A Fuzzy Based Detection Technique For Jamming Attacks in Ieee 802.15.4 Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Network
A Fuzzy Based Detection Technique For Jamming Attacks in Ieee 802.15.4 Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Network
A Fuzzy Based Detection Technique For Jamming Attacks in Ieee 802.15.4 Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Network
DDoS is one such security threat that prevents
Jamming is a typical attack in wireless networks, which
authorized users from gaining access to the wireless
can disrupt wireless communication by emitting
channel by disrupting network operations, impacting
interference signals. IEEE 802.15.4-compliant wireless
network connectivity and availability in IEEE 802.15.4.
networks are susceptible to jamming attacks since such
One of the simplest DDoS attacks is jamming the
networks are composed of small energy-constrained
wireless communication medium. The jamming attack
devices to execute some tasks without a central
is one of the security threats that can lead to great
powerful monitoring node. DEEJAM [4] protocol is an
damage in the real world. Jamming is a special category
amalgamation of frame masking, channel hopping,
of DoS attacks which is used in wireless networks,
packet fragmentation and redundant encoding in order
where an attacker is respects the medium access control
to detect the four defensive mechanisms for hiding
(MAC) protocol [1] and transmits on the shared channel
communication from jammer, evading its search and
either continuously or periodically to target all or some
reducing its impact. But the technique is complex
involving complicated calculation and results in more to suite for fuzzy system to detect the attacks models in
overhead. Various jamming attacks and defending the following sections.
strategies [5], [6], [7], [8] are proposed. Attackers Constant Jamming: It continuously emits a signal on
launch jamming attacks at the access layer by either the medium meaning that there are no silent time
corrupting control packets or occupying the channel for intervals in its transmission. Hence, forcing legitimate
the maximum allowable time, so that the network nodes in the range to always back-off, i.e. starve.
throughput will decrease [5]. By observing the channel Random Jamming: In contrast to the constant
and learning protocols semantics, various jamming jamming, a random jamming suspends its transmission
attacks aimed at different MACprotocols in sensor during a specified time in regular intervals. A modified
networks are proposed in [6] to attack the network version is the random jamming, which uses a random
effectively. However, they are either static or not duration, a random interval or both.
energy-efficient. Some efficient strategies are proposed Reactive Jamming: Reactive jamming requires the
in [9], [10]. The work in [9] discusses a low-energy sensing of the channel. As the transmission is detected,
attack that destroys a packet by jamming only a few jammer starts its intrusion. A more advanced form of
bits, such that the code error correction functionality reactive jamming includes the analysis of the detected
will take on an excessive load. To save energy, a regular data stream. The jamming is then applied
jammer controls the probability of jamming and the systematically to frames from or to specific nodes or to
transmission range to cause maximal damage to the frames of a certain type.
network in terms of corrupted communication links Deceptive Jamming: Deceptive jamming denotes
[10]. However, the access probability is difficult to get attacks where false messages are sent to the channel
hold of and the transmission range is greatly affected by with the objective of disturbing the organization of the
the surroundings. A DOMINO system [11] which network. In case of Wireless networks, this could be
conducts tests on the access point to detect MAC layer spoofed management or control frames. This way, also
misbehaviors such as backoff manipulation. Such higher layer vulnerabilities may be easily exploited in
infrastructure based monitoring schemes are however order to launch denial of service attack.
difficult to implement in ad hoc networks with no fixed
infrastructure. This presents the need for a decentralized Metrics for Jamming Attack Detection
monitoring mechanism to detect jamming attacks in ad
hoc networks. A cross layer monitoring mechanism to According to[13] define a jammer to be an entity who
evaluate node cooperation and lower false positives rate is purposefully trying to interfere with the physical
using information from physical, MAC and routing transmission and reception of wireless
layers [12].Even with a monitor deployed in the communications. This can be achieved by the jammer
network, jamming attacks are difficult to detect as they by attacking at the PHY layer or at MAC layer. At the
are often indistinguishable from other network PHY layer, the jammer can only jam the receiver by
abnormalities. For instance, collisions in wireless transmitting at high power at the network frequency and
channel can occur as a result of jamming attack or due lowering the signal-to noise ratio below the receivers
to interference from hidden terminal transmissions. The threshold; however, it cannot prevent the transmitter
empirical measurements based on signal strength and from transmitting, and hence it cannot jam the
packet delivery ratio are combined to diagnose the transmitter. At the MAC layer, it can jam the receiver
presence of a jammer [13].The authors here made an by corrupting legitimate packets through protocol
important observation that no single measurement is violations, and can also jam the transmitter by
sufficient to reliably classify jamming attack. We build preventing it to transmit by capturing the carrier through
our work on the basis of this observation and develop a continuous transmission. With this modus operandi of
detection mechanism that removes the ambiguity in the jammer at the background, we examine the
detecting jamming from congested scenarios. In this suitability of variousmetrics, as suggested by different
work, we focus on detecting jamming attacks that occur scholars, for detecting jamming attack on a wireless
at both physical and MAC layers of an IEEE 802.15.4 networks [2] [7]. We select SNR and BPR as the
LRWPAN. jamming attack metrics for our system. However, we
prefer to call the BPR as Packets Dropped per Terminal
JAMMING ATTACKS MODEL (PDPT) because our PDPT is the average BPR of a node
during a simulation cycle
The objective of the adversary causing a jamming attack Bad Packet Ratio (BPR):BPR is same as that PDR[14]
is to prevent a legitimate sender or receiver from which is to be measured at the receiver-
transmitting or receiving packets. Adversaries can end.However[15] call it BPR and define BPR as the
launch jamming attacks at multiple layers of the ratio of the number of bad packets received by a node
protocol suite. In this work, we elaborate the attack to the total number of packets received by the node over
models in PHY and MAC layer , which are in fact, the a given period of time. We find BPR to be a very
derivatives of the model proposed by [4][13], redefined effective metric which can indicate all types of
jamming, is easily quantifiable, and is fit for IEEE station based on the input values of the jamming
802.15.4 where the system of acknowledgements is not detection metrics received by it from the respective
required. The CRC is a normal procedure which nodes nodes. This is done in our method through an algorithm
have to do under most of the existing protocols to check called Fuzzy K-Means Clustering. The sophistication
whether a received packet is correct or erroneous. If the of the method lies in doing away with the requirement
packet is correct (good packet), it is received or queued of communicating with the neighbor nodes for
for further transmission, and if the packet is erroneous neighborhood check. This enhances the survivality of
(bad packet), it is dropped and their count is maintained. the system during jamming. There are three inputs
Therefore, both values, the number of bad packets and required to be sent by the nodes to the base station.
the number of total received packets, are readily First, the number of total packets received by it during a
available for computing the BPR without imposing any specified time period. Second, the number of packets
significant burden on the system. Also, there is no dropped by it during the period and Third, the received
sampling or fixing of thresholds involved here. We find signal strength (RSS). The former two metrics are
this metric suitable for our system. normally sent to the base as part of the network health
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) or Signal-to Jammer monitoring traffic at a pre-decided frequency, as part of
Power Ratio (SJR): Although there is a subtle most of the existing network management protocols.
difference between SNR and SJR, we have considered The third metric, RSS has to be additionally sent to the
these to be the same because, in our model jammer is base station in our scheme. This can be preferably sent
the predominant noise source, and have used these packaged with the former two parameters, or else, sent
terms interchangeably. SNR is calculated as the ratio of independently. The base station computes the power
the received signal power at a node to the received noise received by the node from the jammer, if any, by
power (or jammer power) at the node. It is almost an finding the differential between the current RSS and
effective metric to identify a jamming attack at the normal RSS values. Thereafter, the base station
physical layer as there can be no jamming at the computes the PDPT and SNR from these values, as
physical layer without the SNR dropping low. However, discussed in the previous section. Then the base station
some other metrics like PDR, BPR, or BER which can uses the values of PDPT and SNR as inputs to a fuzzy
identify a MAC layer attack should be used with SNR inference system to get Jamming Index (JI) as output
for making it almost full- proof to detect jamming. of the system. The JI value varies from 0 to 100,
The reasons for this choice have been discussed signifying No Jamming to Absolute Jamming
above, and the same are summarized as follows: respectively. In this way, the base station is able to
The received radio power at a node is easily grade the intensity of jamming being experienced by
measurable as nodes are/can be provided with RF each node through the JI parameter. It can decide the
power meter. lower cut-off value of JI to conclude that all nodes
In our system, the node simply keeps the base whose JIs are greater than the lower cut-off value are
station informed about the received radio power, at a Jammed while the others are Not Jammed. The
time interval as decided by the base station. The further details are going to discuss and described in the
base station calculates the jammer (noise) power by following sub-sections.
subtracting the average legitimate signal power of
the node from the current power. The ratio of the Detection of Jamming Attacks using Fuzzy Logic
two powers is then calculated by the base to get the System
SNR. Thus there are no overheads involved at the
node level. Fuzzy Logic System: The block diagram of fuzzy logic
The node keeps the base station informed about the system (FLS) isin[19] [20].Fuzzy logic uses fuzzy set
number of good packets and total packets received theory, in which a variable is a member of one or more
by it during a time interval, as decided by the base sets, with a specified degree of membership. Fuzzy
station, in a normal routine way. The base station logic allow us to emulate the human reasoning process
calculates the BPR (or, PDPT) for each node. Thus, in computers, quantify imprecise information, make
the nodes are not burdened additionally. decision based on vague and incomplete data, yet by
The combination of SNR and BPR (PDPT) is applying a defuzzification process, arrive at definite
capable of detecting any form of jamming attacks. conclusions. The FLS mainly consists of four blocks,
namelyfuzzifier, fuzzy rule, fuzzy inference and
PROPOSED METHOD defuzzifier. Fuzzy logic is capable of making real-time
decisions, even with incomplete information.
Description Conventional control systems rely on an accurate
representation of the environment, which generally does
We now propose a fuzzy logic system-based jamming not exist in reality. Fuzzy logic systems, which can
detection method which follows a centralized approach, manipulate the linguistic rules in a natural way, are
wherein the jamming detection is done by the base hence suitable in this respect. In addition, it can be used
for context by blending different parameters - rules defuzzifier computes a crisp output from these rule
combined together to produce the suitable result [20]. output sets. It can be performed in different methods.
Fuzzy Sets and Membership functions: If X is a We have chosen the centroid of region gravity (COG).
collection of objects, called the universe of discourse In this method, the centroid of each membership
denoted generically by q, then a fuzzy set Ain X is function for each rule is first evaluated. The final output
defined as a set of ordered pairs: JI, which is equal to COG, is then calculated as the
A {(q, A (q)) : q Q} (1) average of the individual centroid weighted by their
membership values as follows:
Where, A (q) is called the membership function (MF) b
for the fuzzy set A. The MF maps each element of Q to ( A (q) * q)
a membership grade (or membership value) between 0 q a
and 1.We defines three fuzzy sets each over the two JI=COG= b
universes of discourse for input namely, SNR and PDPT
[16]; the values are LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. For
q a
A (q)
output, four fuzzy sets are defined over the universe of
discourse, JI: the values are NO (meaning normal), Where JI/COG is the output of the defuzzification,
LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH where SNR and BPR (or, A (q) and q are the input variables of the membership
PDPT) are the crisp inputs to the system and JI is the
function A. The complete process of calculating the
crisp output obtained from the system after
crisp values of the JI from the input values SNR and
defuzzification using the centroid method.
PDPT for every node is done through NS-2 stimulation
Fuzzification: Fuzzification of the two crisp inputs
SNR and PDPT are determining the degree to which
these inputs belong to each of the appropriate fuzzy sets, Sl.No SNR PDPT JI
which are mapped into fuzzy membership functions. To 1. Low Low High
define the fuzzy membership function, trapezoid shape 2. Low Medium High
has been chosen in this detection method. We define the 3. Low High High
membership function below: 4. Medium Low Low
q a 5. Medium Medium Medium
b a , a q b 6. Medium High High
7. High Low No
1, b q c 8. High Medium Low
A (q) 9. High High Low
d q ,c q d
d c Table 1.Fuzzy Rule Base
0, otherwise
(2) Confirmation of Jamming Attack Detection thro
Fuzzy K-Means Clustering
where the different values of the variables are as given
in[17], which have been fixed through two phases: All Nodes has been assigned a crisp jamming index (JI)
firstly, as per the mean of the values obtained from the as per its SNR and PDPT values by the base station
proficient, and secondly, by the correction of these through the abovementioned method, the base station
values through a feed-back factor generated by now confirms the node can be declared jammed or not
comparing the actual result and the expected result. jammed by looking at the jamming indices of
Fuzzy Inference: Fuzzy inference is the second step in neighboring nodes. This is done by the base station as
FLS. When an input is applied to a FLS, the inference follows:
engine computes the output set corresponding to each Depending the collision, it decides the lower cut-off
rule. The behavior of the control surface which relates value of JI, LC for declaring all nodes with JI LC,
the inputs (SNR, PDPT) and output (JI) variables of the as jammed nodes, i.e., jamming detected at these
system is governed by a set of rules. A typical rule nodes.
would be if x is A then y is B, when a set of input It makes a list of all jammed nodes, i.e., of nodes
variables are read each of the rule that has any degree of having JI LC and finds the number, t of such
truth in its premise is fired and contributes to the nodes.
forming of the control surface by approximately For each of the t jammed nodes, it recognize and
modifying it. When all the rules are fired, the resulting counts the number of one-hop neighbors, n and
control surface is expressed as a fuzzy set to represent absent of the n neighbors, it recognize those
the constraints output. The fuzzy rule base is given in neighbors who are in the list of jammed nodes and
table 1. counts their number, njand names the group of these
Defuzzification: Defuzzification is the process of nodes as jammed cluster and it recognize those
conversion of fuzzy quantity into crisp quantity. The neighbors who are not in the list of jammed nodes
and counts their number, (n-nj) and names the group high) to the number of nodes as identified, taken out of
of these nodes as non-jammed cluster .A total of n one hundred. The TDR and FPR can be calculated by
nodes divided into 2 clusters in neighborhood of a using jammed node ratio (JNR).JNR is mathematically
node under consideration. Therefore, the deciding defined as: JNR= (S/C)*100, where S is the number
number is n/2. If the number of nodes (nj) in the of nodes successfully jammed by the jammer which
jammed neighbors clusteris more than n/2 then have been jammed on the basis of their jamming
majority of the neighbors are jammed and hence it is indices, the lower cut-off value of the jamming index as
confirmed that the node under consideration is also decided by the base station and other aforementioned
jammed. If njis less than or equal to n/2, further simulation parameters, where C is the number of
inspection is required for taking any decision. The nodes covered by the jammer within the communication
following steps of the algorithm continue so on. range of the jammer. The JNR is defined as the
If nj> n/2, then it confirms that the node is jammed. percentage of the jammed nodes to total nodes in the
If nj n/2, then it does the following: network. The JNR parameter can be configured as 50%
(a) Find the mean jamming index of jammed neighbors and 100%, and to maintain these ratios, varied numbers
cluster, jiusing the formula: of jammers were located in the network. Our
nj implementation setting is listed in below table 2.
ji k
ji k 1
(4) Parameter Quantity
nj Number of Nodes (N) 100
Node Density (D) 10, 15, 20, 25
Jammed Node Ratios 50%, 100%
Transmission Range (r) 100 m
(b) Find the centroid X and Y coordinates of jammed MAC Protocol S-MAC
neighbors, using the formula: LRWPAN type Proactive
Sensor Node Type MICA2
nj nj Traffics 1 packet/5 s and 2 packets/1 s
jik .xk ji . y k k
Simulation Length
Sampling Interval
36,000 s
xj k 1
, yj k 1
Area size 750 meters
k 1
k 1
Table2. Stimulation Environment Settings
(c) Finds the square of the distance, djof the node under In the stimulation, 100 nodes move in a 750 meters
consideration from the centroid of the jammed region for 30s of sampling interval. All the nodes have
neighbors clusterusing the formula: the same transmission range of 100m. The power rate,
capacity, and radio communication distance of normal
dj=(x-xj)2+(y-yj)2 (6) and jammer nodes were arranged in compliance with
MICA2 devices. The S-MAC protocol [18] was selected
as the MAC standard, and listen and sleep periods were
The above stated equations are declares that the node is determined as 100 ms and 900 ms (10% duty cycle),
jammed; otherwise, it declares that the node is not respectively. In all simulation runs, LRWPAN were
jammed and then deletes its name from the list of assumed in a proactive configuration and the packet
jammed nodes. generation was arranged as 1 packet/5 s for light traffic
and 2 packets/1 s for heavy traffic. The stimulation has
PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION been repeated with varied topologies and the average
values obtained from the results were recorded. The
The performance analysis of our proposed model has value of TDR and FPR for 100 nodes configuration for
been implemented in network stimulation environment different types of jamming for different jamming
by using 2 criteria. They are true detection rate (TDR) indices are given in table 3 .The value of TDR for 100
and false positive rate (FPR). TDR indicate the nodes configuration for different types of jamming
proportion of how often the system successfully detects indices of 50% and 100% in figure 1a.We now compare
the attacks from the starting to the ending and the ratio our results TDR and FPR with [15] in the table 4 , On
of the number of nodes are correctly identified by the the other hand , the comparison is to be studied with
system to be falling under a jamming class (normal, concern as the model have preferred to use the Gilbert-
low, medium, or high) to the number of nodes as Elliot for simulation losses based on two event discreet
identified, taken out of one hundred. The FPR indicates Markov chain, as they consider that the radio unit
the proportion of events in which an attack is detected provides either good or bad transmission service. In the
when no real attack exists and the ratio of the number of table 4 shows that our performance parameters indicates
nodes are incorrectly identified by the system to be good results and are either better or matching with the
falling under a jamming class (normal, low, medium, or
existing method of jamming detection. In figure 1b
shows the graphical representation of our results TDR 100
99.8 Existing
% compared with existing model. 99.6
TDR % for 100 FPR % for 100 nodes 98.8
nodes configuration configuration 98.6
Types of
JNR JNR 25 50 75 100
Jamming JNR 50% JNR100%
50% 100%
(JI<=50) (JI<=100) No. of Nodes
(JI<=50) (JI<=100)
99.55 99.80 0.02 0.01
Fig.1b. Graphical representation of our results TDR %
99.40 99.60 0.01 0 compared with Existing model
99.15 99.55 0.01 0 CONCLUSION
99.50 99.30 0.02 0
jamming In this paper, we studied and analyzed the various types
of jamming attacks in IEEE 802.15.4 PHY and MAC
Table 3. TDR and FPR for 100 nodes configuration for layers, the determinant metrics of jamming detection
different types of jamming, JI and JNR and the existing methods of jamming detection as
applied to the wireless networks. We have proposed the
TDR % for 100 FPR % for 100 fuzzy logic system to detect the various jamming attacks
nodes nodes and then we select the PDPT and SNR as inputs to our
Types of configuration configuration fuzzy interference system which gave the jamming
Jamming (JI<=100) (JI<=100) index (JI) as output. The output has been evaluated
propose Propose [15] based on the neighbor nodes. By stimulation, we then
[15] evaluated the different jamming attacks detection
d d
Constant performance (JNR) having average of 99.75% of TDR
99.80 99.40 0 0 with 0.01% of FPR, compared with [15] and found that
Deceptive our performance is better in most of the cases in the
99.60 99.20 0 0 existing models. It is concluded that the effectiveness of
Random our scheme through stimulation and demonstrated that it
99.55 99.55 0 0.01
Jamming can be used to detect the jamming attacks with
Reactive enhanced reliability and accuracy.
99.30 99.10 0 0.01
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