Module 5: Combustion Technology Lecture 40: Internal Combustion Engine
Module 5: Combustion Technology Lecture 40: Internal Combustion Engine
Module 5: Combustion Technology Lecture 40: Internal Combustion Engine
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Keywords: Petrol engine, diesel engine, clearance volume, top dead center, bottom dead center,
crankshaft, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle
5.9 Internal Combustion Engine
Historical background
In the internal combustion(IC) engine, the gases produced from the combustion of gaseous or
liquid fuels at high pressure are expanded in a piston cylinder arrangement which helps to
transmit the mechanical energy to the crankshaft. Therefore, this device is used to convert
thermal energy to mechanical energy. In 1860, J. J. E. Lenoir developed the commercial IC
engine where coal gas- air mixture was used as a fuel. The four stroke engine first developed by
N. A. Otto in 1867 and the two stroke commercial engine first introduced in 1881 by D. Clerk.
Thereafter, Rudolf Diesel invented a different form of internal combustion engine in 1892.
Continuous efforts have been given by the researchers for the improvements of the IC engines.
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and the ignition starts. It is also called as Compression Ignition Engine (CI-engine) . Air fuel
ratio varies from 20:1 to 100:1. In this engine diesel oil is used as a fuel.
4. Fourth stroke: The exhaust of the flue gases.
closed to the valves end. The volume swept out by the piston is called the swept volume(
In the first stroke of the engine, the inlet valve opens and oil-air mixture enters the cylinder. This
stroke continues from the valve end to the other end. When the piston moves the full length of
the cylinder, the inlet valve closes. Then the mixture is compressed by the reverse movement of
the piston, which is the second stroke. The oil is ignited at this high pressure by applying a spark
when the piston reaches near the end of the cylinder which is called the top dead center (TDC).
Then the combustion starts and the gases are expanded in the cylinder. Then both the valves are
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closed and both the pressure and temperature of the gases increase. In the third stroke of the
piston, the gases expand and the piston moves. The crankshaft starts to rotate and at the end of
expansion, the pressure decreases. The outlet valve opens to exit the gases from the cylinder and
then the outlet valve closes. In the last stage, the rest of the flue gas escapes from the cylinder
and the outlet valve closes. Now the inlet valve opens and the cycle continues by the intake of
the fresh air-fuel mixture. All strokes of the pistons are described in Fig.1
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is measured after the TDC .The four stroke engine in Otto cycle may be represented as follows:
1. The compression from state 1 to state 2 in a constant entropy process.
2. The constant volume (Isochoric) process from 2 to 3, where the heat (Qh) is added to the
system and the gas-fuel mixture is ignited. Both the pressure and temperature increases.
3. The reversible and adiabatic (isentropic) expansion process occurs from 3 to 4. Work is
done on the piston by the expansion of gas mixtures. Both the pressure and temperature
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2 (Fig 2.)
Heat transfer by the gas mixture to surrounding (cooling) per unit mass =
4 (Fig 2.)
Similarly from p-V diagram, it may be observed that the work done to the fuel-air mixture per
unit mass =
The net work done by the engine = area enclosed by the curves in P-V diagram.
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In an isentropic process
Diesel Cycle
Diesel cycle is an ideal cycle by which the working principle of a diesel engine can be
represented. In this cycle, air is first compressed to a high pressure and then fuel injected to the
cylinder where the fuel is self ignited due to high temperature by compression. The process is
thus called as compression ignition. In this cycle, the heat is transferred to the fluid at constant
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1. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, John B. Heywood, McGraw-Hill, Inc.,New
York. 1988.
2. Fundamental of Engineering Thermodynamics, John R. Howell and Richard O. Buckius,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1987