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Cartesian Coordinate System and Vectors

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Cartesian Coordinate System

and Vectors
Coordinate System

Coordinate system: used to describe the position

of a point in space and consists of

1. An origin as the
reference point
2. A set of coordinate
axes with scales and
3. Choice of positive
direction for each axis
4. Choice of unit vectors
at each point in space Cartesian Coordinate System


A vector is a quantity
that has both
direction and
magnitude. Let a
vector be denoted
r by
the symbol A
The magnitude of A
is denoted by | A |! A

Application of Vectors

(1) Vectors can exist at any point P in space.

(2) Vectors have direction and magnitude.

(3) Vector Equality: Any two vectors that have the

same direction and magnitude are equal no matter
where in space they are located.
Vector Addition
r r
Let A and B rbe rtworvectors. Define a
new vector C = A + B ,the vector
r r
addition of A and B by the geometric
construction shown in either figure
Summary: Vector Properties
Addition of Vectors
r r r r
1. Commutativity A+B =B+A
r r r r r r
2. Associativity (A + B) + C = A + (B + C)
r r r r r r
3. Identity Element for Vector Addition 0 such that A + 0 = 0 + A = A
r r r
( )
Inverse Element for Vector Addition !A such that A + !A = 0

Scalar Multiplication of Vectors

r r r r
1. Associative Law for Scalar Multiplication b (cA) = (bc)A = (cb A) = c (bA)
r r r r
2. Distributive Law for Vector Addition c (A + B) = c A + c B
r r r
3. Distributive Law for Scalar Addition (b + c) A = b A + c A
r r
4. Identity Element for Scalar Multiplication: number 1 such that 1A=A
Vector Decomposition

Choose a coordinate system

with an origin and axes. We
can decompose a vector
into component vectors
along each coordinate axis,
for example along the x,y,
and z-axes of a Cartesian
coordinate system. A vector
at P can be decomposed
into the vector sum,

r r r r

A = A x + A y + A
Unit Vectors and Components

The idea of

multiplication by real

numbers allows us to

define a set of unit

vectors at each point

in space (i , j, k
with |i |= 1, | j |= 1, | k |= 1


A = ( Ax , Ay , Az )
r r r r
A x = Ax i, A y = Ay j,

A z = Az k A = Ax i + Ay j + Az k

Vector Decomposition in Two
Consider a vector
A = ( Ax , Ay , 0)
x- and y components:
Ax = A cos(! ), Ay = Asin(! )
Magnitude: A= Ax2 + Ay2

Ay Asin(! )
Direction: =
Ax Acos(! )
= tan(! )

! = tan "1 ( Ay / Ax )
Vector Addition

A = A cos(! A ) i + Asin(! A ) j
B = B cos(! B ) i + Bsin(! B ) j

r r r
Vector Sum: C = A + B
Cx = Ax + Bx , C y = Ay + By
C x = C cos(! C ) = A cos(! A )+ B cos(! B )

C y = C sin(! C ) = Asin(! A ) + Bsin(! B )

C = ( Ax + Bx ) i + ( Ay + By ) j = C cos(!C ) i + C sin(!C ) j
Checkpoint Problem: Vector

Two horizontal ropes are attached to a post that is

stuck in the ground. The ropes pull the post
producing the vector forces A = 70 N i + 20 N j
and B = !30 N i + 40 N j as shown in the figure.
Find the direction and magnitude of the horizontal
component of a third force on the post that will
make the vector sum of forces on the post equal to
Checkpoint Problem: Sinking

A Coast Guard ship is located 35 km away
from a checkpoint in a direction 420 north of
west. A distressed sailboat located in still
water 20 km from the same checkpoint in a
direction 360 south of east is about to sink.
Draw a diagram indicating the position of
both ships. In what direction and how far
must the Coast Guard ship travel to reach
the sailboat?
Preview: Vector Description of
Position r (t ) = x(t )i + y (t )j

Displacement !r (t ) = !x(t ) i + !y (t ) j

r dx(t ) dy (t )
Velocity v (t ) = i+ j ! vx (t )i + v y (t )j
dt dt

Acceleration r dvx (t ) dv y (t )
a(t ) = i+ j ! ax (t )i + a y (t )j
dt dt
Dot Product
A scalar quantity
r r r r
Magnitude: A " B = A B cos !

The dot product can be positive, zero, or negative

Two types of projections: the dot product is the parallel
component of one vector with respect to the second vector
times the magnitude of the second vector

r r r r r r r r r r
A " B = A (cos ! ) B = A B A " B = A (cos ! ) B = A B
Dot Product Properties

r r r r
A!B = B!A
r r r r
cA ! B = c( A ! B)
r r r r r r r
( A + B) ! C = A ! C + B ! C
Dot Product in Cartesian Coordinates

With unit vectors i , j and k

i ! i = j ! j = k ! k = 1 i " i = | i || i | cos(0) = 1
i " j =| i || j |cos(! /2) = 0
i ! j = i ! k = j ! k = 0
r r
A = Axi + Ayj + Az k
, B = B i + B j + B k
x y z

r r
A ! B = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz
Checkpoint Problem: Scalar


In the methane molecule, CH4 , each hydrogen atom is at the

corner of a tetrahedron with the carbon atom at the center. In
a coordinate system centered on the carbon atom, if the
direction of one of the C--H bonds is described by the vector
A = i + j +and
k the direction rof an adjacent C--H is
described by the vector B = i ! j ! k, what is the
angle between these two bonds.
Summary: Cross Product
Magnitude: equal to the area of the parallelogram defined by
the two vectors
)( )
r r r r r r r
A # B = A B sin ! = A B sin ! = A sin ! B (0 $ ! $ " )

Direction: determined by
the Right-Hand-Rule
Properties of Cross Products

r r r r
A ! B = "B ! A
r r r r r r
c( A ! B) = A ! cB = cA ! B
r r r r r r r
( A + B) ! C = A ! C + B ! C
Cross Product of Unit Vectors

Unit vectors in Cartesian coordinates

i " j =| i || j | sin (! 2 ) = 1

i " i =| i || j | sin(0) = 0
i ! j = k
i ! i = 0
j ! k
= i j ! j = 0
!i = j k
k !k =0
Components of Cross Product

r r
A = Axi + Ayj + Az k
, B = B i + B j + B k
x y z

r r
A ! B = ( Ay Bz " Az By )i + ( Az Bx " Ax Bz )j + ( Ax By " Ay Bx )k
i j k
= Ax Ay Az
Bx By Bz
Checkpoint Problem: Vector
Find a unit vector perpendicular to
A = i + j ! k
B = !2i ! j + 3k .
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8.01SC Physics I: Classical Mechanics

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