Formation of minerals
Minerals are natural products in solid state and may
be formed in a number of ways involving the
solidification from liquid or gasses state . The most
common process or mineral solidification from
hot,molten materila, the other process is rthe
crystallization from saturated sloution of common
salt or by precipitation as in the calcite from hot
springs .
The earth is made up of >80 elements (excluding
the short loved radioactive ones)which contains only
300 elements ,since only the most stable one can
occur as minerals because less stable compounds
Identification of minerals
Minerals can be identified from the study of their
properties .There are three types of properties.
It is the apperance of a substance in light and
depends upon the composition and structure of the
substance .Colours may be either of inheriet or of an
exotic type . Inherit is related to the chemical
It is the way in which a mineral reflects light from its
surface and may be called as the shine of the
minerals . It varies with the composition and the
reflecting power of mineral surface.
Types of Luster
Metallic Luster : if the mineral's shine resembles to
that of shine of
any metal the
resulting called metallic luster e.g Silvary ,
Golden ,copper like etc.
Non metallic Luster :If the shine resembles with that
of non metals . Non metallic lusters are of following
types :
Adamantine: Highly brilliant reflection like that of
Diamond .
Pearly: The shine that resembles with that of
pearls,jewels etc Labradorite,Musocovite
Silky : The shine that resembles with that of silk . e.g
asbestos.gypsum etc
Vitreous: The reflection resembles like that of glass
4.Transparancy :
The transparancy of
mineral may be defined as the its capacity to pass
through it .The amount of light is transmitted by a
solid varies in intensity . The following terms are
adopted to express the different degrees in the
power of transmitting light :
Type sof transpirancy
Transparent : The mineral which allows the light to
pass fully and an object on other sides are seen
cleraly through mineral e.g quartz (colourless
Hardness is important property of mineral .It is
defined as the resistrance that a mineral offers to
stracth. Hardness of mineral may be tested by
rubbing the mineral specimen over a fine cut file and
nothing the amount of powder and degrees of noise
produced in that time of rubbing . The less the
powder and greater the noise the harder the mineral
is . A soft mineral produced more powder and a little
noise. The amount of powder and noise are
compared with those produced by the minerals of set
used as standard samples for hardness testes.A
series 10 minerals that are used as scale of hardness
is developed by Mineralogist F.Moh,which is known as
Mohs' Hardness Scale.
Besides these minerals of Mohs' scale of hardness ,
certain ceratin other substances can be used in field
Crystallized mineral has tendency to break along
certain direction producing more or less smooth
surfaces. This tendency of mineral to break along the
planes is known as Cleavage . The planes along
which the mineral break are known as cleavage
plane. The cleavage plane are always parallel to
some faces of the crystal from typical of minerals .
It is related to the internal(atomic structure of
minerals .Atoms are more closely packed in the plane
of cleavage than in direction right angle to it .Mineral
may no have cleavage ,one set ,two set ,three set ,
and up to six sets.
The mineral Quartz (SiO2) has no cleavage
,Orthoclase Feldspar has two sets Muscovite has one
set and calcite has three sets of cleavage.
The term fracture is used to define the form or
kindobtaind by the breaking in a direction other than
that of cleavage in crystalline minerals and in any
direction in massive minerals . There are different
kinds of fracture, which are described below
9.Specific gravity
The specific gravity of mineral may be defined as the
ratio of its weght to the weight of an equal volume of
water at 4OC.The specific gravity of mineral depends
upon the weight and spacing of atoms which are
arranged in minerals . A mineral possessing heavier
and closely spaced atoms will have higher specific
gravity, while a mineral possessing lighter and
widely spaced stoms will have low specific gravity .
Thus the specific gravity is represented of its atomic
arrangement. The minerals of earth's chrust have
been found to possess specific gravity varying in
between 1-20 , but most of them do have in between
2-7. The mineral Haematite has 4.9-5.3 5.3
,Magnetite has 5.17,Hornblende has 3.2-3.5
Muscovite has 2.7-3.1 calcite has 2.72-2.9 Quartz has
Optical Properties
Besides the various physical properties , there are
several other chharacteristics of mineral , which can
be studied under the polarizing Microscope.These
properties are known as optical properties which help
in more precise identification of even minute crystals
of minerals . It helps in the identification of rocks,
which have assemblager of different types of
minerals . These are the properties of minerals
realted to light as observed under the microscope .
The optical properties of minerals can be studied in
thin section of mineral sample using polarizing
Microscope under plane plane polarizing light under
cross Nichols.
Chemical properties
Minerals has definite chemical composition .hence it
has chemical properties which can be found out from
detailed chemical analysis of minerals sample .A
chemical analysis of mineral , a chemical formula of
mineral is determined ,which helps to identify
unknown mineral