This document discusses the design of cathodic protection for a pipeline. It calculates the required number of anodes based on the pipeline length and properties. The key points are:
- The pipeline length is 12.2km and requires 350mm long anodes.
- The total volume of anodes needed is 2000kg based on the pipeline material and operating conditions.
- The design life is 15 years according to ISO 15589-2 standards for cathodic protection.
- The document calculates potentials, densities and other electrochemical factors to determine the optimal cathodic protection design.
This document discusses the design of cathodic protection for a pipeline. It calculates the required number of anodes based on the pipeline length and properties. The key points are:
- The pipeline length is 12.2km and requires 350mm long anodes.
- The total volume of anodes needed is 2000kg based on the pipeline material and operating conditions.
- The design life is 15 years according to ISO 15589-2 standards for cathodic protection.
- The document calculates potentials, densities and other electrochemical factors to determine the optimal cathodic protection design.
This document discusses the design of cathodic protection for a pipeline. It calculates the required number of anodes based on the pipeline length and properties. The key points are:
- The pipeline length is 12.2km and requires 350mm long anodes.
- The total volume of anodes needed is 2000kg based on the pipeline material and operating conditions.
- The design life is 15 years according to ISO 15589-2 standards for cathodic protection.
- The document calculates potentials, densities and other electrochemical factors to determine the optimal cathodic protection design.
This document discusses the design of cathodic protection for a pipeline. It calculates the required number of anodes based on the pipeline length and properties. The key points are:
- The pipeline length is 12.2km and requires 350mm long anodes.
- The total volume of anodes needed is 2000kg based on the pipeline material and operating conditions.
- The design life is 15 years according to ISO 15589-2 standards for cathodic protection.
- The document calculates potentials, densities and other electrochemical factors to determine the optimal cathodic protection design.
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Anode Thickness Tolerance t p 5mm
3. PERHITUNGAN 3.2 Rata-Rata Densitas Arus Proyek Design Life : FEED untuk KRA South t f Infill 15yr 1.314 M10 hr 5 3.1Kapasitas 3.3 Coating Breakdown Perhitungan Potensial rata-rata danFactor densitasElektrokimia arus dari Anoda berdasarkan gambar tot 2 pada ISO 15589-2 dengan rata-rata Perusahaan Massa nominal : masing" STAR ENERGY anoda (KAKAP) Ltd Mr FS temperatur dasar laut 25.5 degC Panjang OD Joint L 12.2m 2 Na 4.0 Kapasitas Vf1 Kesimpulan
Faktor icm 4
Perhitungan 0.0673 potensial 2A taf1 The dan 2 tccelektrokimia j2dari 2 tacBreakdown Coating tp anoda ODtolberdasarkan berdasarkan OD 2 tabel Clausal tcc 6.5 42 dari ISO ac 15589-2 tISO 2 tp15589-2 2
) 2 gap taf1 Lr Subjek KapasitasAnoda Ketebalan : Cathodic potensial 2 dan Protection elektrokimia Mr 12.778 kgJumlah anoda dari anoda: Field Joint Coating m Terpilih ab 42.5mm tFJC 150mm Na 23 Proyek 3 : FEED(6'' untuk KRA SouthKRA-S2X Infill 1 BagianVf1 for CBF 0.001 m: Pipeline linepipe MeanPipeline pada fcp_mean fi_p dan 0.5t KRA)yr f Panjang anoda yang dibutuhkan L 350 mm Mr ampJumlah fhr (Tabel i_p 4 darif ISO 15589-2) sambungan cp_mean Nj 25 1.38 % Product Kapasitas Perusahaan Volume temperature awal total anoda : STAR ENERGY T r (KAKAP) Ltd 118.67DegC 2000 DESAIN CATHODIC p PROTECTIONV Ti per BAGIAN anoda PIPELINE Pa kg 3.9 Finaldari Tujuan Anode spreadsheetCurrent ini Output adalah untuk melakukan analisis 1tentang cathodic protection yang dibutuhkan Jarak Potensialanodaanoda closed Final circuit 2 dan Lspc E fcp_final 292.8 fi_p m tfmV yr3Total anoda f i_p (Tabel yang ISON15589-2) 4 darifcp_final T N a % 1.75 1050 sesuai 2.2Anode Anode Subjek dengan (Al-Base) exposed ISO 15589 area:Data Desain -Bagian (final) Cathodic Protection ditambah V 1 dengan 0.005 A if Lr IDdibutuhkan m DNV a RP
2 t af 2 gap F103.
1.3.4 Tipe AreaAnode Pengantar Muka Air : Spool (6'' Spool half shell padabracelet N 23 Bagian Diameter luar anoda KRA-S2X ODa OD dan2KRA) 2 t cc 1 2 t ac 2t a 2 t pT ODtol CBF FJC Mean LjA f 0.061 0.5t m untuk Spreadshet pada software MATHCAD Panjang sambungan saluran pipa cj_mean fini digunakan f 12.2i_iuntuk m f yr f Menghitung i_i fcj_mean anoda. kebutuhan 17.5 % Jarak Anode Massa anoda yang dibutuhkangap 70mm OD 255.775 mm Ms 19.65 kg a Lembarpanjang (termasuk Final ini anode menghitung faktor DESAIN keseluruhan kondisi keamanan) electrolytic pipa CATHODIC berikut : resistance PROTECTION Ltot L0.315 end 1 start L BAGIAN SPOOL KRA R-ffA- f R 0.306 Data anoda (5.5.1 Diameter & ISO didasarkan dalam Total massa anoda yang 15589-2anoda pada Section docA.8) Final . Nomor fcj_final IDai_i11 ODtf-yr A R -2 7501 tcci_i 2 tac 2 tpfcj_final 25 % Tujuan dari jenisspreadsheet ini adalah untuk melakukanMT kg M r L s 6.65 N Tanalisis f km tentang cathodic protection MTr yang kg 451.9 dibutuhkan Massa dibutuhkan Anode (Al) Pa 2730 tot sesuai dengan ISO 15589 -Bagian 2 dan ditambah 2. Input Data Area Massa Combine muka anoda CBF saluran yang pipa dibutuhkan A 3 m IDa E
180.775 DNV fcp_mean 2OD mm RP F103. f EL1 Lj 2FJC cj_mean ( 2FJC) Msb 21.52kg Final anode current Mean output(5.5.1) fc_meanlf c tot lf 0.82 A Pendefinisian (Hanya berat variabel awal) pada MATHCAD: tac 0.5mm A R 2Lj Lj Lapisan Luas 1. Pengantar Total dibutuhkan penampang A amp massa Anode anoda Internal anoda yang yangMATHCAD ini digunakan r Ac 3515.533 4 OD f m a 2 ID a 2 2 gap ta Spreadshet pada software MT M untuk N untuk Menghitung kebutuhan anoda. dibutuhkan-Berat awal f rb c_mean 1.772 sb T 2 % MT0.7mm) 495 kg Pipe OD Required yr anodetolerance current capacity ODtol 1.4mm AC Ar req 0.021 u(2 m xTWall MrThickness Tolerance ACreq= 2x2.3 rb yr A (tanpa 3.5 contingency) Kebutuhan Arus Lembar ini menghitung kondisi berikut : DataKebutuhan anoda Required DegC 1 didasarkan total arus rata-rata current pada doc . Nomor KRA capacity Icm AC - A -A 11 fcp_final c -icm R-Lf7501 ODtolAC cp_mean j 2FJC V N i a cj_final f AC ( 2FJC) (eq. A.1 dariISO yr A 15589-2) 53.7 Tebal Anode V Required anode length volt Final f tot_req c_finalLrat t L req tot_req ta tconct L Icmac 3.253 p A j2 ID 2 2 gap t j 2. Input Data arus untukOD a 4 Gambar 2 Rata-rata densitas non a buried apipeline 2.1 Data Desain 2.3 Parameter Desain Icm tf Pendefinisian Required number variabel of anodepadafor MATHCAD: mean fcurrent c_final demand 2.322 % N ceil Kondisi Pipa: Icf Ac icm fcp_final am ACreq Parameter Kebutuhan Resistivitas Desaintotal Anoda arus final Lingkungan berdasarkan ISO 15589-2 Lra 227.62 mm 0.24ohm m(eq. A.1 dari ISO 15589-2) A amp (Berdasarkan gambar A.1 pada ISO 15589-2) Coating InputBreakdown 1. "burried" Factor untuk korosicon danpelapis "exposed" isolasi termal ( Tabel 3 dari ISO 15589-2 ) yr 2. "exposed" Icf L 4.14350mm A (panjang anoda Nam akhir) 21 r Linepipe DegC Bersih fi_p 0.010 Ms 19.648 kg cf 3.6 Total 1 I Massa perMassa anoda Anoda Ms A r Lr Pa Required (Ashphalt anode number for final current demand N ceil V Enamel/FBE) Start section Total kebutuhan volt massa bersih anodaL(mean) start 0m af lf f i_p 0.0005 Icm tf Pengecekkan 2.1 Data Desainmassa anoda End section check M ifMM Lend 6.65km totr Ms "OK" "NOT OK" u T af 6 N(eq. A.1 dari ISO 15589-2) Kondisi Pipa: Coating Breakdown Factor untuk pelapis joint bidang check "OK" M tertentu M (Tabel 267.2A.2 kg Annex 1 dari DNV RP F103 ) Total Diameterfinal anode luar current output OD Naf lf 4.9 A tot 168.275mm Input 1. "burried" con "exposed" 3.8Field TebalJoint Total 3.7Lapisan current Perhitungan Anoda Coating 2. "exposed" Akhir capacity KorosiVolume check (FBE) dan massa tAnoda cc fi_i 0.10 if AC check 0.75mm c tot_req Icm tf "OK" "FAIL" (HSS Guess / Multilayer) Jarak anoda (harus<300m) "OK" Lspc 292.8m (24 joints) Start section ( 1 Sec u) t a fcheck Lstart 0m c0.01 (ISO Initialt15589-2 af Anode Thickness7.1) taf 7.36 mm tconcti_i 43mm Icf Ltot Jumlah Current anoda density check N ceil(ISO Anode V ( 1 f Utilization Factoru ) V 3 check if l a "OK" "NOT OK" 15589-2 bagian End section Ambient temperature Vf 0.001 mTend i L u 0.872m cf f Naf Lspc 7.4) amb 22.2DegC Design GivenProtective Potential E 2 0.8V (DNV F103 bagian 5.6.11) Diameter luar OD 168.275mm N 23 Salinitas Air laut Ss check 3.5%cf "OK"a(Asumsi dari Tabel A.1 pada ISO 15589-2) keamanan t1.1 L Lspc Faktor Lapisan Korosi Vf sabungan Jumlah 4 IDa(FBE) per 2 taf anoda 2
IDa tcc2FS 2
gap0.75mm af
r Nj ceil Lj Initial Anode Thickness Gambar A.1- Seawatert resistivity as 43mm
a function of temperature for salinity 3,0% to 4,0% conct 25 Ambient SalinitasRequired temperature Air laut thickness of anode T Samb 3.5% 22.2DegC t af1 Nj (Asumsi Find dari t af Tabel A.1 tpada af1 ISO 5.987 mm 15589-2)