FWD Pavement Surveys: Falling Weight Deflectometer Surveys
FWD Pavement Surveys: Falling Weight Deflectometer Surveys
FWD Pavement Surveys: Falling Weight Deflectometer Surveys
Fast ecient method of tes ng
with only short me trac
disrup on.
Nonintrusive, No reinstatement,
No Fuss
FWD tes ng rapidly assesses the condi on Testconsult operates a Grontmij/Carl Bro
of a ground surface nondestruc vely and is PRIMAX2500 HWD trailer mounted sys
eec ve and economical for the collec on tem that is capable of applying loads in
of data required to report on the structural the range 7250 kN. With one of the few
condi on of highways, flexible hard stand Heavyweight Deflectometers in the coun
ings and airport pavements. try, Testconsult are well placed for evalua
on of both runways and taxiways, many
A Falling Weight Deflectometer is a key of which need deflec on tes ng to check
piece of equipment when it comes to accu they can accommodate higher wheel
rate performance assessment whilst under loadings of the A380 Airbus. It is also pos FurtherinfoContact
taking con nuous maintenance work or the sible to test on jointed pavements, slabs MarkDawkins
refurbishment and upgrading of exis ng and highways to assess load transfer
pavements. through joints.
Our FWD is annually tested and accredit
ed by the TRL in accordance with High markd@testconsult.co.uk
ways Agency document Quality Assur
ance of Dynamic Plate Test Device Surveys TestconsultLimited
on inservice Road Pavements Ruby House, 40A Hardwick Grange
Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)1925 286880
FWD12818 NDTinConstruc on
FWD layer s ness surveys are used for the Associated Tes ng Services we can also pro
following purposes. vide include:
To assess the rela ve contribu on to Diamond coring
pavement strength of bound and un Dynamic cone penetra on
bound materials. Core logging
To indicate with sucient accuracy any Visual inspec ons
weak areas that need replacing or may
require further considera on.
The diagram above illustrates the system To check the severity of cracks in hydrau
where measured deflec on at the point of lically bound mixtures.
load gives an indica on of overall pavement To assess the Equivalent Surface Founda
performance, whereas deflec on within a on Modulus, prior to the design of a
450mm radius indicates the condi on of the concrete overlay.
bound layers. The deflec on at the maxi
mum outlying radius is used to assess the To determine the eec ve s ness
subgrade. modulus of cracked and seated and saw
cut, cracked and seated concrete pave
FWDSensorCalibra on
Atypicallongitudinalplotofselecteddeflec ons
Typicalsurfacemodulusplots FWDatTRLAssessmentTrials
Ruby House, 40A Hardwick Grange
Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)1925 286880
slab.ThisenablesustoaccuratelymonitoranychangesinFWDperformance. www.testconsult.co.uk
Ruby House, 40A Hardwick Grange
Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)1925 286880, Fax: +44(0)1925 286881