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2.1 The Assignment

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1 Introduction

The C programming course CM100138 is assessed by a sat examination and

also an on-line examination. The sat examination is of the traditional kind,
taking place in a room; past papers are available. The online examination is in
place of coursework and is a kind of assessment you may not have met before.
This mock examination emulates the real online examination to give you some
experience of the real online exam.
The emulation is as close as possible, but it necessarily differs in some im-
portant ways which are explained at the bottom of this paper. You may care
to take this paper with you read about the differences after your mock online

2 The mock online examination

Your lab tutor will tell you how to download a simple calculator program, called
calc.c and two associated data file called test.in and test.out. Do as follows.
(1) Download the program and data files into your C workspace. (2) Complete
the assignment below. (3) Send your the documents specified in the assignment
to the email address given to your by your lab tutor.
Note: Follow the above instructions exactly. If you send anything other
than is required, your tutor is not obliged to mark anything. In the real exam
marks are given for the ability to obey instructions.

2.1 The assignment

The calculator program was demonstrated in class. It is capable of addition and
multiplication. Input is via the keyboard, unless redirected to a file. Output is
via the terminal, unless redirected to a file. The calculator processes characters
on the input stream as follows

• n the next input token is a number which is read and placed at top of the
calculator’s store.
• + removes the the top two number in store, adds them and stores the
result at the top.

• * removes the the top two number in store, multiplies them and stores the
result at the top.

• q Quits the program.

• Any other characters on the input stream are ignored.

After each input token is processed, the calculator prints the current value in
the top of its store.
The assignment comes in several parts, do each part strictly in order

Debugging syntax errors

1. Include your name and email in your program using a comment as the
first line of the program.
2. calc.c contains several syntax errors. Correct these errors.
3. Running you code with the input file called test.in. This should output
identical to test.out. Test your corrected code by making sure this happens.
Debugging runtime errors

Some users have complained that the program sometimes give the wrong
values. In real industrial situation you would be expected to find out why, and
fix the problem. Here you are told it is because the the calculators store has
limited size. Rather than fix the problem you must warn users if they try to
store too many numbers. The program must issue the warning store full if
the user tries to exceed the calculators limits, and too few numbers if the user
tries to multiply or add numbers when the store contains less than two numbers.
4. Emulate the problem by change the store size to have a limit of 4 numbers.
You are expected to find out how to do this for yourself. Convince your self you
have emulated the problem by running the program using an input file of your
own devising called mytest.in.
5. Devise a solution and code it into calc.c. The manner of solution is
up to you, but you are strongly advised to look at lines of code such as i =
newnumber( array, N, i );. This is poor code for at least two reasons: (i)
They change a variable that is important to the operation of the store outside
the functions that control the store (these are the library functions). (ii) There
is no way for the calling function to recognise whether the library function has
worked successfully or not.
6. Test your program by showing that it issues appropriate warnings when
run with mytest.in as input. Redirect output to mytest.out. Further test your
code by showing it produces the correct input when the supplied file test.in
is run. The calculator should not issue any warnings for this input.
Here are some hints: (i) If you use pointers (or structures) then you can solve
the first problem in a neat way that open up the possibility of a neat solution to
the second solution. (ii) Think very carefully about which part of the program
should issue warnings, in particular consider whether library functions should
do more than originally intended.

2.2 What to submit, what to do next

Change the name of your program calc.c to calc.email.c where [email]
is replaced with the first part of your BUCS email address. For example, if
your BUCS email is abc123@bath.ac.uk, then change you program name to
calc.abc123.c. Do likewise to your mytest.in and mytest.out data files.
Email your program and both of your own test data files to the address given
by your tutor. You are reminded to submit nothing else.

You program will be compiled and run on the data files you have submitted.
It will also be run on data files held in private by the tutors. you will receive
feed back by email. The feed back is formative in nature, it does not contribute
to your assessment.

3 Differences from the real online exam

As mentioned, the mock online exam closely emulates the real online exam in
that you get to write code under the same conditions. This experiences is to be
valued, despite an important difference that is now explained.
The real online examination will ask you to write a small application using
libraries that you have already written as part of your laboratory work. The
mock examination cannot assume you have written these libraries, of even that
you know about libraries as that part of the course has not been taught when
the mock examination is sat.
As a reminder, the real online examination assumes that you have written
libraries for the abstract data types Array2D int, Stack int and Btree int,
which support two dimensional arrays, stacks, and binary trees each containing
the int data type. Since these will be assessed, you must design and write them
You will be asked to write an application that uses at least one of these
libraries. You will submit for marking the application, the libraries you used
(but strictly not those you have not used), and any supporting documentation
such as a Makefile. The implication is that your libraries have to be generic,
and your coding skills improved compared to the level expected in the mock
The real online examination serves several purposes at once:

• It emulates industrial conditions. Programmers in industry are typically

given tasks they have not seen before, and are required to use libraries to
complete those tasks. The line-managers will more often than not require
the task is completed in a given times.

• It tests your coding ability directly. There is no better test on one’s ability
to code than to be asked to write code. The compiler will not compile in-
correct syntax, and a compiled program either produces a correct output,
without crashing, or it does not.

• It guards against plagiarism. Some people have submitted beautifully

written libraries, but an application so badly written it is not even C.
The best explanation is that they have not written the library themselves,
a conjecture supported when the same library is found to be submitted
by another. This may be an extreme case, but even a difference in pro-
gramming style is enough to warn an experienced C programmer that the
library and application may have different authors.

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