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Department of Civil Engineering, N-W.F.

P UET, Peshawar Hall Design (Option 1)

Example 1(a): Design slab and beams of a 90′ × 60′ Hall. The height of Hall is 20′.
Concrete compressive strength (fc′) = 3 ksi.
Steel yield strength (fy) = 40 ksi.



Figure 1: 90′ × 60′ Hall.

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Department of Civil Engineering, N-W.F.P UET, Peshawar Hall Design (Option 1)

Solution: Assume structural configuration. Take time to reach to a reasonable

arrangement of beams, girders and columns. It depends on experience. Several
alternatives are possible.

First option for structural arrangement of the given Hall, figure 2:

• Beams spaced at 10′ c/c running along 60′ side of Hall.
• As height of Hall is 20′, assume 18″ thick brick masonry walls.



10' 10' MASONRY

Figure 2: Structural Arrangement (90′ × 60′ Hall).

Discussion: Various structural configurations…

Discussion: Beam as thickened slab portions…

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Department of Civil Engineering, N-W.F.P UET, Peshawar Hall Design (Option 1)


Step No 1: Sizes.
• Minimum thickness of continuous one way slab as given under ACI 9.5.2,
table 9.5 (a) is:

Table 2.1: ACI formulae for continuous one way slab thickness, ACI 9.5.2
Case Slab thickness (in)
End span (one end continuous) l/24
Interior span (both ends continuous) l/28
(i) l = Span length in inches.
(ii)For fy other than 60,000 psi, the values from above formulae shall be multiplied by
(0.4 + fy/100000).

Span length “l” of slab is defined in ACI 8.7

Span length (l):
• According to ACI 8.7.1: Span length of members not built integrally with
support shall be considered as the clear span plus depth of the member, but
need not exceed distance between center of supports.
• According to ACI 8.7.4: Span lengths for slabs built integrally with supports
can be taken equal to clear span, if clear span of slab is not more than 10′.
• ACI 8.7.1 applies to end span.
• ACI 8.7.4 applies to other spans.
Assuming the thickness of slab equal to 6″. Span length for end span of slab will
be equal to clear span plus depth of member (slab), but need not exceed center to
center distance between supports.


bw = 18" (assumed)

ln = 10 - bw /2= 9.25' ln = 10 - 2*(bw /2) = 8.5'

10.75' 10'
Figure 3: c/c & clear spans of slab.

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Table 2.2: Span length of slab (figure 3)

ln + depth of slab Span
Case c/c distance Clear span (ln)
(ACI 8.7.1) length(l)
End span (one end continuous) 10.75′ 9.25' 9.25 + 0.5 = 9.75' 9.75′
Interior spans (both ends
10′ 8.5' n/a 8.5′

Table 2.3: Slab thickness calculation according to ACI 9.5.2.

Span Formula for thickness Thickness of slab (in)
End span (one end continuous) l/24 × (0.4+fy/100000) (9.75/24)×(0.4 +40000/100000) ×12=3.9″
Interior span (both ends continuous) l/28 × (0.4+fy/100000) (8.5/28)×(0.4 + 40000/100000)×12=2.9″
l = Span length in inches.

Slab thickness (hf) = 3.9″ (Minimum requirement by ACI
Though any depth of slab greater than 3.9″ can be taken as per ACI minimum
requirement, we will use the same depth as assumed i.e. 6″
Effective depth (d) = hf – 0.75 – (3/8)/2 = 5″ (for #3 main bars)
Shrinkage reinforcement

6" 5"


10' Beam

Figure 4: Effective depth of slab.

Step No 2: Loading.

Table 2.4: Dead Loads.

Load = γ x thickness
Material Thickness (in) γ (kcf)
Slab 6 0.15 (6/12) × 0.15 = 0.075
Mud 3 0.12 (3/12) × 0.12 = 0.03
Tile 2 0.12 (2/12) × 0.12= 0.02

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Service Dead Load (D.L) = 0.075 + 0.03 + 0.02 = 0.125 ksf

Service Live Load (L.L) = 40 psf or 0.04 ksf (for Hall)
Class Activity: Calculate live load per square foot on the class room floor
when it is fully occupied.
Service Load (ws) = D.L + L.L = 0.125 + 0.04 = 0.165 ksf
Factored Load (wu) = 1.2D.L + 1.6L.L
= 1.2 × 0.125 + 1.6 × 0.04 = 0.214 ksf

Step No 3: Analysis.
Our Slab system is:
• One-way,
• Clear spans less than 10′, and
• Exterior ends of slab are discontinuous and unrestrained.
Refer to ACI 8.3.3 or page 396, Nilson 13th Ed, following ACI moment
coefficients apply:
1/11 1/16
0 1/12 1/12 1/12

ln = 9.25' ln = 8.5'

19.92 in-k/ft
11.64 in-k/ft

18.36 in-k/ft 15.48 in-k/ft 15.48 in-k/ft

Figure 5: Bending Moment Diagram for slab.

(i) AT INTERIOR SUPPORT (left side of support):

Negative moment (-MLint) = Coefficient × (wuln2)

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= (1/12) × {0.214 × (9.25)2}

=1.53 ft-k/ft = 18.36 in-k/ft
(ii) AT INTERIOR SUPPORT (right side of support):
Negative moment (-MRint) = Coefficient × (wuln2)
= (1/12) × {0.214 × (8.5)2}
= 1.29 ft-k/ft = 15.48 in-k/ft
Positive moment (+MMext) =Coefficient × (wuln2)
= (1/11) × {0.214 × (9.25)2}
= 1.66 ft-k/ft = 19.92 in-k/ft
Positive moment (+MMint) =Coefficient × (wuln2)
= (1/16) × {0.214 × (8.5)2}
= 0.97 ft-k/ft = 11.64 in-k/ft

Discussion: ACI analysis vs actual conditions for beam support, concepts of hinge,
roller supports etc.

Step No 4: Design.
Shrinkage reinforcement

6" 5"


10' Beam

Figure 6: Reinforcement Placement in slab.

Asmin = 0.002bhf (for fy 40 ksi, ACI 10.5.4)

= 0.002 × 12 × 6 = 0.144 in2/ft
a = Asminfy/ (0.85fc′b) = 0.144 × 40/ (0.85 × 3 × 12) = 0.188″

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ΦMn = ΦAsminfy (d-a/2)

= 0.9 × 0.144 × 40 × (5-0.188/2) = 25.4 in-k/ft
Φ Mn calculated from Asmin is greater than all moments as calculated in Step No 3.
Therefore As = Asmin = 0.144 in2/ft
Using ½″ Φ (#4) {#13, 13 mm}, with bar area Ab = 0.20 in2
Spacing =Area of one bar (Ab)/As
= (0.20 in2/0.144 in2/ft) × 12 = 16.67 in
Discussion: Bar numbers commonly used in slabs…?
Using 3/8″ Φ (#3) {#10, 10 mm}, with bar area Ab = 0.11 in2
Spacing = Area of one bar (Ab)/As
= (0.11 in2/0.144 in2/ft) × 12 = 9.16″ ≈ 9″
Finally use #3 @ 9″ c/c (#10 @ 225 mm c/c). This will work for both Positive and
Negative steel as Asmin governs.
Shrinkage steel or temperature steel (Ast):
Ast = 0.002bhf
Ast = 0.002 × 12 × 6 =0.144 in2/ft
Shrinkage reinforcement is same as main reinforcement, because:
Ast = Asmin = 0.144 in2
• Maximum spacing for main steel reinforcement in one way slab according to
ACI 7.6.5 is minimum of:
(i) 3hf = 3 × 6 =18″
(ii) 18″
Therefore 9″ spacing is O.K.
• Maximum spacing for temperature steel reinforcement in one way slab
according to ACI is minimum of:
(i) 5hf =5 × 6 =30″
(ii) 18″
Therefore 9″ spacing is O.K.

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Department of Civil Engineering, N-W.F.P UET, Peshawar Hall Design (Option 1)

(2) BEAM DESIGN (single span, simply supported):

Data Given:
Exterior supports of beam = 18″ brick masonry wall.
fc′= 3 ksi; fy = 40 ksi
Beams c/c spacing =10′
Step No 1: Sizes.
According to ACI, table 9.5 (a):
Minimum thickness of beam (simply supported) = hmin = l/16
l = clear span (ln) + depth of member (beam) ≤ c/c distance between supports
[ACI 8.7]

l n = 60'-0"

Figure 7: Clear span of Beam.



Figure 8: Beam cross-section.

Let depth of beam = 5′

ln + depth of beam = 60′ + 5′ = 65′
c/c distance between beam supports = 60 + 2 × (9/12) = 61.5′
Therefore l = 61.5′
Depth (h) = (61.5/16) × (0.4+fy/100000) × 12
= 36.9″ (Minimum requirement by ACI
Though any depth of beam greater than 36.9″ can be taken as per ACI minimum
requirement, we will use the same depth as assumed i.e. 60″

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Take h = 5′ = 60″
d = h – 3 = 57″

Step No 2: Loads.
Service Dead Load (D.L) = 0.075 + 0.03 + 0.02 = 0.125 ksf (Table 2.3)
Service Live Load (L.L) = 40 psf or 0.04 ksf (for Hall)
Beam is supporting 10′ slab. Therefore load per running foot will be as follows:
Service Dead Load from slab= 0.125 × 10 = 1.25 k/ft
Service Dead Load from beam’s self weight = hwbwγc
= (54 × 18/144) × 0.15 =1.0125 k/ft
Total Service Dead Load = 1.25 + 1.0125 =2.2625 k/ft
Service Live Load = 0.04 × 10 = 0.4 k/ft
ws = D.L +L.L = 1.0125 + 0.4 = 1.4125 k/ft
wu =1.2D.L + 1.6L.L =1.2 × 2.2625 + 1.6 × 0.4 =3.355 k/ft

Step No 3: Analysis.
3.355 k/ft


Vu =84.71 k

103.16 k

wl /8 =19034 in-k

Figure 9: Shear Force & Bending Moment Diagrams.

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Mu = wul2/8 (l = span length of beam)

Mu = 3.355 × 61.52/8 = 1586.18 ft-k =1586.18 × 12 = 19034 in-k
d = 57″ = 4.75′
Vmax = 103.16 k
Vu = 84.70 k

Step No 4: Design of beam.

(A) Flexural Design:
Step (a): According to ACI 8.10, beff for T-beam is minimum of:
(i) 16hf + bw = 16 × 6 + 18 =114″
(ii) (c/c span of beam)/4 =(61.5′/4) × 12 =184.5″
(iii)c/c spacing between beams =10′ × 12 =120″
So beff = 114″
Step (b): Check if beam is to be designed as rectangular beam or T-beam.
Trial #1:
(i) Assume a = hf = 6″
As =Mu/ {Φfy (d–a/2)}
As =19034/ {0.9 × 40 × (57–6/2)} = 9.79 in2
(ii) Re-calculate “a”:
a =Asfy/ (0.85fc′beff)
a =9.79 × 40/ (0.85 × 3 × 114) = 1.34″ < hf
Therefore design beam as rectangular beam.
Trial #2:
As =19034/ {0.9 × 40 × (57–1.34/2)} = 9.38 in2
a = 9.38 × 40/ (0.85 × 3 × 114) = 1.29″
This value is close enough to the previously calculated value of “a”,
therefore, As = 9.38 in2, O.K.
Step (c): Check for maximum and minimum reinforcement.
Asmax = ρmaxbwd
ρmax = 0.85β1(fc′/fy) {εu/(εu + εy)}
ρmax = 0.85 × 0.85 × (3/40) × {0.003/(0.003 + 0.005)} = 0.0203

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Asmax = 0.0203 × 18 × 57 = 20.83 in2

Asmin = ρminbwd = (200/40000) × 18 × 57 = 5.13 in2
Asmin<As<Asmax, O.K.
Note that ρmin & ρmax can also be found using table A.4, Nelson 13th Ed.

Beam (main reinforcement):

As = 9.38 in2
Using #8, 1″ Φ {#25, 25 mm}, with bar area Ab = 0.79 in2
No. of bars = As/Ab = 9.38/0.79 = 11.87 ≈ 12 bars
Use 12 #8 bars (12 #25 bars, 25 mm).
e Check the capacity of designed beam:
Area of 12 #8 Bars = 12 × 0.79 = 9.48 in2
a = Asfy/ (0.85fc′beff) = 9.48 × 40/ (0.85 × 3 × 114) = 1.30″
d′ = 1.5 + (3/8) + 1 + (1/2) = 3.375″
d = h – d′ = 60 – 3.375 = 56.625″


h = 60"


1.5" clear cover b = 18"

Figure 10: Beam section dimensions.

Md = ΦAsfy (d – a/2) = 0.9 × 9.48 × 40 × (56.625 – 1.30/2) = 19103.2 in-k

Md > (Mu = 19034 in-k), O.K.
e Skin Reinforcement:
According to ACI 10.6.7 “If the effective depth d of a beam or joist
exceeds 36 in., longitudinal skin reinforcement shall be uniformly
distributed along both side faces of the member for a distance d /2 nearest
the flexural tension reinforcement. The spacing ssk between longitudinal

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bars or wires of the skin reinforcement shall not exceed the least of d/6, 12
in., and 1000Ab/(d – 30). It shall be permitted to include such
reinforcement in strength computations if a strain compatibility analysis is
made to determine stress in the individual bars or wires. The total area of
longitudinal skin reinforcement in both faces need not exceed one-half of
the required flexural tensile reinforcement”.

Figure 11: Skin reinforcement for beams and joists with d > 36 inches.

Maximum area of skin reinforcement allowed by ACI:

Askin, max = Main flexural reinforcement/2 = 9.38/2 = 4.69 in2
Range up to which skin reinforcement is provided:
d/2 = 56.625/2 = 28.3125″
For #6 bar used in skin reinforcement,
ssk is least of:
• d/6 = 56.625/6 = 9.44″
• 12″
• 1000Ab/(d – 30) = 1000×0.44/(56.625 – 30) = 16.53″
Therefore ssk = 9.44″ ≈ 9″
With this spacing, 3 bars on each face are required. And for #6 bar, the
total area of skin reinforcement is:
Askin = 6 × 0.44 = 2.64 in2 < Askin, max = 4.69 in2, O.K

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(B) Shear Design:

Vu = 84.71 k
ΦVc = Φ2√ (fc′)bwd = (0.75 × 2 × √ (3000) × 18 × 57)/1000 = 84.29 k
ΦVc < Vu {Shear reinforcement is required}
sd = ΦAvfyd/(Vu – ΦVc)
Using #3, 2 legged stirrups with Av = 0.11 × 2 =0.22 in2}
sd = 0.75 × 0.22 × 40 × 57/(84.71 – 84.29) = 895″
Maximum spacing and minimum reinforcement requirement as permitted by
ACI 11.5.4 and shall be minimum of:
(i) Avfy/(50bw) =0.22 × 40000/(50 × 18) ≈ 9.5″
(ii) d/2 =57/2 =28.5″
(iii) 24″
(iv) Avfy/ 0.75√(fc′)bw = 0.22 × 40000/ {(0.75 × √(3000) × 18} = 11.90″
Other checks:
(a) Check for depth of beam:
ΦVs ≤ Φ8√ (fc′)bwd (ACI
Φ8√ (fc′)bwd = 0.75 × 8 × √ (3000) × 18 × 57/1000 = 337.18 k
ΦVs = (ΦAvfyd)/sd
= (0.75 × 0.22 × 40 × 57)/9.5 = 39.6 k < 337.18 k, O.K.
So depth is O.K. If not, increase depth of beam.
(b) Check if “ΦVs ≤ Φ4√ (fc′)bwd” {ACI}:
If “ΦVs ≤ Φ4√ (fc′)bwd”, the maximum spacing (smax) is O.K.
Otherwise reduce spacing by one half.
Φ4√ (fc´)bwd = 0.75 × 4 × √ (3000) × 18 × 57/1000= 168.58 k
ΦVs = (ΦAvfyd)/sd
= (0.75 × 0.22 × 40 × 57)/9.5 = 39.6 k < 168.58 k, O.K.
Arrangement of stirrups in the beam: With #3, 2 legged vertical
stirrups @ 9.5″ c/c (maximum spacing and minimum reinforcement
requirement as permitted by ACI), the shear capacity (ΦVn ) of the
beam will be equal to:
ΦVn = ΦVc + ΦVs

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ΦVs = (ΦAvfyd)/smax
ΦVs = (0.75 × 0.22 × 40 × 57/9.5) = 39.6 k
Therefore ΦVn = 84.29 + 39.6 = 123.89 k > (Vu = 87.22 k)
It means that theoretically, from a section at a distance equal to s/2 up
to a section where shear is equal to ΦVc/2, #3, 2 legged vertical
stirrups @ 9.5″ c/c shall be provided. Beyond the value of ΦVc/2, no
shear reinforcement is theoretically required. However # 3, 2 legged
vertical stirrups @ 12″ c/c are recommended to hold the flexural
reinforcement bars.

Vu = 87.22 k
φVc = 84.29 k

φVc /2 = 42.145 k 42.145 k

d = 4.75' 12.56'

s/2 = 4.75"
Theoretically no
#3 @ 9.5" c/c
stirrups needed

#3, 2 legged stirrups @ 12" c/c

Figure 12: Stirrups arrangement.

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Department of Civil Engineering, N-W.F.P UET, Peshawar Hall Design (Option 1)

(I) Slab (S1 and S2):









M1 M1

M1 M1

S1 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S1


Panel Depth (in) Mark Mark Top reinforcement

S1 6" M1 3/8" φ @ 9" c/c MT1 3/8" φ @ 9" c/c Non continuous End

S2 6" M1 3/8" φ @ 9" c/c MT1 3/8" φ @ 9" c/c Continuous End

#3 @ 18" c/c (supporting bars or chairs)

M1 (Shrinkage Reinforcement)

L1 /4 = 2.5' L1 /3 = 3.25' L2 /3 = 3' L2 /3 = 3' L2 /3 = 3'

#3 @ 18" c/c (supporting bars or chairs) hf =6"

M1 (Main steel Reinforcement)

L = 9.25' L2= 8.5'


Section A-A. Refer to figure 5.15, chapter 5, Nelson 13th Ed for bar cutoff.

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#3, 2 legged
#3, 2 legged vertical stirrups @ 9.5" c/c #3, 2 legged vertical stirrups @ 9.5" c/c
vertical stirrups @ 12" c/c
A B C Skin reinforcement
2 #8 bars
sd /2 = 4.75" #6 @ 9" c/c

(6 + 6) #8 Bars 6 #8 Bars
Greatest of d or 12d b= 3.75' #8 Spacer bars @ 3' c/c
0.14L - (greatest of d or 12d b)= 4.75'
0.14L = 8.375'

17'-6" 25'-0" 17'-6"

L = 60'-0"
Beam (B1) Details
(a) Use graph A2 to find location of points where bars can be bent up or cutoff for simply supported beams uniformly loaded.
(b) Approximate locations of points where bars can be bent up or cotoff for continuous beams uniformly loaded and built
integrally with their supports according to the coefficients in ACI code.

2 #8 Bars 2 #8 Bars 2 #8 Bars

6" 6" 6"

#3, 2 legged #3, 2 legged #3, 2 legged

60" stirrups @ 9.5" c/c 60" stirrups @ 9.5" c/c 60" stirrups @ 12" c/c
(6+6) #8 Bars (6+6) #9 Bars
6 #8 Bars
Skin Reinforcement
#6 @ 9" c/c

18" 18" 18"


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Appendix A
Comparison of ACI coefficients analysis with analysis of SAP2000 (finite element
method based software): Assumptions made in SAP model are,
a. Brick masonry walls are modeled as hinged support.
b. Slab is modeled as shell element.
c. Beams are modeled as frame elements.

Figure 13: Plan view of hall showing variation in slab moment (kip-in/in). Marked
points show the locations picked for comparison purpose.

Table 2.5: Slab moments

ACI 318-02 See figure SAP Results
Percentage Difference
(kip-in/in) 9 (k-in/in)
M (at wall) 0 MI 0.02 -
MF 4.59 64
M (at ext. mid span) 1.66 MG 3.40 51
MH 1.55 -7
MB 1.47 -4
M (at int. support) 1.53 MC 1.48 -4
ME 0.617 -60
MA 1.04 7
M (at int. mid span) 0.97
MD 1.2 19

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Table 2.6: Simply supported beam moment.

ACI 318-02 SAP Results Percentage Difference
M,mid span (k-in) 19034 18987.253 0.25

• There is more variation between SAP and ACI in slab moments.
• Less variation in beam moment.

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Appendix B

Relevant Pictures

Figure 14: Supporting chairs for slab reinforcement.

Figure 15: Reinforcement in slab.

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Figure 16: Flexure and shear reinforcement in a beam.

Figure 16: Local arrangement for bar bending.

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Appendix C
Minimum uniformly distributed live load:
Representative values of minimum live loads to be used in a wide variety of buildings are found
in Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, SEI/ASCE 7-02, American Society
of Civil Engineers, a portion of which is reproduced in table C1. The table gives uniformly
distributed live loads for various types of occupancies; these include impact provisions where
necessary. These loads are expected maxima and considerably exceed average values.

Table C1: Minimum uniformly distributed live loads.

Occupancy or Use Load, Live
psf Load, psf
Apartments (see residential) Dining rooms and restaurants 100
Access floor systems Dwellings (see residential)
Office use 50 Fire escapes 100
Computer use 100 On single-family dwellings only 40
Armories and drill rooms 150 Garages (passenger cars only) 40
Assembly areas and theaters Trucks and buses (see foot note)
Grandstands (see stadium and arena
Fixed seats (fastened to floors) 60

Gymnasiums, main floors, and

Lobbies 100 100
Movable seats 100 Hospitals
Platforms (assembly) 100 Operating rooms, laboratories 60
Stage floors 150 Private rooms 40
Balconies (exterior) 100 Wards 40
On one and two family residences
60 Corridors above first floor 80
only, and not exceeding 100ft2

Bowling alleys, poolrooms, and

75 Hotels (see residential)
similar recreational areas
Catwalks for maintenance access 40 Libraries
Corridors Reading rooms 60
First floor 100 Stack rooms 150
Other floors, same as occupancy
Corridors above first floor 80
served except as indicated
Dance halls and ballrooms 100 Manufacturing
Decks (patio and roof) Light 125
Same as area served, or for the
Heavy 250
type of occupancy accommodated

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Table C1: (Continued)

Occupancy or Use Load, Occupancy or Use Live
psf Load, psf
Sidewaks, vehicular
Marquees and Canopies 75 driveways, and yards subject 250
to trucking
Office Buildings Stadium and arenas
File and computer rooms shall be
designed for heavier loads based on Pleachers 100
anticipated occupancy
Fixed seats (fastened to
Lobbies and first-floor corridors 100 60
Offices 50 Stairs and exitways 100
One and two-family
Corridors above first floor 80 40
residences only
Penal institutions Storage areas above ceilings 20
Storage warehouses (shall be
designed for heavier loads if
Cell blocks 40
required for anticipated
Corridors 100 Light 125
Residential Heavy 250
Dwellings (one and two-family) Stores
Uninhabitable attics without storage 10 Retail
Uninhabitable attics with storage 20 First floor 100
Habitable attics and sleeping areas 30 Upper floors 73
All other areas except stairs and
40 Wholesale, all floors 125
Walkways and elevated
Hotels and multifamily houses platforms (other than 60
Private rooms and corridors serving Yards and terraces,
40 100
them pedestrians
Public rooms and corridors serving
Reviewing stands, grandstands and
Classrooms 40
Corridors above first floor 80
First-floor corridors 100
Garages accommodating trucks and buses shall be designed in accordance with an approved method that contains provisions for
truck and bus loadings.

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Department of Civil Engineering, N-W.F.P UET Peshawar Hall Design (Option 1)

Appendix D
Various Structural Configurations


90' x 60' Hall


90' x 60' Hall

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Department of Civil Engineering, N-W.F.P UET Peshawar Hall Design (Option 1)


90' x 60' Hall


90' x 60' Hall

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Department of Civil Engineering, N-W.F.P UET Peshawar Hall Design (Option 1)


90' x 60' Hall


90' x 60' Hall

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Department of Civil Engineering, N-W.F.P UET Peshawar Hall Design (Option 1)


90' x 60' Hall


90' x 60' Hall

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Department of Civil Engineering, N-W.F.P UET Peshawar Hall Design (Option 1)



90' x 60' Hall


90' x 60' Hall

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Department of Civil Engineering, N-W.F.P UET Peshawar Hall Design (Option 1)


90' x 60' Hall


90' x 60' Hall

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Department of Civil Engineering, N-W.F.P UET Peshawar Hall Design (Option 1)

Appendix E
Cutoff or bend points for bars in approximately equal spans with uniformly
distributed loads:

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Department of Civil Engineering, N-W.F.P UET Peshawar Hall Design (Option 1)


¾ Design of Concrete Structures by Nilson, Darwin and Dolan (13th ed.)

¾ ACI 318-02/05

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