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Geographical Stone: limestone, marble,

Situated in the SE of the Asian adobe, granite, coral stones,

continent lime, gravel, sand
Archipelago of 7,100 islands Early Philippine Architecture
Volcanic in origin (domestic structures) were
Made up of mountains and light and airy due to
plains, valleys and volcanoes indigenous materials used
complemented by bays and Bahay kubo swayed with
lakes, rivers and waterfalls the earthquakes, easily
Boundaries are: knocked down by typhoons
and also vulnerable to catch
North: Taiwan fire

East: Pacific Ocean

South: Indonesia
Climate, topography and seismic
West: West Philippine Sea
conditions highly influenced
lying at the crossroads of the
East and the West, its strategic 2 General Climatic Types
location became a factor in dry season - November to June;
shaping its architecture November to February is
near Asian continent: Asian cool, while March
neighbors settled and to June is warm and humid
established commercial and wet season - July to October
cultural relations with torrential rains and
discovery by Spanish typhoons
traders strengthened
Spains desire to extend her
empire, propagate her Climatic classification in terms of
culture and the Christian orientation
strategic location in Asia East - generally wet, the
and the Pacific was wettest period coinciding
apparently a reason for with the north-east
Americas colonization of monsoon or Amihan;
the country to in the desire October to April; dry cool
to become a major power season in the west during
3 regional island groups these months
with Luzon and Mindanao West wet season during
being the largest islands south-west monsoon or
Habagat; May to October
Geological Country is located in the
Rich in natural resources Pacific Ring of Fire
Abundance of wood for Over 30 significant
building (ipil, molave, yacal, earthquakes with latest one
guijo, apitong, tanguile, red with a magnitude of 7.2 last
and white lauan, almon, October 15, 2013
palosapis, Benguet pine, Bahay na bato developed
tindalo, kamagong and during the Spanish Period
narra), furniture making, was more durable and
carving, etc. permanent than the nipa
Minerals: gold, silver, iron, hut
Clay for making bricks Religion
southeast Asian countries
Filipinos are known to be before the Spaniards arrived
deeply religious The barangay system was
93% of its population are the early form of
Christians government based on a
Inflow of Spanish kinship and made up from
missionaries since 1521 30 - 100 families
resulting in the prevalence The family was the basic
of church architecture over unit of Philippine society
the country thus strong family
Before the Spaniards came, relationships characterized
Filipinos already believed in every Filipino home
the existence of a supreme
being, the cult of the dead The Spanish conquest lead on the
and the cult of the spirits; introduction of several changes in
they also believed in the socio-cultural and economic
underworld creatures life of the Filipinos such as:
These beliefs were reflected
in their architecture in terms 1. abolition of slavery
of site selection, desired
start of construction, rituals 2. towns cities and villages were
before starting construction,
beliefs to obtain prosperity,
3. introduction of the Gregorian
good health and family life
and protection from evil
spirits 4. use of Spanish surnames and
Cathedrals, mosques and converts first names changed to
chapels: landmarks those of saints
Church runs educational
institutions, hospitals, 5. assimilation of the Latin
asylums, and leper colonies alphabet and the Spanish
nationwide language
Protestanism, since 1898
Islam was introduced before 6. establishment of the first printing
the Spaniards arrived; press
Muslims, the largest non- 7. introduction of the European
Christian group is system of education
concentrated in Mindanao
8. promotion of the arts: introduction
Iglesia ni Kristo was founded
of the bahay na bato and
in 1911
9. practice of the sciences
Social, Cultural, Economic, 10. establishment of hospitals and
Political orphanages
11. introduction of fiestas and
The country was settled by holidays (cockfights, horse races,
Negritos from the Asian pilgrimages, haranas, flores de
mainland followed by mayo and santacruzan, indoors
seafaring Indonesians and and outdoor games )
then by the Malays
Early Filipinos established
relationships with India, Historical
China, Japan, Arabia,
Indonesia, Cambodia, 22,000 BC Man inhabits
Thailand and other the Tabon caves for about
40,000 years
960 AD Chinese goods June 12 Filipinos declared
begin to flow into the Philippines independence; a
Philippines constitutional government is
1100 AD Chinese colonies established with Emilio F.
are founded along coastal Aguinaldo as the President
towns 1899 - The Philippine
1150 AD - Ancient Filipinos American war broke out
built the rice terraces 1902 Filipino armed
1200 Islam is introduced in resistance against the
Mindanao, southern Americans
Philippines 1941 Japanese bombers
1521 Ferdinand Magellan attack the Philippines
reached the Philippines and 1945 - Liberation of the
claims the archipelago for Philippines from Japan
the King of Spain 1965 Senator Ferdinand E.
1762 - 1764 the British Marcos was elected
occupied Manila President of the Philippines
1834 Manila is opened to 1972 Marcos declared
world trade; economic martial law
development is underway 1986 Feb. 7 - A presidential
1892 Andres Bonifacio election was held with
founded the Katipunan, a Marcos and Corazon C.
secret society aiming for the Aquino in contention.
separation of the Philippines Marcos was proclaimed
from Spain winner by the national
1898 - The American assembly despite
congress declared a state widespread protest
war between the United 1998 June 12 the
States and Spain Philippines celebrated the
May Commodore George centennial of Philippine
Dewey attacked and independence
destroyed the Spanish fleet
in Manila Bay

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