and personnel. Where subsurface inlets are installed for tank fire control, access
to foam inlets should be outside the dike area or in an easily accessible location where
tank shell connections are utilized.

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532 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Where foam trucks and other portable equipment will be used for firefighting operations, the tank farm should be accessible from at least two directions.
The ideal arrangement provides complete access around the tank dike areas with
roads and access points sufficiently wide for fire trucks. Vehicles should be able
to move by fire trucks parked at fire department connections to foam systems and
at hydrants. Spill Control Technique Hydrocarbon liquid spills occur when tanks are
overfilled, as pump seals or pipeline flanges leak or corrosion holes occur in tank
shells. The ground area around the tanks should be arranged to direct spilled liquids
away from the tanks to lower sections of dike areas, into diked impoundment areas or
to a basin, remote impounding. If space is available in a tank farm the most desirable
and safest arrangement is a containment area that is remote from equipment, tanks, and
exposed structures.
Dike/bund area drains should be a fire sealed and extend through the dike/bund
wall. Each drain valve should be clearly labeled and located outside the dike discharging to the site drainage system for treatment of small spills in an environmentally correct manner. Tanks Venting Arrangement Tanks exposed to a fire in contact with or
near the tank shell will have an increase in pressure as tank contents are heated. Tank
vents are arranged to facilitate pressure changes as liquid is added or withdrawn or
changes resulting from atmospheric temperature and pressure. Fire exposure to an
aboveground storage tank heats the hydrocarbon liquid contents to their boiling point
which substantially increases storage tank pressure. Fire exposure also can damage
tank supports and un-wetted portions of the tank shell. Increased pressure can be controlled either by tank design or by tank vent devices. Emergency pressure relief through
tank design includes
lifter or floating roofs,
a weak roof to shell tank roof seam or
emergency vent devices.
Without pressure relief the tank is likely to rupture randomly, or even rocket as a result
of a failure of the shell to bottom seam.
Hydrocarbon Liquids, such as LPG in pressure tanks having boiling points
below atmospheric temperature usually are fitted with relief valves which are set
to maintain the tank at a higher pressure setting. Fire exposure to the portions
of the vessel shell not in contact with the liquid can cause a loss of vessel shell
strength as the fire heats unprotected metal to failure. The resulting metal tear
is likely to completely encircle the tank and to release tank contents; often with
pieces of the tank rocketing explosively away from the vessel. This action, known
as a Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (or BLEVE), is the catastrophic
failure of a container into at least two major pieces and simultaneously releasing the contained liquid which is at a temperature well above its boiling point at
normal atmospheric pressure. BLEVES have occurred when LPG filled railroad
cars or storage tanks were fire exposed. Pressurized tanks are therefore used for
storage of LPG. Control of Ignition Sources Precautions need to be taken to prevent ignition of flammable vapors through the control of:
Open flames
Over heat or failure of mixers
Lightning, floating roof shunt design

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 533

Floating roof contact with tank shell

Hot surfaces
Radiant heat
Cutting and welding
Static electricity
Electrical sparks and stray currents
Heating equipment and other ignition sources
Lightning strikes/Floating roof shunt
Hot work on live tanks
Flare stack fall-out

Welding, cutting and similar spark producing operations should only be conducted
under a strict hot work control system. Adequate controls for hot work should include
comprehensive testing of the area to assure that flammable vapors are not present in the
work area. All combustibles that may be ignited by hot sparks from hot work should be
removed or properly protected to prevent against ignition.
Static electricity controls start with proper operating practices and controls to
minimize the potential for generation of static electricity. Metallic equipment should
be bonded or grounded when used in areas where an ignitable mixture could be
present. All non-metallic equipment and piping, where an ignitable mixture could
be present, should be carefully reviewed to assure that the generation of static is not
a possibility.
NFPA 70, The National Electrical Code addresses electrical equipment design
and installation. In areas where there is likely to be the presence of an ignitable vapor
mixture, the equipment would be required to meet requirements for electrical area classification in accordance with NFPA 30 and 70.
NFPA 30 requires an engineering evaluation of the installation and operation to
determine the extent of fire prevention and control measures followed by the application of sound fire protection and process engineering principles. The analysis is required to include:
Analysis of fire and explosion hazards of the facility;
Analysis of local conditions, such as exposure to and from adjacent properties,
flood potential or earthquake potential; and
Fire department or mutual aid response. Fire Prevention Measures Fire Protection measures for storage
tanks would be best to consider the relative hazard of the stored materials instead
of on every tank regardless of hazard. Consideration would include the relative
hazard of the stored materials, the hazards inherent in the type of tanks in the
storage facility, and the availability of public and private fire fighting support and
NFPA 30 requires that a fire-extinguishing system be provided for vertical atmospheric fixed-roof storage tanks storing Class I flammable liquids larger than 1.2 106I
(1200 bbls) capacity. Fire Protection is especially desirable where tanks are located
in a congested area with an unusual exposure hazard between the tank and adjacent
property. Fixed roof tanks storing Class II or III liquids at temperatures below their
flashpoints and floating roof tanks storing any liquid, generally do not require protection when the tanks are installed in compliance with spacing and installation requirements of NFPA 30.

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534 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Relative Hazard of Stored Materials: Class IIB liquids (flashpoints above
93C (200F)) can be safely stored without fire protection systems unless the oils
are being heated to or above their flashpoint. Tank spacing, containment measures
and fire extinguishing systems are not required by most codes for combustible
liquids with a flashpoint of 93C (200F) or above. A low curb or other spill control means should be provided and spacing for maintenance activities should be
provided between tanks.
Class III liquids (flashpoints over 60C (140F) and below 93C (200F)) are not
normally fire protected, except when heated to or above their flashpoints. Unheated
tanks in this category will usually not require foam protection unless there are unusual
conditions such as:
There is a potential that the tanks will be filled with materials with a flashpoint
below 60oC (140F).
Overheating of the tanks can occur resulting in storage temperatures exceeding
the flashpoint of the stored materials.
The tank is vulnerable to fires involving adjacent equipment or facilities. Fire Protection Tanks containing flammable liquids, those with a
flashpoint below 60C (140F), may require fire protection. Industry experience
with gasoline and other flammable liquids stored in open top or covered floating
roofs show minimal fire experience; and with good spacing between tanks and
minimal fire exposure, these types of tanks storing flammable liquids have a low
fire hazard. NFPA 30 requirements for protection for Class I liquids was discussed
Basis for Foam Protection Requirements: NFPA 30 contains requirements
for foam protection for Class I liquids. Extinguishment of the largest cone roof
tank fire is typically the design basis for a tank foam system. Cone roof tanks
are typically protected by sub-surface foam systems, unless the tanks containing polar solvents and alcohol resistant foams are not available or pan roofs are
installed in the tank. Open-top floating roof tanks require protection from rim
Foam Application: Foam application rates are detailed in NFPA Standard 11
as Low, Medium and High Expansion Foam for various hydrocarbon storage
tanks. Foam application, once started, is required to be applied continuously at
the minimum recommended rate and duration in order to extinguish a tank fire.
Intermittent or shortened foam application without fire extinguishment results
in foam breakdown and destruction of any established foam blanket. Additional foam concentrate will be required to re-establish the lost foam blanket
and blanket the entire liquid surface. The NFPA II recommended quantities of
foam-producing material are sufficient for fire extinguishment, however, application of additional foam-producing concentrate can decrease the time for fire
Cone Roof Tanks Foam application on cone roof tank fires can be
achieved by various methods: subsurface foam injection; portable foam
towers; fixed foam chambers mounted on the tank shell or portable hose
streams or monitors. Application by subsurface injection, towers or fixed
foam chambers is usually applied at a rate of 4 l/minute/m2 (0.1 gallons
per minute per square foot) and application rates for portable hose streams
or monitors is 6 liter/minute/m2 (0.16 gallons per minute per square foot).
Fires in more volatile materials such as gasoline may require higher rates

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 535

of up to 8 liter/minute/m2 (0.2 gallons per minute per square foot), depending on pre-burn time.
Cone Roof Tanks with Internal Floating Covers (Pans) Foam protection using an over-the-top system designed for coverage of the entire tank
liquid surface area of the tank should be provided when internal covers
are a pan-type design, constructed of combustible materials, or are thin
aluminum skin and floats. Subsurface applications are not recommended
since the inlets may be blocked by a sunken roof and thus prevent foam
application into the tank.
Open Top Floating Roof Tanks Open-top floating roof tanks are protected for seal fires. For tanks up to 45 m (150 ft) in diameter, foam can be
applied from portable hose lines supplied from fire trucks for tanks up to
36 m (120ft) diameter and from a foam solution standpipe on tanks 36 to
45 m (120 to 150ft) diameter. Tanks over 45 m (150 ft) diameter are more
suited for a fixed foam application system for rim fire protection. The rim
fire protection system (catenary design) can be supplied foam from a fire
truck or from a piped foam system. The rim seal protection system should
meet NFPA 11 requirements for application rate dependant upon the type
of seal and foam outlet arrangement.
Portable hose streams should be a minimum of two 3.15 to 3.6 l/s (50 to
60gpm) foam nozzles supplied from foam fire trucks or a foam-proportioning
system. A foam dam is required when hose streams are used for protection
when the seal is a tube seal or includes metal weather shields or a noncombustible secondary seal.
Covered Floating Roof Tanks When the floating roof in a covered floating roof tank is a steel floating roof of the single or double-deck design,
a foam system is normally not required due to the low risk of a fire inherent with this tank design. However, other styles and designs for covered
floating roof tanks should be provided with foam systems for control of
seal fires meeting requirements for open top floating tanks when the tank
diameter exceeds 45 m (150 feet) or when the tank has significant value or
risk to the site.
Portable Monitors and Hose Nozzles/handlines: Portable foam monitors and hose
streams have limited ability to extinguish tank fires. Protection from monitors is generally ineffective on cylindrical or cone roof tanks over 18 m (60 ft) in diameter and
hose lines are not effective for tanks over 10 m (30 ft) in diameter and over 6 m (20 ft
high).While foam monitors have been successful in extinguishing fires that involved
tanks up to 40 m (130 feet) in diameter and 13 m (42 feet) high, the use of large monitors should not be depended upon as a primary means for extinguishment of large cone
roof tank fires.
There are substantial limitations when using portable monitors or hose streams
for tank fire extinguishment. Low tank product levels, wind effects and intense fire
updrafts can prevent foam from reaching the product surface and forming a foam
blanket. Foam requires continuous and even application to establish a foam blanket,
since foam streams should be directed against the inner tank shell so that the foam
flows gently onto the burning liquid surface without undue submergence. Due to
the difficulties in use of portable foam devices hose and monitor nozzles a foam
solution rate of at least 0.16 gallon per minute per square foot of tank liquid surface
areas is required. Due to the difficulty in directing the foam into the narrow annular
space of the roof seal, and the potential to sink the roof, ground level monitors are
not recommended for seal fires. Often poorly executed monitor application for foam

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536 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

fires has resulted in roofs sinking or tilting, which results in a larger fuel surface fire
in the tank. Boom mounted nozzles on fire trucks may be useful in application of
foam providing there is foam truck accessibility and the tanks are relatively small
in diameter
Water Supply: Subsurface injection or topside foam application rates are determined
by the tank size, the application rate and the amount of water required for cooling the
tank and exposures. For flammable and combustible liquids the water application
rate for subsurface or topside application is typically 4 liter/minute/m2 (0.1 gallon per
minute per square foot). Additional water will be required for foam hose streams and
water cooling streams.
Water Requirements - The following example illustrates the additive quantities of water required to meet the full water demand for tank protection:
Example 8.1 12 m (40 ft) diameter Tank

Required Foam Solution - 473 Liter/minute (125 gpm)

Foam Hose Streams 189 Liter/minute (50 gpm)
Water Cooling Streams1890 Liter/minute (500 gpm)
Total Water Requirement 2552 Liter/minute (675 gpm)
Foam Solution Rate (@4 liter/minute/m2, 0.1 gpm/sq ft) = 665 Liter/minute
(176 gpm)

Example 8.2 45 m (150 ft) diameter Tank

Required Foam Solution - 6680 liter/m2 (1,767 gpm)

Foam Hose Streams 567 liter/m2 (150 gpm)
Water Cooling Streams 3780 liter/m2 (1,000 gpm)
Total Water Requirement 10962 liter/m2 (2,900 gpm)
Foam Solution Rate (@4 liter/minute/m2, 0.1 gpm/sq ft) = 7246 liter/m2
(1,917 gpm)

Water Pressure Water cooling streams can be taken directly from fire hydrants,
however, hydrant residual pressure less than 550 kPag (80 psig) will require fire
truck booster pumps to supply hose streams. As an example, a 945 liter/minute
(250 gpm) cooling stream will reach over the curb angle of about 22m (75 foot)
high tank from a horizontal distance of 20 m (65 ft) with 345 kPag (50 psig) nozzle
pressure using a solid stream nozzle of 28 mm (11/8 inches). Minimum residual
hydrant outlet pressure should be 550 kPag (80psig) in order to supply 189 liter/
minute (50 gpm) through 75 m (250 ft) of 38mm (1in.) fire hose.
Fire Mains and Hydrants The storage tank farm fire water demand is based on
the quantity of water required to protect the largest cone roof tank, plus the water
needed for cooling hose streams to protect exposed tanks or adjacent facilities.
As a general rule of thumb sufficient water will be required to extinguish a fire
in the largest tank, plus the amount of water required for protection of unshielded
neighboring tanks. Water pressure in the hydrants and the water system should be
adequate to provide 700 kPag (100 psig) residual pressure when flowing sufficient
water to supply cooling streams directly from hydrants.
A fire water system looped around the facility provides flexibility during use.
Isolation of damaged sections without impairment of the entire fire protection system can be aided by provision of division valves arranged so that any section of
the fire main grid or loop may be removed from service while fire water continues

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 537

to be supplied for tank fire protection. System hydraulic calculations can assist in
determining that there is an adequate water flow rate. The number of valves needed
for system reliability should be based on no more than six hydrants out of service as
a result of a single main break. Hydrants should be provided in sufficient number to
permit fire fighting operations regardless of wind direction.
Hydrants should be located outside of tank dike/bund walls, adjacent to
roadways and a minimum of 1 tank diameter; but no less than 15 m (50 feet)
from the tank shell to avoid heat exposure to fire trucks when connected to the
hydrant. Hydrant outlets should be no more than about 2 m (6 feet) from the
approach of a fire truck to the hydrant.
Tank Protection Using Passive and Active Systems: Fire exposure protection can be
provided by passive systems including fire proof insulation, concrete encasement or
similar insulation materials applied on the tank shell. Protection could be provided by
methods tested by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) to a 2 to 4 hour hydrocarbon fire
exposure in order to protect the tank from direct hydrocarbon fire exposure. Insulation
systems are difficult to apply to vertical tanks and are more suited for horizontal vessels. Careful consideration should be given to the type of fire exposure and potential
fire duration when applying hydrocarbon fire exposure insulation methods.
Active tank protection systems include water spray systems for application of
water onto the vessel shell. This type of system, designed to requirements of NFPA 15,
Water Spray Systems, typically applies water through a system of specially designed
nozzles at minimum application rates of 6 to 16 l/minute/m2 (0.15 to 0.40 gpm/square
foot) of vessel surface area. Water spray systems require a strong fire water supply and
a means to automatically apply the water in order to avoid delay which will heat tank
contents and possible result in tank rupture.

8.8.3 Design of a Foam System for Fire Protection of Storage Tanks Identifying Flammable Liquid
Foam and foam system selection depends on the liquid protection classification/
requirement. There are two basic classifications of flammable and combustible liquids:
Hydrocarbon (non water miscible) and
Polar Solvent (water miscible)
The Hydrocarbon family typically consists of standard petroleum products such as Gasoline,

Jet Fuel,
Crude Oil

The above products do not mix with water.

The Polar Solvent group typically consists of:


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538 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

or products that will mix readily with water. It may be noted that pure MTBE is only
slightly water miscible (approx. 5% - 7%.) Types of Foam Discharge Outlets
Under Writer Laboratory (U.L.) has established two different types of foam discharge
Type II Discharge Outlet - A fixed device that delivers foam onto the burning
liquid and partially submerges the foam and produces minimal agitation of the
Examples of this type of device are Foam Chambers and Foam Makers.
Type III Discharge Outlet - A fixed or portable device that delivers foam in
a manner that causes the foam to fall directly onto the surface of the burning
liquid in such a manner that causes severe agitation.
Examples of this type of device are Hose Stream Nozzles/hand-lines and
Monitors. Foam System for Fire Protection of Storage Tanks
There are two basic methods of fire protection systems for storage tanks:
1. Sub-surface Base Injection
2. Over the Top - (Subdivided as follows)
Foam Chambers
Foam Makers
Portable Foam Monitor
Foam Tower
These are described below: Sub Surface Base Injection: The sub-surface method of fire protection
produces foam with a High Back Pressure Foam Maker usually located outside the
storage tank. This system delivers the expanded foam mass through piping into the
base of the tank. The pipe may be an existing product line or can be a dedicated fire
protection foam line. The expanded foam entering the tank through a discharge outlet
is injected into the flammable liquid. The discharge outlet must be a minimum of 30
cm (1 ft) above any water that may be present at the base of the tank. The foam will be
destroyed if injected into the water layer. When injected into the fuel, the foam will rise
through the fuel and form a vapor tight foam blanket on the fuel surface.
Advantages of Sub-surface
The rising foam can cause the fuel in the tank to circulate which can assist in
cooling the fuel at the surface. If there is an explosion and fire that may damage the top of the tank, the sub-surface injection system is not likely to suffer
The discharging foam is more efficiently directed to the fuel surface without
any interruption from the thermal updraft of the fire.
Disadvantages of Sub-surface
This technique cannot be used in storage tanks containing polar solvent type
fuels (i.e. ethanol, Methanol, Ketone, Acetone.)

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 539

Not Recommended for use in either Open Top Floating Roof or Internal Floating Roof type tanks.
Caution must be used so that the maximum foam inlet velocity is not exceeded;
otherwise, there will be an excessive fuel pickup by the foam as it enters the
Not to be used for protection of Class 1A hydrocarbon liquids.
Sub-surface injection of foam is generally not recommended for fuels that have
a viscosity greater than 2,000 ssu (440 centistokes) at their minimum anticipated storage temperature.
High Back Pressure Foam Maker (HBPFM): The HBPFM is mounted in the foam
line used to aspirate the foam solution before it is discharged into the storage tank. It
will typically give an expansion ratio of between 2 -1 and 4 - 1. The device is capable
of discharging against considerable back pressure which can be as high as 40% of
the operating pressure. The back pressure is an accumulation of the head pressure of
the liquid hydrocarbon inside the storage tank and any friction loss between the foam
maker and the tank. A minimum of 700 kPa (100 psi) inlet pressure into the HBPFM
is normally required to ensure correct operation.
The foam velocity through the piping to the hydrocarbon storage tank from the
HBPFM is very critical. With flammable liquids, the foam velocity entering the tank
should NOT exceed 3 m/s (10 ft. per sec) and with combustible liquids the foam velocity should NOT exceed 6 m/s (20 ft. per second).
The following Table 8.9 shows the minimum discharge times and application rates
for Sub-surface Base Injection application: Over the Top Foam Chambers Foam Chambers
Type II Discharge Device: The Foam Chamber is normally used on cone roof storage
tanks. The chamber is bolted or welded on the outside of the tank shell near the roof
joint. A deflector is mounted on the inside of the tank so that the discharging foam from
the foam chamber will be diverted back against the inside of the tank wall.
The foam chamber is mounted on the cone roof storage tank vertical shell wall in a
position just below the roof joint, or approximately 20 to 30 cm (8 to 12) down from
the roof joint to the center point of the foam chamber outlet. When the foam chamber
is mounted correctly, the internal glass vapor seal of the foam chamber will be just
slightly higher in elevation than the roof joint on the storage tank.
Each foam chamber mounted on a cone roof storage tank should have its own
individually valved riser supplying the foam solution from outside the dike area. For

Table 8-9. Sub-surface base foam injection system design rates

Hydrocarbon Type Fuel
Flash point between 100 oF
and 140 oF
(37.8 oC and 93.3 oC)

Minimum Discharge

Application Rate

30 min.

0.10 gpm/ft.
4.1 L/min./m2

Flash point below 100 oF

(37.8 oC) liquids heated above
their flash points.

55 min.

0.10 gpm/ft.
4.1 L/min./m2

Crude Petroleum

55 min.

0.10 gpm/ft.
4.1 L/min./m2

NOTE: The maximum application rate shall be 0.20 gpm/ft. (8.1 L/min./m.)

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540 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

correct operation, a minimum of 280 kPa (40 psi) is required at the inlet to the foam
chamber. Foam Makers Type II Discharge Device: The foam maker is normally used to aspirate foam solution before being discharged inside a dike (bund) area or
when used with external floating roof tanks to supply foam to the rim seal area.
The discharge pipe downstream of the foam maker is sized to slow the velocity of
the expanded foam and shaped to deflect the foam back against the inside of the dike
wall or onto a splash board or the tank shell wall when used for floating roof seal protection. The splash board is to be mounted above the top of the floating roof tank. The
foam discharging pipe must be correctly size for dike/bund protection system.
When mounted on a storage tank or used for a dike/bund protection system, the foam
maker can be mounted in either a horizontal or vertical position without any detrimental effect on foam performance. It is recommended that a minimum 30 cm (12) length of straight
pipe be installed upstream from the foam maker during the installation.
When using a 38 mm (1 1/2) Foam Maker for a dike fire protection system, a 10mm
(3) diameter pipe with minimum length of 0.6 m (28) and a maximum of 2.25 m (100) are
usually connected to the foam maker outlet (downstream side). This length of discharge pipe
allows for the correct foam expansion to take place and slows the discharge velocity.
A 63 mm (2 1/2) Foam Maker requires a length of 100 mm (4) pipe to be connected to the discharge side of the maker. This length of pipe should also be a minimum
of 0.6 m (28) but can have a maximum length of 2.7 m (120). The discharge pipe in
both instances should be directed back against the inside wall of the dike. This installation allows a more gentle application to the flammable liquid within the dike and lessen
the submergence of the foam. Criteria for Sizing a Foam System for a Cone Roof Storage Tank

Identify the fuel inside the tank.

Type of foam concentrate to be used.
Calculate the fuel surface area (r2).
Application rate.
Type of discharge device required and quantity (based on fuel flash point and
tank diameter).
Calculate discharge duration.
Supplementary hose lines required and discharge duration.
Quantity of foam concentrate required*.
Establish bill of materials.

* NOTE: To determine the quantity of foam concentrate in a given quantity of foam

solution, use the following formula: Multiply the foam solution by:
0.01 if using a 1% type of concentrate
0.03 if using a 3% type of concentrate
0.06 if using a 6% type of concentrate
Calculation Example 8.1:
Cone roof tank - 150 ft (45 m) diameter
Fuel Gasoline
Foam Concentrate 3% Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF)
Surface area 75' 75' 3.1417 = 17,672 sq. ft. (3.1417 22.52 = 163 m2)
App. Rate at 0.10 gpm per sq. ft. (Per NFPA 11) 0.10 17,672 sq. ft. = 1767.2
gpm of foam solution required.

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 541

Discharge device Foam Chamber, Qty. 4 required.
Discharge Duration 55 min. 1767.2 55 = 97,196 gallons of foam solution
0.03 = 2916 gallons of 3% Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF) concentrate required.
Supplementary Hose Lines required (Per NFPA 11) Qty. 3 required (each
minimum 50 gpm) (Tank dia. over 120 ft.).
Hose Line discharge duration (Per NFPA 11) 30 min.
(Tank dia. over 95 ft.) 3 50 = 150 30 = 4500 gallons of foam solution 0.03=
135 gallons of 3% Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF). 3,051 (135 +
2,916) gallons of foam concentrate required.
The appropriate bill of materials of major components for the above system using a
bladder tank could be.
1 3,200 Gallon horizontal style bladder tank.
1 6" Between flange style ratio controller.
4 6" foam chambers each with a flow rate of 442 gpm at appropriate incoming
pressure that exceeds
40 psi.
1 2 1/2" Threaded type ratio controller (For supplementary system.)
3 50 gpm hand-line nozzles.
foam concentrate.
NOTE: When protecting multiple storage tanks the foam system is to be sized to
protect the single largest hazard. Table 8-10 identifies the number of Foam Chambers
required for the protection of a flammable liquid contained in a vertical cone roof
atmospheric storage tank where the discharge device is attached to the tank. Where two
or more outlets are required, the outlets are to be equally spaced around the tank periphery and each outlet is to be sized to deliver foam at approximately the same rate.
It is suggested that for tanks above 200 ft. (60 m) in diameter at least one additional discharge outlet be added for each additional 5000 sq. ft. (465 sq. m.) of liquid
surface or fractional part.
Figure 8-113 depicts a foam pump skid system illustrating piping, valves, discharge
devices, ratio controller, foam pump and foam storage tank for the above system.
Figure 8-114 shows a Cone Roof Storage Tank with a Semi-Fixed Foam System.
Calculation Example 8.2: The following example shows the foam system requirements for seal protection of a 150 ft. diameter open top floating roof tank.
Type of Tank Open Top Floating Roof Tank
Diameter of Tank 150 ft.
Type of Fuel Gasoline

Table 8-10. Foam chambers for storage tanks

Tank diameter, ft
(or equivalent of discharge area)
Up to 80 ft.
Over 80 to 120
Over 120 to 140
Over 140 to 160
Over 160 to 180
Over 180 to 200

Tank diameter, m

Minimum number

24 to 36
36 to 42
42 to 48
48 to 54
54 to 60


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542 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Figure 8-113. T
 ypical foam system: balance pressure pump skid with proportioner (from [49]
www.Buckeyef.com, [11])

Foam Dam installed on roof Yes 2 ft. from tank wall and 2 ft. in height
Sq. ft. area of annular ring 930 sq. ft.
Application Rate 0.30 gpm per sq. ft. (Per NFPA 11),0.30 930 sq. ft. = 279
gpm of foam solution required.
Type of Discharge Device Foam Makers
Discharge Duration 20 min. 279 20 = 5,580 gallons of foam solution
0.03 (3% AFFF) = 167.4 gallons of foam concentrated
Quantity of Foam Makers Required (Per NFPA 11) 6 required.
Supplementary hose lines may be added as per example for Cone Roof.

Figure 8-114. T
 ypical semi fixed foam system (with mobile apparatus supplying the foam
solution), Buckeye www.buckeyef.com, [49], Inset: Chemguards [48]

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 543

NOTE: The number of fixed foam discharge points on an open top floating roof tank
is determined by the circumference of the tank.
The maximum spacing between discharge points is 40 ft.(12.2 m) of tank circumference when using a 12 (305 mm) high foam dam and every 80 ft. (24.4 m) of tank
circumference when using a 24 (610 mm) high foam dam. Foam Dam Design for Tanks
In accordance with NFPA 11 the following will apply in foam dam design for foam
tanks and monitors/handlines.
Foam Dam Design The foam dam should be circular and constructed of at least
No. 10 US Standard Gage Thickness (0.134 in.) (3.4 mm) steel plate. The dam is to be
welded or otherwise securely fastened to the floating roof. The foam dam is designed
to retain foam at the seal area at a sufficient depth to cover the seal area while causing
the foam to flow laterally to the point of seal rupture.
Dam height is to be at least 12 (305 mm) and should extend at least 2 (51 mm)
above any metal secondary seal or a combustible secondary seal using a plastic foam
log. It is to be at least 2 (51 mm) higher than any burnout panels in metal secondary
Foam dams are to be at least 1 ft. (0.3 m) but no more than 2 ft. (0.6 m) from the
edge of the floating roof.
Foam solution & rain water is to be drained by, slotting the bottom of the dam on
the basis of 0.04 sq. in. of slot area per sq. ft. (278 mm sq./sq. m) of diked area while
restricting the slots to 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) in height. Excessive dam openings for drainage
should be avoided to prevent loss of foam through the drainage slots.
Foam Monitors and Hand-lines: NFPA II states that monitors are not to be considered as the primary means of protection for fixed roof tanks over 20 m (60 ft) in
diameter. Foam hand-lines are not to be considered as the primary means of protection
for tanks over 10 m (30 ft) in diameter or those over 6 m (20 ft) in height.
Application Rates Using Monitors and Hand-lines
The minimum foam solution application rate is based on the assumption that all discharging foam will reach the area being protected. In considering actual solution flow
requirements, consideration should be given to potential foam losses from such as
climatic conditions and thermal updraft of the fire.
The following Table 8.11 shows application density and duration for monitors and
hand-lines on tanks containing liquid hydrocarbons.
Included in the above table are gasohols and unleaded gasolines containing no
more than 10% of an oxygenated additive by volume.
On tanks containing water miscible/polar solvent flammable liquids the recommended foam application duration is 65 minutes.
Flammable liquids having a boiling point less than 100 F and products that have
been burning for some time can develop a heat layer which might require foam solution
application rates as high as 0.2 or 0.25 gpm per sq. ft.
Where monitors or handlines are used to protect storage tanks containing polar
solvent or water miscible liquids the discharge duration shall be a minimum of 65
minutes at the recommended application rate.


Emergency planning can never be successful if it is started when the facility is on
fire. Emergency planning requires a great deal of effort including time to develop an
emergency plan, arrange mutual aid agreements, identify sources of foam and other

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544 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

Table 8-11. Foam application rates using monitors and hand-lines

Hydrocarbon Type

Minimum Application
Rate gpm/ft2
(L/min.)/m2 (min.)


0.16 6.5


0.16 6.5


0.16 6.5


Flash point between (37.8 C and 93.3 C)

(100 F and 140 F)
Flash point below 37.8 C (100 F) or liquids
heated above their flash points
Crude Petroleum

fire fighting chemicals, develop procedures for all operations and plans for controlling
emergencies, and last but not least, conducting drills to practice emergency plans and

8.9.1 Planning for the Emergency

A comprehensive plan should be developed with participation of all parties involved in
emergency operations for storage, handling and use of bulk quantities of hydrocarbon liquids. Guidance on development of emergency plans for fighting fires in atmospheric storage
tanks can be found in API Recommended Practice 2021, Management of Atmospheric Storage Tank Fires, some of the requirement are highlighted in Section 8.1.10 of API.

8.9.2 Responding to Oil Spill Emergencies

Emergency Operations Center (EOC): In the event of a working incident inside a
Tank Farm complex, the industry recommends setting up and announcing an Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
At such an EOC industry expects that representatives of all operating groups
within the complex usually assemble at this location and be available if any action
involving their facilities is necessary and to provide information or advice.
The responsible party for the facility involved in the incident will report to the
Forward Command Post.
Command will assign a Command Officer and at least one supervisor to the Emergency Operations Center. The Emergency Operations Center will provide support as
directed by Command. Complete sets of site plans, and photographs must be maintained at the Complex.
It is usual that all public contact, and liaison functions be conducted at the Emergency Operations Center. However is usual for the Command Post be located in the
most appropriate position to direct tactical operations.
The first unit arriving at the scene of an incident at the Tank Farm Complex is
expected to provide the following information in the initial report:
Specific location - name of shipper involved
Type of incident - leak, spill, fire or no fire
Extent of spill, leak or fire
The first unit arriving at the scene of an incident at the Tank Farm Complex also is
expected to provide the following information in the initial report:
Operation of any automatic fire protection, liquid level control or pipeline
product delivery systems
Tank number(s) and location(s)

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 545

Command Post will normally direct alarm to notify the 24-hour duty Operator at Pipelines Operation Centre of any working incident. If a major leak or spill is involved, the
direction must be given to shut down the incoming pipeline flow.
It is also necessary to notify the responsible party for the involved property to respond. The Tank Farm Complex has usually a call up system to notify all key personnel
to respond to the designated emergency Operations Center.
Initial actions should be directed toward the tactical priorities listed below.
Action should proceed cautiously
High level of safety
Avoid committing personnel to dangerous situations

8.9.3 Tactical Priorities

Major incidents at the Tank Farm Complex will involve either a leak or a spill of a
petroleum product.
The situation may or may not involve a fire. The tactical priorities are:
1. Ensure that all personnel are not within a hazardous atmosphere or have the
potential to be exposed.
2. Cover the spill with a foam blanket to control fire and/or prevent ignition.
3. Control potential sources of ignition.
4. Have a HAZ MAT unit monitor the foam blanket to determine its effectiveness.
5. Contain the spill or run-off.
6. Identify and control the source of the spill or leak.
7. Maintain foam blanket until product can be picked up.
8. Keep all personnel and vehicles out of the spill area.
9. Maintain an adequate volume of foam solution on scene for the duration of the
It may be noted that a large spill can create an extremely large vapor problem and may
flash back from ignition sources at significant distances. While covering the spill to
suppress vapors, the direction and extent of vapor travel must be determined.

8.9.4 Foam Application

When attempting to control a large flammable liquid fire, the strategy is generally to
wait until enough foam concentrate to control the fire is on the scene before beginning
the attack the fire. If the fire attack runs out of foam before the fire is controlled, all
of the foam will have been wasted. The minimum foam solution supply and the total
amount of foam water solution required for each storage tank must be calculated in
advance and be available in the Storage Tank Tactical Guidelines for the complex.
Fires which are controllable with the foam supply on hand are generally attacked
without delay. This applies to most spill fires and tank vehicle incidents. If the fire is
too large to be controlled by the initial attack capability, Command should consider a
holding action to protect exposures and prevent spread until additional foam supplies
can be assembled and prepared for use.
Subsurface Injection: Most Tank complexes have a system of connections
available to pump foam directly into the main piping manifold at the Tank Farm
Complex. The connections must be clearly indicated in the complex site map. By
opening valves and directing the flow, it is possible to direct this flow to designated
tank in the complex and accomplish subsurface injection. The details of the required

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546 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

connections and pre- calculated flow rates for each tank must be carried out in advance for the required type of foam and available at a strategic location with the Tank
Farm Complex.
Before beginning subsurface injection, it may be necessary to transfer hydrocarbon product out of the involved tank to make room for product in the lines that will be
pushed ahead of the foam.
If subsurface foam application is being contemplated the following items are generally considered
As the polar solvents will absorb the water in the foam, subsurface foam injection cannot be used on ethanol or other polar solvents.
The volume of liquid in the pipeline must be displaced by the foam water solution. Pipeline volumes can be calculated and depend on their diameter and
distance from the subsurface injection manifold.
The inlet valve of the storage tank must be open.
It is industrys experience that if the velocity of the foam water solution exceeds 3 m/s (10 feet/second) in the pipeline, the water will separate from the
foam, making it useless.
Depending on the length of the line and the tank height, it may take 30-60 minutes of time from the time that foam water solution is pumped into the injection
manifold until it reaches the burning surface of the tank.
Fixed Systems: Fixed piping is provided for some tanks to provide direct delivery
of Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF), from Foam supply into the affected hydrocarbon storage tank. These systems will deliver foam onto the product via topside
application at the tank. In such cases a Siamese connection (Figure 8-115) is provided
to allow the foam lines to be connected.
The use of these systems may require complicated operations to manipulate valves,
drain lines or remove product. These operations require liaison and cooperation with
the responsible parties.
Hose Streams: Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF) may also be applied
through 1 1/2 inch hand-lines from the company or third party fire fighting facilities/
departments which also may have the capability to supply hand- lines and/or master
streams, including elevated streams on ladder trucks.
When using hose streams, caution must be taken to use a large enough line to
penetrate the heat of the fire from a safe distance. Foam Supply
If the foam supply on hand at the incident scene is not adequate for the incident, Command usually direct Dispatch to notify Resource Management to begin to assemble a
larger supply. This shall be obtained from:

Truck and Trailer

Fire Department Warehouse
Mutual Aid Fire Departments
Emergency Purchase from vendors

Because of the large foam demands required for ground spill fires, Command should
consider assigning at least one group to ensure the availability of required volume and
type of foam. This group is responsible for ensuring that a sufficient volume of foam is
available to control the fire and to assist in maintaining a constant supply during foam
water solution application. The group is also responsible for ensuring that enough foam
remains on-hand for continuous application if, after extinguishment, fire firefighters

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Hydrocarbon Petroleum Tankage and Terminal Design n 547

Figure 8-115. T
 ypical connection for firefighting facilities, A Siamese Twin and B: dual fitting
foam connection

must enter into the spill area. It is usual that at least 50% of the amount of foam required for extinguishment be available, especially if tank overhaul is required. Water Supply
The Complexs Tank Tactical Guidelines must contain water supply data and available
sources for the tank farm. Exposure Protection
When exposure protection is required, large volume water streams should be used for
reach and cooling capacity. Water application must be managed to avoid breaking-up
foam blankets or increasing the problems of fuel spills.
Steam production should be used as a guide to protecting exposures: If steam is
created when water strikes the surface of the tank, the need for protection is indicated.
Tanks generally require little protection on vertical surfaces below the liquid level.
Some of the tank farm facilities have fixed monitor nozzles that can be used to apply cooling water onto tanks that require exposure protection. Such facilities are usually
identified in the Storage Tank Tactical Guidelines book for the Tank farm complex.
a- Valve Protection
Product control valves on the storage tanks are beneficial because they can be used
to route liquid from a fire-involved tank to an empty or partially full tank. Failing to
protect these valves in the event of a ground spill fire may prevent tank farm personnel
from routing liquid from fire exposed or damaged tanks. In the event of a ground spill
fire that does not submerge the valve in liquid, a fire stream should be applied to each
valve that may be subjected to heat damage. The use of protective streams will protect
the operating components of the valves so that they are not damaged.
b- Utility Control
If disconnecting the electric power is considered as part of the incident tactics, it is
necessary to discuss the requirement with the tank farm personnel of the implications
of this disconnection. Disconnecting power can shut down transfer pumps used to remove spilled products at loading racks, cause motor operated valves on storage tanks
to close which prevents subsurface foam injection, and disable controls for all the
storage tanks.

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548 n Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems

c- Traffic Control
One of the more likely events at the tank farms is a spill resulting from an accidentally
overfilled tank. Given the volatility of some fuels, a large area may be covered with
vapors that can be within their flammable range. Depending on the location of the Tank
Farm complex, traffic control should be established early in the incident to limit the
potential for vehicles becoming ignition sources.
Command should recognize that all of the trucking companies that transport fuel
would have access cards that may control access gates. These vehicles can access the
tank farm area unless the major intersections and roadways surrounding the tank farm
complex are blocked.


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