002259-1-Search and Recovery Handout v1.0 1
002259-1-Search and Recovery Handout v1.0 1
002259-1-Search and Recovery Handout v1.0 1
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A study of the Drowning Reports submitted to the Irish Water Safety Association by Gardai nationwide
reveals some alarming statistics.
Over the past 5 years, there has been 134 Leisure based accidental drownings.
Over the past 5 years a total of 34 accidental drowning victims were directly involved in Marine Leisure
boating activities.
The average age of accidental drowning victims involved in marine leisure boating is 44.
There were a total of 39 accidental drownings in the past five years that involved the consumption of alcohol.
There were 34 Accidental Drownings in 2001. Of these drownings, 11 Involved leisure boating incidents.
104 accidentally drowned while engaged in land based leisure pursuits since 1997.
Taken from
Search and Recovery Training Programme
Rescue or recovery? Entry requirements
As an island nation, we have a high incidence of water- Divers undertaking SAR training should have the
related incidents, ranging from boating accidents to crime following as a minimum
to suicides. Sadly, a large number of ‘search and rescue’ • Club Diver Certificate
callouts conclude as ‘search and recovery’ operations.
• Current valid medical certificate of fitness to dive
A Rescue Mode is used when there is a chance to save a
human life • CFT registration
• Active Diver status
A Recovery Mode is used with the goal of recovering a
body and/or property • Not uncomfortable with zero visibility diving
1 February 2003
Search and Recovery Training Programme
Call-out encouraged to assist the team with other tasks. For
This could be either a drowning or a missing person / craft instance, a properly constituted team will include stand-
in the water. The objective of a call-out is to recover the by divers and coxn’s.
casualty or craft - without risk to the safety of search team.
The Casualty
Weather conditions Before the dive takes place, the DO should consider how
Since one of the factors contributing to marine accidents long the casualty might have been in the water.
is bad weather, very often the weather conditions are Deterioration will be slower in cold water. Fresh water
unfavourable for SAR. It is likely that when the SAR team will preserve a body for longer than seawater. The longer
is called out, it will be on a day when sports diving would the body is in the water – the more it will deteriorate. It
be prohibitive due to bad weather. However, it should be should be emphasised again that divers uncomfortable
borne in mind that the safety of the team should never be with the recovery aspect of the operation should be
jeopardised by risking the lives of the team. assigned to other duties.
Searches can take considerably longer than the average
sports dive thus introducing the risk of hypothermia. On locating the casualty
This is especially relevant when a search is conducted in The diver who locates the body should initially notify
shallow waters, which permit a longer ‘bottom time’. his/her buddy, using the pre-arranged signals. Sharing the
Fresh water is generally colder than seawater. discovery with a buddy will make it easier to proceed. This
is why a spirit of teamwork is a vital aspect throughout the
operation. If it is impractical to remove the body the
Search conditions
surface immediately, the spot should be marked for later.
The diving officer will have several factors to consider
when deploying the team. Many SAR operations are
carried out in zero or poor visibility. Proximity to bridges Recovery
and piers, particularly in urban areas introduce The recovery aspect will be easier for some more than
additional hazards (e.g. discarded bicycles and other others. If uncomfortable with this task, leave it to others.
rubbish). Polluted waters pose the risk of infection so Decay may make recovery difficult. It may therefore be
appropriate precautions and aftercare should be taken. advisable to mark the spot and return to the surface to
Strong currents further increase the risk to the SAR discuss the best recovery method.
team. A diver will have more difficulty controlling the
dive and his/her equipment in fast flowing water,
particularly in low visibility. Confidentiality
Throughout the SAR operation, every member of the
team should show respect for the deceased. The team
Personnel may find themselves the object of a relative’s anger, for
All of the factors discussed here (adverse weather and instance if a recovery operation is taking longer than
search conditions) indicate that SAR activities should be anticipated. Such relatives should be treated with
confined to those divers who possess appropriate skills sensitivity to the trauma that they are experiencing.
and experience to deal with a combination of For all the above reasons, the team should avoid
unfavourable conditions. Club Diver (registered / active interaction with relatives.
/ medically fit) is therefore considered the minimum
grade. The SAR Diving Officer is the only person on the team
who should liaise with the press. SAR divers should
Divers who are keen to assist with SAR but who lack the directly queries to the DO or officer in charge. Avoid
confidence for zero visibility diving should be ‘pub talk’.
2 February 2003
Search and Recovery Training Programme
Initial contact • DO to liaise with Gardai or officer in charge
Initial contact will come from a state agency, i.e. Gardaí/ • Don’t talk to the press
Coastguard. This call will be seeking the services of a • Don’t speculate with onlookers on what might have
diving team. Some incidents require search and rescue happened
services while others require search and recovery services.
CFT SAR divers should respond only to official calls for
Decision to dive
assistance. If, for instance, a neighbour, friend or
• Made only by DO having considered circumstances
member of the public should call for assistance, they
and conditions
should be referred immediately to the Coastguard or the
• DO’s authority cannot be questioned or over-ruled by
Gardaí, i.e. they should go through the official channels.
the SAR dive team
• DO will decide on best search method
Verifying a callout
• DO will decide who does what
• Large numbers are hoaxes
• DO might ask somebody to step down or assign them
• Caller to identify him / herself
an alternative task, e.g. cox’n
• Caller to provide telephone number
• DO will decide on equipment, e.g. is it practical to use
• Call number back to verify a BCD?
• Mobilise unit only on when contacted by statutory body • Is it ok to dive alone?
• Members of the public – refer to Gardai etc.
Dive brief
Internal alert callout system • Out of earshot of the public
Land telephone line / mobile phone / bleep are all used • Ever ybody ok? Since this was an unplanned
Mobile phones most widely used in recent years operation, it is vital that the DO ensures everybody
How many to call out? This depends on: the nature of is fit to dive, e.g. no alcohol within past 12 hours /
the incident, where and when it took place and the no hangover; dived up to required depth?; carrying
possible duration of the search a penalty from a previous dive today.
A back-up team could be required on stand-by if it is • Depth
envisaged that the operation will be of several hours duration • How long has casualty been in the water?
• Chosen search method and if feasible / necessary, a ‘dry run’
Meeting point • What equipment is required?
• Usually clubhouse (or car-park) • Considering tide/current, in which direction would
• Away from scene of incident casualty be carried
• Privacy for brief • Rope signals
• DO to visit scene before briefing • What if you find the casualty?
• Arrive as one group if possible • Recovery plan
• A professional approach to the operation will give • Emergency plan
confidence and assurance to those at the scene
Team tasks
Interactions on site • Divers
• Be sensitive to circumstances, e.g. suicide, crime, man • Search co-ordinator
overboard or negligence • Liaison officer
• Talk to witnesses • Boat handling
• Are we looking for a casualty? • Rope-work
• Are we looking for a car? • Bank-work
• Might recovered items be used as evidence? • Compressor duty
• Consider varying accounts of incident • Logger / recorder
3 February 2003
Search and Recovery Training Programme
Introduction exacerbates fear and anxiety and impairs dexterity and
The safety of each member of the SAR team is No. 1 decision-making. It is therefore vital that a diver
priority. The ultimate responsibility for the safety of the approaching hypothermia be removed from the water
group lies with SAR DO. CFT’s Safety Statement is before the team has a further casualty to treat. The diver
available from Head Office. Each SAR team should possess approaching hypothermia should take responsibility for
a copy and be familiar with its contents. Risk assessment his/her own safety by notifying his/her buddy or diving
should be fully taken into account when assigning tasks. officer. First - stop - think - control breathing rate - act.
Hyperthermia, i.e. an increased body temperature can be a
Site assessment result of being a long time kitted up on surface in a dry-suit and
Currents / tides / weather should be taken into full-face mask. Hyperthermia leads to fluid loss (dehydration)
consideration, as should depth / water quality / visibility. and heat exhaustion (+4 °C in core can lead to convulsions)
The added problems that underwater obstructions / Thermal stress can be avoided by being fit, hydrated and
hazards pose should be considered. The SAR team may properly rested. Dry suits should be worn in cold waters.
be called to a site with which it is unfamiliar. In such All divers should watch for symptoms in his/her buddy
cases the DO will explore the various options for boat as well as him/herself.
access / exit points. Other boat traffic using the area
should be considered. It may be prudent to notify them
of the incident and if appropriate to seek their assistance. Safety equipment
The DO will decide if the team has sufficient and The usual pre-dive planning applies, i.e. emergency plan,
appropriate equipment to participate in the SAR VHF radio (agree working channel), first aid, and oxygen.
operation. A night dive would require additional In addition there should be spare breathing gas on site. All
equipment and personnel. equipment should be in perfect working order and where
appropriate should be accompanied by the manufacturer’s
A combination of factors such as cold, poor visibility,
anxiety and fear will cause a diver to be stressed. A stressed Health consideration
diver on the SAR team becomes a risk to both him/herself All divers should be medically fit. CFT’s medical officer’s rec-
and to the safety of the team. There are several ways to ommendations should be followed. Careful attention should
reduce stress in preparation for SAR operations: be made to personal hygiene and all divers should shower
1. Training (simulations). Repeated training and after dive. This is particularly important where the SAR
simulations of SAR operations will increase a diver’s operation required divers to work in polluted waters. All
skills and competence equipment should be hosed and disinfected after each dive.
2. Increased experience will equip the diver with the Should a diver feel unwell after a dive, s/he should seek
ability work effectively and efficiently medical advice immediately.
3. Fitness will contribute to the diver’s ability to deal
with demanding exercises Standby diver
4. Good equipment will increase the diver’s confidence The standby diver should be experienced as a roped diver
in approaching SAR activities in low visibility. S/he diver should be fully equipped and
5. Mental preparation, such as anticipating what lies ready to enter water as required. The search diver should
ahead and feeling ‘up to the job’ will reduce the risk enter the water only when the standby diver is ready.
of stress and increase the diver’s ability to cope. Spare gas should be to hand in the event of a diver
becoming trapped.
Thermal stress
Unlike regular sport diving, the SAR diver may be Special situations
exposed in prolonged periods underwater, leading to the In certain situations, the team may have to deviate from
risk of hypothermia. Hypothermia is one of the many CFT’s Rules and Recommendations, e.g. diving alone
contributory risk factors to DCS. In additional it and/or without a BCD.
4 February 2003
Search and Recovery Training Programme
Introduction Lifeline
Each item of equipment used in SAR operations must be Diameter: 8mm; breaking strain: 1120kg; length: 50m
used only for the purpose for which it was designed, e.g. max; fitted with 100mm snap karabiner screw type
air cylinders for air etc. In the event of unsuitable Buoyancy devices
equipment, a replacement should be sought or the dive To be worn on all operations, except in confined spaces
plan should be altered to exclude the unsuitable item. or fast flowing waters where there is a risk of snagging
CFT certification or manufacturer’s service certificate Again, the decision on whether or not to use buoyancy
should accompany all major items of equipment. devices is made by the DO in consultation with the
team. While this is a deviation from CFT’s ruling, it is
Suits / gloves accepted that some SAR operations may prove safer
Dry suits should be worn where there is a risk of cold without the use of a buoyancy device.
from prolonged dive / immersion. They should also be
worn in polluted waters where there is a risk of infection. Facemask / regulator / octopus
Weil’s disease (leptospirosis), a deadly disease passed from
rodents to humans via water is a risk in such conditions. Half Mask
The use of standard scuba mask (half mask) should be
In the absence of the risk of hypothermia or pollution,
used only where there is no risk of pollution in the water.
the diving officer may decide that semi-dry suits are
Such a mask would be used together with a standard
most suitable for the task.
scuba regulator suitable for the type of dive, i.e. warm /
Gloves must be worn on all recovery operations, with cold / deep / shallow.
latex gloves worn underneath the diving gloves. Latex
gloves MUST be worn at all times while handling a Full Face Mask
casualty. Dry gloves (i.e. completely sealed) must be A full face mask complete with regulator or similar type
worn in all the following situations: must be used in polluted waters. These masks should be
used following appropriate training in their use.
• Polluted waters
• Contaminated waters Octopus Regulator
An octopus regulator must be used in open waters dives.
• Risk of injury from sharp objects underwater
It should be clearly visible and easily accessible to the
• Very cold water diver’s buddy. It should be kept either in the pocket of
the buoyancy device or attached to a lanyard.
All equipment must be streamlined to avoid snagging. Lighting
This is particularly important when conducting a search
or working in confined, low visibility conditions. Knives, Torches
octopus regulators etc. should be easily identifiable and Must be used in low visibility and on night dives.
accessible by both diver and buddy. Helmet mounted torches are recommended as they keep
both hands free for other task. Alternatively, hand-held
torch may be used.
Harness / lifeline / BCD
The DO should discuss with the dive team the question Strobes
of using a harness and/or lifeline, particularly when These are very useful for locating or tracking divers in
diving in strong currents, rivers, inland waterways and low visibility. They can also be used to mark the position
reservoirs. of a casualty where it is impractical to attempt a recovery
on the spot.
Full harness
Should have pocket weights and quick release with Light sticks
lifeline to the surface. This lifeline must not be used as a Must be used in low visibility and on night dives. They
signalling rope, but solely for recovering a casualty to the can be used to mark the position of a casualty and to
surface. mark swim lines, divers and shot-lines. They should be
5 February 2003
attached to both the diver and his/her cylinder. Green Radio communications
light sticks should be used to mark divers and red to Where possible, full-face masks should be fitted with
mark swim lines and shot-lines. radio communications.
Harness 1 pull
Where weight harnesses are used, they must have a To call attention / I am ok
quick-release mechanism and be easily accessible and
operated by both diver and buddy. 2 pulls
I have found the casualty
Surface marker buoys are required for marking the 3 pulls
location of a casualty, shot-lines, searchlights, cars etc. I am going down
Since many searches are carried out around piers or in
rivers with shallow depths, extra weight will be needed. 4 pulls
I am coming up
6 February 2003
Search and Recovery Training Programme
Search Methods
Search essentials
A selection of search methods will be demonstrated
during Module 2 (practical training).
The key to a successful SAR operation is teamwork.
Each diver is backed up by a team consisting of cox’n,
shore marshal and cover diver.
Aim for 100% coverage. Unless a particular area, no
matter how small, can be ruled out has having been
100% searched, there is little point in proceeding. It is
therefore vital that the search method chosen by the DO
is appropriate to the circumstances. Complex search
mechanisms can be ineffective – simplicity is vital, as is Bottom line search
the team’s understanding of precisely what the chosen
search method entails. It may be useful to do a ‘dry run’
of the search method during the brief. It is easier to
clarify difficulties at this stage, rather than when under Circular search
water. Ideal for searching the seabed where the search area is
The team may also consider switching to an alternative small and there is poor visibility. No special equipment
search method if the chosen one becomes unworkable, needed. Best uses where seabed is sandy and
perhaps due to unpredictable changes in weather, unobstructed, rather than a rocky bottom. Usually, the
currents or personnel. divers use a weighted shot line as the centre and from
there, reel out a buddy line. Arrival at a fixed bottom
line from the central shot line indicates that a full circle
Swim line search search has been completed.
This type of search is best suited when working within
specific parallels, for example in a canal or river, where
the extent of the search is limited by the canal or
riverbank. The search can be conducted from shore
without the use of boats. In open sea, the method can
be used using parallel jackstays.
An ‘anchor diver’ is placed at either end of the line,
with the other divers spaced at regular intervals.
Sw i m m i n g w i t h t h e c u r re n t w i l l s a ve e n e r g y.
However, swimming against the current will leave
behind any sediment stirred up which might hamper
7 February 2003
Jackstay searches Grid search
A jackstay is a weighted line sitting on the seabed. Two This type of search is more appropriate for locating small
jackstays confine an area to be searched. Good coverage items, for example archaeological excavations rather than
is and advantage of this method. However, it can be SAR operations. It is effective for very small areas and
time consuming and takes some time to set up. The 100% coverage can be achieved. However, a grid search
jackstay can be fixed if the area to be searched is small; is very labour intensive and can be tedious to conduct.
otherwise it can be moved along the bottom as and when
the previous area has been searched. It is important to
ensure there is sufficient rope for this method.
The search method can be hampered by bad weather
where it is difficult to manage shots and boats. Setting
up a jackstay takes skill and patience and should be
practised in calm conditions. In open sea, the method
can be used using parallel jackstays.
Jackstay search
Compass search
This method is ideal for searching for a large object and
can be commenced immediately. It relies on the
navigation skills of the diver and requires good visibility.
A current or strong tide can make the search inaccurate
and it is therefore best to conduct such a search a slack
tide. Fin strokes or timing will enhance accuracy. This
method can be practiced, even in the swimming pool.
8 February 2003
Search and Recovery Training Programme
Recovery – the final step It may be useful to take underwater photographs of the
Once the casualty has been located, it only remains for the vehicle, if practical.
team to recover the casualty and pass to the authorities.
Only those who are confident with an exercise such as this
should undertake the physical removal of an apparently Reporting to authorities
deceased casualty. The condition of the casualty may have It now becomes your responsible to formally hand over
deteriorated as a result of prolonged immersion. the casualty to the authorities. This should be done out
of the view of the general public. You should give details
It is important not to assume a casualty is dead. Only a of the recovery:
qualified medical doctor can pronounce a casualty dead.
• Time
The condition of the water will determine how the casualty
• Conditions
is removed from the water. If it is a fast flowing river,
taking the casualty towards the nearest bank is suggested. • Exact location
In calmer water a boat may be used. If not already done so,
the casualty should be placed in a body bag as soon as You may be called on at a later stage to provide a witness
possible. Try to keep the casualty out of view of the public. statement for an inquest. For this reason, it is vital that
Body bags should be organised in advance of the search. If your record of events is accurate and clear.
the casualty has been taken from a deep depth, the A relative may approach you asking to see the casualty. It
recommended rate of ascent should not be exceeded. is best to refer such requests to the appropriate
The casualty should be approached from behind by emergency service in charge of the scene, e.g. Gardai or
placing your arms under the casualty’s arms and around Coastguard. They are best trained to deal with the
the chest. Use the assistance of your buddy, if necessary. stresses and obvious difficulties that might arise in such a
During the lift, your fining technique should be as situation.
normal, with some air in the BC if necessary.
If in an advanced state of decay, it may be necessary to Removal of vehicle
bring a body bag down underwater and place the You may be required to assist with the removal of a
casualty inside before attempting to lift. vehicle from the scene. Two divers could be assigned to
this task. Nylon webbing is preferable to chains, which
are difficult to work with underwater. Tow cables can be
If a vehicle was involved:
an extreme hazard underwater if they snap. Lifting bags
It is important to remove casualty from vehicle before
can be of assistance, however extensive training/practice
vehicle is removed from water.
is highly recommended prior to trying to lift any large
1. Was there more than one casualty in the vehicle objects.
2. Was seat belt on casualty? The towrope should be tied on to the car axle if possible.
3. Were windows of vehicle open, if yes – which If this is not possible, run the rope or chain through the
windows? windows and lift the vehicle by the roof. Do not use a
pillar between the back door and front door on vehicle
4. What gear was the car in? for lifting, as they tend to break. Once the vehicle is
5. Were the lights switched on or off? lifted to the surface, it should be allowed to drain of
water before lifting further. Stay well clear.
6. In what position was the ignition key?
7. In what depth of water did you find the vehicle?
Record keeping
8. Was the vehicle upside down? Record all details of the operation in the club’s SAR
9. What was the registration number of the vehicle? logbook. Pass a copy of this record to the coastguard.
This record may be of value for searches in the future.
10.Any items floating about that should be recovered,
Every new search is a learning experience and will
e.g. for evidence?
increase the skills and abilities of the search team.
9 February 2003
A short debrief should take place at the site. Check that There the team should talk about the operation, how it
all divers are out of the water, that all diving gear has went and what problems were encountered. Every team
been recovered, and that all divers are feeling ok. Leave member should be involved in such discussion, which
the area as soon as the team’s job is completed. Avoid should be led by the diving officer. Each should be give
entering into discussion or speculation with the public an opportunity to discuss any problems that arose during
about the casualty or the circumstance surrounding the the operation. This should be seen as a confidence
operation. Any discussion should be held at a pre- building measure. If someone needs counselling, it
arranged location, for example clubhouse or restaurant. should be arranged as soon as possible.
10 February 2003