Sexuality Conversation Starters - PRO - 2016
Sexuality Conversation Starters - PRO - 2016
Sexuality Conversation Starters - PRO - 2016
1. When you think of sex, what comes to mind? (Jot down any words,
images, and associations you can think of ).
2. What does sex mean to you?
3. What is important to know about you sexually?
4. What aspects of your sexual life do you value and would you like to
keep? To hold on to?
5. What aspects of your sexual life would you still like to experience?
6. Think of your most intense (best) sexual experience, has it happened or is
it still to come?
7. When do you feel most erotic?
8. When do you feel most free in your relationship?
9. Is there something sexual you long for?
10.Whats a sexual dilemma for you?
11.How do you experience love and sex, love without sex, and sex without
12.When do you feel most attractive?
13.In which situation do you feel most tense?
103.What is the role of religion in your life, and how does it influence your
sexuality (beliefs, attitudes, behaviors?)
104. Do you like to talk when you make love? Do you make noises?
105. Among the five senses, which one is the most sexual for you?
Seeing? Smelling? Hearing? Touching? Tasting?
106. Do you engage in sexually compulsive behaviors?
107. What is your favorite temperature of the water?
108. What kind of music do you like to listen to?
109. Do you like to cook?
110. What is your preferred time of the day to make love?
111. What do you enjoy most when you make love?
112. What do you like to experience in sex? (Feel free to check more than
Tenderness? Softness? Closeness? Intensity? Aggression? A state of
transcendence? A spiritual connection? Rebellious? A release? Surrender?
Dominance? Abandon? Unboundedness? Freedom? Free from any
responsibility? Ruthlessness? Timelessness? Giving? Receiving? To be
taken? To possess?
113. Do you practice tantra? Yoga? Any Sport?
114. Do you like sex toys? Do you use them? Alone or with your partner?
115. When you love someone/thing, how do you feel?
116. When you desire someone/thing how do you feel?
117. Have you been hurt in love?