Ubuntu OpenStack Fundamentals Training
Ubuntu OpenStack Fundamentals Training
Ubuntu OpenStack Fundamentals Training
Fundamentals Training
Day 1 - 2: Lecture/demos/exercise
Day 3: Assessment Test
Level required:
Experienced Linux and Cloud Professionals
There will be an assessment test on Day 3
and all the trainees will be provided with
the results of assessment test and course
completion certificate.
Section 3:
Install and Configure Juju
Section 4:
Configure an OpenStack Cloud
Section 7:
Work with Cloud Images
Section 9:
Work with Cloud Workload Instances
Section 8:
Configure an OpenStack Project
Section 6:
Work with Software-Defined Networks
Section 11:
Introduction to Landscape and Ubuntu
Objective 1: Understand the Canonical
Distribution of Ubuntu OpenStack
Objective 2: Understand Landscape
Features and Functionality
Objective 3: Deploy an OpenStack Cloud
Using AutoPilot
Section 12:
Configure Juju to Manage a Tenant in an
OpenStack Cloud