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Sharing Dollars

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Winthrop University

Richard W. Riley College of Education

Common Lesson Planning Sheet

Title of Lesson: Sharing Dollars

Subject(s)/Content Area: Math

Name: Tristan Langley

Grade level(s): Grade 3

Lesson Duration: 1 hour (12:00 to 1:00)

Date Lesson is Taught: February 6, 2015

National/St Objective( Assessme Mastery or Performance

ate s) nt Tool Level, Criteria
(as required
by subject
CCSS Math: Students 1.Sharing Students must receive 4 out of 5
3.NF.A.1 will be Dollars on the formative assessment
Understand a able to -formative (80%) to receive mastery.
fraction 1/b as the understand a assessmen
quantity formed fraction 1/b t
by 1 part when a as the
whole is quantity
partitioned into b formed by 1
equal parts; part when a
understand a whole is
fraction a/b as the partitioned
quantity formed into b equal
by a parts of size parts;
1/b understand a
fraction a/b
3.NF.A.3 as the
Understand two quantity
fractions as formed by a
equivalent (equal) parts of size
if they are the 1/b.
same size, or the
same point on a Students will
number line be able to
that two
fractions are
(equal) if they
are the same

Instructional Plan

Per teacher:
The book Equal Shmequal by Virginia Kroll

Per student:
Fraction activity sheet: Sharing Dollars
A pencil
Money manipulatives

Academic Vocabulary, as applicable:

Equivalent fractions- Fractions that have the same
value (are equal) even though they may look different.

Instructional Procedure(s)
Introduction- (20 minutes)
The teacher will have students sit on the front carpet as
they come into the classroom from the washroom.
The teacher will tell students to turn so they are facing
the math calendar.
The teacher will ask students what they think todays
fraction will be on the calendar.
The teacher will call on students who have their hand
raised to share.
The teacher will ask students: What color do you think
the shaded fraction will be?
The teacher will pick students to participate who have
their hand up.
The teacher will ask students: What is todays date?
The teacher will pick students to participate who have
their hand up.
The teacher will walk back over to the chair on the front
carpet and will tell students that they are going to be
talking about sharing equally among people.
The teacher will read the story Equal Shmequal to the
During reading, the teacher will stop and ask students:
-What does equal mean? (page 9)
-What is a meat-eater? What is a plant-eater (page 10)
-Can you think of another way that the animals could
test to see if teams could be divided equally? (page 17)
-Raise your hand if you would like to predict which team
will win the tug of war. (page 27)
-What is the main idea of the story?
-What is a fraction?
The teacher will ask students to turn on the carpet so
they are facing the smartboard.
The teacher will review what students have learned so
far about fractions. Fractions review-Ask students: what
is a fraction? (equal parts of a whole) What does
equivalent mean? (equal) The teacher will have a
picture of a rectangle divided into 8 pieces, 6 pieces will
be shaded. The teacher will have a rectangle dived into
4 pieces, 3 piece will be shaded. The teacher will ask
students to name the fraction of the rectangle shaded
in for both pictures. The teacher will ask students if the
fractions are equivalent. The teacher will have a few
more similar problems like the example above for
students to answer. The teacher will ask students: If you
have 7 cookies and shared them equally among 3
people, how much would each person get?

Body of Lesson (53minutes)

The teacher will explain to students that today they are
going to be given an activity sheet called Sharing
The teacher will hold up the activity sheet so students
know what it looks like.
The teacher will explain to students that they are given
a certain amount of money for a certain number of
people. Their task is to figure out how much each
person will get if the money is equally shared among
the people.
The teacher will tell students that they will be working
with their desk partner to figure out the answer to each
problem. The teacher will remind students that when
you work with your desk partner you should be working
together, explaining to each other what you are doing,
open to their ideas of how to figure out the problem and
talking to each other in a kind voice.
The teacher will tell students that they have
manipulatives on their desk that they can use to help
answer the problems (pretend money).
The teacher will ask students if they have any
The teacher will call on students to walk quietly back to
their desk. (The second teacher in the room will have
already put an activity sheet on each students desk
and one bag of money manipulatives on every second
desk for desk partners to share.)
The teacher will call upon four lower level students to
come work at the front table with her. The teacher will
provide more guidance and prompting for these
students, such as reading the problem to the students
and working with them through the first problem-
modeling what they are supposed to do. The teacher
will ask these students questions such as: We have one
dollar and we need to share this one dollar with four
people, what do we need to do first?
Once the teacher gets the four students at the front
table started on the first problem, she will be walking
around the classroom monitoring students and will help
individual students if they need help.
After a few minutes, the teacher will go back to the
front table to continue helping the four students.

Closure and transition (2 minutes)

After 15 to 20 minutes of working time, the teacher will
review the problems on the smartboard with the class.
The teacher will ask students to share what they did to
figure out the problem.
The teacher will collect each students activity sheet
and will hand them out their Math 4 Today assessment
to complete individually.

**There are two students in the class who leave with a

resource teacher at 12:20, they do not return back into the
classroom until 12:50 or 1:00.

Students may go onto the app Thinking Blocks labeled
on the iPad after they are finished their activity sheet if
there is extra time. This is a fraction app involving word
problems and building models to help determine the

Differentiation of Instruction

Accommodations/Modifications for Students

Low performing students and ELL- During independent
work time, I will be walking around the classroom,
monitoring and helping students. There are four lower
performing students which I will call up to the front table and
may have to re-explain the activity and help guide them
through the activity with modeling and prompting.

Hearing impaired students- The teacher will be wearing a

necklace microphone to help project her voice so it is easier
for these students to hear directions and expectations during
the lesson.

Gifted and talented students-There are two students in

my class who are classified as gifted and talented. These
students will be provided with extra problems to do if they
are finished early. Along with a few others in the class who
scored high on their fraction pre-assessment.

Investigations In Number, Data, And Space (p. Unit 7 page
30). (2013). N.p.: Pearson Education.

Rose, N. (n.d.). Dictionary. In Kids.Net.Au. Retrieved February

2, 2015, from http://dictionary.kids.net.au/word

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