Homework 02 27 17
Homework 02 27 17
Homework 02 27 17
February 27 March 3
1. Remove and read the family newsletter with an adult family member.
2. Sign the field trip permission slip, return with your homework on Friday.
3. Use your spelling to create art, word art. Write each word in a
decorative manner, spending time and thought on each letter you make.
Adult initials_________
Complete the attached science page.
Adult initials_________
Complete the attached math and language pages.
Adult initials_________
Have an adult or older sibling give you a practice spelling test. Write any
missed word(s) 4 times each. Staple this and all other parts of the homework
together and put in your backpack. Tomorrow morning you should correct your
work before handing in!
Adult initials_________