Effective Magnetometer
Effective Magnetometer
Effective Magnetometer
US Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen, MD, 21001
Data Matrix Solutions, Inc., Aberdeen, MD, 21001
ABSTRACT: The use of magnetometers for orientation estimation on rapidly-spinning flight bodies is analyzed.
Specifically, the effect of spin-induced magnetic field distortion is discussed, with particular attention to its impli-
cations for magnetometer-based orientation estimation. First, the nature of spin-induced field distortion is
described and it is shown that, if not properly accounted for, distortion can lead to significant estimation errors
in artillery projectiles. Then, an orientation estimator is constructed driven by magnetometer, gyroscope, and
GPS feedback. A novel feature of this algorithm is its compensation for spin-induced distortion of the Earths
field. The algorithm also incorporates in-flight magnetometer calibration performed simultaneously with projec-
tile orientation estimation. The comprehensive algorithm is built as a coupled set of Extended Kalman filters.
Observability of the estimation problem is discussed and unobservable modes are identified. Finally, example
results and Monte Carlo simulations compare estimation performance to algorithms which neglect spin-induced
distortion effects or do not perform in-flight calibration. These results demonstrate that magnetometer-based sys-
tems on-board spinning projectiles should incorporate corrections for field distortion, and that overall accuracy is
greatly enhanced by performing in-flight calibration.
While much of the above research has been those outlined in [18] are typically not an option
directed toward spacecraft applications, several in- during projectile flight. Standard pre-flight sensor
vestigators in the projectile community have re- calibration procedures using reference sensors are
cently developed algorithms specifically tailored to too expensive given the low-cost nature of gun-
smart projectiles. Ohlmeyer, Fraysse, and Pepitone launched munitions, and cannot account for cali-
[9] incorporated magnetometers in a low-cost INS bration changes after launch due to large shocks.
along with accelerometers and GPS. Magnetometer Although it may be possible to develop sensors that
bias was estimated in-flight to improve perform- maintain calibration through launch and do not
ance. Wilson [10] also proposed the use of magneto- require extensive calibration, cost considerations
meters as the primary attitude sensor on-board for projectile applications make this solution less
smart projectiles. He showed that complete attitude attractive. Thus, new techniques are required to
solutions could be obtained only by combining mag- perform in-flight estimation of as many nuisance
netometers with additional sensors such as acceler- parameters as possible.
ometers or solar sensors. Most recently, Lee et al. The contributions of this article are twofold.
[11] developed a roll attitude estimator for smart First, an in-depth analysis of the problem of mag-
munitions using magnetometers based on an netic field distortion inside projectile bodies is pre-
unscented Kalman filter. sented. An analytical model for this field distortion
Two recurring problems have consistently hin- is built and compared to experimental results.
dered efforts to implement magnetometer-based A new magnetometer model is built which incorpo-
estimators on-board guided artillery shells. The first rates this distortion, and is used to generate an
is that distortion and attenuation of the Earths mag- Extended Kalman filter that estimates field distor-
netic field can be significant inside the body of a spin- tion parameters. The second main contribution is
ning projectile due to the formation of eddy currents the development of a coupled set of Extended Kal-
within the conducting metallic body. Harkins [12] man filters that estimate projectile orientation, nui-
has explored this phenomenon experimentally, con- sance parameters, and distortion effects simultane-
cluding that these effects can lead to significant ously. Using this filter, a direct analysis of the bene-
error in magnetometer-based estimators if proper fits of in-flight nuisance parameter and field
compensation is not used. The second, and perhaps distortion estimation is performed. This is accom-
less application-specific, is that bias, scale factor, plished through example and Monte Carlo simula-
and misalignment errors can often have significant tions in which performance of estimators with and
detrimental impact on overall attitude estimation without the capability to perform in-flight nuisance
performance. Calibration values, especially bias, can and distortion parameter identification is directly
change during launch or in flight. Several techni- compared. Results show a significant benefit to in-
ques have previously been developed to mitigate this corporating distortion effects and performing nui-
problem by performing on-line estimation of these sance parameter estimation in flight. The article
nuisance parameters (autocalibration). Lerner and begins by describing magnetic field distortion within
Shuster [13] first developed a method to estimate rapidly-spinning projectile bodies. Then, algorithms
magnetometer nuisance parameters on-board space- are developed to estimate distortion effects, magne-
craft given a priori knowledge of attitude. Alonso tometer nuisance parameters, and projectile orien-
and Shuster [1416] have proposed so-called tation simultaneously. An observability analysis of
attitude independent autocalibration methods for the entire estimation problem is then performed and
spacecraft that rely on changes in the Earths mag- unobservable parameters are identified. Finally,
netic field magnitude over one orbit cycle. Crassidis simulation results show that attitude estimation
et al. [17] expanded on this work, developing three performance is almost always improved when dis-
algorithms to perform real-time magnetometer cali- tortion effects are incorporated and nuisance param-
bration based on observed differences in field magni- eter estimation is performed.
tude. Most recently, Gebre-Egziabher [18] developed
an autocalibration algorithm for UAVs by fitting an
ellipsoid to measured magnetic field data. Magne-
tometer data used to define this ellipsoid is gener-
ated by rotating the vehicle through prescribed When a conductive body is subjected to a chang-
turns during the calibration process. ing magnetic field, eddy current effects occur inside
Previously-developed autocalibration algorithms the body. Equivalently, a spinning cylinder im7-
are for the most part unsuitable for projectile appli- mersed in a transverse uniform magnetic field is
cations for several reasons. First, the Earths mag- essentially subject to two radial oscillating fields
netic field does not change enough throughout which are 90 degrees apart in space and time. By
flight to employ attitude-independent solutions. Faradays law, these oscillating magnetic fields will
Second, prescribed calibration maneuvers such as induce electric fields according to
r2 ~
A lr (2) distorted field for an infinite cylinder, and results
were compared to those generated with the closed-
where ~ A is the magnetic vector potential, l is the form solution. The magnetic fields generated by
magnetic permeability, and r is the electrical con- these two models matched to within 1%. Then, the
ductivity. Note that in the above equation the sim- FE model considered a nonmagnetic hollow cylinder
plifying assumption that the displacement current composed of 6061 Al, this time with inner and outer
in Maxwells equations is negligible is made, since radii of approximately 50 mm and 57 mm respec-
projectile spin rates correspond to wavelengths that tively and length of 175 mm. This finite-length cyl-
are orders of magnitude larger than typical projec- inder was immersed in a uniform transverse mag-
tile body dimensions. Recently, Ziolkowski and Gra- netic field of 1 Gs and spun at selected frequencies.
bowski [20] imposed appropriate boundary condi- Figure 2 shows example magnetic field results gen-
tions on Equation (2) to obtain an analytic solution erated with this FE model for this finite cylinder
for the case of an infinite, hollow cylinder spinning spinning at a rate of 80 Hz.
in a uniform, transverse magnetic field. Figure 1
shows magnetic field lines for an infinite, non-
magnetic, conducting cylinder of inner radius 50
mm and outer radius 75 mm rotating counterclock-
wise at a rate of 20 rad/s placed in a constant trans-
verse external field (computed using the expressions
from reference [20]). Note that, for an infinitely-long
conducting cylinder, the field inside the body is uni-
form (i.e., constant distortion angle throughout) and
attenuated with respect to the external transverse
field. Any axial component of the external field is
unaffected for cylinders of infinite length.
Vol. 58, No. 3 Rogers et al.: Effective Use of Magnetometer Feedback for Smart Projectile Applications 205
Figure 2 highlights some key differences between
distortion effects from infinite- and finite-length
cylinders. First, in contrast to the infinite-length
case, the field inside finite-length cylinders is not
uniform. Second, in the finite-length case, the dis-
torted field inside the cylinder has a noticeable
axial component. This axial component is zero
along the spin axis and in the transverse plane of
the centroid, but grows considerably near the edges
of the cylinder.
Experiments were conducted to validate results
from the FE model. A Helmholtz coil was used to
generate a near-uniform rotating magnetic field
near a cylinder composed of 6061 Al with dimen-
sions approximately equal to those described above.
The experiment was performed at selected frequen-
cies between 0 and 250 Hz, and the magnetic field Fig. 3Attenuation factor vs spin rate
was measured approximately at the centroid of the
m~ zD
1 1 m
In order to quantitatively compare results be- cD tan tan (5)
~ m
tween the analytical model, FE model, and experi-
ment, three variables are defined that describe ~ xD m
m ~x
spin-induced distortion: the attenuation factor (AF), fD q (6)
the transverse distortion angle, cD, and the induced m~ 2y m ~ 2z
axial component, fD. Attenuation factor (AF) is a
value representing the attenuation of the compo- Figures 3 and 4 show attenuation factor and dis-
nents of the Earths field transverse to the projec- tortion angle as a function of spin rate calculated
tile spin. Distortion angle (cD) represents the by the analytic model and the FE model as well as
change in direction of the transverse components of values obtained from experiment. These figures
the field (as shown in Figure 1). The induced axial show results for distortion parameters both at the
component (fD) is a value between 0 and 1 that centroid (both models and experiment) and at a
introduces distortion in the axial direction as a per- selected example point away from the centroid (FE
centage of the overall transverse field strength. Let model only). The selected example point is located
the components of the Earths magnetic field vector 34 mm in the radial direction and 25 mm in the lon-
inside the projectile body expressed in the body ref- gitudinal direction from the centroid of the cylinder.
erence frame be given by m ~ xD ; m
~ yD ; m
~ zD. Therefore, Furthermore, Figure 5 shows the induced axial
component (fD) as a function of spin rate at the
8 9 2 38 9 selected example point generated by the FE model
<m~ xD = 1 0 0 < m~x =
~ yD 4 0 ccD scD 5 m
m ~ y 1 AF (experimental data at this example location is not
: ; : ; currently available).
~ zD 0 scD ccD m~ z 1 AF
8 q 9
< fD m~ 2y m ~ 2z > =
0 (3)
: >
where m ~ x; m
~ y; m
~ z are components of the Earths
magnetic field expressed in the body reference
frame. Note that in Equation (3), and in the re-
mainder of this article, ca denotes cos(a), sa denotes
sin(a), and ta denotes tan(a). Given both the nomi-
nal and distorted sets of magnetic field components,
it is also possible to solve Equation (3) for AF, cD,
and fD such that
q q
m~ 2y m ~ 2z m ~ 2yD m2zD
AF q (4)
m ~ 2y m~ 2z
Fig. 4Transverse distortion angle vs spin rate
Fig. 5Induced axial component vs spin rate at selected example ESTIMATOR DESIGN
point (FE model)
The projectile orientation estimator proposed
here consists of three coupled Extended Kalman fil-
The results shown in Figures 35 demonstrate ters: one to estimate Euler angles; one to determine
that all distortion parameters vary smoothly as a magnetometer scale factor, bias, and misalignment;
function of spin rate. Furthermore, even for projec- and, one to determine magnetic field distortion pa-
tiles exhibiting relatively low spin rates, these rameters. These three filters are coupled as shown
effects can be considerable. For spin rates between in Figure 6, creating a so-called integrated filter
40 rad/s and 120 rad/s (the range of roll rates for design. The three filters operate somewhat inde-
the example projectiles considered here), polyno- pendently, with the nuisance parameter and distor-
mial curve fits were performed to fit FEA data at tion fit parameter estimation updated at specified
the selected example point, and were found to pro- intervals.
duce reasonably accurate approximations. Note The choice to implement the three filters shown
that a cubic fit proved adequate to describe AF as a in Figure 6 as a coupled set of filters rather than as
function of roll rate while a quadratic fit proved one large filter stems from several factors. First,
adequate to describe both cD and fD as a function of note that because the derivatives of nuisance and
roll rate. Therefore, distortion fit parameters are assumed to be zero,
the integration portions of the filters naturally
AF a3 p3 a2 p2 a1 p a0 (7)
decouple. Second, the integrated filter provides a
cD w2 p2 w1 p w0 (8) simple mechanism for turning off nuisance and dis-
tortion fit parameter estimation in poor estimation
fD z2 p2 z1 p z0 (9) geometries, such as when flight occurs along the
magnetic field vector. Third, the update rates
The coefficients in Equations (7)(9) can be easily required for Euler angle estimation are at least one
determined for a specific projectile configuration order of magnitude higher than for nuisance and
through a calibration process in which the projec- distortion fit parameter estimation, and thus signif-
Vol. 58, No. 3 Rogers et al.: Effective Use of Magnetometer Feedback for Smart Projectile Applications 207
icant computation time can be saved by avoiding
high-frequency updates to these parameters.
This section describes the design of each of the
three coupled Extended Kalman filters (EKFs). Kal-
man filters generally use a process model to propa-
gate state estimates and a measurement model to
update state estimates whenever measurements
are available. Note that the sensor suite considered
here consists of a three-axis magnetometer, a three-
axis rate gyroscope, and GPS-derived inertial veloc-
ity feedback. Signals from the rate gyroscope are
used directly to drive Euler angle dynamics, and
thus scale factor errors, biases, and misalignments
of the gyroscopes are not estimated.
The first section describes sensor and projectile
geometry, while subsequent sections discuss the Fig. 7Magnetometer sensitive axis definition
distortion fit, magnetometer nuisance parameter,
and orientation state estimators, respectively. In Note that for projectile applications, the require-
the final section, an observability analysis of the ment for low-cost sensors coupled with high spin
entire problem is performed and unobservable rates prohibit use of pure angular rate integration
states are removed. for attitude estimation.
Estimation of all three Euler angles using only
magnetometer and rate gyro feedback is not an
Sensor and Projectile Geometry
observable problem if we are to avoid using angular
Feedback from three sources are assumed to be rate integration to obtain one of the angles. Numer-
available, namely a three-axis magnetometer ous techniques have been developed to complete the
(located near the projectile centerline), a three-axis magnetometer-based orientation estimation prob-
rate gyro, and an inertial velocity estimator. In lem, including use of derivatives of magnetometer
order to maintain as general a formulation as possi- signals, feedback from other less accurate roll sen-
ble, the three-axis magnetometer is treated as three sors, or approximation of pitch and roll angle using
single-axis magnetometers. It can be shown that inertial velocity feedback [10]. For projectile appli-
the number of misalignment angles to be estimated cations, the last technique proves to be an attrac-
for three single-axis sensors is the same as for one tive option for two reasons. First, inertial velocity
three-axis sensor, and thus no estimation penalty is feedback is typically readily available anyway from
incurred by this treatment. The magnetometers GPS, an IMU, or a combination. Second, projectiles
sensitive axis, denoted by ~ s, is described by two typically experience small angles of attack, even
rotation angles and can be obtained by first rotating during maneuver, allowing pitch and roll to be
the ~IP ~
JP plane by /S about ~ IP , and then rotating determined from velocity with reasonable accuracy.
s off the projectile centerline by wS as shown in Fig-
~ Thus, given mass center velocity components in the
ure 7. The output of a single axis magnetometer inertial frame, vx ; vy ; vz , and assuming zero angle of
can be written as attack, direct measurements for pitch and yaw
angle are possible, given by
m S m ~ x cwS m
~ y c/S swS m~ z s/S swS b n (10) 0 1
where m ~ x; m
~ y; m
~ z are the components of the exter- B vz C vy
hm sin1 @qA; wm tan1 (12)
nal magnetic field resolved into the body reference v2x v2y v2z vz
frame, S is scale factor, b represents bias, and n
represents zero-mean Gaussian white noise. Note that the above expressions are only valid for
Angular rate feedback is provided by a three-axis small angles of attack. However, in the presence of
rate gyroscope assumed to be aligned with the body angles of attack beyond a few degrees, hm and wm
axes. The output from the gyro is given by can be viewed as noisy measurements and subse-
8 9 2 38 9 8 9
< xx = SGx cpq cpr < p = < bp = quent error can be accounted for by proper tuning
x 4 cqp SGy cqr 5 q bq of filter gains.
: y ; : ; : ;
xz crp crq SGy r br
8 9
< np = Distortion Fit Parameter Estimator
nq (11) With the knowledge that AF is approximately a
: ;
nr quadratic function of roll rate, and cD and fD are
Vol. 58, No. 3 Rogers et al.: Effective Use of Magnetometer Feedback for Smart Projectile Applications 209
where where CE is the linearized output matrix of the sys-
Example estimation results are shown for a 105
mm-diameter fin-stabilized projectile with mass,
axial inertia, and transverse inertia given respec-
tively by 17.606 kg, 0.0377 kg-m2, and 0.8530 kg-
m2. Two example cases are presented to demon-
strate estimator performance. The first case exem-
plifies the need to incorporate distortion effects
by comparing estimation performance between the Fig. 9Altitude vs range for both nominal trajectories
Vol. 58, No. 3 Rogers et al.: Effective Use of Magnetometer Feedback for Smart Projectile Applications 211
Fig. 10Deflection vs range for nominal trajectories Fig. 12Pitch and yaw angle vs time for example trajectories
Magnetometer Scale Factor S1, S2, S3 (nd) 0.998, 1.033, 0.990 0.03
Bias b1, b2, b3 (norm. 0.236, 20.017, 20.212 0.7 Gauss
/S Alignment Angle /S1, /S2, /S3 (deg) 2.48, 0.430, 91.4 1.0
wS Alignment Angle wS1, wS2, wS3 (deg) 0.905, 89.28, 89.88 1.0
Noise Std. Dev. n (norm. units) 0.01 N/A
Gyros Scale Factor SGx, SGy, SGz, (nd) 1.052, 0.991, 0.993 0.03
Bias bp, bq, br (rad/s) 1.529, 20.787, 1.007 5.0, 1.0, 1.0
xx Cross Axis cpq, cpr (nd) 20.0038, 0.0072 0.01
xy Cross Axis cqp, cqr (nd) 0.0016, 0.0087 0.01
xz Cross Axis crp, crq (nd) 0.0190, 0.0056 0.01
Noise Std. Dev. np, nr, nq (rad/s) 0.05 N/A
Velocity Estimator Bias (m/s) bvx, bvy, bvz, (m/s) 0.95, 20.60, 3.40 1.52, 1.52, 3.40
Noise Std. Dev. nv (m/s) 3.05 N/A
Earths Magnetic Field N, E, D mN, mE, mD (norm. 0.362, 20.054, 20.930 N/A
Field components units)
Errors in Knowledge Dmmag (norm. 20.045 0.03
Magnitude of Field units)
Errors in Knowledge Dmaz, Dmel (deg) 20.246, 20.120 0.2
of Az. and El. of
ity feedback is assumed to be perfect and the pitch angle estimation error on the order of a few
Earths magnetic field is assumed to be known degrees occurs when distortion is not accounted for.
exactly. The purpose of this example case is to dem- The integrated estimator developed here is able to
onstrate expected estimation error for magnetome- properly account for all distortion effects and thus
ter-based observers that neglect spin-induced dis- demonstrates estimation error near zero for all
tortion. For all example cases in this section, the angles. Note that this example case represents an
projectile is launched at an azimuth angle of ideal scenario in which all nuisance parameters
approximately 43 deg West of North and estimation were assumed to be zero and other sensor feedback
commences 3 sec into the trajectory at a rate of was assumed to be perfect. In a realistic environ-
100 Hz. ment, roll angle estimation error for an observer
Figures 13 and 14 show roll, pitch, and yaw esti- that does not account for distortion would likely be
mation error exhibited by both estimators for this even worse than demonstrated here. Furthermore,
example case. Figure 13 demonstrates that the esti- note that typical magnetometer nuisance parame-
mator that does not account for magnetic field dis- ters (scale factor, bias, and misalignment) cannot
tortion suffers roll estimation errors consistently properly compensate for magnetic field distortion
between 20 and 40 deg, while Figure 14 shows that effects since these appear largely as a transverse
Vol. 58, No. 3 Rogers et al.: Effective Use of Magnetometer Feedback for Smart Projectile Applications 213
Fig. 13Roll estimation error vs time for example case 1 Fig. 15/ Estimation error vs time for second example case
distortion angle (i.e., cD is the dominant effect). The updates to their respective states at a rate of 100
only parameter that could account for such an Hz. In Figures 1517, this case is referred to as
effect is the magnetometer roll alignment angle, /S, Using NP Estimation.
which was shown to be unobservable and thus This estimation case is compared to a case in
removed from the estimation problem. The example which the nuisance parameter and distortion pa-
results shown here demonstrate that incorporation rameter filters are not activated. In this case, orien-
of spin-induced distortion effects is critical to ensur- tation estimation begins at 3 sec and nuisance pa-
ing estimation accuracy for magnetometer-based fil- rameters and distortion fit parameters are held
ters in rapidly-spinning flight bodies. constant at their initial values (referred to in Fig-
The second example demonstrates estimator per- ures 1522 as Not Using NP Estimation). Figures
formance in the presence of reasonable sensor 1522 show comparisons of filter performance for
errors and uncertainty in the Earths magnetic these two trajectories. Figures 15, 16, and 17 show
field. Error and uncertainty parameters for this time histories of / estimation error, h estimation
example case are listed in Tables 1 and 2. As in the error, and w estimation error, respectively. For the
first example, orientation estimation begins at 3 sec case in which nuisance parameter estimation was
into the trajectory using nominal guesses for mag- used, Figure 18 shows a time history of the differ-
netometer nuisance parameters. Then, at 6 sec ence between measured and predicted magnetome-
both the nuisance parameter estimator and the dis- ter outputs for each sensor, while Figures 19, 20,
tortion parameter estimator begin to provide and 21 show time histories of scale factor estima-
Vol. 58, No. 3 Rogers et al.: Effective Use of Magnetometer Feedback for Smart Projectile Applications 215
each estimated nuisance parameter is mathemati-
cally observable, in many flight scenarios (such as
the example shown here) many combinations of
nuisance parameters will lead to similar signal out-
puts. Thus, although nuisance parameter estimates
might converge to incorrect values, magnetometer
signals may more closely reflect predicted measure-
ments. As shown in Figures 1921, by the end of
the trajectory 1r covariance estimates are small for
both scale factor and wS because the observed and
predicted magnetometer outputs match reasonably
well even though some nuisance parameters con-
verged to incorrect values.
Figure 22 shows that error in AF and fD actually
grew after the distortion parameter estimator was
activated. Again this is the result of poor observ-
ability between AF, fD, scale factor, and errors in
knowledge of the magnetic field (which, in this
case, represent errors in a truth source and cannot
be compensated for). Thus, errors in knowledge of
the magnetic field and magnetometer nuisance pa-
Fig. 21wS Estimation error vs time for second example case
rameters can contaminate attenuation factor esti-
mates and again cause convergence to the wrong
The most important result demonstrated by this
example case is that, even if nuisance parameters
and distortion fit parameters converge to incorrect
values, attitude estimation performance almost uni-
versally improves. This is because, if nuisance and
distortion parameters are fixed, the orientation es-
timator is forced to alter /, h, and w when discrep-
ancies are observed between predicted and actual
magnetometer outputs. When nuisance and distor-
tion parameter estimation is incorporated, the inte-
grated filter can tune these parameters such that
predicted data is closer to measured data, thus
removing the burden on the orientation filter. Since
the primary goal of the integrated estimator is to
obtain estimates for /, h, and w, nuisance and dis-
tortion parameter estimation pays off in spite of the
tendency for some of these parameters to display
Fig. 22Percent error in distortion parameters vs time for second poor observability and converge to incorrect values.
example case
Vol. 58, No. 3 Rogers et al.: Effective Use of Magnetometer Feedback for Smart Projectile Applications 217
Table 4Confidence Intervals of Monte Carlo Results (Results in Degrees)
50% Confidence Interval 75% Confidence Interval 90% Confidence Interval
No NP NP % Red. No NP NP % Red. No NP NP % Red.
Vol. 58, No. 3 Rogers et al.: Effective Use of Magnetometer Feedback for Smart Projectile Applications 219