Logic Gates
Logic Gates
Logic Gates
A logic gate performs a logical operation on one or more logic inputs and produces a single logic output. The logic is
normally performed as Boolean logic and is most commonly found in digital circuits.
i. NOT gate
ii. OR gate
iii. AND gate
iv. EX-OR gate
v. NAND gate
vi. NOR gate
The inverter is a logic gate which has only one input & one output. In inverter a low input produces a high output and a
high input produces a low output.
AND gate:
AND gate is a logic gate Which can have two or more inputs. But there is only one output. The output of AND gate is high
only if all inputs are high. Even if one input is low, the output will be low.
OR gate:
An OR gate is a logic gate Which can have two or more inputs and a single output. The output of an OR gate is high if any
of the inputs or all inputs are high. The output is low only if all the inputs are low.
NAND gate:
NAND gate is a combination of AND & NOT gates. Thus NAND gate is the inverse of AND gate. The output is low when
all inputs are high. The output is high for all the remaining combinations.
NOR gate is a combination of OR & NOT gates. Thus NOR gate is the inverse of OR gate. When all or either of the
inputs are high output is low. The output of NOR gate is high only when all inputs are low.
EX-OR gate:
In EX-OR gate if either of the inputs is high, output will be high. If both the inputs are high output will be low. If both inputs
are low then also output will be low.
Fig .1 NOT gate (IC 7404) Fig .2 AND gate (IC 7408)
EXTRA:( Do not write in you lab record)
Half Adder:
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
Full Adder:
1. Connect the NOT gate using digital ICs as shown in the figure .1.
2. Use +5V for logic 1 and 0V for logic 0.
3. Feed the logic signals 0 or 1 from the logic input switches at the inputs A & B.
4. Monitor the output using LED indicators and verify its truth table.
5. Repeat step l to 4 for all the remaining gates.
Viva Questions: