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Sexuality Conversation Starters - PRO - 2016

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Esther Perel, 2016


1. When you think of sex, what comes to mind? (Jot down any words,
images, and associations you can think of ).
2. What does sex mean to you?
3. What is important to know about you sexually?
4. What aspects of your sexual life do you value and would you like to
keep? To hold on to?
5. What aspects of your sexual life would you still like to experience?
6. Think of your most intense (best) sexual experience, has it happened or is
it still to come?
7. When do you feel most erotic?
8. When do you feel most free in your relationship?
9. Is there something sexual you long for?
10.Whats a sexual dilemma for you?
11.How do you experience love and sex, love without sex, and sex without
12.When do you feel most attractive?
13.In which situation do you feel most tense?

14.A person that strongly influenced you sexually is?

15.What is an event in your sexual history that stands out?
16.What was your first sexual experience, and how dierent is it today?
17.Whats the best compliment you like to receive?
18.Do you ever introduce new ideas in your sexual relationship?
19.Do you initiate sex?
20.Do you expect to initiate sex?
21.Do you like make-up sex?
22.Do you seek out information about new love making techniques?
23.How comfortable are you with nudity?
24.Do you take pleasure in all your senses when you make love?
25.When you are bored sexually, what do you do to change that?
26.Do you have spontaneous thoughts, images, or daydreams?
27.Do you like to look at your partner and be seen when you make love?
28.Do you want sexual exclusiveness in your relationships?
29.Are you comfortable discussing the topic of sexual boundaries and
monogamy with your partner?
30.When was the first time you masturbated? How did you feel?
31.Do you masturbate and what is the experience like?

32.Is there anything, physical or emotional, that you feel during

masturbation that you wish you felt during sex?
33.What is the role of sex in your life?
34.Do you prefer sex or chocolate?
35.How do you like to be touched? (Do you know how you like to be
36.Where do you like to be touched?
37.Do you like to talk during sex? If so, do you prefer sweet talk or dirty
38.Whats forbidden for you sexually?
39.Do you use online dating sites?
40.Do you think of other sexual partners when youre with your partner?
41.Do you sometimes feel daring in sex?
42.What is more dicult for you: to think and talk about sex or to do it?
43.What do you want most erotically with your partner?
44.What turns you o sexually?
45.What turns you on sexually?
46.When is sex most pleasurable?
47.When do you think of being naughty?
48.Do you fantasize of same sex partners?

49.What is a vulnerability around your sexuality that you struggle with?

50.What is a vulnerability around sex you think your partner struggles with?
51.Do you have a sexual memory that you dont like?
52.When do you feel most beautiful?
53.Are there things in your sexuality that scare you?
54.When do you feel most shame?
55.Is there a barrier youd like to cross?
56.When do you feel most untouchable?
57.Whats your favorite pose?
58.When do you feel most dull?
59.What are the rules of sex in your life?
60.Do you sometimes pretend?
61.How comfortable are you communicating your sexual wants or dislikes?
62.Do you feel confident exploring your sexuality?
63.Do you like fulfilling your partners wants?
64.What are your guilty pleasures?
65.Something Id like to change in relationship to my sexuality is?
66.How has your sexuality changed over time?
67.What is your relation to your body?

68.Do you like to make love to yourself?

69.Who are you as a lover?
70.How does your partner experience you as a sexual partner?
71.Do you sometimes wish you wanted to be more sexual?
72.Do you sometimes wish you were less sexual?
73.What was the attitude toward sex in your family growing up?
Comfortable? Positive? Natural? Awkward? Repressive? Shameful? Guilt
inducing? Abusive?
74.Was sex openly talked about in your family growing up?
75.Did your parent(s) provide sexual education?
76.Which, if any parent spoke and taught you about sex?
77.What was the attitude about pre-marital sex?
78.What was the attitude about contraception?
79.Were your parents aectionate with each other?
80.How much physical aection was there among the family members?
81.What were the messages about boys/men, girls/women in your family?
82.Was sex talked about? Hinted at? Joked about? Hushed?
83.Do you watch porn?
84.What kind of porn turns you on?
85.How do you feel about being a man/women?

86.Do you fantasize about domination and submission?

87.Do you need intimacy in sex?
88.How soon after you come do you withdraw?
89.Ever fantasize transgressive sex?
90.Ever engage in transgressive sex (o-limits)?
91.Do you play with BDSM?
92.How do you turn yourself on?
93.Are you aected by the menstrual cycles?
94.Are there changes in your sexuality due to health concerns and
95.How has age changed your sexuality?
96.Do you like watching porn alone or with your partner?
97.When your partner watches porn what does it do to you?
98.Do you read erotic literature? If yes, could you give names of your
favorite ones?
99.Do you touch yourself when you have sex with your partner?
100.Do you make a distinction between making love and having sex?
101.What were the prevalent messages about gender in your family?
102.What were the dominant messages in your culture about boys and girls,
men and women?

103.What is the role of religion in your life, and how does it influence your
sexuality (beliefs, attitudes, behaviors?)
104. Do you like to talk when you make love? Do you make noises?
105. Among the five senses, which one is the most sexual for you?
Seeing? Smelling? Hearing? Touching? Tasting?
106. Do you engage in sexually compulsive behaviors?
107. What is your favorite temperature of the water?
108. What kind of music do you like to listen to?
109. Do you like to cook?
110. What is your preferred time of the day to make love?
111. What do you enjoy most when you make love?
112. What do you like to experience in sex? (Feel free to check more than
Tenderness? Softness? Closeness? Intensity? Aggression? A state of
transcendence? A spiritual connection? Rebellious? A release? Surrender?
Dominance? Abandon? Unboundedness? Freedom? Free from any
responsibility? Ruthlessness? Timelessness? Giving? Receiving? To be
taken? To possess?
113. Do you practice tantra? Yoga? Any Sport?
114. Do you like sex toys? Do you use them? Alone or with your partner?
115. When you love someone/thing, how do you feel?
116. When you desire someone/thing how do you feel?
117. Have you been hurt in love?

118. Have you hurt someone in love?

119. Have you ever been hurt sexually?
120. Has anyone ever touched you or asked you to touch them the way you
didnt like?
121. Have you ever been loved the way you wish?
122. How comfortable are you communicating your wants to your partner(s).
123. When you partner tells you about his/her sexual preferences what does it
do to you?
124. What is a metaphor that best describes your sexuality?
125. If you were the author of a book on sex, what would its title be?

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