AWWA Standards 2017
AWWA Standards 2017
AWWA Standards 2017
AWWA standards are vital guidelines for all facets of the water community. They provide the minimum B603-16 Permanganates New Revision
requirements for the design, installation, performance, and manufacturing of products used in the B604-12 Granular Activated Carbon
water industry. Also included is a series covering utility management. Each standard designation B605-13 Reactivation of Granular Activated
consists of two elements connected by a hyphen, such as B200-12, which indicates the standard is Carbon
in the 200 series (Softening) and received AWWA board of directors approval in 2012. New standards
may be first editions or revisions of existing standards. AWWA standards are also adopted as ANSI
standards. Contact the AWWA Store,, 800.926.7337, or B701-11 Sodium Fluoride
Watch the AWWA website,, or Journal - American Water Works Association for official B702-11 Sodium Fluorosilicate
notice of new standards, standards addenda, or status changes to existing standards.
B703-11 Fluorosilicic Acid
SOURCE Coagulation
Groundwater and Wells B402-12 Ferrous Sulfate
Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings
A100-15 Water Wells B403-16 Aluminum SulfateLiquid,
Ground, or Lump New Revision C104/A21.4-16 CementMortar Lining for
Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings
TREATMENT B404-14 Liquid Sodium Silicate New Revision
Filtration B405-16 Sodium Aluminate New Revision C105/A21.5-10 Polyethylene Encasement for
B100-16 Granular Filter Material B406-14 Ferric Sulfate Ductile-Iron Pipe Systems
New Revision C110/A21.10-12 Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron
B407-12 Liquid Ferric Chloride
B101-16 Precoat Filter Media New Revision Fittings
B408-10 Liquid Polyaluminum Chloride
B102-15 Manganese Greensand for Filters C111/A21.11-12 Rubber-Gasket Joints for
B451-16 Poly (Diallyldimethylammonium Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and
B112-15 Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration Chloride) New Revision Fittings
Membrane Systems B452-14 EPI-DMA Polyamines C115/A21.15-11 Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe
B114-16 Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration B453-13 Polyacrylamide With Ductile-Iron or Gray-Iron
Systems for Water Treatment Threaded Flanges
New First Edition Scale and Corrosion Control C116/A21.16-15 Protective Fusion-Bonded
B116-15 Electrodialysis and Ion-Exchange B501-13 Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda) Epoxy Coatings for the Interior and
Membrane Systems Exterior Surfaces of Ductile-Iron
B502-11 Sodium Polyphosphate, Glassy and Gray-Iron Fittings
B130-13 Membrane Bioreactor Systems (Sodium Hexametaphosphate)
C150/A21.50-14 Thickness Design of Ductile-
Softening B503-11 Sodium Tripolyphosphate Iron Pipe
B200-12 Sodium Chloride B504-12 Monosodium Phosphate, Anhydrous C151/A21.51-09 Ductile-Iron Pipe,
and Liquid Centrifugally Cast
B201-13 Soda Ash
B505-12 Disodium Phosphate, Anhydrous C153/A21.53-11 Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings
B202-13 Quicklime and Hydrated Lime
B506-13 Zinc Orthophosphate
Steel Pipe
Disinfection Chemicals B507-16 Phosphoric Acid New First Edition
C200-12 Steel Water Pipe, 6In. (150mm)
B300-10 Hypochlorites B510-12 Carbon Dioxide and Larger
B301-10 Liquid Chlorine B511-10 Potassium Hydroxide C203-15 Coal-Tar Protective Coatings and
B302-16 Ammonium Sulfate New Revision Linings for Steel Water Pipe
B512-15 Sulfur Dioxide
B303-10 Sodium Chlorite C205-12 CementMortar Protective Lining
B550-10 Calcium Chloride and Coating for Steel Water Pipe
B304-13 Liquid Oxygen for Ozone Generation 4In. (100mm) and LargerShop
Taste and Odor Control
for Water, Wastewater, and Applied
Reclaimed Water Systems B600-16 Powdered Activated Carbon C206-11 Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe
New Revision
B305-15 Anhydrous Ammonia
C207-13 Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks
B601-11 Sodium Metabisulfite Service, Sizes 4In. Through 144In.
B306-15 Aqua Ammonia (Liquid Ammonium
Hydroxide) B602-08 Copper Sulfate (100mm Through 3,600mm)
C653-13 Disinfection of Water Treatment C901-08 Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and D120-09 Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced
Plants Tubing, In. (13mm) Through Plastic Tanks
3In. (76mm), for Water Service
C654-13 Disinfection of Wells D121-12 Bolted Aboveground Thermosetting
C655-09 Field Dechlorination C903-16 PolyethyleneAluminum Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-
Polyethylene (PEALPE) Type Tanks for Water Storage
C670-15 Online Chlorine Analyzer Operation Composite Pressure Pipe, 12mm
and Maintenance (In.) Through 51mm (2In.), for D130-11 Geomembrane Materials for Potable
Water Service New Revision Water Applications
C671-16 Online Turbidimeter Operation and
Maintenance New First Edition C904-16 Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) PUMPS
Pressure Tubing, In. (13mm)
METERS Through 3In. (76mm), for Water E102-06 Submersible Vertical Turbine Pumps
Service New Revision
C700-15 Cold-Water MetersDisplacement E103-15 Horizontal and Vertical Line-Shaft
Type, Metal Alloy Main Case C906-15 Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe Pumps New Revision
and Fittings, 4 In. Through 65 In.
C701-15 Cold-Water MetersTurbine Type, (100 mm Through 1,650 mm), for
for Customer Service PLANT EQUIPMENT
C702-15 Cold-Water MetersCompound F101-13 Contact-Molded, Fiberglass-
C907-12 Injection-Molded Polyvinyl Chloride Reinforced Plastic Wash-Water
(PVC) Pressure Fittings, 4In. Troughs and Launders
C703-15 Cold-Water MetersFire-Service Through 12In. (100mm Through
Type 300mm), for Water, Wastewater, and F102-13 Matched-Die-Molded, Fiberglass-
Reclaimed Water Service Reinforced Plastic Weir Plates, Scum
C704-15 Propeller-Type Meters for Baffles, and Mounting Brackets
Waterworks Applications C909-16 Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl
Chloride (PVCO) Pressure Pipe, 4In. F110-16 Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems for
C707-10 (R16) Encoder-Type Remote-
(100 mm) and Larger New Revision Drinking Water New Revision
Registration Systems for Cold-Water
Meters Reaffirmed C950-13 Fiberglass Pressure Pipe
C708-15 Cold-Water MetersMultijet Type
STORAGE G100-11 Water Treatment Plant Operation
C710-15 Cold-Water MetersDisplacement
and Management
Type, Plastic Main Case D100-11 Welded Carbon Steel Tanks for Water
C712-15 Cold-Water MetersSinglejet Type Storage G200-15 Distribution Systems Operation and
C713-15 Cold-Water MetersFluidic- D102-14 Coating Steel Water-Storage Tanks
Oscillator Type G300-14 Source Water Protection
D103-09 Factory-Coated Bolted Carbon Steel
C714-13 Cold-Water Meters for Residential Tanks for Water Storage G400-09 Utility Management System
Fire Sprinkler Systems in One- D104-11 Automatically Controlled, G410-09 Business Practices for Operation and
and Two-Family Dwellings and Impressed-Current Cathodic Management
Manufactured Homes Protection for the Interior
Submerged Surfaces of Steel Water G420-09 Communications and Customer
C750-16 Transit-Time Flowmeters in Full Relations
Closed Conduits New Revision Storage Tanks
D106-16 Sacrificial Anode Cathodic G430-14 Security Practices for Operation and
C751-16 Magnetic Inductive Flowmeters Management
New First Edition Protection Systems for the Interior
Submerged Surfaces of Steel Water G440-11 Emergency Preparedness Practice
Storage Tanks New Revision
G480-13 Water Conservation Program
C800-14 Underground Service Line Valves D107-16 Composite Elevated Tanks for Water Operation and Management
and Fittings Storage New Revision
G481-14 Reclaimed Water Program Operation
D108-10 Aluminum Dome Roofs for Water and Management
Storage Facilities
PLASTIC PIPE G510-13 Wastewater Treatment Plant
D110-13 Wire- and Strand-Wound, Circular, Operation and Management
C900-16 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks
Pipe and Fabricated Fittings, 4In. J100-10 (R13) Risk and Resilience
Through 60In. (100mm Through D115-06 Tendon-Prestressed Concrete Water Management of Water and
1,500mm) New Revision Tanks Wastewater Systems