Sparse Coding Based Spectrum Sensing in Presence of Multiple Frequency Hopping Primary Users
Sparse Coding Based Spectrum Sensing in Presence of Multiple Frequency Hopping Primary Users
Sparse Coding Based Spectrum Sensing in Presence of Multiple Frequency Hopping Primary Users
AbstractA novel sparse coding based wideband spectrum additional challenges. Since FHSS PUs remain in a particular
sensing technique for multiple frequency hopping spread spec- sub-band for very short period of time, the detection need to
trum primary users has been proposed. The proposed method be done within the short dwell time with sufficient time being
relies on the sparsity of the received target signal on a learned
exemplar dictionary. The learned exemplar dictionary is derived left for transmission by a SU. Detection of a single FHSS PU
from training data comprising of undistorted primary user has been dealt with in [15] and [16]. In [15], an FFT based
transmissions through all the channels in the band of interest algorithm referred to as FFT based averaging ratio (FAR) [17]
using K-SVD algorithm. The high sampling requirement for is adopted. In [16], a sparse representation classification based
the wideband sensing is addressed by using a set of lower rate approach was adopted for detection of single FHSS PU. In
samplers, each sampling the received baseband signal at different
time offsets. The proposed method maintains constant false alarm contrast to these works, this work deals with the detection of
rate under various SNR conditions and when the number of active multiple unknown number of FHSS PUs present in the BOI.
primary users in the band is varying. On comparing with an The effect of transmission channel was not accounted for in
existing FFT based wideband sensor, the detection performances [16] which is also addressed in this work.
of the proposed method for varying SNR and multiple active
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II
primary users are noted to be promising.
describes the scenario under which spectrum sensing is carried
I. I NTRODUCTION out and the assumed signal model. Section III elaborates on
The apparent scarcity of radio spectrum [1] has led to the sparse representation based detection technique proposed
development of techniques for opportunistic spectrum access in this work to deal with presence of multiple PUs. Section IV
(OSA) for wireless communication. Spectrum sensing enables discusses the simulation setup and the results. Finally, Sec-
secondary user (SU) or cognitive radio [2] to utilize the radio tion V concludes the paper.
spectrum allocated to licensed or primary user (PU). Several
spectrum sensing techniques based on energy [3][6], cyclo- II. O PERATING S CENARIO AND S IGNAL M ODEL
stationary property [7], [8], eigenvalue decomposition [9]
and compressive sensing [10] have been proposed till date. First we describe the broad setting under which the spectrum
Wideband spectrum sensing offers possibility of enhancing sensing task is carried out by an SU. We consider a non-
the spectrum utilization. However, there are typical challenges cooperative scenario in which the SU employs a spectrum
in achieving this goal. Wideband sensing can be performed sensor to assist in opportunistic transmission through a radio
using multiple narrowband radio frequency (RF) front-ends frequency band licensed to a set of FHSS PUs.
to sense individual sub-bands or a single such front-end to The following assumptions are made regarding the spectrum
perform sequential sensing. Alternatively, the entire wideband sensing scenario.
or the band of interest (BOI) can be scanned using a single A1) There are number of non-overlapping frequency chan-
wideband RF front-end. The latter is advantageous from the nels in the BOI.
point that it can simultaneously scan the entire BOI using A2) A maximum of number of frequency hopping PUs
lesser RF components. The challenge however comes in the operate in the BOI and .
form of requirement of very high sampling rates. A3) The baseband bit stream transmitted by PUs are mod-
In [11], a bank of bandpass filters has been used to achieve ulated using a digital modulation scheme such as am-
the spectrum sensing task in multiple sub-bands. For joint plitude shift keying (ASK), phase shift keying (PSK) or
wideband sensing, FFT and wavelet transform have been used frequency shift keying (FSK).
in [12] and [13], respectively. Spectrum sensing proposed in A4) The active PUs employ orthogonal hopping sequences
[14] demonstrates the application of compressive sampling for and their hopping instants are synchronized so that there
wideband spectrum sensing. is no interference among themselves.
The detection of frequency hopping spread spectrum A5) The hop periods of the PUs are equal and constant. The
(FHSS) signals for OSA is a wideband sensing problem with SU has the complete knowledge about the hop period of
c 2015 IEEE the PUs.
A6) The number of active PU transmitters change with time frequency sinusoid with frequency between the start and end
in a random manner. limits of the BOI. Training signals comprise of associated I
A7) The information regarding the number of FHSS PUs and Q waveforms corresponding to each channel such that on
active at any instant of time and the frequency channels modulating with the same sinusoid used in demodulation of the
they occupy are not available to the SU. received signal, their spectrum would fall in the corresponding
A8) The channel information is not available to the SU. RF frequency channel.
The signals transmitted by the PUs suffer multipath fading Each sub-dictionary is learned using training signals
and are corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) from the channel and K-SVD [18] algorithm. Each sub-
at the receiver end. The signal received at the SU detector can dictionary has atoms. Additional details of dictionary
be expressed as learning are provided in Section IV. The learned exemplar
dictionary is denoted by and is formed by horizontal
concatenation of sub-dictionaries s corresponding to each
() = () () + () (1) of the channels. The dictionary has a total of
atoms and is defined as
would actually require additional modulation using a suitable algorithms based on cyclostationary or eigen analysis based
carrier of high frequency to do so. In our simulation, the features, the FFT based detectors are relatively less complex
carrier frequency that would have been required to translate due to minimal number of computations required and can
to that RF frequency is equal to the start band frequency easily be applied to wideband sensing scenario like the one
(2.4 GHz for instance) added to half the the total bandwidth under consideration. FFT based sensors are basically energy
of interest (8 MHz). This is done in order to bring down detectors and require less sensing time than cyclostationary
the sampling requirements. The converse process in order or eigen value based detectors to arrive at a decision under
to deal with the real RF signal would require the detector moderate SNR conditions. Since fast sensing is necessary
signal to bring down the received signal to baseband using for the scenario involving FHSS primary user, we chose to
I-Q demodulation and the associated carrier of frequency . compare the proposed method with FAR. In contrast to the
All signals in this work are simulated in the baseband. proposed method, FAR utilizes Fourier bases to decompose
The resultant training signals are complex. The real and the received signal into a non-sparse representation. The
imaginary components are stacked in the form of column innovation in FAR algorithm is in its ability to maintain a
vectors such that all the real components lie on the top half constant false alarm rate (CFAR) under varying and unknown
of the vectors followed by the imaginary components. The SNR scenarios. Similar CFAR property is also noted in the
training set for a particular channel consists of such vectors proposed method. The detection threshold need not be altered
from associated training signals stacked in the form of a to account for the changing SNR conditions while retaining
matrix. This training set is used to obtain the sub-dictionary the same noise rejection capabilities. The decision thresholds
for the channel using the K-SVD algorithm. The of both the methods also remains fairly invariant to the number
number of atoms in is which is kept constant for all of active transmitters that are present in the band of interest.
channel sub-dictionaries. The LED is then obtained using Figures 1 and 2 plot the sensitivity of the optimal detection
Equation 2. threshold to varying SNR conditions and number of PU trans-
The received signals are generated using the signal model mitters for the proposed dictionary based and FAR methods
described in Equation 1. ITU Indoor Office-A [21] channel respectively.
model is adopted for the simulations. The signal received at For the LED based method, similar to the training signals,
the detector front-end is an aggregate of transmissions from the received signals are separated into real and imaginary
variable number of PUs relayed through multipath channels components and stacked as column vectors of real values.
and corrupted by AWGN. Varying numbers of active PUs The received signals are 2 normalized as in 4 and effectively
ranging from 0 to 5 are considered to simulate the spectrum down-sampled at each of the ADC branches mentioned
sensing scenario. in Section III-B using the sampling matrices . This is
We have compared our method with an FFT based algorithm equivalent to using slower ADCs at the I and Q branches of
called FAR [17]. Unlike most conventional spectrum sensing each of the sampling branches and obtain a signal sampled at
effect of inter-channel interference on the performances.
On comparing Table I and Table II we make following
Deviation of Threshold from mean value
0.01 observations:
0.005 In general, the detection performances for LED based
method are superior to that of FAR under the observed
SNRs. Except for single PU case, the proposed LED ap-
0.005 proach is outperformed by the FAR method in particularly
0.01 at lower SNR values.
5 The performance of both FAR and LED based methods
10 3 decrease when the sensing period is reduced. The change
20 1 No of Active PUs in FAR method is more drastic than LED based method.
On comparing the performances for the 5 PU case, we
Fig. 1. Figure showing the deviation of the optimal decision threshold
note that the LED method with 2 symbol period sensing
from the mean value for the proposed method. The noise rejection outperforms that of FAR method with 5 symbol period
ratio is maintained at 10% under varying SNR conditions and different sensing.
number of active PUs. The SNR and number of PUs range from -20 The detection performances of LED based method is noted
dB to 5 dB and 1 to 5, respectively. The standard deviation of the
optimal threshold values considering all possible combination of SNR to be significantly better than that of FAR for most of the
conditions and number of active PUs turns out to be 1.7 106 . cases. In our understanding the possible reason for the same
lie in:
a) the use of a data-dependent dictionary rather than the fixed
Fourier bases
Deviation of Threshold from mean value