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FoxPro Commands - Part 1

Submitted by Karthikeyan on 28 September, 2009 - 16:32

FoxPro 2.6 for MS-DOS / Windows - Basic


Unlike other RDBMS systems, in FoxPro each database can contain only one table.

Hence, the single table is called as database in this tutorial

In FoxPro, first four characters of any command is enough to execute

For e.g.:- crea ==> create



use <dbname>


use book



To close the current opened database.

Close all

To close the all opened database.


crea <dbname>

create <dbname>


crea book

4. To Modify Structure of the Database:

Modify structure


Modi stru

5. To add new records in database

Append is used to add the new record.




[From <dbname>]


Append Blank
- To add blank records.
Append from first.dbf
- To add the records from FIRST.DBF to SECOND.DBF
- Same Structure is required for these databases

6. To display the records in the current database

Used to display the particular record.








Display All
Display All Records in page wise.

7. To Display the structure of the database:

Display Structure

8. To display the status of the set commands :

Display Status

9. To display the status of the system memory variables.

Display Memory

10. To view the status bar

Set stat on

11. To edit records


- It list all the records one by one for editing.

Any one of the record can be edited using 'FOR' as below

EDIT FOR empname = "LEELA"

EDIT FOR rollno = 103

12. To delete records


- To delete current record


- To delete next 4 records

After using the delete command the records marked with * (asterisk) mark, i.e., marked for deletion.


- It is used to recover the deleted records.




- To delete the records permanently. It is used after the delete command.


- It can be used to empty the record instead of deleting.

13. To delete all the records in the current database


14. Navigation with Records

GO or GOTO both do the same things in Foxpro.


Used to move the record pointer at the first record.


Used to move the record point at the last record.


To go to a particular record

Syn:- GO <recordno>

Eg:- GO 8

Go to record 8


- To skip number of records

e.g. To skip 3 records - SKIP 3

15. To List the records

LIST - To list the records in screen, not in window

It can be used with condition as below:

LIST for val(price) > 100

LIST itemname, price+20

- This command lists item name with price rupees 20 added. The changes are applied only to the view,
it not saved in database.

LIST product, price*2

- price is multiplied with 2.

16. To view the records as manipulatable view

BROWSE - To browse the records

BROWSE NOEDIT - To browse the records in read only view, The records can be marked for deletion
using Ctrl + T shortcut

BROWSE NODELETE - To avoid deleting while browsing the records

17. To display current record number


18. To display the dbf files in the current directory


19. Hide or Show heading in list view



20. Printing

- This command sends the out put to printer

- To stop this use the command SET PRINT OFF


- To set the output printing port to LPT1

21. Handling date and date format

To display current system date


To set century on to display year in 4 digits.



To set date format

dd/mm/yyyy => SET DATE BRIT

mm/dd/yyy => SET DATE AMERICA

yyyy/mm/dd => SET DATE JAPAN

22. Replace command

To replace the content of the specified field in the database table. i.e., This command can be used to
remove the data in the particular field (nullifying / empty a field)


REPLACE fieldname WITH ""

- To replace with null value

REPLACE fieldname WITH { / / }

- To replace the date field with null value


- Replaces the data in the quatity fied with 0 in all the records.


- Adds 50 to the price field.

23. Blank
To blank some or all the fields in the current record.


- To blank all the fields in the current record

BLANK FIELDS <field1>, <field>

- To blank specified fields in the current record

Creating a Program
Submitted by Karthikeyan on 28 September, 2009 - 16:43

A Program is a set of instructions used to achieve the desired output.

To create new program or to edit the existing one.



NOTE command

If ignore the particular line or command, NOTE can be used at the beginning of that line.

Comment Line

To add comments to the right of the Programming code , use &&

Clear All Command

This command is used to closes all databases files and releases all active memory variables,
arrays menus or popup.

Input / Output command

? | ?? | ??? [expr1?]

? - To print the expression in new line

?? - To print the expression in the same line

??? - The Output will going to the printer


? "Hellow!"

Sample Program

NOTE prg for just print something on the screen

Clear && To Clear the Screen or previous outputs



?? " World...!"

??? "Thank you

Writing Programs

* FoxPro has powerful built-in editor for writing and editing.

* It can be invoked from the command window by using the MODIFY COMMAND.




Modify Command journal

(This program will automatically save with the extension .PRG)

Press CTRL + W - To save and close the program window

Executing Program

Programs can be executed by DO command.


DO <prgname>


Do journal

When compile the executed file the FoxPro creates an object code program with .FXP extension. If
there are any errors, creates a file an .ERR extension.

INPUT command

It is used to accept Numeric input from the user and store it into a memory variable.


INPUT [<char exp>] TO <memvar>


Store 0 to eno

INPUT "Enter your Enrollment No : " TO eno

? Eno

ACCEPT command

It is used to accept character input from the user and store it into a memory variable.


ACCEPT [<char exp>] TO <memvar>


Store space (15) to NAM

ACCEPT "Enter the Name: " to NAM

? "Entered name: NAM

Example 2



Accept "Enter your nane :" to nam

Input "enter your Age : " to age

Accept " enter your city :" to cit

Accept "Enter your Mail id : " to mail

? "******************************************"

? "NAME :: " ,nam

? "AGE :: " ,age

? "CITY :: " ,cit

? "MAIL ID:: " ,mail

? "******************************************"

Setting/restoring the environment

Every FoxPro program includes all commands required to establish the working environment and
restore it to its prior state before the program terminates execution. This is achieved by issuing some

Set notify on/of

Enables the display of certain system messages.

Set talk window

Directors the display of system messages to an user-defined window instead of the system
window. Sets notify should be ON.

Set deleted on/of

Processes records marked for deletion.

Input and Output Statements in Foxpro

Submitted by Karthikeyan on 28 September, 2009 - 16:46

Input and output in foxpro

As we already know that data can be entered into tables through the APPEND/BROWSE
commands. Data entry for tables can also be done through programs. There arises a need to display
and accept information in a formatted way.

The @say command is used to place data at a particular screen location and to display data
stored in fields or memory variables. The @get commands is used to retrieve data.

Displaying data
@say command: -

Syntax: -
@<Row, columns>SAY<expr>

[STYLE, exprC4>]


@2, 10 say hello welcome to FoxPro



@row,column | say <char_exp> get <mem_var>


@row ,column | say <char_exp> get <mem_var>


@row, column to row, column clear

Clear all


@5, 5 clear to 20, 20

Box Command

@row1, column1 to row2, column 2

Picture clause
PICTURE clause is used to control of display or the information to be accepted.


A - Allows only alphabets

9 - Allows only digits, signs for numeric data

N - Allows Letters and Digits

# - Allows Only Digits, Blanks and Signs

X - Allows any Character

L - Allows any Logical Data T, t, F, f, Y, y, N, n

Y - Allows Only Y, y, N, n

! - Converts letters into uppercase.

* - Displays asterisk in place of leading zeros.

, - Display the comma

. - Display the decimal Point.

Function Clause

You can include the function clause, the picture clause or both to control how<expr> is displayed or
printed. A function clause affects the entire expression. It contains only the following function code.

Function code & Purpose

B Left justifies numeric data within the display region.
Store 2750 to num
@5,20 say num
@6,20 say num function B

C Cr is displayed after a positive number to indicate a credit. Can be used with numeric data only.
Store 15432.00 to amt
@5,20 say amt
@6,20 say amt function c

D Uses the current set DATE format.

Store 230801 to num
Store foxproprograming to tit
@5,20 say num function D
@6,20 say tit function D

E Edits date type data as British date

Store 230904 to num
@6,20 say num function E

T Trim leading and trailing blanks from<expr>

@5,20 fox to tit
@6,20 say tit function T

X DB is displayed after negative numbers to indicate a debit. used only with numberic data.
Store -15432.00 to amt
@5,20 say amt
@6,20 say amt function X

Z <expr> is displayed as all blanks if its numeric

value is 0. used only with numeric data.

Store o to amt
@5,20 say amt
@6,20 say amt function z

( Encloses negative numbers in parentheses. Used only with numeric data.

Store 755 to amt
@5,20 say amt
@6,20 say amt function (

! Converts alphabetic characters to upper-case used with character data-only

Store foxpro programming to tit
@6,20 say tit function !

^ Displays numeric data using scientific notation. Used with numeric data only.
Store 75815 to amt
@6,20 say amt function ^

Displays data in currently format. the currency symbol appears before or after the field value depending
on the current setting of set currency. used with numeric data only.
Store 75815 to amt
@6,20 say amt function $

Picture expression can include the following characters:-

X Allows any character.

Y Allows logical Y, y, N and n only. Converts y and n to Y and N, respectively.

! Displays the current currency symbol specified by set currency. By default, the symbol is placed
immediately before or after the field.
* Asterisks are displayed in front of the numeric value. Use with a dollar sign $ for check protection.
. A decimal point specifies the decimal point position.
, A comma is used to specifies digits to the left of the decimal point.

Control Structures in Foxpro

Submitted by Karthikeyan on 28 September, 2009 - 16:48
Control Structures

IF statement
If Condition is True Executed and then False Not Executed.

If (condition) then
End if

mark =0
@5,5 say " Enter the Mark : " get mark RANGE 0,100
If mark >=40 Then
@10,10 say " You have PASS"

The commands between if..end if will be executed only if condition is satisfied, otherwise the next
statement is executed. For every if there must be an end if. Every is matched with the nearest
unmatched if.
<Command sequence-1>
<Command sequence-2>
End if

Command sequence 1 will be executed if a condition is true, if condition is false command sequence-2
will be executed. Control falls to the next statement in either case, if program I still in execution.

Example 2
Store 0 to x,y
@5, 5 say " Enter the First value: " get x
@7,5 say " Enter the Second value: " get y
IF x > y Then
@10, 10 say str(x) + is Greater than + ltrim (str(y))
@10, 10 say str(x) + " is lesser than " + ltrim (str(y))

Example 3
Store space(1) to x,ch
@5, 5 say " Enter any Alphabet: " get x
ch =chr(asc(x) +32) && To convert Upper into Lower
IF ch="a" .or. ch="e" .or. ch="i" .or. ch="o" .or. ch="u" then
@10,10 say ch + " is a VOWEL "
@10,10 say ch + " is a CONSONANT"

NESTED IF: (IF within IF)

store 0 to x,y,z
@5,5 say " Enter No1 : " get x
@7,5 say " Enter No2 : " get y
@9,5 say " Enter No3 : " get z
If x > y then
IF x>z then
@ 15,5 say " X is Greater than y and z"
@15,5 say "X is Greater than Y and Lesser than Z"
IF Y>Z then
@ 15,5 say " Y is Greater than X and Z"
@15,5 say "Y is Greater than X but not Z"

Case Commands are used to check for a specified condition

DO Case
Case <variable> = <value>
Statement -1
Case <variable> = <value>
Statement -2
Statement -3
End Case

store 0 to day
@5,5 say " Enter any number from 1 to 7 " get day
case day = 1
@10,10 say "SUNDAY"
case day = 2
@10,10 say "MONDAY"
case day = 3
@10,10 say "TUESDAY"

case day = 4
@10,10 say "WEDNESDAY"
case day = 5
@10,10 say "THURSDAY"
case day = 6
@10,10 say "FRIDAY"
case day = 7
@10,10 say "SATURDAY"
@10,10 SAy "Invalid Input"



To repeatedly execute a series of lines in a Program.

The lines of code b/w FOR and ENDOFR will be executed until the memory variable is
equal to the final condition specified.

Default STEP value is 1.

FOR <memvar> = <initial value> TO <final value> STEP <no>

Example: 1

FOR I = 1 TO 10

Example: 2
To print the EVEN nos from 2 to 50
FOR I = 2 TO 50 STEP 2

SELECT - SQL Command
Visual Studio .NET 2003

Retrieves data from one or more tables. The SELECT SQL command is built into Visual FoxPro
like any other Visual FoxPro command. When you use SELECT to pose a query, Visual FoxPro
interprets the query and retrieves the specified data from the tables. You can create
a SELECT query from within the following:

Command window

Visual FoxPro program as with any other Visual FoxPro command

Query Designer

SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] [TOP nExpr [PERCENT]] [Alias.] Select_Item

[[AS] Column_Name] [, [Alias.] Select_Item [[AS] Column_Name] ...]
FROM [FORCE] [DatabaseName!] Table [[AS] Local_Alias]
Table [[AS] Local_Alias] [ON JoinCondition ...]
[[INTO Destination] | [TO FILE FileName [ADDITIVE] | TO PRINTER [PROMPT] |
[WHERE JoinCondition [AND JoinCondition ...] [AND | OR FilterCondition
[AND | OR FilterCondition ...]]]
[GROUP BY GroupColumn [, GroupColumn ...]] [HAVING FilterCondition] [UNION
[ALL] SELECTCommand]
[ORDER BY Order_Item [ASC | DESC] [, Order_Item [ASC | DESC] ...]]

Specifies the fields, constants, and expressions displayed in the query results.
Displays all the rows in the query results by default.
Excludes duplicates of any rows from the query results. You can use DISTINCT only
once per SELECT clause.
Visual FoxPro does not support using the DISTINCT clause in a SQL SELECT statement
that contains memo or general fields. Instead, you can wrap a Memo field expression
inside a function such as PADR( ) or ALLTRIM( ). For more information, see PADL( ) |
PADR( ) | PADC( ) Functions and ALLTRIM( ) Function.
Specifies the query result contain a specific number of rows or a percentage of rows of
the query result. You can specify from 1 to 32,767 rows. If you include
the PERCENT option, permissible values for nExpr are 0.01 to 99.99. When you include
the PERCENT option, the number of rows returned in the result is rounded up to the
next highest integer.
Rows with identical values for the columns specified in the ORDER BY clause are
included in the query result. Therefore, if you specify 10 for nExpr, the query result can
contain more than 10 rows if there are more than 10 rows with identical values for the
columns specified in the ORDER BY clause.
When you include the TOP clause, you must include an ORDER BY clause. The ORDER
BY clause specifies the columns on which the TOP clause determines the number of
rows to include in the query result.
[Alias.] Select_Item
Qualifies matching item names. Select_Item specifies an item to be included in the
query results. An item can be one of the following:

The name of a field from a table in the FROM clause.

A constant specifying that the same constant value appears in every row of the
query results.

An expression that can be the name of a user-defined function.

For more information about using user-defined functions, see User-Defined Functions
with SELECT in the Remarks section.
Each item you specify with Select_Item generates one column of the query results.
If two or more items have the same name, include the table alias and a period before
the item name to prevent columns from being duplicated.
[AS] Column_Name
Specifies the heading for a column in the query output. Column_Name can be an
expression but cannot contain characters that are not permitted, for example, spaces, in
table field names.
This option is useful when Select_Item is an expression or contains a field function and
you want to give the column a meaningful name.
FROM [FORCE] DatabaseName!
Lists the tables containing the data that the query retrieves.
FORCE specifies that tables are joined in the order in which they appear in the FROM
clause. If FORCE is omitted, Visual FoxPro attempts to optimize the query. However, the
query might be executed faster by including the FORCE keyword to disable the Visual
FoxPro query optimization.
DatabaseName! specifies the name of a non-current database containing the table. You
must include the name of database containing the table if the database is not the
current database. Include the exclamation point (!) delimiter after the database name
and before the table name.
[[AS] Local_Alias]
Specifies a temporary name for the table named in Table. If you specify a local alias, you
must use the local alias in place of the table name throughout the SELECT statement.
INNER JOIN specifies that the query result contain only rows from a table that match one
or more rows in another table.
LEFT [OUTER] JOIN specifies that the query result contains all rows from the table to the
left of the JOIN keyword and only matching rows from the table to the right of
the JOIN keyword. The OUTER keyword is optional; you can include it to emphasize that
an outer join is created.
RIGHT [OUTER] JOIN specifies that the query result contain all rows from the table to the
right of the JOIN keyword and only matching rows from the table to the left of
the JOIN keyword. The OUTER keyword is optional; it can be included to emphasize that
an outer join is created.
FULL [OUTER] JOIN specifies that the query result contain all matching and nonmatching
rows from both tables. The OUTERkeyword is optional; you can include it to emphasize
that an outer join is created.
For more information about joins, see Joins in the Remarks section.
ON JoinCondition specifies the conditions for which the tables are joined.
INTO Destination
Specifies where to store the query results. Destination can be one of the following

ARRAY ArrayName stores query results in a memory variable array.

The array is not created if the query selects 0 records.

CURSOR CursorName [NOFILTER | READWRITE] stores query results in a cursor.

To create a cursor that can be used in subsequent queries, use NOFILTER. For
more information about NOFILTER, see the Remarks section.
To specify that the cursor is temporary and modifiable, use READWRITE. If the
source table or tables use autoincrementing, the settings are not inherited by
the READWRITE cursor.

DBF | TABLE TableName [DATABASE DatabaseName [NAME LongTableName]]

stores query results in a table.

To specify a database to which the table is added,

include DATABASE DatabaseName.
To specify a long name for the table, include NAME LongTableName. Long names
can contain up to 128 characters and can be used in place of short file names in
the database.
If you do not include the INTO clause, query results are displayed in a Browse window.
You can also use the TO FILE clause to direct the query results to the printer or a file.
Directs the query results to the printer or a file.
ADDITIVE appends query output to the existing contents of the text file specified in TO
FILE FileName.
TO PRINTER directs query output to a printer. To display a dialog box before printing
starts, use the PROMPT clause immediately after TO PRINTER. You can adjust printer
settings in the dialog box. The printer settings that you can adjust depend on the
currently installed printer driver.
TO SCREEN directs query output to the main Visual FoxPro window or to an active user-
defined window.
PREFERENCE PreferenceName
Saves the attributes and options of the Browse window for later use, if query results are
sent to a Browse window. For more information about how PREFERENCE functions, see
the Remarks section.
Prevents display of query results sent to a file, the printer, or the main Visual FoxPro
Prevents column headings from appearing in the query output that is displayed. You can
use PLAIN whether or not a TO clause is present. If an INTO clause is
included, PLAIN is ignored.
Continues program execution after the Browse window is opened and query results are
directed to it. The program does not wait for the Browse window to close but continues
execution on the program line immediately following the SELECT statement. For an
explanation of how you can use NOWAIT, see the Remarks section.
WHERE JoinCondition
Specifies that Visual FoxPro include only records in the query results that meet specified
criteria. JoinCondition specifies fields that link the tables in the FROM clause. For more
information about specifying join conditions, see the Remarks section.
WHERE supports the ESCAPE operator for JoinCondition, making it possible for you to
perform meaningful queries on data containing the SELECT SQL command percent (%)
and underscore (_) wildcard characters. ESCAPE allows you to specify that
a SELECT SQL command wildcard character be treated as a literal character. In
the ESCAPE clause, you specify a character which, when placed immediately before the

wildcard character, indicates that the wildcard character be treated as a literal
Specifies the criteria that records must meet to be included in the query results. You can
include as many filter conditions as you like in a query and connect them with
the AND or OR operator. To reverse the value of a logical expression, use
the NOT operator. To check for an empty field, use the EMPTY( ) function.
The SELECT SQL command supports "<field> IS / IS NOT NULL" in the filter condition.
To learn how to use the FilterCondition, see the Examples section.
GROUP BY GroupColumn [, GroupColumn ...]
Groups rows in the query based on values in one or more columns. GroupColumn can be
the name of a regular table field, a field that includes an SQL field function, or a numeric
expression indicating the location of the column in the result table. The leftmost column
number is 1.
HAVING FilterCondition
Specifies a filter condition that groups must meet to be included in the query results.
The HAVING clause can include as many filter conditions as you like, connected with
the AND or OR operators. To reverse the value of a logical expression, use NOT. You
can use local aliases and field functions in the HAVING clause. For more information on
the field functions you can use, see the Remarks section. FilterCondition cannot contain
a subquery.
You can use a SELECT statement containing a HAVING clause without including
a GROUP BY clause if SELECT does not contain aggregate functions.
The HAVING clause without a GROUP BY clause acts like the WHERE clause. If
the HAVING clause contains no field functions, use the WHERE clause for faster
The HAVING clause should appear before an INTO clause or a syntax error occurs.
Combines the final result for one SELECT statement with the final result of
another SELECT statement. UNION checks the combined results and eliminates
duplicate rows by default. To combine multiple UNION clauses, use parentheses. You
can use the UNION clause to simulate an outer join.
ALL prevents UNION from eliminating duplicate rows from the combined results.
When one of the columns has Memo or General type, unions of differing column types
should not be allowed.
In versions earlier than Visual FoxPro 8.0, you needed to perform explicit conversion
when performing UNION operations between two fields of different types. Visual FoxPro
now supports implicit data type conversion for data types that support it. For more
details about implicit data type conversion and data type precedence, rules
that UNION clauses follow, and other information, see Data Type Conversion and
Precedence in the Remarks section.
ORDER BY Order_Item [ASC | DESC]
Sorts the query results based on the data in one or more columns.
Each Order_Item must correspond to a column in the query results and can be one of
the following:

A field in a FROM table that is also a Select_Item in the main SELECT clause
(not a subquery).

A numeric expression indicating the location of the column in the result table.
The leftmost column is number 1.

ASC specifies an ascending order for query results according to the order item or items
and acts as the default for ORDER BY.
DESC specifies a descending order for query results.

If no table is open when using the FROM clause, Visual FoxPro displays the Open dialog box so
you can specify the file location. Once open, the table remains open once the query is
When using the CURSOR clause in the Destination parameter, if you specify the name of an
open table, Visual FoxPro generates an error message. After SELECT is executed, the
temporary cursor remains open and is active and read-only unless you specify
the READWRITE option. When you close this temporary cursor, it is deleted. Cursors can exist
as a temporary file on the drive or volume specified by SORTWORK.
When using the CURSOR clause in the Destination parameter, you can now use NOFILTER to
create a cursor that can be used in subsequent queries. In previous versions of Visual FoxPro,
you needed to include an extra constant or expression as a filter. For example, adding a logical
true as a filter expression created a query that could be used in subsequent queries:
SELECT *, .T. FROM customers INTO CURSOR myquery

However, including NOFILTER can reduce query performance because a temporary table is
created on disk. The temporary table is deleted from disk when the cursor is closed.
When using the DBF | TABLE clause in the Destination parameter, if you specify a table that is
already open, and SET SAFETY is set to OFF, Visual FoxPro overwrites the table without
warning. If you do not specify an extension, Visual FoxPro gives the table a .dbf extension. The
table remains open and active after SELECT is executed.
If you include the INTO and TO clauses in the same query, Visual FoxPro disregards
the TO clause. If you include a TO clause but not an INTO clause, you can direct query results
to an ASCII text file named FileName, to the printer, or to the main Visual FoxPro window.
The PREFERENCE clause saves the attributes, or preferences, indefinitely in the FoxUser.dbf
resource file. Preferences can be retrieved at any time.
Issuing SELECT with PREFERENCE PreferenceName for the first time creates the preference.
Issuing SELECT later with the same preference name restores the Browse window to that
preference state. When the Browse window is closed, the preference is updated. If you exit a
Browse window by pressing CTRL+Q+W, changes you made to the Browse window are not
saved to the resource file.
As an example of how you can use the NOWAIT clause, when you include the TO
SCREEN clause to direct output to the main Visual FoxPro window or to a user-defined window,
output pauses when the main Visual FoxPro window or user-defined window is full of query
results. To see the next set of query results, press a key. If you include NOWAIT, the query
results scroll off the main Visual FoxPro window or the user-defined window without pausing for
a key press. Visual FoxPro disregards NOWAIT if it is included with the INTO clause.
Including the EVALUATE( ) function in the WHERE clause of an SQL query can return incorrect
If you include more than one table in a query, you should specify a join condition for every
table after the first. Join conditions can include filter conditions.
Note The maximum number of joins per SELECT statement is nine.
You must use the AND operator to connect multiple join conditions. Each join condition has the
following form:
FieldName1 Comparison FieldName2
FieldName1 is the name of a field from one table, FieldName2 is the name of a field from
another table, and Comparison is one of the following operators:




<>, !=, #





When you use the = operator with strings, it acts differently depending on the setting of SET
ANSI. When SET ANSI is set to OFF, Visual FoxPro compares strings only to the end of the
shorter string. When SET ANSI is set to ON, Visual FoxPro follows ANSI standards for string
comparisons. For additional information about how Visual FoxPro performs string comparisons,
The following field functions are available for use with a select item that is a field or an
expression involving a field:

AVG(Select_Item), which averages a column of numeric data.

COUNT(Select_Item), which counts the number of select items in a column. COUNT(*)

counts the number of rows in the query output.

MIN(Select_Item), which determines the smallest value of Select_Item in a column.

MAX(Select_Item), which determines the largest value of Select_Item in a column.

SUM(Select_Item), which totals a column of numeric data.

You cannot nest field functions.

UNION clauses follow these rules:

You cannot use UNION to combine subqueries.

Both SELECT commands must have the same number of columns in their query output.

When two columns of different data types are involved in a UNION operation, the data
type with the lower precedence is converted to the data type with the higher
precedence. For more information, see "Data Type Conversion and Precedence" section
in the Remarks section.

Only the final SELECT statement can have an ORDER BY clause, which must refer to
output columns by number. If an ORDER BY clause is included, it affects the entire

If you do not specify an order in the ORDER BY clause, query results appear in no order.
When you issue SET TALK ON and execute SELECT, Visual FoxPro displays the length of time
the query took to execute and the number of records in the results. _TALLY contains the
number of records in the query results.
SELECT does not respect the current filter condition specified with SET FILTER.
Note A subquery, referred to in the following arguments, is a SELECT within a SELECT and
must be enclosed in parentheses. You can have one subquery in the WHERE clause (see that
section of the arguments). Subqueries can contain multiple join conditions.
When you create query output, columns are named according to the following rules:

If Select_Item is a field with a unique name, the output column name is the field's name.

If more than one Select_Item has the same name, an underscore and a letter are
appended to the column name. For example, if a table called CUSTOMER has a field
called STREET, and a table called EMPLOYEES has a field called STREET also, output
columns are named Extension_A and Extension_B (STREET_A and STREET_B). For a
select item with a 10-character name, the name is truncated to add the underscore and
letter. For example, DEPARTMENT would become DEPARTME_A.

If Select_Item is an expression, its output column is named EXP_A. Any other

expressions are named EXP_B, EXP_C, and so on.

If Select_Item contains a field function such as COUNT( ), the output column is named
CNT_A. If another select item contains SUM( ), its output column is named SUM_B.

User-Defined Functions with SELECT Although using user-defined functions in

the SELECT clause has obvious benefits, you should also consider the following restrictions:

The speed of operations performed with SELECT might be limited by the speed at which
such user-defined functions are executed. High-volume manipulations involving user-
defined functions may be better accomplished by using API and user-defined functions
written in C or assembly language.

You can assume nothing about the Visual FoxPro input/output (I/O) or table environment
in user-defined functions invoked from SELECT. In general, you don't know which work
area is selected, the name of the current table, or even the names of the fields being
processed. The value of these variables depends on where precisely in the optimization
process the user-defined function is invoked.

It isn't safe to change the Visual FoxPro I/O or table environment in user-defined
functions invoked from SELECT. In general, the results are unpredictable.

The only reliable way to pass values to user-defined functions invoked from SELECT is
by the argument list passed to the function when it is invoked.

If you experiment and discover a supposedly forbidden manipulation that works
correctly in a certain version of FoxPro, there is no guarantee it will continue to work in
later versions.

Apart from these restrictions, user-defined functions are acceptable in the SELECT clause.
However, do not forget that using SELECT might slow performance. To learn how you can
use SELECT with user-defined functions, see the Examples section.
Joins Visual FoxPro supports ANSI SQL '92 Join syntax, allowing you to create queries that link
the rows in two or more tables by comparing the values in specified fields. For example, an
inner join selects rows from two tables only when the values of the joined fields are equal.
Visual FoxPro supports nested joins.
Because SQL is based on mathematical set theory, each table can be represented as a circle.
The ON clause that specifies the join conditions determines the point of overlap, which
represents the set of rows that match. For an inner join, the overlap occurs within the interior
or "inner" portion of the two circles. An outer join includes not only those matched rows found
in the inner cross section of the tables, but also the rows in the outer part of the circle to the
left, or right, of the intersection.
Note Keep the following information in mind when creating join conditions:

If you include two tables in a query and do not specify a join condition, every record in
the first table is joined with every record in the second table as long as the filter
conditions are met. Such a query can produce lengthy results.

Be careful when using, in join conditions, functions such

as DELETED( ), EOF( ), FOUND( ), RECCOUNT( ), and RECNO( ), which support an
optional alias or work area. Including an alias or work area in these functions might yield
unexpected results. SELECT doesn't use your work areas; it performs the equivalent
of USE ... AGAIN. Single-table queries that use these functions without an optional
alias or work area will return proper results. However, multiple-table queries that use
these functions even without an optional alias or work area might return
unexpected results.

Use caution when joining tables that contain empty fields because Visual FoxPro
matches empty fields. For example, suppose you perform a join on CUSTOMER.ZIP and
INVOICE.ZIP. If CUSTOMER contains 100 empty zip codes, and INVOICE contains 400
empty zip codes, the query output contains 40,000 extra records resulting from the
empty fields. To eliminate empty records from the query output, use
the EMPTY( ) function.

The limit to the number of joins that you can use per SELECT statement is nine.

For additional information about joins, see Join Conditions for Tables, Queries, and Views.
Data Type Conversion and Precedence Explicit data type conversions require you to use
Visual FoxPro conversion functions, such as CTOD( ), while implicit conversions do not require
you to use conversion functions. Visual FoxPro supports implicit data type conversion for data
types that support it. When Visual FoxPro combines two columns of different data types in
a SELECT...UNION operation, the data type with the lower precedence is converted to the
data type with the higher precedence. For field properties, NULL takes higher precedence
over NOT NULL.
The following table shows all the explicit and implicit data type conversions permitted for Visual
FoxPro table data types.

Data type


Character (Binary)









The following table illustrates implicit conversion results from a SELECT...UNION operation of
two fields.

Data type 1

Character (N)

Character (N)

Character (N)

Character Binary (N)

Character Binary (N)





Double (N)

Double (N)

Double (N)

Double (X)

Float (N,M)

Float (N,M)

Float (N,M)







Numeric (N,M)

Numeric (N,M)

Numeric (N,M)

The following examples illustrate how the FilterCondition parameter can take one of many
Example 1
Example 1 displays FilterCondition in the form of FieldName1 Comparison FieldName2:
customer.cust_id = orders.cust_id

Example 2
Example 2 displays FilterCondition in the form of FieldName Comparison Expression:
payments.amount >= 1000

Example 3
Example 3 displays FilterCondition in the form of FieldName Comparison ALL (Subquery). When
the filter condition includes ALL, the field must meet the comparison condition for all values
generated by the subquery before its record is included in the query results.
company < ALL (SELECT company FROM customer WHERE country = "UK")

Example 4
Example 4 displays FilterCondition in the form of FieldName Comparison ANY | SOME
(Subquery). When the filter condition includes ANY or SOME, the field must meet the
comparison condition for at least one of the values generated by the subquery.
company < ANY (SELECT company FROM customer WHERE country = "UK")

Example 5
Example 5 displays FilterCondition in the form of FieldName [NOT]
BETWEEN Start_Range AND End_Range. This example checks to see whether the values in the
field are within a specified range of values.
customer.postalcode BETWEEN 90000 AND 99999

Example 6
Example 6 displays FilterCondition in the form of [NOT] EXISTS (Subquery). This example
checks to see whether at least one row meets the criterion in the subquery. When the filter
condition includes EXISTS, the filter condition evaluates to true (.T.) unless the subquery
evaluates to the empty set.
(SELECT * FROM orders WHERE customer.postalcode = orders.postalcode)

Example 7
Example 7 displays FilterCondition in the form of FieldName [NOT] IN Value_Set. When the filter
condition includes IN, the field must contain one of the values before its record is included in
the query results.
customer.postalcode NOT IN ("98052","98072","98034")

Note You can have a maximum of 24 items in the value set. If the set contains more values,
the SELECT-SQL statement will fail as a result of being too complex.
Example 8
Example 8 displays FilterCondition in the form of FieldName [NOT] IN (Subquery). Here, the
field must contain one of the values returned by the subquery before its record is included in
the query results.
customer.cust_id IN ;
(SELECT orders.cust_id FROM orders WHERE orders.city="Seattle")

Example 9
Example 9 displays FilterCondition in the form of FieldName [NOT] LIKE cExpression.
customer.country NOT LIKE "UK"
This filter condition searches for each field that matches cExpression. You can use the percent
sign (%) and underscore (_) wildcards as part of cExpression. The percent sign represents any
sequence of unknown characters in the string. An underscore represents a single unknown
character in the string.
The following examples illustrate the use of user-defined functions with the SELECT SQL
Example 1
Example 1 displays the names of all companies in customer (one field from one table).
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
SELECT customer.company ;
FROM customer

Example 2
Example 2 displays the contents of three fields from two tables and joins the two tables based
on the cust_id field. It uses local aliases for both tables.
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
SELECT x.company, y.order_date, y.shipped_on ;
FROM customer x
INNER JOIN orders y ON x.cust_id = y.cust_id

Example 3
Example 3 displays only records with unique data in the specified fields.
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
SELECT DISTINCT x.company, y.order_date, y.shipped_on ;
FROM customer x, orders y ;
WHERE x.cust_id = y.cust_id

Example 4
Example 4 displays the country, postalcode, and company fields in ascending order.
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
SELECT country, postalcode, company ;
FROM customer ;
ORDER BY country, postalcode, company

Example 5
Example 5 stores the contents of fields from two tables in a third table.
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
SELECT x.company, y.order_date, y.shipped_on ;
FROM customer x, orders y ;
WHERE x.cust_id = y.cust_id ;
INTO TABLE custship.dbf

Example 6
Example 6 displays only records with an order date earlier than 02/16/1994.
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
SELECT x.company, y.order_date, y.shipped_on ;
FROM customer x, orders y ;
WHERE x.cust_id = y.cust_id ;
AND y.order_date < {^1994-02-16}

Example 7
Example 7 displays all customers, but only orders with a date earlier than 02/16/1994.
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
SELECT x.company, y.order_date, y.shipped_on ;
FROM customer x ;
LEFT JOIN orders y ;
ON x.cust_id = y.cust_id ;
AND y.order_date < {^1994-02-16}

Example 8
Example 8 displays the names of all companies from customer with a postal code that matches
a postal code in the orders table.
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
SELECT company FROM customer x WHERE ;
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM orders y WHERE x.postalcode = y.postalcode)

Example 9
Example 9 displays all records from customer having a company name that begins with an
uppercase C and is an unknown length.
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
SELECT * FROM customer x WHERE x.company LIKE "C%"

Example 10
Example 10 displays all records from customer having a country name that begins with an
uppercase U and is followed by one unknown character.
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
SELECT * FROM customer x WHERE x.country LIKE "U_"

Example 11
Example 11 displays the names of all cities in customer in uppercase and names the output
column CityList.
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
SELECT UPPER(city) AS CityList FROM customer

Example 12
Example 12 demonstrates how you can perform a query on data that contains percentage
signs (%). A backslash (\) is placed before the percentage sign to indicate that it should be
treated as a literal, and the backslash is specified as the escape character in
the ESCAPE clause.
Because the sample tables included with Visual FoxPro do not contain the percentage sign
character, this query returns no results.
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
SELECT * FROM customer;
WHERE company LIKE "%\%%" ESCAPE "\"

Example 13
Example 13 demonstrates how you can perform a query on data that contains underscores (_).
A backslash (\) is placed before the underscore to indicate that it should be treated as a literal,
and the backslash is specified as the escape character in the ESCAPE clause.

Because the sample tables included with Visual FoxPro do not contain the underscore
character, this query returns no results.
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
SELECT * FROM customer;
WHERE company LIKE "%\_%" ESCAPE "\"

Example 14
In Example 14, the Escape character uses itself as a literal. The dash is both the Escape
character and a literal. The query returns all rows where the company name contains a
percentage sign followed by a dash.
Because the sample tables included with Visual FoxPro do not contain the percentage sign
character, this query returns no results.
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'data\testdata')
SELECT * FROM customer;
WHERE company LIKE "%-%--%" Escape "-"

SELECT table1.field1, table2.field2, SUM(table2.qty) AS qty;

FROM table1, table2;
WHERE table1.id = table2.id;
GROUP BY table1.field1, table2.field2;
ORDER BY table1.field2, table2.field2;


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