Fatigue Life Analysis of Aircraft Structural Components: Stevan Maksimović, PHD (Eng)
Fatigue Life Analysis of Aircraft Structural Components: Stevan Maksimović, PHD (Eng)
Fatigue Life Analysis of Aircraft Structural Components: Stevan Maksimović, PHD (Eng)
1,2005 15
This work defines an effective computation procedure that combines Neuber`s Rule and the finite element method
with strainlife criterions in order to accurately predict fatigue crack initiation life and then establish an estimated
schedule of fatigue life. The proposed procedure is applied to the representative aircraft structural components such
as a plate with hole to obtain predicted lives. Computation results are compared with experimental results. Compara-
tive results demonstrate that the fatigue life estimated by the novel procedure closely approximates the experimental
Key words: fatigue, aircraft, aircraft structures, scyclic loading, crack initiation, finite element method, numerical
6. Linearly sum the damage associated with each cycle by In the formula (3) S1 , S2 , S3 mean three main
using Miners rule. stresses of single axial.
One of the important aspects of the study of fatigue is a
never-ending search for simple experimental or analytical
methods [ 4] that can be used for the prediction of fatigue Cycle Stress Strain Relation and Plastic Revision
behavior in relatively complex situations. A good example
Under Multi-axial Loading
of this approach was the use of monotonic (cyclic) test data For an elastic plastic material, subjected to cyclic load-
in attempting to predict the fatigue life. Even for the sim- ing, the stress and strain history will initially go through a
plest and most ideal specimen geometry and loading pattern transient state which asymptotes to a cyclic state. In this cy-
such a prediction is a substantial step forward. In a similar clic state, the behavior of the body can be divided in three
manner we can conceive the prediction of fatigue behavior alternative regions: 1. Elastic, 2. Elastic plastic and 3.
in a notched structural element on the basis of known cyclic Failure.
behavior in a simpler smooth specimen. Recent advances in The cyclic stress strain curve is possible to obtain by
this area have produced interesting results and raise the connecting the tip of stable hysteresis loops for different
hope of having fairly useful methods in the future [5,10] . strain amplitudes of fully reversed strain controlled tests.
For cyclic multi-axial loading, the stable cycle stress
Stress is determined through analytical estimation and strain curve can be represented in analytical form by the
with application of FEM. For the analytical estimation, Ne- Ramber Osgood equation. The cycle stress strain for-
ubers rule was used to predict the notch strain and stress mula can be expressed as follows:
amplitudes. After stress determination, fatigue life estima-
tion was evaluated for structural elements with stress con- eq
eq n
centrations for constant amplitude loading and variable am- eq = + =
e p
+ 2 (4)
eq eq
plitude loading. During their working life, structural ele- E
ments are subject to complex loading; i.e. multi-axial load-
ing and they have to be analyzed. Single axial fatigue has In the formula (4), eq , eq are the equivalent range
greatly developed for long time such as local stress method of the local stress and strain of the multi-axial loading; E
and energy method. Now most of the method is to equalize is Youngs modulus; n is the cyclic hardening exponent;
the multi-axial fatigue damage to single axial damage style, K is the cyclic strength coefficient; eqe and eqp mean
and then use the single axial fatigue damage theory to pre-
dict multi-axial fatigue life. Multi-axial fatigue damage equivalent elastic and plastic strain range, respectively.
model can be divided into three classes, which is based on
the following criterion: one is the largest main stress The Stress Analysis
(strain), the other is von Misses criterion and the last is Tre-
sca criterion. In this paper the von Misses criterion will be In general, stress analysis has a dual role to play in fa-
explained. tigue life assessments. The first part is to determine the
critical locations, the areas most at risk in the components,
so that subsequent service load measuring can be made
Von Misses Criterion most effectively. The extent of the stress analysis required
With von Mises criterion, the axial strain and the shear can range from simple examination of a failed component
strain can be composed to equivalent strain amplitude: through techniques such as brittle lacquer methods to finite
element stress analysis. The second role of stress analysis is
eq , a = 1
(1 + ) 2
( ( 1, a 2, a ) + ( 2, a 3, a ) +
2 2 to overcome the very localized nature of fatigue. In engi-
neering components it is often impossible to locate a strain
(1) gage at the critical site. The latter is generally at a stress
+ ( 3, a 1, a )
2 2
concentration such as a fillet radius of a hole where the stra-
in gradient can be very steep. The importance of stress
In formula (1) 1,a , 2,a , 3,a mean three main strains of concentrations was understood at a very early stage in the
development of fatigue life prediction techniques. An accu-
simple axial loading, is the Poissons ratio. rate determination of stress is very important since it has a
The next important thing to find is the equivalent strain
significant effect on fatigue life prediction up to the crack
range eq From the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel initiation. In this paper, structural elements with geometric
code Procedure [10] which is based on the von Misses hy- discontinuities were considered and it is necessary to apply
adequate methods for stress determination, which include
pothesis, it is possible to get equivalent strain range eq . stress concentrations. Stress determination will be defined
by analytical method (Neuber`s rule) and with application
eq =
(1 + )
(( x y ) + ( y z ) +
2 2
of FEM. Both methods for stress determination were used
since it is easier to use analytical method while in some ca-
+ ( z x ) + 6 ( xy2 + yz2 + xz2 ) )
ses it is necessary to use FEM. The analytical method is
used for structural elements with simple geometry. The ne-
Using the static yield theory of multi-axial loading and cessity to use FEM, in some cases, originates from the great
von Misses criterion, equivalent multi-axial stress range is: complexity of geometry in the structural elements. The final
development of stress analysis methods to be considered is
2 (
Seq = 1 ( S1 S 2 ) + ( S2 S3 ) +
2 2
the consideration of plasticity. Although most components
used in the aircraft structures remain nominally elastic, at
+ ( S1 S3 ) the critical location where failure will take place a plastic
2 2
be effectively used to describe nonlinear stress-strain rela- where eq and eq are equivalent strain range notch
root stress and strain range, and Seq and eeq are equiva-
The Analytical Method based on Neuber`s Rule lent strain range nominal stress and strain range, respec-
In loading of notched structural components, the highly tively.
stressed material is localized around the notch root. To
compute local stresses and strains from external loading The Stress Analysis based on Finite Element Method
and geometry, Neuber`s rule is often used in conjuction It is well known that stresses analysis with application of
with the cyclic stress-strain properties and properties and FEM provides the most accurate results. For the stress
fatigue stress concentration factor. The Neuber`s rule may analysis MSC/NASTRAN software [11] was used. It is
be written as [8] : necessary to use FEM in the cases where geometry of struc-
tural elements is complex as well as in those cases where
k t = ( k k )1 / 2 (5) loading is complex (multi-axial). For the stress determina-
tion non-linear (elasto-plastic) analysis was used, which
where: kt is theoretical stress concentration factor, provides the most accurate results. Additionally, it should
k ( = S ) is the local stress concentration factor be noted that in this non-linear (elastic-plastic) analysis, the
cyclic curve for material behavior was used.
k (= / e) is the local strain concentration factor, -local Obtained values of local stresses with application of
strain, e - nominal strain, -local stress, S -nominal stress. FEM will be used for fatigue life estimation and with appli-
This relationship was modified for application to fatigue cation of adequate criteria.
loading [15] by utilizing the fatigue stress concentration
factor together with nominal stress range, S , nominal The Fatigue Life Analysis
strain range e , local stress range , and local strain For life estimation strain-based approach is used. In this
range to transform (5) into: approach, local strains at notches, and , are estimated
and used as the basis of life predictions. The analytical
k f ( S e)1/ 2 = ( )1/ 2 (6) method is based on low cycle fatigue data in terms of the
strainlife curve, as they are conveniently used to present
If loads are small enough that the material behavior of
the strain cycling resistance of materials by describing the
the overall? member is nominally elastic, then S / e = E endurance as a function of both an elastic and plastic strain
and (6) becomes: amplitude. The relationship between the applied strain ran-
kt2 S 2 ge and fatigue life under multi-axial loading is given by
= (7) Morrow [ 7 ] equation:
Since for a given loading and geometry, the left-hand eq /f m
( 2N f ) + /f ( 2 N f )
b c
side of eq (7) is known, this alternative form of Neuber`s = (11)
2 E
Rule provides one relation between the two unknowns
and . Also, is related to the through the mate- In formula (11), eq is equivalent strain range; b is Bas-
rial stress-strain behavior. The two relations, Neuber`s Rule quins coefficient; c is fatigue ductility exponent; f is
and material stress-strain law, completlely determine
and . Thus, using the cyclic stress-strain relation widely Basquins fatigue strength coefficient; f is fatigue ductil-
accepted for fatigue problems: ity coefficient and m is local mean stress.
Another relationship proposed by Smith, Watson and
( 2K )
1/ n '
= + 2 ' (8) Topper [9] is formulated as:
( f )
and substituting into Eq (7), one obtains an expression re- max max
( 2N f ) + /f /f ( 2 N f )
2b b+c
lating local stress range to the applied nominal stress = (12)
2 E
range S and kt from which may be solved for
Where max is the local maximum stress on the max pla-
( )
1/ 2
ne, max / 2 is the maximum local strain amplitude. The
1/ n
( )1/ 2 + 2 ' =
E 2K relation (12) is used for materials domaged by tensile
(9) loading. Multi-axial loading can be consisted of shear (and
( )
1/ 2
1/ 2 S
1/ n'
= kt ( S ) +2 S sometimes shear is dominated), in that case it is possible to
E 2K ' use relation proposed by Fatemi and Socie [ 2] :
estimated from uni-axial strain life properties as: Table 1. Cyclic Stress strain curve
a [MPa]
spectrum T when the structure is failure can be expressed 400
as follows: 300
T= 1 . (15) 200
i Nifi 100
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
The above equation represents statements of the linear dam- a
age rules used by the local strain fatigue life predictions.
Cyclic curve
Numerical Examples
To illustrate previous computation fatigue life procedure Figure 1. Cyclic curve a - a for steel SAE 1045
various examples are included in this paper. These exam-
ples consider structural elements with notches under con- Using material cyclic stress strain curve (4) and Neu-
stant amplitude load and load spectrum. Crack initiation ber equation (eq.5), we can get the real stress and strain
lives of notched specimens subjected to axial loading with spectrum. Then using the fatigue performance data, accord-
the life prediction procedure described in the above sec- ing to the structure specialty and fatigue accumulated dam-
tion.The predicted and available experimental results of the age model, we can obtain the fatigue life of the structure.
crack initiation lives of notched specimens are compared. Here, we use Morrow criterion up to crack initiation. Ob-
Example 1: Initial Fatigue Failure Analysis of Plate with tained results were compared with available experimental
Hole Under Cyclic Loads results. The results are shown in Table 2 and Fig.2.
In this example, crack initiation fatigue life estimation
was carried out. The structural element was subject to con- Table 2. Number of cycles up to crack initiation of the plate with central
hole (SAE 1045, kt = 2.5 i R = -1).
stant amplitude loading and variable amplitude loading. As
a structural element we used the plane with central hole of Pmin Pmax Smin Smax Sa Nf
SAE 1045 steel, axially loaded. Characteristics of used ma- No.
[kN] [kN] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [cycles]
terial are as follows:
1. -33.6 33.6 -140 140 140 0.14688 107
b = - 0.067; K = 812.53 MPa; 2. -36 36 -150 150 150 0.87262 106
c = - 0.500; S y = 390 MPa; 3. -48 48 -200 200 200 0.14077 106
4. -54 54 -225 225 225 0.74616 105
f = 805.93 MPa; Su = 650 MPa;
5. -60 60 -250 250 250 0.43854 105
f = 0.941; E = 2.1 105 MPa; 6. -66 66 -275 275 275 0.27742 105
7. -72 72 -300 300 300 0.18541 105
Type of material: SAE 1045.
8. -78 78 -325 325 325 0.12933 105
Geometry characteristics of plate with central hole are: 9. -84 84 -350 350 350 0.93354 104
w = 40 mm ; 2 R = 8 mm ; t = 6 mm ; L = 100 mm . Based 10. -96 96 -400 400 400 0.52728 104
on known material characteristics it is possible to define the 11. -108 108 -450 450 450 0.32342 104
cyclic curve with application of eq.(4). Materials behavior
can be presented by cyclic curve (Fig.1).
First, the number of cycles up to crack initiation N f 1 based Medium strength steel
on known characteristics of material and geometry was de-
termined through calculation. Later, the number of blocks
up to initial crack initiation N b1 using Miner's rule (eq.10).
a [MPa]
Table 3. Number of cycles and blocks up to crack initiation for plate with
the central hole (SAE 1045, kt = 2.5 i R = -1).
Smin Smax Sa N fi 200
No ni N b1
[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [cycles] 100
1. 1000 -150 150 150 0.87262 106 0
4 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
2. 10 -450 450 450 0.32342 10 a
5 3
3. 100 -250 250 250 0.43854 10 0.15432 10
Cyclic curve
For load spectrum presented in Fig.3 the calculated val-
ues for the number of cycles up and requested number of
blocks to crack initiation N f 1 (eq.7) are listed in Table 3. Figure 4. Cyclic curve a - a for medium strength steel
Smax [MPa]
se 4 (Table 6). Fig.5 presents stress distribution for the plate 200
with a central hole for selected loading level that appears
within considered spectrum (Fig.7). In this case, axial force
is P = 47390 N. 100
1.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06
log Nf [cycles]
42.52 Experiment
FEM solution
28.37 Figure 6. Fatigue life up to crack initiation of the plate with a central hole
24.83 using FEM (Medium strength steel, R = -1, experiment3).
stress [daN/mm ]
cyclic elastic-plastic
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
coordinate x
Figure 5. Stress distribution for the plate with a central hole Figure 7. Load spectrum
Based on the known characteristics of the material and For load spectrum shown in Fig.7, the local stresses were
geometry, calculated values of the local maximal stress determined for each level first (analytical approach (eq.7)
(FEM) and the number of cycles up to crack initiation (us- and FEM). Afterwards the number of cycles up to crack ini-
ing Morrow criterion) are presented in Table 5. tiation (eq.11) was determined.
Table 5. Number of cycles up to crack initiation of the plate with a central Table 6. Number of cycles up to crack initiation for plate with the central
hole (Medium strength steel, R = -1) hole (Medium strength steel, R = -1).
Nf [cycles] Nfi [cycles] Nbl
Pmax Smax Analytical Analytical
Pmax Smax max (FEM) Predicted life No. ni FEM FEM
No. Experiment3 [kN] [MPa] solution solution
[kN] [MPa] [MPa] (FEM)
1. 50 25.27 130.56 0.21399 105 0.37459 105
1. 62.25 321.61 722.50 0.68000 102 0.65840 102 2. 5 40.18 207.60 0.22140 104 0.19216 104
2. 56.29 290.85 671.90 0.19000 103 0.15985 103 3. 10 31.14 160.91 0.67311 104 0.95469 104
3. 53.89 278.43 653.60 0.26500 103 0.22475 103 4. 1 47.39 244.84 0.11901 104 0.61964 103 0.14449 103 0.151278 103
4. 47.39 244.84 602.10 0.12500104 0.61964 103 Finally number of blocks Nbl up to crack initiation was
5. 40.18 207.60 550.30 0.24000 104 0.19216 104 calculated. All results are shown in Table 6.
6. 40.14 207.39 550.10 0.36000 104 0.19213 104
7. 31.14 160.91 485.90 0.11500 105 0.95469 104
8. 25.27 130.56 439.40 0.55400 104 0.37459 105 Conclusion
9. 22.02 113.80 407.00 0.16078 106 0.11106 106 This work defines an effective complete procedure to
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Received: 14.02.2005
proved Numerical Procedure in Fatigue Life Prediction of Structural
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Kljune rei: zamor materijala, avion, struktura letelice, ciklino optereenje, inicijalna prskotina, metod konanih
elemenata, numerika simulacija
Mots cls: fatigue de matriel, avion, structure daronef, charge cyclique, fissure initialle, mthode dlements finis,
simulation numrique
Kly~evwe slova: ustalostx materiala, samolet, planer letatelxnogo apparata, cikli~eska} nagruzka, iniciiruy|a}
tre|ina, metod kone~nwh &lementov, cifrova} simul}ci}