Near V. Minnesota: Constitutional Law Ii
Near V. Minnesota: Constitutional Law Ii
Near V. Minnesota: Constitutional Law Ii
-Again, it is obvious that the filing of criminal F: Petitioner Lopez is the owner of The Manila
complaints with the city fiscal's office by another Chronicle. On January 1956, an article was
agency of the Government, like the PCAC, published front page about a a sanitary inspector
particularly after an investigation conducted by assigned to the Babuyan Islands, Fidel Cruz
the same, imparts the idea that the probability of sending a distress signal to a passing United
guilt on the part of the accused is greater than States Airforce plane which in turn relayed the
when the complaints are filed by a private message to Manila. He was not ignored, an
individual, specially when the latter is a former American Army plane dropping on the beach of
subordinate of the alleged offender, who was an island an emergency-sustenance kit
responsible for the dismissal of the complainant containing, among other things, a two-way radio
from her employment. It is only too apparent that set. He utilized it to inform authorities in Manila
the article published on August 11, 1956, that the people in the place were living in terror,
due to a series of killings committed since above statement, he made reference to several
Christmas of 1995. Losing no time, the Philippines cases. 9 Other decisions to the same effect have
defense establishment rushed to the island a been promulgated since the fourth edition of
platoon of scout rangers led by Major Wilfredo Newell published in 1924. 10 Why libel law has
Encarnacion. Upon arriving at the reported killer- both a criminal and a civil aspect is explained by
menaced Babuyan Claro, however, Major Hale in his Law of the Press thus: "On the one
Encarnacion and his men found, instead of the hand, libeling a person results in depriving him of
alleged killers, a man, the same Fidel Cruz, who his good reputation. Since reputation is a thing; of
merely wanted transportation home to Manila. In value, truly rather to be chosen than great riches,
view of this finding, Major Wilfredo Encarnacion an impairment of it is a personal wrong.
branded as a "hoax," to use his own descriptive -"The interest of society and the maintenance of
word, the report of Fidel Cruz. That was the term good government demand a full discussion of
employed by the other newspapers when public affairs. Complete liberty to comment on
referring to the above-mentioned incident the conduct of public men is a scalpel in the case
-The newspaper then edited by petitioner Juan T. of free speech. The sharp incision of its probe
Gatbonton, devoted a pictorial article to it in its relieves the abscesses of officialdom. Men in
issue of January 15, 1956. Mention was made that public life may suffer under a hostile and an
while Fidel Cruz story turned out to be false, if unjust accusation: the wound can be assuaged
brought to light the misery of the people living in with the balm of a clear conscience. A public
that place, with almost everybody sick, only two officer must not to be too thin-skinned with
individuals able to read and write, food and reference to comment upon his official acts. Only
clothing being scarce. Then in the January 29, thus can the intelligence and dignity of the
1956 issue of This Week Magazine, the "January individual be exalted. Of course, criticism does
News Quiz" included an item on the central figure not authorize defamation. Nevertheless, as an
in what was known as the Calayan Hoax, who individual is less than the State, so must
nevertheless did the country a good turn by expected criticism be born for the common
calling the government's attention to that good."
forsaken and desolate corner of the Republic. -"SO LONG AS IT IS DONE IN GOOD FAITH,
-The magazine on both occasions carried NEWSPAPERS HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT TO HAVE
photographs of the person purporting to be Fidel AND EXPRESS OPINIONS ON LEGAL QUESTIONS.
Cruz. Unfortunately, the pictures that were TO DENY THEM THAT RIGHT WOULD INFRINGE
published on both occasions were that of private UPON THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS."
respondent Fidel G. Cruz, a businessman- -A newspaper, it is stressed, "should not be held
contractor from Santa Maria, Bulacan. to account to a point of suppression for honest
- The newspaper sent out a correction, however. mis takes or imperfection in the choice of words."
I: W/N the petitioners are liable for libel -there is the added requirement of reasonable
care imposed by such decision which from the
H:YES facts here found, appeared not to be satisfied. It
-It is on the freedom of the press that petitioners cannot be concluded then that the plea of
would stake their case to demonstrate that no petitioners is sufficiently persuasive. The
action for libel would lie arising from the mandate of press freedom is not ignored, but
publication of the picture of respondent Cruz here it does not speak unequivocally. It is not
identified as responsible for the hoax of the year, decisive of the basic issue. By itself, it does not
when such was not the case at all. It is easily have a controlling significance.
understandable why. No liability would be
incurred if it could be demonstrated that it comes MILLER v. CALIFORNIA
within the wellnigh all-embracing scope of F:
freedom of the press. Included therein is the I:
widest latitude of choice as to what items should H:
see the light of day so long as they are relevant
to a Matter of public interest, the insistence on GONZALES v/ KALAW-KATIGBAK
the requirement as to its truth yielding at times to F:
unavoidable inaccuracies attendant on I:
newspapers and other publications being subject H:
to the tyranny of deadlines.
-"Publication of a person's photograph in
connection with an article libelous of a third PITA v. CA
person, is a libel on the person whose picture is F:
published, where the acts set out in the article I:
are imputed to such person." 8 In support of the H: