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Prana Prthistha

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Prana Pratishtha Mantra for any Indian God Idol:

? Asya Sri Prana Pratishtha Mantrasya Bramha-Vishnu-Maheshwara Hrashya| Hragyaju

:Samartharwanichandasi| Parapranashaktirdevata| Aam Beejam| Hrim Shakthi: Kron K
ilakam| ? Sri__ (God/Goddess Name)__ Pranapratishthapane winiyoga:|| (with chant
ing this mantra keep your right hand touching to Idol Heart or Legs) ? Aam Hrim
Krom| Aum Yam Rum Lum Wam Shum Sum Hum Lum Kshum Aah:| Krom Hrim Aam| Hamsa: Soo
hum| Aasyam Murthau Pran Eeha Prana:| ? Aam Hrim Krom| Aum Yam Rum Lum wam Shan
Sha? Sun Hun Lum Ksham Aah: Krom Hrim Aam| Humsa: Sooham| ? Sri__ (God/Goddess N
ame)__ Tasya Jeeva Eeha Sthita:| ? Aam Hrim Krom| ? Aam Hrim Krom| ? Aam Hrim Kr
om| Aum Yam Rum Lum wam Shan Sha? Sun Hun Lum Ksham Aah: Krom Hrim Aam| Humsa: S
ooham| ? Sri__ (God/Goddess Name)__ Sarvendriyani| Waangmanastwaka Chaksu:Shrota
Jivhaghran PaNipada Payupasthani Haiwagatya Sukham Chiran Tishtantu Swaha| ? As
unite Punarassmasu Chaksu: Pun: Pranamiha No Dhehi Bhogam| Jyok Pashyem Surya Mu
cchyarantamanumate MruLya Na: Swasti| ? Chatwari Wak Parimeeta Padani Tani Vidur
Bramhana a ManishiNa:| Guha Trininihita Nengayanti Turiyum Wacho ManushYA Wadan
ti| Garbhadhanadi Panchadasga Samskara Sidyarthum Panchadashapranavavruthihi: Ka
rishye ?| (after chant this mantra leave some water in the plate infront of you
and again chant the mantra "?" upto 15 times Louder. And Read the following Mant
? Raktambhodhistha Potollasadrunasaroojadhiruda Karabjai:| Pasham Kodandamekshud
bhava Gunmapyamkushum PanchabaNan| BibhraNashrukpaaltrinayanalasitapeen Wakshoru
haDhya | Devi BalakarvarNa Bhavatu Sukhakari Prana Shakti Para Na:| Tatchakshurd
evahitam Shukramuccha Pashyam Sharad: Shatam Jiwem Sharad: Shatam | Eeti Mantren
a Devasya Aajyennenmilanam Krutwa (after chanting this mantra take one flower di
p in to the ghee and apply the both eyes of the god or goddess complete)
? Sri__ (God/Goddess Name)__ Namah: | Gandha Pushpam Samarpayami | (With this ma
ntra for God or Goddess apply the sandelwood paste to the fore head, Offer the f
lowers and Tulsi / Bilwa Patra as required) ? Sri__ (God/Goddess Name)__ Namah:
| Dhupam Deepam Naivedyam Samarpayami (We chant this mantra for God or Goddess s
how the agarbathi and Gingel Oil Lamps. As well as show the milk and sugar naiwe
dyam for god) ? Sri__ (God/Goddess Name)__ Namah:| Mukhawasarthe Poogiphalatambu
lam Suwarnanishkriya Dakshinam Mantra pushpamch: Samarpayami (we chant this mant
ra offer the god betel leaves with ingredients of betel, betel leaves, piece of
turmeric, almond, piece of dry coconut and dry dates. And as well as offer some
flower and dakshina (offering some money) to the God of Goddess.
After this all procedure your idol is fulfill of positive power of God or Goddes

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