Parashah 19 - T'Rumah 5777
Parashah 19 - T'Rumah 5777
Parashah 19 - T'Rumah 5777
The Tabernacle Pattern
The Tabernacle is one of YHVHs Masterpieces where He uses physical things to
reveal the hidden mysteries and spiritual aspects of His Creation as well as
aspects of Himself. Every colour, material used, dimension, object, symbol,
pattern, sequence, every detail mentioned in the construction of the Tabernacle,
are thoroughly planned and thought through so that its design can capture and
reveal a multidimensional unseen existence of a supernatural God in order for us
to learn about Him and to ultimately know Him.
YHVH always uses a pattern to explain something spiritual in the physical. He
begins by giving them an earthly structure that will speak to us of heavenly things,
specifically the Messiah and the work He has done and will do on this earth. We
will try to see the Fathers heart as well as the attributes and work of the Messiah,
all the personal things that are hidden within the detail of the Tabernacle.
Similar to the pattern of Israel Leaving Egypt, travelling to the Promised Land, we
find the same steps inside the pattern of the Tabernacle, revealing the different
stages we will go through to eventually end up in the Promised Land. Part of your
experience travelling to the Promised Land is the process you go through so that
you can be transformed and changed. Salvation is not only to enter the Kingdom;
it is about the restoration of humanity and the process we as believers have to go
through to be changed into the Image and Likeness of Messiah. This process is
captured and revealed through the Tabernacle Pattern.
YHVH uses the Tabernacle Pattern through which He reveals many different
insights regarding Himself, regarding us and how we approach Him. We are
going to use the Tabernacle Pattern to confirm the steps we have already
discussed previously, the steps that lead to Salvation. We will start from the
outside and work our way in, from the Outer Court where everybody could enter,
through the Holy Place right to the Holy of Holies where the Presence of YHVH
Outside Area - Egypt: The area outside the Tabernacle represents the world, the
place of sin and bondage that we referred to as Egypt. The Tabernacle has three
Doors that leads to three locations or levels, which represents the Body of
First Door, entering the Inner Court: This Door, together with
the Brazen Altar, accounts for the event called the Passover that
was celebrated in Egypt. This has to do with the Lamb of YHVH,
Yshua, Who is also known as the Way or the Door that leads to
the Father. Yshua represents the First Door that allows you into
the Tabernacle or House of YHVH.
Brazen Altar: This object is associated with the blood. Firstly,
the Blood of the Lamb was painted on the doorposts of those
who decided to leave Egypt (sin & bondage). Secondly, the blood
of the Goat, (sin offering), was shed on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) for the
nations and ultimately, the whole world. These two sacrifices represent the first
Work of Messiah. The blood of the Lamb provides covering, and the blood of the
goat provides redemption for sin. This altar is made of Brass, the colour that
represents judgement. If you refuse to face the Brazen Altar, receiving
redemption and covering through His Blood, you will face judgement (stay on the
outside and not enter the Kingdom of YHVH).
Laver: This was the object the Priests use to cleanse themselves before entering
into Holy Place. The laver represents the next step Israel encountered after
leaving Egypt, namely the Red Sea, that is symbolic of Baptism. Baptism is a
liberating experience where you move out under the authority of Satan and
submit under the authority of YHVH.
Second Door, entering the Holy Place, the Showbread &
Menorah: The second Door guards the Holy place. An entry
represents a place of decision where you move to the next level,
namely, becoming a Bondservant. As a Bondservant, you have the
right to enter the Fathers house, sit at His table and receive an
inheritance. All the objects found inside the Holy Place represents
the Mountain experience. This was where Israel received the Ten
Commandments and later on, the Spirit of YHVH.
The two piles of Showbread relates to the two tablets of the Ten
Commandments, and the Menorah represents the Spirit of YHVH Who shines
upon and reveals the Showbread/Word.
Third Door, entering the Holy of Holies: The Holy of Holies is
the place where you will find YHVHs Shekinah glory or His
Presence. This is the Place associated with the Promised Land or
the restored Garden of Eden, also known as the new Jerusalem.
The Third Door represents the Jordan, or place of Judgement that
everybody must cross to enter the Kingdom of YHVH.
We will look at each piece of furniture as we move through to see if we can find
what YHVH wants to reveal to us as well as what He intends to reveal about us in
regards to drawing closer to Him.
The Brazen Altar - Repentance
The Brazen Altar is within the Outer Court Area and is
the very first thing you encounter when you enter the
First Gate. Bronze is the word nekhoshet and is
spelt tsxn nun-chet-shin-tav and it means
hardened, fetter, bondage, harlotry and lust.
The Priesthood represents the Bride of Messiah who is also known as the chosen
people, a royal priesthood and a holy nation [1 Pet 2:9].
Entering the Second Gate: This is the place you decide to become a
Bondservant and where you are adopted into the Household of the Master. You
now have access to the House of YHVH, to sit at His Table and to receive an
inheritance. You can be a believer in Messiah (outer court), but not a son living in
the House of YHVH (Holy Place). This is when you have reached a level of
spiritual maturity and start an intimate relationship with Yshua. This relationship
is based on the three objects inside the Holy Place; the Menorah (Light -
Revelation), the Showbread (Word Truth) and the Golden Altar of Incense
(Prayers) that will equip you to serve YHVH and the people. Holy means to be set
apart and the Holy Place is where you pursue holiness to become like Yshua.
Face is the Hebrew word aph that means nose comes from the root
word anaph that means anger that is associated with the Brazen Altar and
Golden Altar Offerings where the sweet smell of the offerings makes YHVH
rest from His anger.
Eat is the Hebrew word akal that is found in Gen 2:16 where YHVH
told man from which trees he could eat and not eat from. Restrictions =
Bread is the word lechem that is associated with the Word of YHVH.
Spiritual Insight: If we put all these thoughts together and look at them from a
spiritual perspective, we see that we stay spiritually alive when we tremble at
His Word [Isa 66:5], out of reverence and respect for Him. We also need to
offer up both offerings; the one at the Brazen Altar, which has to do with
repentance from sin and the one on the Golden Altar, which has to do with
thanksgiving, worship and prayer (communication). This will cause a sweet
aroma to rise to YHVH, and we will find favour with Him. We need to study the
Word of YHVH that is the Bread of Life that will sustain us spiritually (John
6:35). Lastly, we need to eat from the Tree of Life which is His Spirit that
gives us a new nature. All these things are required to sustain your Spiritual
health so that you can live and not die.
Menorah Spirit of YHVH
This is the 3rd object described in this Parashah. You
will find the word candlestick or lampstand and is the
word hrvnm menorah. This word comes from the
word ner that means light.
The middle of the word menorah forms the word rvn,
noor that means fire. With the addition of the prefix
and suffix, the light now becomes the apparatus from
which the light shines, illuminates, or reveals and its
source is fire. We have learned previously that the letter shin s means fire and
represents the Spirit of YHVH.
The Menorah is one of the three lights we find exploring the Tabernacle. The First
light is natural light, the sun, that is created on day four, that shines upon the
Outer Court as well as the people in the world. The second light is the Menorah, a
natural light maintained by the Priesthood. This light lights up the Holy Place. The
third Light is YHVHs Shikana Glory that is a spiritual light that lights up the inside
of the Holy of Holies.
Your walk begins in the natural light, but as you draw closer to YHVH, you
encounter His Second Light, the Menorah that represents YHVHs Spirit as well
as Yshua, the Light of the world. (John 8:12). As you follow Yshua with the help
of His Spirit, you will move closer to the Holy of Holies, where you will encounter
the Divine Light that will reveal the Father to you.
Unleavened Bread
Day of Atonement
The Menorah Pattern
The Menorah pattern can be used to represent the
First Fruits
truth. When you look at the Menorah, it has a central
Work of the Spirit: The Menorah represents the Spirit of YHVH as well, and the
Seven Branches reveals YHVHs Spirit and the Work of the Spirit in us as found
in Isaiah chapter 11.
Isa 11:2 And the Spirit of YHVH shall rest upon
him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the
spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge
and of the fear of YHVH;
The seven attributes of YHVHs Spirit are Wisdom and
Understanding, Counsel and Might, Knowledge and Fear.
These six lead to the seventh that is YHVH Himself (our
Reward). You can picture these seven attributes on the
Menorah with the Spirit of YHVH right in the middle with
the other six moving from the outside in, each revealing
more of YHVH and this giving the stages His Spirit takes
you through to know and draw closer to Him.
You start out with Knowledge, getting information that
there is a God out there and that He loves you. Then you
make a decision to follow Him, and you develop a Fear
and respect for Him. These are the two outside Branches where you start, from
the outside moving in, from the Gate and the Outer Court. Here you encounter
the knowledge of sin and the sacrifice that was made on your behalf through the
Lamb of YHVH, Yshua that was sacrificed for all sin.
The next stage of your walk is revealed by the next two inner Branches, Strength
and Counsel, that represents the Holy Place experience. This is where you
encounter the Spirit of YHVH Who gives you Strength to follow His Counsel. It is
a place where you learn to walk in His Ways. Inside the Holy Place, you will see
the Lampstand (Spirit) that will cast light upon the Word of YHVH (Showbread),
that you need for direction in your life to live a righteous life as well as finding His
Plan for your life.
The last Stage is found moving to the two inner branches that are the closest to
the centre Branch (YHVH). This is where you started to walk with Him and
learned His Wisdom and have a better Understanding of His Word, of life and His
Creation and your purpose. Not only that, you have started to Know Him more
intimately and developed a personal relationship with Him. This is a deeper
knowledge and understanding of YHVH than compared to your initial Knowledge
of Him and can only be learned practically through knowing and walking in His
Word and following His Spirit.
The Golden Altar of Incense - Prayers
This object is not found in this Parashah and but we will
discuss it as part of the Tabernacle furnishings. All the objects
outside the Holy Place were made of bronze, and all the
objects inside the Holy Place and Holy of Holies are made
from Gold. Gold is the word zahav that means to
shimmer and is a measure of weight. Glory is the word
kavod that comes from the root word kavad that means to
make heavy. This means that gold is associated with the
Glory, Divinity and Kingship of
Yshua. Everything that is in the
Outer Court represents and
The Golden Altar of Incense was is associated with Believers
the last object you encountered in Messiah, everything in the
before entering the Holy of Holies and stood before the Holy Place represents and is
veil that separated the Holy and Most Holy places. The associated with Messiah,
Golden Altar was fueled with coals that were brought in and everything in the Holy of
from the Brazen Altar on the outside, connecting the Holies, represents and is
two Altars. Incense was poured upon the coals to associated with the Father. If
create a sweet smell and beautiful aroma inside the you enter into the Holy
Holy Place and represents the prayers you pray to the Place, you are in Messiah.
Father (Holy of Holies) in the Name of Yshua the
Messiah (Holy Place).
Personal Application: Burning this incense was a continuous act, just as we
are to "pray without ceasing." (1 Thes 5:17) The Golden Altar is one of the
three objects inside the Holy Place that has to do with your relationship with
YHVH. The Golden Altar stood in front of the inner veil, which separated the
Holy Place from the Holy of Holies and was the closest object to the Ark of the
Covenant and the mercy seat that represents the Presence of the Father.
Today, Believers in Messiah are assured their prayers are pleasing to the
Father because they are offered by our great High Priest, Yshua the Messiah.
Just as the incense carried a fragrant odour, our prayers are scented with the
righteousness of the Saviour. In Rev 8:3-4, John tells us the prayers of the
saints ascend to the altar in heaven before the throne of YHVH, where the
Tabernacle is a pattern of the Real Temple in Heaven.
Personal Application: You enter this area through the 3rd Gate, the final Gate
that opens the way to meet the Father Face to Face. This is a picture of you
moving to the next level of your relationship with the Father. The Holy Place
was more about walking with Yshua, learning His Word and serving the
people. This is where you engage in meditative prayer seeking to connect on a
deep spiritual intimate level with the Father. Not a lot of people enter in through
this Gate to seek the Fathers heart.
3. Yshua is the Life. The only way to enter
into the Holy of Holies is to move through the
Holy Place and the 3rd Door. Inside the Holy of
Holies is where you find the Ark of the
Covenant ( the heart of the Father) that
contained the Testimony of YHVH; the Two
Tablets with the Ten Commandments, the Rod
of Aaron and a bowl of Manna representing the
Name and Character of the Father hvhy.
The Holy of Holies is a cube that has 26 attributes if you count and add the
number of sides, corners and edges. This is the same number you get when you
add up the numbers of the letters of YHVHs Name hvhy (5+10+6+10 = 26).
This means that you will find the Father s Name inside the Holy of Holies inside
the Ark of the Covenant. His Name and Character is covered by the Mercy Seat
where the blood was sprinkled once a year on Yom Kippur. This is where the
Blood of Messiah was offered, and the Veil was torn so that all nations can
access the Father. The only way to access the Father is through the Blood of the
sin sacrifice (Yshua), and it is covered by the Mercy Seat that represents His
Grace through which we are Saved (gain access to the Father). This gives a new
perspective on what it means to be saved; it is to have access to the Father and
the ability to have a living face to face relationship with Him.
Do you have an Outer Court relationship with YHVH where you are continually
pulled back to the Brazen Altar or even the Gate that leads to the outside world
(backsliding)? Do you have a Holy Place relationship with YHVH where you
became a Bondservant and learn to walk as He walked? Do you have a Holy of
Holies relationship with YHVH where you have completely given yourself to Him
and started to know the Father's, heart? Examine yourself according to the
Tabernacle Pattern and the Menorah Pattern to see where you are and where
you want to be and what you have to do to grow in your personal relationship with
the Father living in His House.
Exo 25:2 Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring Me an
offering (trumah). From everyone who gives it willingly with his heart,
you shall take My offering.
The people gave offerings (trumah) so that the Tabernacle could be constructed
and after that, they could offer up (trumah) the things that stand in the way of a
relationship with YHVH so that they could live as Bondservants in the House of
YHVH under His house rules. The other reason was so that they could sit at
YHVHs table as a Bondservant (son), celebration (trumah) the special occasions
on His Appointed Times (Feasts). The context of giving is about the building of
YHVHs House so that people will be fed spiritually and grow in their relationship
with YHVH. These are the two measures to see if the Congregation you support,
provide and facilitate the service that helps you in your walk with YHVH.
The people had to offer up their gifts out of free will and from the heart. Does this
sound familiar?
2 Cor9:6-8 Consider this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap
sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7
Each one should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not out
of regret or compulsion. For YHVH loves a cheerful giver. 8 And YHVH
is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things, at all
times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
was a prophetess and also a Judge, Her name
comes from the root word dawbar
that means word and
bee. The Word of YHVH is just as structured as a honeycomb
that nurture the young and preserve life, making it a sweet or
pleasant experience. This shows us that what made Deborah a
great Judge was the fact that she had the Word of YHVH. Not
only that, Deborah was the only Judge who was also a
Prophetess and YHVH said in His Word that we would be filled with His Spirit and
prophesy. To be part of Deborah you must have the Word (Torah) and faith in
Yshua, to receive His Spirit.
Q - What has this to do with the building of the Tabernacle or House of YHVH?
Israel faced the Canaanites as an enemy led by King Jabin of Hazor who wanted to
destroy Israel. Deborah summoned a military leader named Barak who went to
Mount Tabor with as many soldiers he could muster, facing King Jabin in battle.
Jabin means whom YHVH observes and Building.
This is how this story relates to the Tabernacle, which
represents the Body of Messiah, compared to the counterfeit
Body (assembly) of Messiah that exists today. This
counterfeit system coinsists of man made systems and
traditions that utilises buildings as holy gathering places.
Constantine was the first Christian to introduce the church
building to the believing community. Before then, they
assembled in their homes. Barak was reluctant to obey her orders, perhaps
thinking of the nine hundred iron-wheeled chariots and the well-disciplined army
(church system) that Jabins's general Sisera commanded. The Israelites had
nothing like Sisera's fire power, since they lacked the technology and know-how
to develop comparable weapons (fleshly systems that attracts fleshly people
music, motivational messages, beautiful buildings and facilities, ect.).