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The Sybil Attack: Abstract

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 3, May-June 2017



Dr.T.Geetha1, Karthikeyan R2 , Kannusamy V3, Kumaravel V4
Asso.Prof, Dept of MCA, Gnanamani college of Technolgy, Namakkal, INDIA.
P.G.Scholar, Dept of MCA, Gnanamani college of Technolgy, Namakkal, INDIA.

The emergence of sensor networks as one of the dominant technology trends in the coming decades has posed
numerous unique challenges to researchers. These networks are likely to be composed of hundreds, and potentially thousands
of tiny sensor nodes, functioning autonomously, and in many cases, without access to renewable energy resources. Cost
constraints and the need for ubiquitous, invisible deployments will result in small sized, resource-constrained sensor nodes.
While the set of challenges in sensor networks are diverse, we focus on security of Wireless Sensor Network in this paper.
We propose some of the security goal for Wireless Sensor Network. Further, security being vital to the acceptance and use of
sensor networks for many applications; we have made an in depth threat analysis of Wireless Sensor Network. We also
propose some countermeasures against these threats in Wireless Sensor Network.

Keywords— Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Security.

INTRODUCTION they characterize or control the process

We use the term sensor network to refer to a or process equipment. A router is a
heterogeneous system combining tiny sensors special type of field device that does not
and actuators with general purpose computing have process sensor or control
elements. The Application domains of Wireless equipment and as such does not
Sensor Network are diverse due to the interface with the process itself.
availability of micro-sensors and low-power
Gateway or Access points – A Gateway
wireless communications. Unlike the traditional enables communication between Host
sensors, in the remote sensor network, a vast application and field devices.
numbers of sensors are densely deployed. These
sensor nodes will perform significant signal
processing, computation, and network self- Network manager – A Network Manager
configuration to achieve scalable, robust and is responsible for configuration of the
long-lived networks[5]. More specifically, network, scheduling communication
sensor nodes will do local processing to reduce between devices (i.e., configuring super
communications, and consequently, energy frames), management of the routing
costs. We believe that most efficient and tables and monitoring and reporting the
adaptive routing model for WSN is cluster based health of the network.
hierarchical model. For a cluster based sensor
network, the cluster formation plays a key factor Security manager – The Security
to the cost reduction, where cost refers to the Manager is responsible for the
generation, storage, and management of
expense of setup and maintenance of the sensor keys.

In a typical WSN we see following network
Sensor motes (Field devices) – Field
devices are mounted in the process and
must be capable of routing packets on
behalf of other devices. In most cases

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 3, May-June 2017
network. Jamming the channel with an
interrupting signal.
Attack A.2 DoS/Physical Layer/Tampering.
Physical Tampering. Nodes are vulnerable to
physical harm, or tampering (i.e. reverse
Attack A.3 DoS/Data Link Layer/Collision.
Attack A.4 DoS/Data Link
Attack A.5 DoS/Data Link Layer/Unfairness.
Attack A.6 DoS/Network Layer/Neglect and
Attack A.7 DoS/Network Layer/Homing.
Figure 1 WSN Architecture Attack A.8 DoS/Network Layer/Spoofing.
Misdirection. In this type of attack
II. WSN SECURITY ANALYSIS adversaries may be able to create routing
Simplicity in Wireless Sensor loops, attract or repel network traffic, extend
Network with resource constrained nodes or shorten source routes, generate false error
makes them extremely vulnerable to variety messages, partition the network, increase
of attacks. Attackers can eavesdrop on our end-to-end latency, etc.
radio transmissions, inject bits in the channel, Attack A.9 DoS/Network Layer/Black
replay previously heard packets and many Holes.
more. Securing the Wireless Sensor Network Attack A.10 DoS/Network Layer/Flooding.
needs to make the network support all Attack A.11 DoS/Transport Layer/Flooding.
security properties: confidentiality, integrity, Attack A.12 DoS/Transport Layer/De-
authenticity and availability. Attackers may synchronization.
deploy a few malicious nodes with similar B. Interrogation
hardware capabilities as the legitimate nodes Attack A.13 Interrogation/Data Link Layer.
that might collude to attack the system
cooperatively. The attacker may come upon
Sybil attack is defined as a
these malicious nodes by purchasing them
"malicious device illegitimately taking on
separately, or by "turning" a few legitimate
multiple identities". Using the Sybil attack
nodes by capturing them and physically [7], an adversary can "be in more than one
overwriting their memory. Also, in some place at once" as a single node presents
cases colluding nodes might have high- multiple identities to other nodes in the
quality communications links available for network which can significantly reduce the
coordinating their attack. Sensor nodes may effectiveness of fault tolerant schemes such
not be tamper resistant and if an adversary as distributed storage [8], dispersity [9] and
compromises a node, she can extract all key multipath. It may be extremely difficult for
material, data, and code stored on that node. an adversary to launch such an attack in a
While tamper resistance might be a viable network where every pair of neighboring
defense for physical node compromise for nodes uses a unique key to initialize
some networks, we do not see it as a general frequency hopping or spread spectrum
purpose solution. communication. Sybil attacks also pose a
We identify and categorize attacks in significant threat to geographic routing
Wireless Sensor Network as follows: protocols.
Attack A.14 Sybil/Physical Layer.
A. Denial of Service Attack A.15 Sybil/Data Link Layer/Data
Denial of Service (DoS) is any event that Aggregation.
diminishes or eliminates a network's capacity Attack A.16 Sybil/Data Link Layer/Voting.
to perform its expected function [16]. Stuffing the ballot box of a voting scheme,
Attack A.1 DoS/Physical Layer/Jamming. for example.
Jamming. To jam a node or set of nodes, in Attack A.17 Sybil/Network Layer.
this case, this is simply the transmission of a
radio signal that interferes with the radio
frequencies being used by the sensor

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 3, May-June 2017
C. Wormhole forwards packets. An adversary interested in
In the wormhole attack [10], an suppressing or modifying packets originating
adversary tunnels messages received in one from a select few nodes can reliably forward
part of the network over a low latency link the remaining traffic and limit suspicion of
and replays them in a different part. An her wrongdoing.
adversary situated close to a base station may
be able to completely disrupt routing by Attack A.21 Selective Forwarding/Network
creating a well-placed wormhole. An Layer.
adversary could convince nodes who would
normally be multiple hops from a base station G. Hello Flood
that they are only one or two hops away via Many protocols require nodes to
the wormhole. This can create a sinkhole: broadcast HELLO packets to announce
since the adversary on the other side of the themselves to their neighbors, and a node
wormhole can artificially provide a high- receiving such a packet may assume that it is
quality route to the base station, potentially within (normal) radio range of the sender.
all traffic in the surrounding area will be This assumption may be false: a laptop-class
drawn through her if alternate routes are attacker broadcasting routing or other
significantly less attractive. information with large enough transmission
power could convince every node in the
Attack A.18 Wormhole/Network Layer. A network that the adversary is its neighbor and
routing attack where an adversary convinces begin exchanging information with the nodes.
a network node of a shorter, or zero, path to
the base station, for example, and can disrupt Attack A.22 Hello Flood/Network Layer.
the network in this manner.
H. Acknowledgement Spoofing
D. Sinkhole (Black hole) Several sensor network routing
Sinkhole attacks typically work by algorithms rely on implicit or explicit link
making a compromised node look especially layer acknowledgements. Due to the inherent
attractive to surrounding nodes with respect broadcast medium, an adversary can spoof
link layer acknowledgments for "overheard"
to the routing algorithm and lure nearly all
packets addressed to neighboring nodes.
the traffic from a particular area through a Goals include convincing the sender that a
compromised node, creating a metaphorical weak link is strong or that a dead or disabled
sinkhole with the adversary at the center. node is alive.
Because nodes on, or near, the path that
packets follow have many opportunities to Attack A.23 Acknowledgement spoofing.
tamper with application data, sinkhole attacks
can enable many other attacks (selective
forwarding, for example).
A. Outsider attacks and link layer
Attack A.19 Sinkhole/Network Layer. security
The majority of outsider attacks
E. Manipulating Routing Information against sensor network routing protocols can
Attack A.20 Manipulating Routing be prevented by simple link layer encryption
Information/Network Layer. and authentication using a globally shared
key. Major classes of attacks not countered
F. Selective Forwarding by link layer encryption and authentication
In a selective forwarding attack, mechanisms are wormhole attacks and
malicious nodes behaves like black hole and HELLO flood attacks because, although an
may refuse to forward certain messages and adversary is prevented from joining the
simply drop them, ensuring that they are not network, nothing prevents her from using a
propagated any further. However, such an wormhole to tunnel packets sent by
attacker runs the risks that neighboring nodes legitimate nodes in one part of the network to
will conclude that she has failed and decide legitimate nodes in another part to convince
to seek another route. A more subtle form of them they are neighbors or by amplifying an
this attack is when an adversary selectively overheard broadcast packet with sufficient
power to be received by every node in the
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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 3, May-June 2017
network.Link layer security mechanisms C. HELLO flood attacks
using a globally shared key are completely The simplest defense against HELLO
ineffective in presence of insider attacks or flood attacks is to verify the bi directionality of
compromised nodes. Insiders can attack the a link before taking meaningful action based on
network by spoofing or injecting bogus a message received over that link. The identity
routing information, creating sinkholes, verification protocol is sufficient to prevent
selectively forwarding packets, using the HELLO flood attacks. Not only does it verify
Sybil attack, and broadcasting HELLO the bidirectional link between two nodes, but
floods. More sophisticated defense even if a well-funded adversary had a highly
mechanisms are needed to provide reasonable sensitive receiver or had wormholes to a
protection against wormholes and insider multiple locations in the network, a trusted base
attacks. We focus on countermeasures against station that limits the number of verified
these attacks in the remaining sections. neighbors for each node will still prevent
HELLO flood attacks on large segments of the
B. The Sybil attacks network when a small number of nodes have
An insider cannot be prevented from been compromised.
participating in the network, but she should
only be able to do so using the identities of the D. Wormhole and Sinkhole attacks
nodes she has compromised. Using a globally Wormhole and sinkhole attacks are
shared key allows an insider to masquerade as very difficult to defend against, especially
any (possibly even nonexistent) node. Identities when the two are used in combination.
must be verified. In the traditional setting, this Wormholes are hard to detect because they
might be done using public key cryptography, use a private, out-of-band channel invisible to
but generating and verifying digital signatures the underlying sensor network. Sinkholes are
is beyond the capabilities of sensor nodes. One difficult to defend against in protocols that
solution is to have every node share a unique use advertised information such as remaining
symmetric key with a trusted base station. Two energy or an estimate of end-to-end reliability
nodes can then use a Needham-Schroeder like to construct a routing topology because this
protocol to verify each other's identity and information is hard to verify. Routes that
establish a shared key. A pair of neighboring minimize the hop-count to a base station are
nodes can use the resulting key to implement easier to verify, however hop-count can be
an authenticated, encrypted link between completely misrepresented through a
them. In order to prevent an insider from wormhole. When routes are established
wandering around a stationary network and simply based on the reception of a packet as
establishing shared keys with every node in in TinyOS beaconing or directed diffusion,
the network, the base station can reasonably sinkholes are easy to create because there is
limit the number of neighbors a node is no information for a defender to verify. A
allowed to have and send an error message technique for detecting wormhole attacks is
when a node exceeds it. Thus, when a node is presented in [10], but it requires extremely
compromised, it is restricted to tight time synchronization and is thus
(meaningfully) communicating only with its infeasible for most sensor networks. Because
verified neighbors. This is not to say that it is extremely difficult to retrofit existing
nodes are forbidden from sending messages protocols with defenses against these attacks,
to base stations or aggregation points the best solution is to carefully design routing
multiple hops away, but they are restricted protocols in which wormholes and sinkholes
from using any node except their verified are meaningless.
neighbors to do so. In addition, an adversary E. Leveraging Global Knowledge
can still use a wormhole to create an artificial A significant challenge in securing
link between two nodes to convince them large sensor networks is their inherent self
they are neighbors, but the adversary will not organizing, decentralized nature. When the
be able to eavesdrop on or modify any future network size is limited or the topology is well
communications between them. structured or controlled, global knowledge
can be leveraged in security mechanisms.
Consider a relatively small network of around
100 nodes or less. If it can be assumed that no

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 3, May-June 2017
nodes are compromised during deployment, source or a base station. Multipath routing
then after the initial topology is formed, each can be used to counter these types of
node could send information such as selective forwarding attacks. Messages routed
neighboring nodes and its geographic over paths whose nodes are completely
location (if known) back to a base station. disjoint are completely protected against
Using this information, the base station(s) can selective forwarding attacks involving at
map the topology of the entire network. To most compromised nodes and still offer some
account for topology changes due to radio probabilistic protection whenever nodes are
interference or node failure, nodes would compromised. However, completely disjoint
paths may be difficult to create. Braided
periodically update a base station with the
paths [11] may have nodes in common, but
appropriate information. Drastic or suspicious have no links in common (i.e., no two
changes to the topology might indicate a node consecutive nodes in common). The use of
compromise, and the appropriate action can multiple braided paths may provide
be taken. We have discussed why geographic probabilistic protection against selective
routing can be relatively secure against forwarding and use only localized
wormhole, sinkhole, and Sybil attacks, but information. Allowing nodes to dynamically
the main remaining problem is that location choose a packet's next hop probabilistically
information advertised from neighboring from a set of possible candidates can further
nodes must be trusted. A compromised node reduce the chances of an adversary gaining
advertising its location on a line between the complete control of a data flow.
targeted node and a base station will
guarantee it is the destination for all G. Authenticated broadcast and
forwarded packets from that node. flooding
Probabilistic selection of a next hop from If we have base stations trustworthy,
several acceptable destinations or multipath adversaries must not be able to spoof broadcast
routing to multiple base stations can help or flooded messages from any base station. This
with this problem, but it is not perfect. When requires some level of asymmetry: since every
a node must route around a "hole", an node in the network can potentially be
adversary can "help" by appearing to be the compromised, no node should be able to spoof
only reasonable node to forward packets to. messages from a base station, yet every node
Sufficiently restricting the structure of the should be able to verify them. Authenticated
topology can eliminate the requirement for broadcast is also useful for localized node
interactions. Many protocols require nodes to
nodes to advertise their locations if all nodes'
broadcast HELLO messages to their neighbors.
locations are well known.
These messages should be authenticated and
impossible to spoof. Proposals for authenticated
F. Selective forwarding broadcast intended for use in a more
Even in protocols completely conventional setting either use digital signatures
resistant to sinkholes, wormholes, and the and/or have packet overhead that well exceed
Sybil attack, a compromised node has a the length of typical sensor network packet.
significant probability of including itself on a
data flow to launch a selective forwarding
attack if it is strategically located near the


In this section, we discuss some of the known threats and countermeasures classifying in different
OSI layers.

Physical Layer: In Table 1, we describe Physical Layer Threats & Countermeasures in case of
Wireless Sensor Network.

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 3, May-June 2017
Table 1 Physical Layer Threats and Countermeasures
Threat Countermeasure
Interference Channel hopping and Blacklisting
Jamming Channel hopping and Blacklisting
Sybil Physical Protection of devices
Tampering Protection and Changing of key

Data-link Layer: In Table 2, we describe Data-Link Layer Threats & Countermeasures in case of
Wireless Sensor Network.
Table 2 Data-link Layer Threats and Countermeasures
Threat Countermeasure
Collision CRC and Time diversity
Exhaustion Protection of Network ID and other information that is required to
joining device
Spoofing Use different path for re-sending the message
Sybil Regularly changing of key
De-synchronization Using different neighbors for time synchronization
Traffic analysis Sending of dummy packet in quite hours; and regular monitoring
WSN network
Eavesdropping Key protects DLPDU from Eavesdropper

Network Layer: In Table 3, we describe Network Layer Threats & Countermeasures in case of
Wireless Sensor Network.
Table 3 Network Layer Threats and Countermeasures
Threat Countermeasure
Wormhole Physical monitoring of Field devices and regular monitoring of
network using Source Routing. Monitoring system may use
Packet Leach techniques.
Selective forwarding Regular network monitoring using Source Routing
DoS Protection of network specific data like Network ID etc. Physical
protection and inspection of network.
Sybil Resetting of devices and changing of session keys.
Traffic Analysis Sending of dummy packet in quite hours; and regular monitoring
WSN network.
Eavesdropping Session keys protect NPDU from Eavesdroppers.

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