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The Last Supper

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Langato, justin ron, a.

Bshrm III

October 01, 2012


The Last Supper (Leonardo da Vinci)


Leonardo da Vinci




tempera on gesso, pitch and mastic


460 cm 880 cm (181 in 346 in)


Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan


The painting represents the scene of The Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, as it is
told in the Gospel of John, 13:21.
Looking across the picture from left to right:
Bartholomew, James Minor, Andrew, Judas, Peter, John Jesus Christ, Thomas, James
Major, Philip, Matthew, Thaddeus and Simon.


Leonardo da Vinci painted The Last Supper on a dry wall rather than on wet plaster, so it
is not a true fresco. Because a fresco cannot be modified as the artist works, Leonardo
instead chose to seal the stone wall with a layer of pitch, gesso and mastic, and then paint
onto the sealing layer with tempera.

The painting shows a contrast of light and dark color. There are lines in the painting that
portrays the architectural design of the dining hall of the monastery. The painting
highlighted the texture and different colors of the dresses of Jesus Christ and his
disciples. The painting shows a realistic scene especially on the Christian religion.


The painting is about the dismay that occurred among the Twelve Disciples when Jesus
announced that one of them would betray him. As they ate and drank together, Christ
gave the disciples explicit instructions on how to eat and drink in the future, in
remembrance of him. It was the first celebration of the Eucharist, a ritual still performed
until these days during the Holy Eucharist mass among the Catholic Church.

Aside from Jesus, all of the disciples portrayed different characteristics and emotional
reaction and gestures. The painting highlighted Jesus Christ on the center on a quiet
peaceful sitting position with his feet fully shown that are clipped together. The painting
also portrays Jesus Christ having a small gap with his disciples.

-It is indeed one of the most famous paintings in the world for it unites personal
interpretation of the event with a display of aesthetic belief although it attained public
controversy in which the feminine appearance of John the apostle was said to be not really
himself but it was Mary Magdalene that was said to be Jesus wife.
-The subject of the Last Supper is Jesus Christs final meal with his apostles before Judas
identifies Christ to the authorities who arrest him. The Last Supper, a Passover is
remembered for two events which is the betrayal of Judas to Jesus in exchange of 30 pieces
of silver which later hanged himself out of guilt and the other one is when Jesus Christ
blessed the bread and wine and turned them into body and blood of Christ which later on
contributed as a part of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist of the catholic church.

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