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Metal Oxide Surge Arrester Application - Presentation

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Metal Oxide Surge

Arrester Application
David Peelo
DF Peelo & Associates Ltd.

DF Peelo & Associates Ltd.

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Power system overvoltages
Difference between gapped and metal oxide arresters
Metal oxide arrester blocks: manufacture and structure
Metal oxide arrester rating
Difference between IEC and IEEE rating basis
Characteristic data
Understanding manufacturers catalogs
Example: choosing an arrester for a 230 kV system application
Special applications
Shunt capacitor banks
Switching surge control (replacing closing resistors)

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Power System Overvoltages

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Power system overvoltages: there are three types of overvoltages that

are considered in the application of surge arresters

kJ/kV rated
Type/Cause Magnitude Waveshape voltage
Atmospheric Overvoltages:
Lightning strikes or induced by > 5 pu Front: 1 6 s 0.5
lightning (multiple strikes may Tail @ 50%: 50 s

Switching Overvoltages:
Line autoreclosing, switching 2 4 pu Front: 30 300 s 35
capacitor banks, shunt reactors, Tail @ 50%: 100 2000 s
issue more at EHV

Temporary Overvoltages:
SLG faults in ungrounded 1 1.5 pu Power frequency Very high
systems, Ferranti effect, loading (may be distorted) (fast remedial
shedding++ action required)

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Difference Between Gapped

and Metal Oxide Arresters

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Difference between gapped arresters and metal

oxide arresters:
The rating basis for gapped and metal oxide arresters
are fundamentally different and blind substitution of one
type for the other with the same rated voltage is not
Gapped arresters are rated on the basis of their
capability to limit surge overvoltages and to reseal
(i.e. interrupt follow current) against the arrester rated
Metal oxide arresters are rated on the basis of their
capability to limit surge overvoltages and to be thermally
stable at the arrester rated voltage and the continuous
operating voltage.
Metal Oxide Surge Arresters


Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Metal Oxide Arrester Blocks:

Manufacture and Structure

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Metal oxide block manufacture:

Process Stage QA Check or Test

1. Raw materials receipt:
Zinc oxides plus additives bismuth, Chemical and physical
cobalt, chromium, manganese, analysis
2. Powder preparation:
Powder prepared and mixed Chemical analysis of the
according to defined formula compound
3. Pressing:
Binders added compound is Weight and dimensions
shaped to cylinder block form
(green stage)

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Metal oxide block manufacture contd:

Process Stage QA Check or Test

4. Sintering:
Continuous oven at 1300 Dimensional check
5. Grinding:
To required dimensions and Ultrasonic check for
contact surface internal defects
6. Electrode application:
Spraying of liquid metal on Visual
electrode surface
7. Outer coating:
Spray on coating and fix by Check thickness,
curing classification tests,
energy absorption tests
Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

MOA structure: physically the structure can be

as represented below

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Electrically the structure can be represented by

the circuit below

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

MOA VI-characteristic:

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Metal Oxide Arrester Rating

Difference between IEC and IEEE rating basis
Characteristic data

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Metal oxide arrester rating: these arresters are

thermally limited and the rating basis should
reflect this fact. Having said that:
The ANSI/IEEE rating basis is a variation on the gapped
arrester rating basis and does not reflect thermal
limitations. The rating basis is thus invalid and should not
be used.
The IEC rating basis is thermal-limitation based and is
the recommended approach.

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

ANSI/IEEE rating basis: from ANSI/IEEE C62.11

The standard rms duty-cycle voltage ratings in kilovolts and the

corresponding MCOV (rms) rating are identified in Table 1.

Table 1 examples:

Duty-Cycle Voltage MCOV

60 48
120 98
192 152
276 220
396 318

Duty-Cycle test: The duty-cycle test serves to establish the ability of

the arrester to discharge-impulse current while energized at duty-cycle
voltage and thermally recover at MCOV.

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

IEC rating basis: from IEC 60099-4

Rated voltage of an arrester (Ur)

The maximum permissible rms value of power frequency
voltage between its terminals at which it is designed to
operate correctly under temporary overvoltage conditions
as established in the operating duty test.

Continuous operating voltage of an arrester (Uc)

The continuous operating voltage is the designated
permissible rms value of power frequency voltage that may
be applied continuously between the arrester terminals in
accordance with the operating duty test.

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters


Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Characteristic data: consider the VI-characteristic for a

192 kV arrester on a 230 kV grounded system

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

We can now appreciate that the key

characteristic data to be considered in the
selection of metal oxide arresters are:
Continuous operating voltage
Rated voltage
Nominal discharge current and line discharge class
Pressure relief class
Enclosure voltage withstand capability

Note: Where pollution is an issue the required arrester is

treated as a special case.

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Continuous operating voltage (COV)

COV is a characteristic of the arrester as defined in the
operating duty test. COV can never be less than the
system highest line-to-ground voltage for the case of
automatic ground fault clearing and not less than the
highest operating voltage on ungrounded systems
without automatic grounded fault clearing.
Rated voltage
The rated voltage is determined from the expected
temporary voltages (TOV) in terms of magnitude and
duration at the arrester location.

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Examples of TOVs are:

Load rejection: in smaller systems full load rejection can
give 1.2 pu for up to several minutes. In large systems,
full load rejection can give up to 1.5 pu for several
At generating stations TOVs can be in the range 1.4 to
1.5 pu for several seconds dependent on the type of
Sequences of TOVs are also possible, e.g. ground fault
followed by load rejection.
Other TOV possibilities: Ferranti effect, backfeeding and
harmonic overvoltages.

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Typical arrester TOV versus time characteristic:

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Basic rule is that the TOV versus time capability of the

arrester should exceed the TOV versus time characteristic
of the system. Since the TOV curves are essentially
constant energy curves, we can derive an equivalent 10s
TOV (Veqv) for any TOV (Vt) of duration Tt:

Veqv = Vt t
The rated voltage of the arrester should be equal or higher
than the highest equivalent TOV calculated. It is always
prudent to provide some margin above the calculated value
to allow for inaccuracies in the determination of the system

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Above equation can be used to deal with sequential TOVs. For

example, take the case of a TOV of 1.4 pu for 1s followed by a second
of 1.25 for 8s.
The general case for the above equation is:
0.02 50
V1 T2 V
= or T2 = T1 1
V2 T1 V2
Therefore, 1.4 pu for 1s is equivalent to 1.25 pu

for T2 = (1) = 289s and thus
1 . 25
8 + 289
Veqv = 125

= 1.338 pu

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Nominal discharge current and line discharge class

Because we are dealing with a VI-characteristic, the
protective level is defined at a particular discharge
current level. For lightning protection, the following
values are considered to be suitable:
Discharge Current*
Voltage (8/20 s)
Distribution 5 kA
Subtransmission up to 72.5 kV 5 or 10 kA
72.5 to 245 kV 10 kA
245 kV and up 10 kA or 20 kA
500 kV 20 kA
* values also define the Arrester Classification
Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

The corresponding high current impulse values are:

Arrester Peak Current

Classification (4/10 s)
10 or 20 kA 100 kA
5 kA 65 kA
2.5 kA 25 kA
1.5 kA 10 kA

The line discharge class defines the rated energy

absorption capability of the arrester. It is based on the
switching surge protective level being equal to 2 times the
rated voltage of the arrester.

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

For the line discharge test on 10 kA and 20 kA arresters, the following

parameters apply (Source: IEC 60099-4):

Ur is the rated voltage of the test sample in kV rms. Take for example a line
class 3 arrester sample: the energy injected in the test is:
W = UresIT where Ures is the switching surge protective level
U Ures
= Ures L T
2.8Ur 2Ur
= 2Ur 2400
= 2953 Ur joules
or W/Ur = 3 kJ/kV rated voltage and hence line class 3
Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

The relationship between the specific energy and the

ratio of the switching surge protective level is shown
below (Source: IEC 60099-4):

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Pressure relief class

In the event of an internal failure, explosive failure of
the arrester should not occur. Therefore the fault
current venting of the arrester should not be less than
the fault current level at the arrester location.
Enclosure voltage withstand capability
Because arresters are self-protecting, the overall BIL
and SIL levels for the station do not apply. Instead
factors of 1.3 and 1.25 are applied to the lightning and
switching surge protective levels, respectively, to
determine the enclosure withstand levels. Power
frequency withstand voltages are derived from these
levels. As to creepage distance, the overall station
requirement should apply.
Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Manufacturers Catalogs
Note: The slides in this section are reproductions from ABB
surge arrester catalogs and used with the permission of
ABB Inc.

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Example: Choosing an arrester for

a 230 kV system

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

We want to apply a surge arrester at a

transformer on a 230 kV grounded system:
Maximum operating voltage: 245 kV
Temporary overvoltage: 1.4 pu for 1.5s
Transformer BIL as-new: 850 kV
Feeding line length: 200 km
Switching surge level: 3 pu
Requirement: maintain a 15% insulation margin over the
life of the transformer. The 10 kA protective
level is therefore:
Vp10 = (850 x 0.75) (850 x 0.15)
= 510 kV
Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Arrester COV required by the system = 3
= 142 kV
Calculate the equivalent 10s TOV:
1 . 5
Veqv = 1 .4
= 1.348 pu
Therefore the arrester rated voltage Vr is:
Vr 1.348 x 142
191 kV
Next highest standard rating is 192 kV. The COV of the
arrester is 154 kV which is greater than 142 kV and is
acceptable. Another approach is to consider the TOV
Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

From the red line at 1.5s we can write:

245 1.4
1.05 pu of arrester rated voltage =
giving 1 pu = 189 kV 192 kV arrester

But from the A line at 1.5s of actual arrester capability we

can also write:
245 1.4
1.15 pu of arrester rated voltage =
giving 1 pu = 172 kV 180 kV arrester

The prudent choice: 192 kV provided the protection

requirements can be met.
Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Now to check the energy requirement:

VL Vps
Energy W = 2 Vps T
where Vps = switching surge protective level

VL = switching surge level

Z = line surge impedance (250 )

T = wave travel time on the line

600 374 6
W = 2 374 103 3
10 666.7 10
= 450.8 kJ

Specific energy W/Vr = 2.35 kJ/kV rated

Required line class: 3

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Lastly check the protection margin:

Vp10 2.3 x Vr
= 442 kV

This voltage applies at the arrester location and the actual

voltage at the transformer ( 510 kV required) depends on
the distance between the arrester and the transformer, the
height of the arrester plus the lead lengths, the capacitance
of the transformer and the rate of rise of the incoming
In this case it may be necessary to consider a 180 kV rated
arrester at the transformer and possibly a second 180 kV
rated arrester at the line entrance.

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Special Applications
Shunt capacitor banks
Switching surge control (replacing closing

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Protecting shunt capacitor banks:

Banks usually grounded or ungrounded wye and

arresters can be applied phase-to-ground, phase-to-
neutral or phase-to-phase.
Applying arresters is perhaps more of a user-choice
issue rather than a necessity but advantages include
overall limitation of bank exposure to restriking transients
and to transferred transients as a result of bank
Application is unique: protection level is defined at 3 kA
and worst case for energy absorption is a restrike in two
phases. EMTP study required but generalized curves are
Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Switching surge control:

Purpose is to limit switching surge in autoreclosing
schemes at EHV using arresters rather than closing
Difference to standard applications is that switching
surge protective levels of 1.5 to 1.6 pu are required with
associated higher energy absorption.
Example for 500 kV system:
Attribute Standard Arrester SSC Arrester
Rated voltage (kV) 396 372
COV 318 318
Specific energy (kJ/kVr) 4 or 5 6 to 7
Metal Oxide Surge Arresters


Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Surge Arrester Manufacturer

Recommended Minimum Clearances Phase-to-Ground

Minimum Clearance Phase-to-Ground (mm)

Arrester Rated Voltage for
(kV rms) Mfr. 1 Mfr. 2 Mfr. 3 Mfr. 4 Mfr. 5
12 92 115 <216 127 92
15 118 115 <216 147 122
21 168 165 <229 190 154
24 168 165 <279 216 182
60 448 505 483 407 416
66 499 505 - 457 458
72 549 505 508 508 500
120 829 870 914 813 832
132 905 1140 965 889 916
144 981 1140 1168 991 998
192 1270 1345 1448 1334 1198
216 1473 1465 1854 1611 1292
258 1599 1925 2337 1842 1612
396 - 2270 3530 2921 2475

Summary of Comments on Tutorial, Metal
Oxide Surge Arrester Application, D.F. Peelo
Tutorial, Metal Oxide Surge Arrester
Application, D.F. Peelo contains no

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