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DN 7047

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DN-7047:G A0-126

ONYX Series
Network Control Annunciator
Network Systems

The NOTIFIER NCA-2 is a second-generation Network Con-
trol Annunciator for the NOTIFIRENET network, com-
patible for use with ONYX Series nodes such as the NFS2-
3030, NFS-3030, NFS-320, NFS-640 and NFS2-640 fire
alarm control panels, as well as first-generation NCA Net-
work Control Annunciators. Additionally, the NCA-2 may be
configured with DVC Series products to create one or more
Digital Audio Command Centers on NOTIFIRENET. The
NCA-2 provides system control and display capabilities for
all, or for selected network nodes.
The NCA-2 display consists of a 640-character backlit LCD
display, and a control interface consisting of soft keys used

to navigate screen menus, hard keys with fixed control func-
tions, and a QWERTY keypad.
When connected to one or more networked panels the
NCA-2 provides network control and status/history display
capabilities. It may also be configured as the Primary Display NCA-2 in ABS-2D backbox
for displayless nodes on the network.

Hardware Features Control ON/OFF networked ONYX series panel control

Certified for seismic applications when used with the points.
appropriate seismic mounting kit. Read Status networked ONYX series panel points and
Approved for Marine applications when a marine-listed zones.
version is used with marine-listed compatible equipment. Network paging control/HVAC control .
See DN-60688. Network-wide: Acknowledge, Silence, Reset.
Full supervision of all inputs and network integrity. Lamp Test (local to NCA-2).
Enhanced-format 640-character LCD display with back- History Buffer (1000 Alarm events; 4000 System events).
Print NCA-2 programming and history reports.
ACS bus for LED or graphic annunciators (EIA-485).
Report status of networked panels and their respective
Optically isolated printer interface (EIA-232). field devices to a central station via a single UDACT-2 (see
11 LED status indicators: Power, Controls Active, Fire data sheet DN-60686).
Alarm, Pre-Alarm, Security, Alert, Supervisory, Trouble, One Master level, nine User level passwords. The Master
Signal, Silence, CPU Failure, Point Disabled, Other Event. can assign each User access levels (programming, alter
Alphanumeric QWERTY rubber keypad. status).
Four status relays: Alarm, Trouble, Supervisory, Security Interactive Summary Event Count display, event handling
(Form-C). package.
Nonvolatile real-time clock can be synchronized with net- Online programming and alter-status programs.
work by master node. Intuitive user guidance program including interactive soft
Optional Security Keyswitch enables keypad functions. keys.
Optional Security Tamper switch. Enhanced Read Status/Alter Status displays.
Supports up to 32 remote ACS annunciators and mod- New history filters for report displaying and printing: All
ules. Events, Only Alarms, Only Troubles, Only Supervisory,
Requires 24 VDC, and a network connection. Only, Security, Time Interval, Point Range.
RDP port for LCD-160 or terminal mode LCD2-80. Fully programmable node-mapping subsystem.
NOTE: NCA-2 Firmware version 14.0 (and higher) can support Advanced/Basic Walk-Test program.
LCD-160 on the RDP port, or LCD2-80 in terminal mode, but not Timer control for Auto Silence, AC Fail Delay.
both at the same time.
Meets Canadian ULC display requirements.
Function Features Environmental adjustment controls to maximize LCD legi-
Individual Enable/Disable or Group Enable/Disable local
Meets NFPA requirements for Firefighter Smoke Control
for networked ONYX series panels.
Station (FSCS) and HVAC.

DN-7047:G 3/1/17 Page 1 of 4

NCA-2 version 20 and higher complies with UL 2572 Mass SIGNAL SILENCE press this key to turn off all control mod-
Notification Systems. ules, notification appliance circuits, and panel output cir-
cuits that have been programmed as Silenceable.
NCA-2 Indicators and Controls SYSTEM RESET press this key to clear all latched alarms
and other events and turn off event LEDs.
DRILL HOLD 2 SEC press this key, holding it down for two
POWER (green) illuminates when 24 VDC power is applied; seconds, to activate all silenceable output circuits.
LED goes out if power is removed and NCA-2 is using a
CONTROLS ACTIVE (green) illuminates to indicate that the PRINT SCREEN press this key to print what is currently on
NCA-2 control functions are active. the LCD screen.
FIRE ALARM (red) illuminates when at least one fire alarm LAMP TEST press this key to test the LED indicators on
event exists; flashes when any of these events remain the left of the keypad and to check firmware revision num-
unacknowledged. bers.
PRE-ALARM (red) illuminates when at least one pre-alarm NEXT SELECTION/PREVIOUS SELECTION these keys are
event exists; flashes when any of these events remain used when setting parameters in NCA-2 data fields; for
unacknowledged. example, choosing a device type as a filter for requesting
SECURITY (blue) illuminates when at least one security a Node History.
event exists; flashes when any of these events remain BATTERY LEVEL press this key to display voltage and
unacknowledged. charging current level for system batteries. Displays levels
SUPERVISORY (yellow) illuminates when at least one for local AMPS-24(E) or AMPS-24(E) connected to asso-
supervisory event exists (i.e., sprinkler valve off normal, ciated NFS2-3030 or NFS-3030 node.
low pressure, fire pump running, guards tour, etc.);
flashes when any of these events remain unacknowl- Specifications
edged. Temperature and humidity ranges: This system meets NFPA
SYSTEM TROUBLE (yellow) illuminates when at least one requirements for operation at 0C to 49C (32F to 120F);
trouble event exists; flashes when any of these events and at a relative humidity (noncondensing) of 85% at 30C
remain unacknowledged. (86F) per NFPA, and 93% 2% at 32C 2C (89.6F
OTHER EVENT (yellow) illuminates for any category of 1.1F) per ULC. However, the useful life of the systems
event not listed above; flashes when any of these events standby batteries and the electronic components may be
remain unacknowledged. adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and
humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that this system and
SIGNALS SILENCED (yellow) illuminates if the NCA-2
all peripherals be installed in an environment with a nominal
Silence key has been pressed or if any other node sent a
room temperature of 15C to 27C (60F to 80F). Product
Network Silence command; flashes if only some points on
weight is 3 lbs (1.36 kilograms).
a node are silenced.
POINT DISABLED (yellow) illuminates when at least one dis- ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS
able exists on the network or in the system. The NCA-2 may be powered from a Main Power Supply
CPU FAILURE (yellow) activated by the watchdog timer AMPS-24(E) (see data sheet DN-6883) mounted in a seper-
hardware, indicates an abnormal hardware or software ate cabinet (see specifications below); or from any UL Listed
condition. Contact technical support. non-resettable 24 VDC source from a NOTIFIER fire panel
(see panel data sheets). The battery on the NCA-2 mother-
FIXED FUNCTION KEYS board is for RTC and SRAM; holds the history memory
Acknowledge through power failure. Replacements are available (P/N
Signal Silence 31004). Power source: 1) AMPS-24 (120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 4.5
A maximum) or AMPS-24E (240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 2.25 A max-
System Reset imum) power supply; 2) the NFS-640, NFS2-640 and NFS-
Drill/Alarm Signal 320 on-board power supply; or 3) a supervised +24 VDC
Fire Alarm Scroll/Display power supply that is UL/ULC-listed for fire protective ser-
vice. The current of the NCA-2 is 400 mA with backlight and
Security Scroll/Display 200 mA with the backlight off.
Supervisory Scroll/Display
Trouble Scroll/Display Product Line Information
Other Event Scroll/Display NOTE: C suffix indicates ULC-Listed model.
The five keys labeled SCROLL/DISPLAY allow the user to scroll NCA-2: Network Control Annunciator. Requires a network
through messages for the particular event type. For example, communications module for networking. In direct connect
pressing the FIRE ALARM SCROLL/DISPLAY key will scroll applications NCM not required. NCA-2-C is for ULC applica-
through all fire alarm events, as details of each are shown in tions. Non-English versions are available: NCA-2-FR, NCA-2-
the display area of the NCA-2. HE, NCA-2-KO, NCA-2-PO, NCA-2-SC, NCA-2-SP, NCA-2-
NOTE: The OTHER EVENT SCROLL/DISPLAY key also scrolls TC, NCA-2-TH. For English marine applications, order NCA-
between Pre-Alarm and Disabled events. 2-M; for non-English Marine applications, order NCA-2-M and
ACKNOWLEDGE press this key to acknowledge off all the appropriate KP-KIT-XX. (See DN-60688.)
active events. NCM-W, NCM-F: Standard Network Communications Mod-
ules. Wire and multi-mode fiber versions available. See DN-

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HS-NCM-W/MF/SF/WMF/WSF/MFSF: High-speed network Agency Listings and Approvals
communications modules. Wire, single-mode fiber, multi-
mode fiber, and media conversion models are available. See These listings and approvals apply to the NCA-2 and
DN-60454 NCA-2-C. In some cases, certain modules or applications
may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may
ABS-2D(C): Annunciator Backbox, Surface, black. Mounts be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status.
one NCA-2 and one NCM-W/-F.
UL Listed: file S635.
ABS-2DR: Same as above, but red. ULC Listed: S527-11.
ABS-4D(C) Annunciator Surface Box. FM approved.
ABF-1B(C) Annunciator Flush Box. CSFM: 7165-0028:0224, 7165-0028:0243.
ABF-1DB(C)Annunciator Flush Box with Door. MEA: 232-06-E.
ABF-2B Annunciator Flush Box. FDNY: COA#6211, COA#6212.
Marine Applications: Marine approved systems must be con-
ABF-2DB(C) Annunciator Flush Box with Door. figured using components itemized in the Marine ONYX Sys-
ABF-4B Annunciator Flush Box. tems datasheet DN-60688. Specific connections and
requirements for those components are described in the Marine-
ABS-1TB Annunciator Surface Box. EQ installation document, PN 54756. When these requirements
ABS-1B(C) Annunciator Surface Box. are followed, systems are approved by the following agencies:
US Coast Guard 161.002/55/0 (Standard 46 CFR and
ABS-1TB(C) Annunciator Surface Box. 161.002).
ABS-2B Annunciator Surface Box. Lloyd's Register 11/600013 (ENV 3 category).
CHS-2D: Chassis, required whenever the NCA-2 is mounted American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Type Approval.
in an ABS-2D(R). NOTE: For information on the CAB-BM marine system, see
CHS-M3: Chassis, mounts an NCA-2 in a single row of a
CAB-4 Series cabinet.
CA-2: Chassis, Audio, 2 rows. Mounts an NCA-2 and the
DVC Digital Voice Command in two rows of a CAB-4 Series
CAB-4 Series Enclosure: Available in four sizes, A through
D. Backbox and door ordered separately; requires BP2-4
battery plate.See DN-6857.
CAB-BM Marine System: Protects equipment in shipboard
and waterfront applications. Order NCA-2-M; for non-English
order NCA-2-M and the appropriate KP-KIT-XX. (See DN-
60688.) Also order BB-MB for systems using 100 AH batter-
ies. For a full list of required and optional equipment, see DN-
DP-DISP: Annunciator Dress Plate. Dress plate is used
when NCA-2 is mounted in the top row of a CAB-4 Series
cabinet with a CHS-M3 chassis.
NCA-2RETRO: Kit for retrofit mounting the NCA-2 to a DP-
DISP dress plate.
NCA/640-2-KIT: Mounting kit for directly mounting the
NCA-2 to CPU2-640 chassis.
LCD-160: 160 character LCD annunciator. See DN-66940
LCD2-80: 80 character LCD annunciator. See DN-60548
TR-ABS2D: Trim ring for semi-flush mounting of ABS-2D.

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NOTIFIRENET is a trademark of, and NOTIFIER and ONYX are reg-
istered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc.
2017 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use
of this document is strictly prohibited.

This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes.

We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate.
We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements.
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Country of Origin: US
For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.

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