002131-1-2 A 6 CMAS TwoStarsDiverStandard-PpO2 PDF
002131-1-2 A 6 CMAS TwoStarsDiverStandard-PpO2 PDF
002131-1-2 A 6 CMAS TwoStarsDiverStandard-PpO2 PDF
2. Classification
2.1 The CMAS Two Stars Diver Training Programme is classified as a second level sport diver
training programme.
To dive to a maximum recommended depth of forty (40) metres with other SCUBA
divers of the same level;
To only use air as a breathing gas, unless he is certified to use other breathing gas
To make dives which do not require mandatory in-water decompression stops;
To participate in night diving activities;
To dive in environments where direct vertical access to the surface is possible.
Chapter 2
Comply with all the prerequisites for participation in the training programme as
prescribed by Clause 5 of this Standard;
Successfully complete the theoretical assessment as provided for in Clause 10.1 of
this Standard;
Successfully complete the open water assessment as provided for in Clause 10.2 of
this Standard; and
Successfully complete ten (10) open water training dives at depths between ten (10)
to thirty (30) meters with a minimum underwater duration of fifteen (15) minutes as
well as the open water assessment that shall be conducted during such dives, as
provided for in Clause 10.3 of this Standard.
Successfully complete and log the ten (10) additional open water dives between a
depth of 20 - 40 meters in order to gain more open water diving experience dives as
provided for in Clause 3.2 of Standard 3.6 in Chapter 3.
Chapter 2
10.1.1 The student shall demonstrate to the CMAS Instructor knowledge of advanced
SCUBA diving by taking and passing an oral or written examination. This
examination shall test entry level theoretical knowledge and knowledge of SCUBA
skills as prescribed in Syllabus 3.6 in Chapter 3.
10.2.1 The participant shall demonstrate to the CMAS Instructor his mastery of the confined
water SCUBA skills, as prescribed in Clause 2.1 of Syllabus 3.A.6 in Chapter 3, during
one or more of the confined water lessons.
10.3.1 The participant shall demonstrate to the CMAS Instructor his mastery of the open
water SCUBA skills, as prescribed in Clause 2.2 of Syllabus 3.A.5 in Chapter 3, during
one or more of the open water training dives.
11. Certification
Chapter 2