UNIT I - SCR Triggering and Commutation
UNIT I - SCR Triggering and Commutation
UNIT I - SCR Triggering and Commutation
Latching current, I L: After the SCR has switched on, there is a minimum current required to sustain
conduction. This current is called the latching current. L I associated with turn on and
is usually greater than holding current
Holding current, I H: After an SCR has been switched to the on state a certain minimum value of anode
current is required to maintain the thyristor in this low impedance state. If the anode current is reduced
below the critical holding current value, the thyristor cannot maintain the current through it and reverts to
its off state usually I is associated with turn off the device.
Gate Triggering Methods
The different methods of gate triggering are the following
RC triggering.
UJT triggering
Resistance Triggering
A simple resistance triggering circuit is as shown. The resistor R1 limits the current through the gate of the
SCR. R2 is the variable resistance added to the circuit to achieve control over the triggering angle of
SCR. Resistor R is a stabilizing resistor. The diode D is required to ensure that no negative voltage
reaches the gate of the SCR.
No triggering of SCR
(b) = 90
(c) < 90
RC Full Wave
A simple circuit giving full wave output is shown in figure below. In this circuit the initial voltage from
which the capacitor C charges is essentially zero. The capacitor C is reset to this voltage by the
clamping action of the thyristor gate. For this reason the charging time constant RC must be chosen
longer than for half wave RC circuit in order to delay the triggering.
VI Characteristics of UJT
UJT is highly efficient switch. The switching times are in the range of nanoseconds. Since UJT exhibits
negative resistance characteristics it can be used as relaxation oscillator. The circuit diagram is as shown
with R1 and R2 being small compared to R B1 and R B2 of UJT.
This type of commutation is applied in ac voltage controllers, phase controlled rectifiers and Cyclo
Forced Commutation
When supply is DC, natural commutation is not possible because the polarity of the supply remains
unchanged. Hence special methods must be used to reduce the SCR current below the holding value or
to apply a negative voltage across the SCR for a time interval greater than the turn off time of the SCR.
This technique is called forced commutation and is applied in all circuits where the supply voltage is DC
- namely, Choppers (fixed DC to variable DC), inverters (DC to AC). Forced commutation techniques
are as follows:
Self Commutation
Resonant Pulse Commutation
Complementary Commutation
Impulse Commutation
External Pulse Commutation.
Load Side Commutation.
Line Side Commutation.
Self Commutation or Load Commutation or Class A Commutation: (Commutation
By Resonating the Load)
In this type of commutation the current through the SCR is reduced below the holding current value by
resonating the load. i.e., the load circuit is so designed that even though the supply voltage is positive, an
oscillating current tends to flow and when the current through the SCR reaches zero, the device turns
off. This is done by including an inductance and a capacitor in series with the load and keeping the
circuit under-damped. Figure below shows the circuit. This type of commutation is used in Series
Inverter Circuit
is assumed to be constant. At the same time SCR short circuits the LC combination which starts
oscillating. A current i starts flowing in the direction shown in figure. As i reaches its maximum value,
the capacitor voltage reduces to zero and then the polarity of the capacitor voltage reverses b
becomes positive). When i falls to zero this reverse voltage becomes maximum, and then direction of
i reverses i.e., through SCR the load current I L and i flow in opposite direction. When the
instantaneous value of i becomes equal to I L, the SCR current becomes zero and the SCR turns off.
Now the capacitor starts charging and its voltage reaches the supply voltage with plate a being positive.
The related waveforms are shown in figure
Thyristor Protection
For reliable operation of SCR, it should be operated within the specific ratings.
SCRs are very delicate devices and so they must be protected against abnormal operating conditions.
Various protection of SCR are
a. di/dt Protection
b. dv/dt Protection
c. Over voltage Protection
d. Over Current Protection.
di/dt Protection:
di/dt is the rate of change of current in a device.
When SCR is forward biased and is turned ON by the gate signal, the anode current flows.
The anode current requires some time to spread inside the device. (Spreading of charge carriers)
But if the rate of rise of anode current (di/dt) is greater than the spread velocity of charge carriers then
local hot spots is created near the gate due to increased current density. This localised heating may
damage the device.
Local spot heating is avoided by ensuring that the conduction spreads to the whole are very rapidly.
(OR) The di/dt value must be maintained below a threshold (limiting) value.
This is done by means of connecting an inductor in series with the thyristor as shown in