Naui Scuba Diver Course Poi 2009
Naui Scuba Diver Course Poi 2009
Naui Scuba Diver Course Poi 2009
Prepared by: DENNIS G. CATIENZA Tech Instr ct!r"C! rse D#rect!r $ %&'(%) *+&,%(-%%&'(% ./0!be12 *+&,33-33&'(% .s n12 denc#!cat4yah!!.c!5
Scuba diver is the NAUI entry-level scuba certification course. It provides the fundamental knowledge and skills to scuba dive. Upon successful completion of this course graduates are considered competent to engage in openwater activities without supervision, provided the diving activities and the areas dived appro imate those of training.
I. Prerequisites for Entering the Course
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A"#. $inimum age is !% years old. 'iver (ertification and )rior *raining. Non-re+uired. -ealth and .itness. (andidates must provide a certification of good health from a medical professional specifying that they are fit to engage in scuba diving activities. #+uipment. (andidates must provide their own mask, snorkel, booties and fins. 1atermanship Skills. (andidates must be able to swim unaided a distance of &22m 3no time limit4, tread water for !2 min., swim underwater a hori5ontal distance of &2m.
Course Outline
*his course will be divided in three phases6 !. Acade5#c Sess#!ns. !0 hours estimated which will be divide into 0 ,-hr academic sessions. *opics to be discussed are as follows6 a. Applied Sciences. )hysics, physiology and medical aspects as they relate to the diver7s performance and safety in the water. #mphasis is placed on physical fitness, diving ha5ards, personal limitations and the behavior needed to minimi5e the risks of diving. $aterial is to be presented in terms of +ualitative, practical application. b. Diving Equipment. )urpose, feature, types and uses of scuba diving e+uipment. *he candidate is to be able to select, use and care for Skin and scuba diving e+uipment, and any other basic e+uipment dictated by the local diving conditions. c. Diving Safety. Aspects, which impact upon a diver7s safety. *opics are to include emergency procedures, rescue and first aid as applied to diving, underwater communications, basic underwater navigation, dive planning and safety measures. 8escue is to address problem prevention and recognition.
Diving Environment. )hysical and biological aspects of the environment where open water training is conducted. *he candidates shall be trained to recogni5e potential ha5ards before entering the water. *he program aims to inculcate in the candidates the importance of conservation and the kinds of both negative and positive impact divers can have on the environment. e. Diving Activities. *he how, who, when, what, and why of diving. #mphasis shall be placed upon continued education through NAUI training courses. f. Continuing Education. 9imitations as new divers and the importance of additional training. An awareness of personal ability shall be emphasi5ed. *he importance of logbook use shall be emphasi5ed. P!!0 Tra#n#n/. !0 hours estimated which will be divided into 0 ,hr pool training sessions. Skill development shall be sub-divided into three areas and they are as follows6 a. Skin Diving. )erform skills using proper techni+ue to ma imi5e breath-holding time at depth. Simulate rescue of a struggling diver at the surface and an unconscious diver under water and at the surface. b. Scuba Diving. )erform pre-dive skills like selecting, checking, assembling, ad:usting and donning of e+uipment. #mphasis shall be placed upon e+uipment handling both in and out of the water, monitoring of instruments, proper buoyancy control, communication, basic navigation, buddy system and dive planning. c. Emergency Skills. *his skill is to address problem prevention and recognition. #mphasis is placed upon selfrescue, assists and transports, retrievals from depth, and rescues in open water. Pract#ca0 App0#cat#!n !r Chec6! t D#7es. &2 hours estimated which will be divided into 0 scuba dives and ! skin dive. *his activity will be held in a salt water environment in $abini, ;atangas for two consecutive days. All the skills ac+uired during pool training sessions and the knowledge gained in the academic sessions will be synthesi5ed into this final re+uirement of the course.
Ev lu tion
(andidates will be evaluated both academically 3composed of two sets of written e amination4 and skills performance, which is done after every pool training session, in order to pass the course.
S!he"ule of A!tivities
*he entire course can be scheduled following several options. *he practical application or check-out dives are to be done in $abini, ;atangas and candidates must spend & consecutive days to finish the final re+uirements. Since the total time re+uirement is 02 hours and &2 hours of which must be done in a salt water environment, the remaining training hours can be appropriated as follows6 a. 0 days at < training hours per day 3crash course=resort course4. *o be set at the convenience of the candidates. b. !! consecutive days at , training hours per day. c. &! days at , training hours per session meeting , times a week 3regular class4 d. ,2 days at , training hours per session meeting & times a week 3regular class4
I#. F !ilities n" Equi$%ent
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(lassroom with multi-media e+uipment Swimming pool at least &0m long, &2m wide and ,m deep Skin diving e+uipment and wet suit 3provided by the candidates4 Scuba e+uipment 3provided by the scuba instructor4
Course Fee
)ackage price6 )hp !&,222.22=candidate @ a registration fee of USA ?0.22=candidate for a minimum of / candidates )hp !0,222.22=candidate @ a registration fee of USA ?0.22=candidate for candidates between &-,pa .or private classes 3one on one4 course fee is )hp !%,222.22 @ USA?0.22 registration fee Inclusions6 *raining materials Scuba e+uipment *raining facilities 9ifetime registration fee for the NAUI S(U;A 'iver (-card and NAUI *e tbook Bvernight e pense during the check out dives. )lease add )hp ,,%02.22=pa 3/ pa sharing in a cottage and this Inclusive of all the necessary dives, overnight accommodation and / buffet meals *ransportation arrangement
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