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Health benefits for veteran (senior) tennis players

B L Marks

Br J Sports Med 2006;40:469476. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2005.024877

To explore the health benefits of tennis participation in work at any given submaximal exercise intensity,
higher aerobic capacity, lower resting heart rate
veteran players and to identify future research needs, an and blood pressure responses, increased mito-
electronic literature search using the Ovid (Cinhal, chondrial and skeletal capillary densities,
Medline, Sport Discus) library databases from 19662005 increased tolerance to lactic acid production,
improved insulin sensitivity, improved lipoprotein
was undertaken. Specific search words were employed profile, and reduced blood platelet aggregation
related to tennis, aging, exercise, health, and the and adhesiveness.1 2 Furthermore, research sug-
psychophysiological systems. Public access internet search gests that both aerobic and anaerobic weight
bearing activities may positively affect skeletal
engines were also used (Google, PubMed), along with integrity and lessen osteoporotic risk.5 6 Health
non-electronic searches of library holdings. There is ample benefits such as those listed above are critical for
research documenting the health benefits of regular successful aging, especially at a time when there is
a global increase in life expectancy and an
participation in moderately intense aerobic activity. There increased demand on healthcare worldwide.7
have been research studies targeting veteran tennis players Thus the focus of this review was to differ-
but most were cross sectional. No tennis related study entiate the health benefits attributed to tennis
participation from those of general exercise in
successfully eliminated all confounding cross training veteran (or senior) tennis players.
effects. The health of veteran tennis players is improved by
enhanced aerobic capacity, greater bone densities in AGING AND THE VETERAN (SENIOR)
specific regions, lower body fat, greater strength, and PLAYER
In Europe and Canada, the term veteran tennis
maintained reaction time performance in comparison with player refers to the male player aged 45+ years
age matched but less active controls. However, it is not and the female player aged 40+ years.8 Rather
certain whether tennis alone can be a sole contributor to than using the term veteran, the classification
term senior is used in the USA, and this
these physiological variables. Well controlled longitudinal category is applied to all players (male and
research among elite veteran and novice older adult female) aged 50+ years. However, scientific aging
players is needed. research often refers to the population in terms
of life stages and assigns an adult as 2544
years of age, a middle aged adult as 4564
years of age, a young old adult as 6574 years

ecreased physical activity and declining of age, an old adult as 7584 years of age, and
health are often associated with the aging an old old adult as 8599 years of age.9 As
process, yet it is not uncommon to see such, some of the veteran/senior tennis
veteran tennis players well into their eighth research studies reviewed for this paper, by
decade of life engaged in competitive match play. virtue of the subjects ages, may not be con-
Can this vigour be attributed, at least in part, to sidered bona fide aged studies. Hence, for this
their tennis participation? The tennis media and paper, all of the discussed research should be
professional tennis organisations often espouse viewed as studies exploring the impact of tennis
the health benefits of tennis participation, but on the aging process.
are those proclamations based upon empirically Aging is often associated with a multitude of
driven experimental interventions, epidemiologi- waning factors collectively termed functional
cal associations, or simply logical deductions? decline. These include: decreased aerobic func-
Competitive and recreational tennis players tion (lower maximum heart rate and cardiac
....................... routinely engage not only in tennis, but also output, reduced lung compliance, higher residual
Correspondence to:
often augment their game with off-court training volumes, lower vital capacities), increased vas-
Dr Bonita L Marks, regimens (cross training) such as resistance cular resistance contributing to hypertension and
Department of Exercise training, running, and yoga. atherosclerosis, a reduction in muscle mass and
and Sport Science, Fetzer It has been well established that regular strength with a concurrent increase in body fat,
Gym, Campus Box 8700,
University of North
physical activity and endurance exercise in decreased bone mass, stiffer connective tissue
Carolina at Chapel Hill, sufficient doses (frequency, duration, intensity giving rise to loss of flexibility and arthritic
Chapel Hill, NC 27599- factors) improves psychophysiological health, conditions as well as proneness to joint injuries,
8700, USA; marks@email. decreases health risks associated with various and a decline in cognitive function.912 However,
unc.edu chronic disease conditions, and reduces prema- there is evidence that many of these aging
Accepted ture death.14 More specifically, sufficient partici- outcomes are not truly a function of aging but
14 December 2005 pation in regular physical activity or exercise has rather are related to physical inactivity and
....................... been shown to result in decreased cardiovascular therefore amendable to sufficient dosages of

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470 Marks

physical activity.911 13 Tennis has long been hailed as a between tennis and mortality risk should be viewed
lifetime sport with both physiological and psychosocial cautiously.
benefits. The following sections will explore the corroborating According to the scoring instructions in the Paffenbarger
evidence for these claims. survey,20 tennis participation was scored as 7 METs, with no
differentiation between styles of play (that is, singles,
doubles, triples, drills). Further, the only directives provided
to the subject for estimating sports intensity were vigorous
EVIDENCE activity listed as strenuous sports and moderate activity
There have been many epidemiological studies investigating listed as light sports. Thus it is possible that the tennis
the relation between sedentary lifestyles and health; how- intensity component was overestimated, either by the
ever, the most notable research is probably the Harvard subject, the data coder, or both. These problems aside, tennis
Alumni study reporting the results of 16 000 male alumni for participation has been reported to range from 3 to 7 METs,
the past 20 years.3 In the first of many reports to follow, it from very light triples and doubles play to intense competi-
was stated that men who regularly expended between 500 to tive match situations.21 As long as the veteran tennis player
3500 kcal weekly in physical activity showed a reduced did not participate in triples or non-competitive doubles play,
incidence of myocardial infarcts and sudden death when his intensity could minimally qualify as moderately vigor-
compared with their more sedentary counterparts. The ous (4.5+ METs).
following year, the MRFIT trial reported that even modest A 1987 study conducted by Morgans et al22 indicated that
amounts of exercise were associated with a reduced risk of only singles competition, and not doubles, would be
dying from heart disease.14 In 1988, the Lipid Research Clinics sufficient to meet heart rate intensity guidelines to promote
Study reported that unfit men were nine times more likely to aerobic fitness based upon attaining at least 60% of the
die from a cardiovascular event than moderately and highly maximum heart rate reserve (HRR), where
fit men.15 Finally in 1989, women were included in physical HRR = ([HRmax2HRrest]6% intensity) + HRrest. A more
activity studies and the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study recent report has suggested that health benefits may be
confirmed that sedentary less fit women were at as much risk accrued at lower intensities (40% HRR).11 These new
for cardiovascular disease related deaths as men.16 recommendations open the door for attaining health benefits
In 1993, Paffenbarger and colleagues released an update to from doubles participation.
the original Harvard alumni work providing detailed infor- Furthermore, a small cross sectional study comparing elite
mation on the quantity and quality of physical activity male tennis players (40 to 60+ years of age) with active age
needed to reduce the risk of mortality.17 18 The overall matched controls reported that male tennis players did in fact
conclusion was that participation in moderately vigorous expend more energy weekly during recreation, work, and
sports activities, regardless of whether it was lifelong exercise, engaged in more vigorous activity, and consequently
participation or newly acquired, was independently asso- scored significantly higher on the Yale Physical Activity
ciated with a lower risk of mortality in middle aged to older Survey (YPAS).23 Thus it may be reasonable to extrapolate the
men (n = 10 269, 45 to 84 years old). Engaging in a mortality risk findings from this research providing that one
moderately vigorous sports activity (minimally 4.5 METs, knows the intensity requirement for the level of tennis play.
where 1 MET < 3.5 ml. kg21.min21 of oxygen consumed)
was associated with a 23% reduction in mortality risk PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL BENEFITS
(p = 0.015). More detailed analyses showed that those who There is a preponderance of cross sectional evidence lending
reported participating in three or more hours of moderately support to the notion of greater physiological fitness and
vigorous sports weekly reduced their all cause mortality risk improved mental health in tennis players across the lifespan
by 50% and their coronary heart disease death risk by 51%. in comparison with less active controls. However, no long-
Furthermore, those alumni who not only increased their itudinal study tracking junior players into their veteran years
weekly physical activity kcal to 2000+ but did so through has been reported and none was designed to look specifically
moderately vigorous activity had a 41% lower risk of death at tennis minus the confounding factors of cross training,
from heart disease (p = 0.04). genetics, and nutrition. Often, control groups and statistical
That follow up report was embraced by the tennis analyses were not ideal. With these limitations acknowl-
community and used to promote the health benefits of edged, a few notable age specific cross sectional studies will
tennis through the following racquet sports industry news be highlighted to build the premise for potential health
release which is still in circulation19: benefits incurred by the veteran tennis player.

Junior players
In a study of more than 10 000 men who played tennis In junior players, research has shown that regular tennis
3 times a week it was found that risk from death from any training is associated with higher aerobic capacities,24 quicker
cause was reduced by 50%. In addition, when scientifically reaction times,25 and greater knee extension strength24 than
tested, tennis players who played tennis at least 3 hr a in their sedentary peers. Junior players also reported being
week had a 41% lower risk of death from coronary heart more physically active when compared with their non-tennis
peers throughout the entire year.25 Body fat percentages
tended to be within normative values for their age.29
Interestingly, lower back and internal shoulder rotation
Contrary to the tennis media release, the research paper
flexibility was less in junior tennis players than in juniors
did not mention how many subjects participated in tennis; it
engaged in other athletic endeavours.26 27
only commented that tennis was one of many reported
vigorous sport activities. In addition, the study stated that Younger adult players
only 25% (or 4000) of all respondents met the above As with the junior players, enhanced aerobic capacities
mentioned activity participation quota for the mortality (between 50 and 65 ml.kg21.min21) have been reported in
benefits. Paffenbarger et al17 stated that it is difficult to make college aged players.2831 Kuels et al29 suggested that greater
determinations regarding the intensity of the exercise heart volumes (2030%) accounted for the improved aerobic
participation and warned that one should not interpret the capacities in the college tennis players compared with their
results as causal. Thus the extrapolated relation drawn untrained counterparts. Lower body fat percentages in

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competitive men (1834 years old) have also been reported Both the tennis players and the control subjects had greater
(8% mean, ranging from 3.6% to 18.8%).29 32 However, these forearm circumferences and greater static grip strength on their
lower body fat ranges are unlikely to result from competitive dominant side, but the results were not significantly different
play and practice alone, but also from nutrition and genetic between the two groups, even though the tennis players grip
factors. Body fat has not been the only body composition strength in the dominant hand was slightly greater (52 kg v
concern; bone density has also been investigated. In the early 56 kg, respectively). Despite this, the results of the venous
1980s, female college tennis players were shown not only to plethysmography measurements showed a 42% increase in
have greater bone mineral density in their dominant playing blood flow during maximum hand grip ischaemic exercise to
arm (16% greater) but also to have increased lumbar the dominant forearm in tennis players whereas no differences
vertebral density in comparison with collegiate swimmers in blood flow were noted between the control subjects
and non-athletic controls.33 Similarly, Haapasalo et al dominant versus non-dominant forearms. The conclusion was
reported significantly greater bone mineral densities in the that the tennis players were better able to deliver and utilise
dominant forearms of both male and female players (10 to 34 oxygen in the working forearm muscles than the non-tennis-
years old) when compared with non-tennis-playing controls playing controls, and this effect was not the result of aerobic
(16 to 37 years old).34 conditioning or forearm dominance.
With aging, it is generally believed that the hearts
Veteran players efficiency decreases, resulting in lower achievable maximum
Research studies involving veteran players mirror the heart rates and work capacities.11 This suggests that tennis
findings in junior and younger adult tennis players. The competition could present a greater cardiovascular strain
physical fitness of veteran players is definitely better than in upon veteran players.
their age matched sedentary peers and, at times, comparable Research investigating heart rate responses during a tennis
to the younger players as well. match which pitted young female competitive tennis players
One of the earliest comprehensive tennis profiling studies (15 to 30 years old) against middle aged veteran female
was conducted by Vodak et al in 1980.35 That study showed tennis players (40 to 51 years old) seems to confirm this.37
that middle aged tennis players (31 to 55 years old) had While the younger players mean heart rate intensity attained
above average aerobic capacities, low resting heart rates and a steady state during a two hour match (30 min heart
blood pressures, a lower percentage of body fat, and higher rate = 157 beats/min; end of match heart rate = 156 beats/
dominant grip strengths than age matched active (non- min), the veteran players heart rates continued to rise as the
tennis-playing) control subjects. match progressed (30 min heart rate = 151 beats/min; end of
Aerobic adaptations match heart rate = 161 beats/min). With lower achievable
Maximum oxygen consumption (V O2max) values of male maximum heart rates and lower aerobic capacities (young,
tennis players in a study by Vodak et al35 averaged 47.2 ml.kg21.min21 v veteran, 39.8 ml.kg21.min21), the
50 ml.kg21.min21, whereas in female players it averaged veteran players competed at a greater relative exercise
44 ml.kg21.min21. Normative V O2max values for sedentary intensity than the younger players (92% v 81% of maximum
adults range between 30 and 40 ml.kg21.min21. heart rate, respectively). Although the veteran players
maximum heart rates and V O2max responses were much
Furthermore, the resting heart rates (RHR in beats/min) of
greater than their age predicted normative maximums,
this middle aged tennis sample also reflected an endurance
their maximum attained values were nevertheless lower than
trained state (men: 54 beats/min; women: 61 beats/min) as
in their younger competitors. This research also determined
opposed to a sedentary value of 75 to 90 beats/min. However,
that lactic acid accumulation was not a factor for fatigue, as
the studys conclusion was non-committal over whether
neither the young nor the old had significant lactate
tennis was the sole determinant of this aerobic outcome. In
accumulation (1.8 mmol/l). Thus lactate accumulation was
contrast to the study of Vodak et al,35 research reported by
ruled out as a limiting factor to the oxygen transport system
Swank et al23 found no resting heart rate or resting blood
for the veteran players who reported stopping because of
pressure differences between elite veteran tennis players and
age matched moderately active controls, but estimated that exhaustion. Rather, the scientists proposed decreased kinetics
aerobic fitness was significantly greater in the tennis players. for heart rate recovery as the possible fatigue producing
Although considered elite tennis players, the use of the mechanism.37
Yale Physical Activity Survey resulted in them being Hence, while it is apparent that the cardiovascular system
categorised as only moderately active. Even so, the veteran becomes less efficient with aging, some tennis research
tennis players activity scores and estimated weekly energy suggests that the peripheral rather than the central compo-
expenditures were found to be significantly higher than in nent of the oxygen transport system may play a more crucial
the control group.23 role in maintaining aerobic fitness and attenuating cardio-
Vigorous exercise results in an increased blood flow to the vascular decline in veteran tennis players.
working muscle along with greater ability to extract oxygen
into the tissues. This peripheral adaptation has been Thermoregulation
attributed to the ability of the skeletal muscle vasculature A related issue to cardiovascular control is thermoregulation.
to vasodilate according to need during maximum exercise. Aging per se has not been shown to be the cause of an
Research by Sinoway et al investigated whether tennis would increased core temperature in response to heat stress in older
enhance peripheral blood flow to the working forearm in adults. Rather, increased core temperature is caused by
veteran tennis players compared with a control group.36 The inadequate heat acclimatisation (attenuated thirst and fluid
veteran players (n = 6, 33 to 48 years old) had a tennis conservation mechanisms) coupled with a physically decon-
history of playing for at least the previous nine years, five ditioned state.13 3840 Maintenance of cardiac output must
hours a week; most held a national tennis ranking of 4.5. The then be achieved by a rise in heart rate response. While some
control group (n = 6, 25 to 52 years old) did not play tennis; thermoregulatory research has shown that exercising in the
half were completely sedentary and the other half jogged. heat can result in a reduction of plasma volume in older
Aerobic capacities were not significantly different between the adults,38 other research has suggested that older and younger
two groups (mean: 46 ml.kg21.min21). In an effort to evaluate men do not differ in their thermoregulatory responses.39
peripheral vascular adaptation to training, vasodilatation was The study conducted by Therminarias et al37 which
compared in both the dominant and the non-dominant arms. compared heart rate responses when playing tennis during

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472 Marks

the summer in a well ventilated gymnasium for two hours to the controls. On the other hand, Swank et al23 reported
did not result in statistically different thermal responses mixed results with no significant differences in lipid profiles
between the veteran (38.6C) and younger adult players of an older sample of elite male veteran players (aged 4060+
(38.1C). Most of the players did not experience unusual heat years) versus less active controls. According to the 2002
stress symptoms, even though the combined ambient report from the National Cholesterol Education Program,44
temperature (27 to 28C) plus 70% humidity factor yielded desirable total cholesterol levels should be below 200 mg/dl
a heat index warning of moderate to borderline high.11 (5.18 mmol/l) with the subfraction LDL-C level being below
However, a core temperature exceeding 38.3C is considered 130 mg/dl (3.37 mmol/l). Further, the TC/HDL-C ratio should
hyperthermic and therefore clinically relevant. The core be less than 4.5. Only the younger veterans and controls
temperatures of six of the 10 younger players and seven of (aged 40 to 59 years) met these three recommendations.23 As
the 10 veteran players met or exceeded this criterion. Of these in the study by Vodak et al,42 these older subjects also had
13 hyperthermic players, three veteran players quit playing somewhat protective HDL-C levels (above 40 mg/dl).23
from exhaustion. Two of those players core temperatures The third study evaluated the effects a six week running
reached 38.8C and the third players core temperature was intensive tennis training (RIT) program on lipid response in
40.4C. No younger player had a core temperature above veteran players aged 43 to 47 years old.43 The RIT subjects
38.5C. Two papers were published from this research (n = 22 compliant) participated in 90 minute sessions three
population. In the first,37 the investigators did not discuss a days a week, while the controls (n = 16) continued with their
hyperthermic, dehydrated condition as a potential factor in usual (tennis) habits. Although there were minor trends
the veteran players exhaustion. Rather, they surmised that towards healthful lipid profile changes, no lipid change was
exhaustion was caused by the increased heart rate response significantly different before and after testing, nor were the
from either a lower aerobic capacity or a heightened lipoprotein profiles different between the controls and the
emotional stress response to competition, or both. Neither RIT group. However, the limited but potentially promising
hydration factors nor the environmental heat index were changes were independent of body mass loss (the RIT group
mentioned as potential mediators for the increased heart rate lost 1 kg; no significant weight change was noted for the
response. control group).
A paper published a year later provided the critical Based upon the above studies, it is not clear whether tennis
hormonal and metabolic data collected during that study. participation alone is sufficient for achieving or maintaining
Catecholamine responses were not markedly different a healthy lipoprotein profile in the veteran player.
between the young and veteran players. Hence it is unlikely
Body composition and musculoskeletal factors
that stress was the cause of the raised heart rates seen in
Aging is often associated with two disease processes:
the veteran players. It was thereby acknowledged that a
sarcopenia and osteoporosis. Sarcopenia, the wasting away
decrease in plasma volume contributed to the cardiovascular
of muscle tissue, is associated with general weakness,
strain demonstrated in the veteran players.41 This secondary
decreased physical activity, and decreased health. If left
analysis hypothesised that differences in the shifting of fluid
unchecked, sarcopenia can lead to lack of independence,
volumes from the intravascular to the interstitial or
frailty, and increased fracture risk from falls.13 It has been
intracellular compartments most probably occurred in the
suggested that 25% of the population has some degree of
veteran players and was the explanation for the decreased
sarcopenia by the age of 70, with the prevalence increasing to
plasma volume. Environment issues were discounted (that is,
50% by age 80. This muscle wasting is non-gender-specific,
training and heat acclimatisation were similar between the
with both men and women experiencing a 40% loss in muscle
groups), as was inadequate hydration (younger players did
tissue and strength by their eighth decade.45 46 Concurrent
not experience a plasma volume fall despite similar fluid
with muscle mass loss is a 15% decline in metabolic rate by
intakes, urine outputs, and weight loss). Thus, veteran tennis
age 80, resulting in a net body fat gain of 1020%.47 In
players need at a minimum to follow the same established
addition, menopause has been cited as an independent factor
hydration guidelines as younger players, that is to drink 200
contributing to a womans declining metabolic rate.48 Thus
400 ml electrolyte based fluids every 15 to 20 minutes
aging can result in unfavourable body composition changes
whether they feel thirsty or not. A study exclusively
for both men and women.
investigating older veteran players (65+ years) physiological
responses to the new sports drinks could provide more Energy expenditure
detailed information on their hydration response. Owing to the rising prevalence of obesity worldwide, in part
related to sedentary behaviour,49 tennis is often promoted as
Lipoprotein status an excellent way of burning calories and therefore managing
Raised cholesterol (C) and triglyceride levels are known risk body mass, or more specifically, reducing fat mass. Research
factors for coronary artery disease. It is also acknowledged using expired air measurements as well as accelerometer
that physical activity in sufficient dose improves the lipid devices suggested that young adult tennis players engaged in
profile independently of other lifestyle changes such as singles play could expend between 7.8 and 10.1 kcal/min.28 50
dietary modification and cessation of smoking.11 Three older These values are similar to the results obtained by Ferrauti
studies were found that addressed the lipoprotein status of et al,51 where nationally ranked senior tennis players
veteran tennis players in a limited fashion. Two simply competed in a two hour tennis match while having expired
provided a descriptive lipoprotein profile,23 42 while the other air analysed with portable oxygen consumption systems.
was a six week training study using two different training Thus 30 minutes of tennis (actual play, discounting rest
modes (skill based v running based).43 Vodak et al42 reported periods) has the potential to burn approximately 234 to 300
that 25 male tennis players (mean age 42 years; nine years kcal. For those who play tennis regularly (for example, three
playing history) had better lipid profiles than matched days a week), this could amount to expending an extra 700
sedentary controls, but both groups still had values that kcal weekly and contribute to long term weight management.
would be considered somewhat protective (high density Hence embarking upon 90 minutes of a runningintensive
lipoprotein, HDL-C, 57.8 v 46.2 mg/dl, respectively). Very low tennis training programme thrice weekly may produce a
density lipoprotein subfractions (VLDL-C) and triglycerides slow, steady weight reduction without alterations to dietary
were also significantly lower in the tennis players; however, intake in veteran players desiring to lose weight. If one were
total cholesterol (TC) and LDL-C concentrations were similar to extrapolate the findings of Ferrauti et al43 over a year, a

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Health benefits for veteran tennis players 473

player engaged in the runningintensive programme could that tennis per se is the causative factor for bone mass
lose up to 8 kg and lessen the fat gain risk. However, a well maintenance and improvement. However, there is circum-
controlled study specifically examining the weight manage- stantial evidence that lifelong tennis participation may affect
ment effectiveness of tennis has not yet been reported for any bone mass to varying degrees. In the 1970s, it was shown that
age group. The Cardio-TennisTM programme being promoted professional tennis players had increased bone diameter and
by the United States Tennis Association (USTA) may be one cortical thickness in their dominant playing arm.59 60 To
way to achieve this outcome. Actual intervention research determine if this was a lifelong effect, the bone mineral
incorporating this programme is needed to support this content (BMC) in 35 lifetime male tennis players aged 70 to
speculation. 84 years was investigated.61 It was reported that the mean
difference in BMC for the dominant playing arm in
Body fat comparison with the non-dominant arm was 13%. This
Supportive evidence for leaner body compositions in veteran contrasts with another study consisting of healthy non-
tennis players was provided by Swank et al.23 The percentage athletes whose BMC for the dominant arm was only 69%
of body fat estimated from hydrostatic weighing showed that greater than the non-dominant arm.62 Huddleston et al61
the elite male veteran players had significantly less fat than concluded that lifetime tennis can increase the BMC of the
an age matched active control group (p(0.05). Both the dominant playing arm but not the non-playing arm and that
younger veterans (aged 40 to 59) and the older veterans the increased BMC is 47% greater for male tennis players.
(60+) were on average 3% leaner than the non-tennis-playing Moysi et al63 confirmed that middle aged male lifelong tennis
moderately active controls (1720.5% v 2125%, respectively). players continue to reap the rewards of the sport in that their
This placed the tennis players in the 6070th centile (above muscle and bone mass (lumbar spine, femoral neck, legs) is
average) while the controls were in the 3050th centile preserved or enhanced in comparison with age and sex
(average to below average) for body composition.11 Similarly, matched controls. However, it appears that the same cannot
LaForest et al52 obtained leaner body fat estimations with a be said for women.
10-site skinfold technique on their recreational tennis sample In women, bone mineral density peaks around age 40 and
who had played twice a week for the previous 10 years. The then, without weight bearing activity or oestrogen replace-
mean per cent body fat estimate of the tennis players (age ment, decelerates through the menopause and beyond.13 A
range 23 to 69 years) was almost 4% less than in the age 1984 study compared bone density of college athletes (tennis
matched sedentary controls (20.4 v 23.9%, p,0.05). and swimming) to older athletic women and aged matched
normal women.33 The older active women primarily
consisted of dedicated tennis players, but also included
Although it has been acknowledged that muscle atrophy is a
swimmers, golfers, aerobic exercisers, and weight lifters. The
consequence of aging, there is evidence that it can be reversed
results, presented within three age groupings (20 to 40 years,
or at least slowed down with appropriate resistance training
40 to 55 years, and 55 to 75 years), suggested that athletic
protocols.5355 Without considering past resistance training
women had greater bone densities than the control subjects.
history, LaForest et al52 found that tennis players, regardless
However, women aged 40 to 55 years only had significantly
of age, had knee extensor and flexor muscles that were
greater BMC in their distal radius and greater bone mineral
stronger and more resistant to muscle fatigue than their age
matched sedentary counterparts (using both isokinetic density (BMD) in their lumbar spine, whereas the 55 to 75
dynamometer and electromyographic testing, p,0.001). year old group had significantly greater BMC and BMD
Conversely, using similar isokinetic testing of the knee throughout the radius, while lumbar BMD was not sig-
extensors, Swank et al23 found no significant differences in nificantly greater than in the controls.
knee extensor strength between elite veteran tennis players Another large weight bearing study of ex-elite athletes,
and controls. The authors stipulated this may have been which included 16 female veteran tennis players aged 40 to
because 32% of the tennis players reported knee injuries or 65 years, was conducted 12 years later.64 This research
knee surgery versus only 5.6% of the controls. Maintaining a suggested that BMD was associated with length of long term
good grip strength for tennis assists with preventing injuries weight bearing exercise, with ex-athletes having the highest
to the shoulder and elbow,56 but it can have functional BMD, followed by active controls, then the inactive controls.
importance for completing simple activities of daily living. As Within the athletic population, the BMD in the lumbar spine
acknowledged earlier, it has been noted that there is of the tennis players was 12% greater than in 27 ex-elite
enhanced grip strength in the dominant arm of tennis runners (p = 0.0004). It was theorised that the torsional
players,35 57 but not all studies have reported significant strains on the spine in tennis playing were a better stimulus
differences between tennis players and their control sub- for bone mineral development than running. As in the
jects.36 The variability in grip strength results may be a research in men, the womens BMD in the dominant playing
reflection of individual non-controlled lifestyle factors that arm was 5.9% greater than in the non-dominant arm
may affect the forearm outside of tennis play. (p = 0.036). Haapasalo et al34 further explored the impact of
tennis on BMD by studying the length of years of playing in
Bone mass relation to bone remodelling. Their conclusions were that
The relation between bone mass and athletic participation humeral BMC, BMD, and cortical wall thickness (CWT) are
has been a topic of intense interest. The impact of tennis affected the most when intensive tennis training begins in
participation on bone remodelling has been investigated in childhood, regardless of sex, and that mature bonewhile
terms of specific side to side differences in the forearm as well able to increase BMDdoes not remodel the width of the
as the broader whole body effect of weight bearing exercise, humerus but rather thickens the bone cortex, thereby
especially on the spine and hip. The evidence that muscle narrowing the marrow cavity.
mass is related to bone mass suggests an interrelation Continued research by Moysi et al65 investigated BMC in
between the muscle wasting sarcopenia and the bone post-menopausal women who were recreational master level
wasting in osteoporosis.58 It is generally accepted that tennis players (mean age 63 years, 27 year tennis history,
exercise (especially weight bearing and resistance training) three sessions a week). A strong relation was found between
positively influences peak bone mass in youth through young inter-arm asymmetry and BMC (r = 0.91, p,0.01), and its
adulthood and may also minimise bone loss in older adults,11 magnitude was proportional to the length of time they had
but there are few clear cut studies which empirically show played tennis. No differences in BMD was found between

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arms, nor were there any femoral or lumbar bone mass/ injury, rotator cuff repair, return to tennis play at their pre-
density differences between the players and the controls.65 injury level approaches 80%.86 Returning to tennis after hip or
Furthermore, a two year follow up study found no change in knee arthroplasty may be equally promising. After knee
these variables. These results are in contrast to the mens surgery, only 21% of the surgeons approved of their patients
results discussed earlier, thereby suggesting that sex differ- playing tennis, with 45% suggesting only doubles play.87
ences exist in bone adaptation to exercise as one ages. Moysi Despite the negative warnings from their surgeons, at both
et al suggested that the sex difference in osteopathic one year and seven years post-surgery, the knee patients
adaptation could reflect the mechanical impact produced by (n = 33; 46 total knee replacements, mean age 64 years) were
the mens game style, which is greater in quantity and playing both singles and doubles on average three days a
magnitude than in the womens game.65 week. A similar resumption in tennis play was achieved by 58
veteran players (mean age 70 years) who underwent total hip
Neurobehavioural and sociological issues arthroplasty.88 This time, only 14% of the surgeons approved
Claims for healthy tennis brains range from neuroscientific their patients playing tennis and 34% recommended doubles
evidence of increased cerebral activity with eye movement only. At the one year mark, all the hip patients were playing
tracking66 to behavioural issues like stress reduction.67 Early both singles and doubles three times weekly and were very
research showed that reaction time slowing was not pleased with their progress. The authors of these two studies
necessarily inevitable with the aging process. As with the cautioned that it is currently unknown what the long term
junior players, veteran tennis players showed significantly outcome (over 15 years) of tennis play on the repaired knees
quicker reaction times than their non-active age matched and hips will be.
peers.68 In another study, it was reported that older active
men were able to react to stimuli and move their forearms as FUNCTIONAL HEALTH
quickly as young sedentary men.69 Further, a behavioural The health and fitness benefits such as those discussed above
study found that a single session of tennis alleviated stress can directly translate into functional health benefits as one
and tension in a group of Japanese women veteran players.67 ages. The lifelong benefits attributed to tennis participation
The cerebral truth resides in the neuroscience field, with go far beyond the concept of improved physical fitness.
neuroimaging studies investigating exercise and aging.12 Improvements in leg strength have been associated with
Cognitive researchers have demonstrated a 5% to 15% improved balance, gait mechanics, and the ability to rise from
increase in cerebral activation during motor and cognitive a chair.89 Better balance and a strong steady gait can enable
tasks.7073 Long term walking programmes have been asso- older individuals to avert a fall, but should a fall occur,
ciated with cognitive benefits74 75 and executive function (for maintenance of bone density may reduces fracture risk. Fall
example, the planning of mental procedures) appears to be related injuries contribute to billions of dollars in health care
maintained in older adults who are more aerobically fit.76 costs.90 Moderately active older adults are twice as likely to
Emerging research is describing how complex handeye obtain optimal scores on the ability to engage in daily living
movements are coordinated by the cerebellum.66 functions.91 Something as simple as maintaining grip
Hence, it may be inferred that tennis exercises the brain as strength can enable older adults to open jars easier or hold
well as the body. The skill acquisition components of tennis onto a handrail more firmly when walking on slippery
should increase cerebral activity. The aerobic nature of tennis surfaces. The social and behavioural contributions of tennis
should encourage retention of cognitive function. Future also contribute to healthful living. Alert minds contribute to
cognitive studies involving imaging (for example, functional an engaging, meaningful life.
magnetic resonance imaging) should seek out veteran tennis
players to validate these assumptions. CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS, FUTURE
Enhanced cognitive alertness would not only benefit ones
tennis, but may also reduce fall risk and enable the older
In summary, it is apparent that the health of veteran tennis
adult to participate more fully in life. Stress reduction helps
players is positively affected by enhanced aerobic capacities,
to improve the cardiac risk profile.77 Tennis is not an
greater bone densities and lower body fat, greater strength,
individual isolated sport. Backboard hitting aside, it requires
and less diminished cognitive function in comparison with
a partner. Tennis participation encourages social interaction
less active controls. However, the evidence remains incon-
and will help ward off the loneliness sometimes encountered
clusive as to whether tennis alone can be a sole contributor to
by older individuals living apart from loved ones. Thus
these physiological variables. Most of the studies have been
participation in a moderate to vigorous weight bearing
weakly controlled cross sectional descriptive studies. A clear
physical activity such as tennis may afford the veteran player
limitation with all of the tennis research is the lack of non-
a host of psychosocial health benefits.21 78 79
confounded longitudinal experimental research, isolating
tennis as the factor for improved physiological outcomes.
INJURIES The ideal study would be one which introduced the game of
Tennis participation is not without its health risks. It is tennis to five experimental groups of inactive, tennis-naive
known that lifelong tennis participation can cause both acute subjects. The experimental groups could include a true
and recurrent injuries to the wrist, elbow, rotator cuff, and control (remaining sedentary), plus five other groups (tennis
Achilles tendon, promote osteoarthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, only, running only, resistance training only, tennis + running,
sprains, strains, contusions, occasional fractures, exacerbate tennis + resistance training, tennis + running + resistance
the risk for skin cancer and eye problems, and in rare training). After establishing equivalent weekly training
instances cause sudden death.8085 Many of the above doses, their training adaptations could be compared over a
problems can be prevented or reduced by using appropriate minimum of three to six months. To determine lifelong
racquets designed to reduce impact, speed, and vibration on benefits, a random sample of these subjects could be tracked
the arm; or by wearing protective athletic braces, sunglasses, over the course of their lifetimes. The reason why this has not
sunblock, cushioned supportive shoes; or by maintaining yet been done obviously reflects the impractical nature of
good biomechanics, stretching to improve flexibility, and such a task in terms of funding, recruitment, and retention
having a more balanced training schedule.21 23 82 83 Despite all issues. Hence, select cross sectional studies and small
these precautions, there will be times when veteran players longitudinal studies have provided glimpses into potential
must undergo surgery. For the most common shoulder tennis contributions for improved health outcomes.

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Health benefits for veteran (senior) tennis

B L Marks

Br J Sports Med 2006 40: 469-476

doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2005.024877

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