A Visit Report: On Earthquake Station at Chandoli Dam & Bridge Construction Site at Kankawli
A Visit Report: On Earthquake Station at Chandoli Dam & Bridge Construction Site at Kankawli
A Visit Report: On Earthquake Station at Chandoli Dam & Bridge Construction Site at Kankawli
Dist: - Sangli.
4. Time: - 10:30 am
The staff of earthquake station guided us very helpfully. We have seen and learnt lot of
things regarding recording and measuring of earthquakes.
1) Seismogram
2) Seismograph
3) Seismometer
The units observed under visit are as follows:-
2. Location: The site is located on the NH17, near the town of Kankavali,
Dist: - Kolhapur.
4. Time: - 10:00 am
Bridge Construction:-
Site details:-
The site is near to Kankavali, Tal.:- Kankavali, Dist:- Kolhapur, Maharashtra. The
bridge constructed on Janavali River. The bridge is being constructed for widening of 2
lanes to 4 lanes on the Mumbai Goa National Highway number 17.
Photo 10 & 11: The construction type of this bridge is cast in-site type.
Cast-in-situ Method of Bridge Construction:
Where cast-in-situ construction is used for longer span bridges, the false work
system required becomes more sophisticated. Semi or fully mechanical false work will
require a specialized contractor. Semi-mechanical false work will generally consists of
steel beams or trusses which are then spanned between temporary towers. Fully
mechanical false work system is where a self-launching gantry with steel lined shutters is
This method of bridge construction method has been divided into three parts
including cast in-situ post tensioned, balanced cantilever and incrementally launched.
Post tensioning is a technique in which it pre-loads the concrete that can reduce tensile
stresses including dead or live loads. In this method strength concrete as well as high
strength materials such as wires, bars and steel strands should be used. After concrete
hardening, the strands which have been passed through the concrete, have been pulled by
a special jack and after receiving pre-determined force, the strands would be locked. This
method has several advantages namely reducing direct cost, reducing the required
material, labor cost, rebar, and transportation costs and increasing the speed of formwork.
The second and third advantages of this method are increasing construction efficiency
and better structure performance. Balanced cantilever method is the second part of the
cast in-situ classification which has been considered a most effective method for bridge
construction. The most advantage of using this method especially in urban areas refers to
its characteristic that it does not need any temporary shoring and it can disrupt traffics
over water channels and in deep gorges which is very dangerous for construction
workers. Additionally it can be used for irregular and long span lengths with few
repetitions. Normally the length of each segment in this method should be considered
between 3-6 meters. This method usually starts by piers construction followed by
building both segments simultaneously that would be continued at both sides of piers and
each segment would be tied to previous segment by post-tensioning tendons.
Incrementally launched method has been recognized as the third category of cast in-situ
bridge construction which has been considered as a highly mechanized erection method.
This method has been considered as an effective method for bridge construction when the
site meets its particular alignments requirements. In this method, different units of the
bridge with dimensions of 15 to 30 meters have been prefabricated in the factory and it
doesnt need any scaffolding that can be launched horizontally and enhances the bridge
by sliding it on Teflon bearing. The most advantage of this method is that, it does not
need heavy erection equipment like cranes and it does not need to use epoxy at the
segment joint. The most important thing is that alignment should be straight or the curve
should be constant that both of them should be considered by the designer.