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4.Gas Turbines (1)

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PER (22562) Department of Mechanical Engg.


4. Gas Turbines & Jet Propulsion (08 Marks)

4.1 Brayton cycle:

The Brayton cycle is a theoretical cycle for simple gas turbine. This cycle consists of two isentropic
and two constant pressure processes. The cycle is similar to the Diesel cycle in compression and heat
addition. The isentropic expansion of the Diesel cycle is further extended followed by constant pressure heat

Fig.: Brayton cycle on P-V and T-S diagram.

Let P1, V1 & T1 are the pressure, volume & temperature at point 1 respectively.
It contains following four processes
1. Process 1-2: Reversible Adiabatic Compression process:
In this process gas is compressed reversible adiabatically or isentropically from volume V1 to
V2 during this process temperature increases from T1 to T2 represented by the curve 1 to 2 on p-v & T-S

2. Process 2-3: Heat addition at constant Pressure:

In this process gas is heated by receiving heat at constant pressure from temperature T2 to T3
represented by the curve 2 to 3 on p-v & T-S diagram.

3. Process 3-4: Reversible Adiabatic Expansion process:

1 Compiler: Mr.V.B.Choudhari R.I.T., Rajaramnagar.

PER (22562) Department of Mechanical Engg. (Diploma)

In this process air is allowed to expand reversible adiabatically or isentropically from volume
V3 to V4, during this process temperature falls from T3 to T4 represented by the curve 3 to 4 on p-v & T-S

4. Process 4-1: Heat rejection at constant Pressure:

In this process air is cooled by rejecting heat at constant pressure from temperature T4 to T1
represented by the curve 4 to 1 on p-v & T-S diagram.

Gas Turbines:
Gas turbine is a rotary type internal combustion thermal prime mover. It’s working principle is an
improved version of the windmill which was used to achieve an efficient working of the turbine, the
movement of gas (or) air is properly controlled and then directed on blades fixed to turbine runner.

4.2 Classification of gas turbine :

1) According to path of working substance
1) Closed cycle gas turbine
2) Open cycle gas turbine
3) Semi-closed gas turbine
2) According to process of heat absorption
1) Constant pressure gas turbine
2) Constant volume gas turbine.
3) On the basis of working cycle of gas turbines
1) Joule’s (or) Brayton cycle (constant pressure gas turbine)
2) Atkins cycle (constant volume gas turbine)
4) On the basis of combustion process
1) Continuous combustion (or) constant press type
2) The explosion (or) constant volume type
5) On the basis of action of expanding gases
1) Impulse turbine
2) Impulse reaction turbine

2 Compiler: Mr.V.B.Choudhari R.I.T., Rajaramnagar.

PER (22562) Department of Mechanical Engg. (Diploma)

6) On the basis of direction of flow

1) Axial flow
2) Radial flow
7) On the basis of fuel used
1) Liquid fuel gas turbine
2) Gaseous fuel gas turbine
3) Solid fuel gas turbine
8) On the basis of application
1) Stationary
2) Automotive
3) Locomotive
4) Marine
5) Aircraft gas turbine.

4.3 Open cycle gas turbine :

It works on Brayton (or) Joule cycle which is shown on P-V and T-S diagram. Also important components
of open cycle gas turbine shown below :

Fig: Open cycle gas turbine.

1) In this type of gas turbine liquid (or) gaseous fuels are used for power generation. The basic components
are shown in figure above.

3 Compiler: Mr.V.B.Choudhari R.I.T., Rajaramnagar.

PER (22562) Department of Mechanical Engg. (Diploma)

2) Initially, atmospheric air is allowed to pass through rotary compressor in which its Pressure and temperature
is increased, isentropically.
3) Then this compressed air is passed through combustion chamber in which fuel is injected for combustion
purpose. After combustion of fuel in combustion chamber the heat is added under constant pressure condition
the temperature of compressed air is further increased.
4) Now high pressure and temperature gases are expanded in gas turbine which is helpful to run the gas turbine
or blades (generally of reaction type)
5) This gas turbine is directly connected to electric generator to produce Electricity and finally exhausted into
the atmosphere.
6) This type of gas turbine works on open cycle because here working fluid is used only once. After single
use it is thrown into atmosphere.
7) Here inlet and outlet both the ends are open to atmosphere hence termed as open cycle gas turbine. It is also
called as continuous combustion gas turbine

4.5 Closed cycle gas turbine :

4 Compiler: Mr.V.B.Choudhari R.I.T., Rajaramnagar.

PER (22562) Department of Mechanical Engg. (Diploma)

In above figure shows a closed cycle gas turbine which consists of compressor, heating chamber gas turbine
which drives the generator, compressor and a cooling chamber. In this turbine air is compressed
sentropically and then passed into heating chamber. The compressed air is heated with the help of some
external source and made to flow over turbine blades. The gas while flowing over the blades gets
expand from the turbine gas is passed to cooling chamber where it is cooled at constant pressure with the
help of circulating air is circulated through compressor.
4.6 Construction and working of gas turbines i) open cycle, ii) closed cycle gas Turbines, P.V. and
T.S diagrams.

Fresh air enters the compressor at ambient temperature where its pressure and temperature are increased. The
high pressure air enters the combustion chamber where the fuel is burned at constant pressure. The high
temperature (and pressure) gas enters the turbine where it expands to ambient pressure and produces work.
Finally exhausted to atmosphere.

5 Compiler: Mr.V.B.Choudhari R.I.T., Rajaramnagar.

PER (22562) Department of Mechanical Engg. (Diploma)

4.7Closed Cylcle Gas Turbine:

Fluid enters the compressor from the cooler where its pressure and temperature are increased. The compressed
fluid comes out from the compressor is heated in heater by an external source at constant pressure. This high
pressure and temperature fluid expands in turbine and develops the useful work. Then this exhausted fluid is
cooled to its original temperature in the cooler using external cooling source before passing into the

6 Compiler: Mr.V.B.Choudhari R.I.T., Rajaramnagar.

PER (22562) Department of Mechanical Engg. (Diploma)

4.8Comparision of Closed & Open Cycle Gas Turbine:

7 Compiler: Mr.V.B.Choudhari R.I.T., Rajaramnagar.

PER (22562) Department of Mechanical Engg. (Diploma)

Jet Propulsion:
 Principle :
The thrust developed in a turbojet engine is the unbalanced force that is caused by the difference in the
momentum of the low-velocity air entering the engine and the high-velocity exhaust gases leaving the engine
and it is determined from Newton’s second law.

4.9 Turbo-Jet Engine:

Fig.Turbo-Jet Engine

8 Compiler: Mr.V.B.Choudhari R.I.T., Rajaramnagar.

PER (22562) Department of Mechanical Engg. (Diploma)

Turbo-jet engine consists of diffuser, compressor, combustion chamber turbine and nozzle. At entrance
air diffuser causes rise in pressure in entering air by slowing it down. A rotary compressor, which raises the
pressure of air further to required value and delivers to the combustion chamber. The compressor is axial or
radial type driven by turbine. In the combustion chamber, fuel is sprayed, as result of this combustion takes
place at constant pressure and the temperature of air is raised. Then this product of combustion passes into the
gas turbine gets expanded and provides necessary power to drive the compressor. The discharge nozzle in
which expansion of gases is completed and thrust of propulsion is produced. The velocity in the nozzle is
grater then flight velocity.

4.10 Turboprop engine:

Fig.Turboprop Engine

Figure shows a turboprop system employed in aircrafts. Here the expansion of gases takes place partly
in turbine 80% and partly 20% in the nozzle. The power developed by the turbine is consumed in running the
compressor and the propeller. The propeller and jet produced by the nozzle give forward motion to the aircraft.
The turboprop entails the advantages of turbojet (i.e. low specific weight and simplicity in design) and
propeller (i.e. high power for takeoff and high propulsion efficiency at speeds below 600km/h). The overall
efficiency of the turbo prop is improved by providing the diffuser before the compressor as shown. The
pressure rise takes place in the diffuser. This pressure rise take due to conversion of kinetic energy of the
incoming air (equal to aircraft velocity) into pressure energy by diffuser. This type of compression is known
as “ram effect”.
9 Compiler: Mr.V.B.Choudhari R.I.T., Rajaramnagar.
PER (22562) Department of Mechanical Engg. (Diploma)

4.11 Applications of gas turbine:

1. Supercharging of I.C. engine
2. For locomotive Propulsion
3. Ship Propulsion
4. Industrial application
5. Air craft engine
6. Electric power generation
7. Turbo-jet engine
8. Turbo-prop engine
9. Ram-jet engine
10. Pulse-jet engine

Rocket Propulsion
4.12 Liquid Propellant System

A simplified diagram of a liquid-fuel

1- Liquid rocket fuel
2- Oxidizer
3- Pumps carry the fuel and oxidizer.
4- The Combustion Chamber
5 - The hot exhaust is choked at the throat
6 - Exhaust exits the rocket.

Fig. Liquid Propellant System

10 Compiler: Mr.V.B.Choudhari R.I.T., Rajaramnagar.

PER (22562) Department of Mechanical Engg. (Diploma)

Construction & Working:

1.A liquid-propellant rocket or liquid rocket utilizes a rocket engine that uses liquid propellants. Liquids are
desirable because their reasonably high density allows the volume of the propellant tanks to be relatively low,
and it is possible to use lightweight centrifugal turbopumps to pump the propellant from the tanks into the
combustion chamber, which means that the propellants can be kept under low pressure. This permits the use
of low-mass propellant tanks, resulting in a high mass ratio for the rocket.

2.An inert gas stored in a tank at a high pressure is sometimes used instead of pumps in simpler small engines
to force the propellants into the combustion chamber. These engines may have a lower mass ratio, but are
usually more reliable, and are therefore used widely in satellites for orbit maintenance.

3.Liquid rockets can be monopropellant rockets using a single type of propellant, or bipropellant rockets using
two types of propellant. Tripropellant rockets using three types of propellant are rare. Some designs
are throttleable for variable thrust operation and some may be restarted after a previous in-space shutdown.
Liquid propellants are also used in hybrid rockets, with some of the advantages of a solid rocket.

4.Liquid rockets have been built as monopropellant rockets using a single type of propellant, bipropellant
rockets using two types of propellant, or more exotic tripropellant rockets using three types of
propellant. Bipropellant liquid rockets generally use a liquid fuel, such as liquid hydrogen or a hydrocarbon
fuel such as RP-1, and a liquid oxidizer, such as liquid oxygen. The engine may be a cryogenic rocket
engine, where the fuel and oxidizer, such as hydrogen and oxygen, are gases which have been liquefied at
very low temperatures.

4.13 Solid Propellant System:

A simplified diagram of a Solid-fuel

1- Solid fuel oxidizer mixture
2- Igniter
3- The Combustion Chamber
4 - The hot exhaust is choked at the throat
5 - Exhaust exits the rocket.

Fig. Solid Propellant System

11 Compiler: Mr.V.B.Choudhari R.I.T., Rajaramnagar.

PER (22562) Department of Mechanical Engg. (Diploma)

Construction & Working:

1.A simple solid rocket motor consists of a casing, nozzle, grain (propellant charge), and igniter.

2.The solid grain mass burns in a predictable fashion to produce exhaust gases. The nozzle dimensions are
calculated to maintain a design chamber pressure, while producing thrust from the exhaust gases.

3.Once ignited, a simple solid rocket motor cannot be shut off, because it contains all the ingredients necessary
for combustion within the chamber in which they are burned. More advanced solid rocket motors can not only
be throttled but also be extinguished and then re-ignited by controlling the nozzle geometry or through the use
of vent ports. Also, pulsed rocket motors that burn in segments and that can be ignited upon command are

4.14 Aero Derivatives & Heavy Framed Engines:

1.This consists of an engine, or gas generator, which has been derived from existing aircraft engine technology
and applied in an industrial application. Designed for small footprint and low weight, it utilizes advanced
materials for high efficiency, fast start up times with little or no cyclic life penalty and modular construction.

2.They have been designed for quick removal and replacement allowing for fast maintenance and greatly
reduced downtimes resulting in high unit availability and flexibility. Aircraft engines are required to be the
ultimate in turbine reliability, and this feature is carried over to the industrial counterpart. In a majority of
cases, the gas flow path components used in both engines are identical in design and material. Minor changes
may be required to coatings to accommodate operation on gas fuels rather than liquid (aero) as required by
energy applications.

3.Rapid engine response is paramount to aircraft gas turbines, and their industrial derivatives also exhibit the
same inherent flexibility to changing conditions. Typically they will have multiple shafts (2-3), which allows
each mechanically independent compressive and turbine stage to operate at its optimal speed and efficiency.
As with all aeroderivative gas turbines, their higher pressure ratio mandates a higher fuel gas pressure at the
skid edge than their heavy counterparts.

4.This may require additional equipment to be purchased and installed by the end user to boost the available
pressure sufficiently to meet their power and efficiency demands. With a fast start and fast transient manoeuvre
capability (ability to accommodate varying load quickly) fuel transfer capability (switching from gas to liquid
or vice versa whilst running and at load) and ever increasing high nitrogen / carbon dioxide fuel flexibility
capabilities, the overall operational flexibility of the machine is a considerable asset and customer advantage.

12 Compiler: Mr.V.B.Choudhari R.I.T., Rajaramnagar.

PER (22562) Department of Mechanical Engg. (Diploma)


 Very high power density

 Low weight & small footprint

 High efficiency resulting in significant fuel cost savings

 High cycle flexibility

 Fast start and transient capability

 Short downtimes for maintenance

13 Compiler: Mr.V.B.Choudhari R.I.T., Rajaramnagar.

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