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Yuvashakti enfants jardin

Holiday Homework
Class – U.K.G
Session – 2023 - 24
It’s Summertime, and

School vacation has begun.

It’s time for children to play and

have fun in the Sun.

The Month of May has brought long, hot days, and now we have our summer

Summer holidays mean no school, waking up late with no set rules,

little homework that’s easy to do, less studying and lots of fun.

Playing, talking & watching cartoons -the fun continues till the end of June.

This beautiful time comes once a year,

summer holidays are the best days ever..

Dear Students,

There is a more you can do to make your vacation more interesting

meaningful and full of fun while still doing all your favourite things.

Here is a ‘Summer Vacation Activity Box’ just for you. So get ready for

your treasure hunt, with the help of your parents.

Note:- Holiday homework should be done in separate notebook.

Subject Assignment
➢ Learn & write capital letters (A – Z) on every Monday and
English small letters (a – z) on every Wednesday (without dots on
proper lines) also learn their phonics sounds.
➢ Practice reading of two letter words daily with the help of
phonics sounds.
➢ Do the given worksheet & paste it in holiday homework
➢ Practice dictation of any five two letter words on every
➢ Do pg. no.- 15 to 22, 29, 30, 37 to 41, 72 & 73 in
handwriting book.
➢ Learn rhymes – 1. Welcome Song (pg. no.- 6)
2. Finger Family (pg. no.- 8)

ह िंदी ➢ हर मंगलवार को स्वर (अ - अ:) ललखने का अभ्यास करे ।

➢ हर गुरुवार को व्यंजन - न, ल, ट, ज, ब, प, र याद
करके ललखने का अभ्यास करे ।
➢ हर शननवार को कोई भी 6 व्यंजन और स्वर के श्रत
ु लेख
का अभ्यास करे ।
➢ ददए गए काययपत्रिका को करें और छुट्टी के गह
ृ कायय
ककताब में चिपकाएं ।
➢ पष्ृ ठ संख्या - 97 से 109 तक का कायय पपटारा पुस्तक में
करें ।
➢ कपवताए याद करे - 1. दादा - दादी ( पष्ृ ठ संख्या – 6 )
2. नानी ( पष्ृ ठ संख्या – 18 )
3. बच्िे ( पष्ृ ठ संख्या – 2 )

➢ Practice counting from 1 to 40 on every Tuesday.

Maths ➢ Do practice of backward counting from 10 to 1 on every
➢ Do the given worksheets & paste it in holiday homework
➢ Do pg. no.- 8, 14, 15, 59, 60, 81 & 82 in numeracy book.
➢ Do the given worksheets and paste it in yellow notebook.
EVS ➢ Paste 5 pictures of how we keep our body clean in yellow
➢ Learn language development Q / A.

➢ Do colouring practice in the given worksheets and paste it

Drawing in scrap book.
➢ Do pg. no.- 15 & 50 in art & craft book.
➢ Draw & colour any 3 objects related to circle & square
shapes on A4 size sheet and paste it in scrap book.

❖ Do these activities with your family.

1. Help your mother in folding clothes

2. Arrange your things on the right place.
3. Watering the plants daily.
4. Make a birdfeeder & keep it in your balcony or terrace.
5. Help your father in washing his car / bike / scooty.
6. Do yoga with your brother & sister on yoga day i.e
21st June’23.

Creative Artist Work

1 1. Make a beautiful family tree in scrap book.
2 2. Make a beautiful collage on
“How you enjoyed or spend your Summer Vacation”
( You can paste the photos with your family, playing with your friends & pet,
visit to new places, doing some activities or yoga etc……) in scrap book.
3. Make a card or photo frame for your father
On Father’s Day i.e 18th June’23.
4. Make a piggy bank from waste materials and
save your money in it.
Class – U.K.G
English Worksheet
Name:- ______________ Date:- _____________
Q1. Make two letter words with the help of given letters and write them
in the box.

k g

a t o x
m s i g
r f n d
Note:- Learn phonic sounds it will help you in reading.
कक्षा - यू.के.जी
दहन्दी काययपत्रिका

नाम :- __________ ददनाक :- __________

प्र.1 व्यंजन दे खो और उसके सही चिि में रं ग भरो।

Class – U.K.G
Maths Worksheet
Name:- ______________ Date:- ____________
Q1. What comes after, before & in between.
Class – U.K.G
Maths Worksheet
Name:- ______________ Date:- ____________
Q1. Find & Write the missing numbers.


18 21


3 6
Class – U.K.G
EVS Worksheet
Name:- ______________ Date:- ____________

1. My name is 3 I am ____ years old.

Paste your
photo here.
2. I am a ________.
( Tick your correct gender)

4 I study in _________.

Colour the crayon

5 My favourite colour is with your favourite

6 I love to eat ___________.

( Draw your favourite fruit & colour it. ) 7 My hobby is ___________.

( Paste the picture of your hobby. )
Class – U.K.G
EVS Worksheet
Name:- ______________ Date:- ____________
It is Summer.

Q1. Colour the pictures of things you eat and wear in the

Summer season.

Sunglasses Swimsuit
Class – U.K.G
Subject - EVS
❖ Language development questions & answers.

Q1. Speak 5 lines on ‘Myself’

Ans. 1. My name is ____________.
2 I am _____ years old.
3 I study in UKG - __.
4 My school name is Yuvashakti enfants jardin.
5 I live in Delhi.

Q2. Name 5 parts of body.

Ans. Hands, legs, head, shoulder & fingers.

Q3. How many times we should bursh our teeth ?

Ans. We should brush our teeth twice a day.

Q4. Name 5 sense organs.

Ans. Eyes, Nose, Ears, Tongue & Skin.

Q5. Ears help us to _________?

Ans. Hear.

Q6. What is the colour of our hair ?

Ans. Black / Brown.

Q7. We walk with our _______?

Ans. Legs

Q8. Which body part do we use to observe the stars ?

Ans. Eyes

Q9. How many members do you have in your Family ?


Q10. How should we behave with our elders ?

Ans. We Should respect our elders.
Class – U.K.G
Drawing Worksheet
Name:- ______________ Date:- ____________
Q1. Colour the picture beautifully.
Summer special

Ice - Cream
Class – U.K.G
Drawing Worksheet
Name:- ______________ Date:- ____________
Q1. Colour the picture of unicorn.

Fairy Tales

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