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EECE 1311 Electric Circuits

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Kulliyyah / Institute
Department / Centre
Electrical and Computer Engineering
All Engineering undergraduate programmes
Name of Course / Mode
Electric Circuits / Full time
Course Code
EECE 1311
Name (s) of Academic staff / Instructor(s)
Dr. Huda Adibah Mohd Ramli
Rationale for the inclusion of the course /module in the programme
Required course for all Engineering Programmes
Semester and Year Offered
Every semester
Proposed Start Date
Semester 1 2015/2016
Batch of Student to be Affected
Semester 1 2015/2016 onwards
Total Student Learning Time (SLT)

Face to Face Assessments




42 10 - 5 3 60 120

Credit Value / Hours

Pre-requisites(if any)
Co-requisites(if any)
LO Method %
1-4 Quizzes 10
4-5 Assignments 10
1-3 Mid-term test 30 Course Objectives
1-5 Final exam 50 The objectives of this
course are to:
1. Introduce the fundamental concepts of electric circuit parameters-charge, current,
voltage, power, energy and circuit elements.
2. Analyze physical circuits through the use of Kirchhoff's laws and ideal circuit
element models.
3. Emphasize linearity of circuits through superposition and Thevenin/Norton
4. Acquaint the students on alternating current linear circuits, phasor and frequency
domain analysis techniques.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Apply the concepts and understand the relationship between the electrical
quantities using basic laws of electric circuits
2. Analyze and simplify basic resistive circuits, and to understand basic analysis
tools for solving resistive circuits
3. Analyze circuits by linearity, superposition, Thevenins and Nortons theorems.
4. Analyze circuits with storage elements and simplify AC circuits using phasor and
frequency domain analysis techniques.
Transferable Skills:
Skills and how they are developed and assessed:
Skills Development Assessment
Technical Laboratory Programming
Analytical Experiment Report

Teaching-Learning and assessment strategy

Laboratory, Quizzes, Final Practical Exam
Course Synopsis
Kirchhoff voltage and current laws; Resistors in series and parallel; Delta-wye and
wye-delta conversions; Circuit theorems and analysis for resistive circuits; Maximum
power transfer theorem; Inductance and capacitance; Sinusoidal excitation of RLC
circuits, phasors and phasor diagrams, AC steady-state circuit analysis using phasors;
Average and RMS values of AC signals; Power calculations and power factor.
Mode of Delivery
Lectures and tutorials
Assessment Methods and Type/Course Assessment
State weightage of each type of assessment.

Mapping of course / module to the Programme Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome of the Programme Outcomes
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
course 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 0
2 3 4
Apply the concepts and
understand the relationship
between the electrical quantities
using basic laws of electric
Analyze and simplify basic
resistive circuits, and
understand basic analysis tools
for solving resistive circuits
Analyze circuits by linearity,
superposition, Thevenins and
Nortons theorems.
Analyze circuits with storage
elements and simplify AC
circuits using phasor and
frequency domain analysis

Content outline of the course / module and the SLT per topic

Learning Hours
Basic concepts: electrical quantities - charge, current; difference between voltage and
current; DC and AC voltage and current; circuit elements.
Chapter 1
Basic laws: Ohms law and resistivity, Kirchhoffs laws, series resistors and voltage
division, parallel resistors and current division, Wye-Delta and Delta-Wye
Chapter 2
Methods of analysis: nodal analysis, nodal analysis with voltage sources, mesh
analysis with current source; super loop and super-node concepts; solution by
Chapter 3
Circuit theorems: source transformations, linearity property and superposition
theorem, Thevenins and Nortons theorems, maximum power transfer theorem and
their applications
Chapter 4
Capacitors and inductors:capacitors, series and parallel capacitors, inductors, series
and parallel inductors, practical problems and applications.
Chapter 6
Alternating current (AC) circuits: sinusoids, phasors, phasors relation for circuit
elements, impedance, admittance, Kirchhoffs laws in frequency domain, AC nodal
and mesh analysis, superposition theorem, Thevenins and Nortons equivalent
circuits, practical problems and applications, maximum power transfer and matching
Chapter 9-10
AC power analysis: instantaneous and average power, active (or rms power ) and
reactive power, apparent power, power factor and its correction, power measurement
in single phase circuits, practical problems and applications.
Chapter 11
Required references supporting the course
The reference lists shall be presented in accordance with APA bibliographic practices and in
alphabetical order.

Alexander, C.K., & Sadiku, M.N.O. (2013). Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (6Sth
Edition). McGraw-Hill.

Recommended references supporting the course

Dorf, R.C., & Svoboda, J.A. (2013). Introduction to Electric Circuits (9th Edition).
John Wiley & Sons.

Wilson, J.W., & Riedel, S.A. (2014). Electric Circuits (10th Edition). Prentice Hall.

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sheroz Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teddy Prof. Emeritus Dato Wira
Khan Surya Gunawan Ir. Dr. Md. Noor Salleh
Electrical and Computer Head of Electrical and Dean of Kulliyyah of
Engineering Department Computer Engineering Engineering
Kulliyyah of Engineering Department
Kulliyyah of Engineering
Kulliyyah Programme Outcomes and the relation between KOE PO with outcomes from EAC, MQF
domain, MOHE domain and Soft Skills.

At the end of the programme, students are able to:


C Domain Domain Skills
1. Engineering Knowledge (T) - Apply knowledge of mathematics,
sciences, engineering fundamentals and specialization to solve 1 1&6 1 -
complex engineering problems.
2. Problem Analysis (T) Identify, formulate, perform relevant
literature review and analyze complex engineering problems, and
2 1&6 1 1
reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
3. Design/Development of Solutions (A) Design solutions whilst
exhibiting innovativeness, for complex engineering problems and
design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs;
3 2, 3 & 6 2 1
with appropriate consideration of cost, sustainability issues,
environmental impact, public health and safety, engineering
ethics as well as cultural and social needs.
4. Investigation (D) - Conduct investigation on complex problems
whilst displaying creativity, by using research-based knowledge
and method, including design of experiments, analysis and 4 2&6 2, 3 1
interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide
valid conclusions.
5. Modern Tool Usage (A & D) - Create and apply appropriate
techniques, resources and modern engineering/IT tools, which
5 6&7 7
includes making prediction and modelling of the complex
engineering activities with understanding of limitations.
6. The Engineer and Society (ESSE) - Apply reasoning based on
contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal,
6 3&4 5 4
cultural, contemporary issues, and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to professional engineering practices.
7. Environment and Sustainability (ESSE) - Understand the
impact of professional engineering solutions in societal, global, and
7 3&4 5 4
environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need
for sustainable development.
8. Ethics (ESSE) Apply professional ethics with Islamic values
and commit to responsibilities and norms of professional 8 3&4 6 4
engineering code of practices.
9. Communication (S) - Communicate effectively within the
engineering community and with the society at large, which include
but not limited to writing effective reports and documentation, 9 5&7 4, 7 2
delivering effective presentation as well as giving and receiving
clear instructions.
10. Individual and Team Work (S) - Able to function effectively
both as an individual or member of a team, or a leader in a 10 5&8 5, 8 3
diversified multi-disciplinary team settings.
11. Life Long Learning (S) -Recognize the need for, and have the
preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long 11 7 7 5
learning in the broadest context of technological change.
12. Project Management and Finance (S) - Demonstrate and apply
engineering management and financial principles into ones work
which include being an effective member/leader in projects with 12 8 5, 8, 9 6, 7
multidisciplinary settings and identify opportunities of
The program learning outcomes (PO) are grouped into 5 general areas to identify the nature
of the skills and capability involved. These groups are:

1. Technical (T) essential capabilities related to traditional scientific and engineering

2. Analysis (A) creatively working with available data and engineering tools and
fundamental knowledge to correctly solve basic problem
3. Design (D) being able to perceive the best solution for both small scale and large
scale project by involving all required basic problems
4. Ethics, Safety, Society and Environment (ESSE) - giving appropriate consideration to
matters pertaining to professionalism and ethics, safety, local and global society and the
5. Work skills (S) being and effective communicator and effective member of a team
and to appreciate the need to continuously acquired skills and abilities.


MQF learning outcomes

MOHE Domain Learning Outcomes
1. knowledge MOHE learning outcomes Soft Skills Learning Outcomes :
2. practical skills domains:
3. social skills and 1. Critical Thinking and Problem-
responsibilities 1. Knowledge in Specific Area- solving Skills
4. values, attitudes and Content 2. Communication Skills
professionalism 2. Practical Skills 3. Teamwork Skills
5. communication, 3. Critical Thinking and 4. Ethics & Moral Professionalism
leadership and team skills, Scientific Skills 5. Life-long Learning and
6. problems solving and 4. Communication Skills Information Management
scientific skills 5. Social Skills, Teamwork and 6. Entrepreneurial Skills
7. information management Responsibilities 7. Leadership Skills
and lifelong learning 6. Values, Ethics, Moral and
skills; and Professionalism
8. managerial and 7. Information Management and
entrepreneurial skills Life Long Learning
8. Management and
9. Leadership Skills

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