PDC Model Question Paper
PDC Model Question Paper
PDC Model Question Paper
5X10M = 50Marks
1.a) Explain the function of High Pass RC circuit as differentiator. Obtain the expression for %
tilt with a neat sketch.
b) Draw the RC Low pass circuit and explain its working with step voltage input.
2 a) For the circuit shown below, the input voltage Vi is a sinusoidal voltage of peak-to-peak
value of 100volts applied to a two level clipper. Assume the diodes to be ideal. Sketch one cycle
of output voltage. Determine the maximum diode current.
3. What is a Monostable multivibrator? With the help of a neat circuit diagram explain the
principle of operation of a Monostable multi and derive an expression for pulse width.
4.a) With the aid of a neat circuit diagram and suitable waveforms, explain the operation of a
transistor Boot strap time-base generator. Suggest a method to reduce the recovery time of
the same.
(b) Explain the synchronization of a sweep circuit with symmetrical signals?
5.a) Explain the working of a two diode sampling gate. Derive the expressions for
i) Gain