1 Events: 1.2 March-April
1 Events: 1.2 March-April
1 Events: 1.2 March-April
This article is about the year 1906. For other uses, see
1906 (disambiguation).
July 6 The Second Geneva Convention meets. November 3 SOS becomes an international distress
July 12 Alfred Dreyfus is exonerated. He is rein-
stalled in the French Army on July 21, thus ending November 22 Russian Prime Minister Pyotr
the Dreyfus aair. Stolypin introduces agrarian reforms aimed at cre-
ating a large class of land-owning peasants.
August 4 The rst Imperial German Navy
submarine, U-1, is launched. December 4 Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity forms
August 16 A magnitude 8.2 earthquake in at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. The rst
Valparaso, Chile leaves approximately 20,000 Black Greek-lettered collegiate order of its kind.
December 24 Reginald Fessenden makes the rst
August 22 The rst Victor Victrola, a phono- radio broadcast: a poetry reading, a violin solo, and
graphic record player, is manufactured. a speech.
August 23 Unable to control a rebellion Cuban December 26 The worlds rst feature lm, The
President Toms Estrada Palma requests United Story of the Kelly Gang, is released.
States intervention. The subsequent provisional oc-
cupation administration lasts until 1909.
1.7 Date unknown
1.5 SeptemberOctober The Bacillus CalmetteGurin immunization for
tuberculosis is rst developed.
September 11 Mahatma Gandhi coins the term
Satyagraha to characterize the Non-Violence move- Richard Oldham argues that the Earth has a molten
ment in South Africa. interior.
September 18 A typhoon and tsunami kill an esti-
Construction begins on the current Great Mosque of
mated 10,000 in Hong Kong.[2]
September 30 The rst Gordon Bennett Cup in
ballooning is held, starting in Paris. The winning The Simplo Filler Pen company is founded, later to
team, piloting the balloon United States, lands in become the Montblanc company.
Fylingdales, Yorkshire, England.
HaRishon Le Zion-Yafo Association sports club, of-
October 1 The Grand Duchy of Finland becomes cially founded in Israel.(as predecessor of a famous
the rst nation to include the right of women to stand for multi professional sports club of Maccabi Tel
as candidates when it adopts universal surage. Aviv)
2.2 MarchApril 3
February 10
Clyde Tombaugh, American astronomer (d. March 21 Jim Thompson, American businessman
1997) (disappeared 1967)
April 25
April 28
2.3 MayJune
Samuel Beckett
March 26
April 6 Luis Alberti, Dominican Republic musi- May 2 Philippe Halsman, Latvian-born American
cian (d. 1976) photographer (d. 1979)
April 9 Antal Dorti, Hungarian conductor (d. May 3 Mary Astor, American actress and writer
1988) (d. 1987)
April 13 Samuel Beckett, Irish writer, Nobel lau- May 6 Andr Weil, French mathematician (d.
reate (d. 1989) 1998)
April 14 Broda Otto Barnes, American medical May 7 Jon Lormer, American actor (d. 1986)
researcher (d. 1988)
May 8 Roberto Rossellini, Italian director (d.
April 22 Eddie Albert, American actor (d. 2005) 1977)
2.3 MayJune 5
Roberto Rossellini
Josephine Baker
June 22
June 28
2.4 JulyAugust
Hans Bethe
June 15 Lon Degrelle, Belgian fascist (d. 1994) July 3 George Sanders, British actor (d. 1972)
June 17 July 4
2.5 September 7
July 7
July 16
Janet Gaynor
Max Delbrck
2.6 October
October 6 Janet Gaynor, American Academy
Award-winning actress (d. 1984)
Hannah Arendt, German political theorist (d. October 27 Kazuo Ohno, Japanese dancer (d.
1975) 2010)
October 23 Gertrude Ederle, American swimmer October 29 Fredric Brown, American writer (d.
(d. 2003) 1972)
2.7 NovemberDecember 9
2.7 NovemberDecember
Leonid Brezhnev
Luchino Visconti
November 4 Willie Love, American Delta blues
pianist (d. 1953)
November 5
December 13
3 Deaths
3.1 JanuaryJune
January 6 William Forbes Gatacre, British general
(b. 1843)
March 13
March 29
April 19
March 4 John Schoeld, American general (b. June 25 Stanford White, American architect (b.
1831) 1853)
July 1 Manuel Garca, Spanish opera singer, music July 17 Carlos Pellegrini, 11th President of Ar-
(b. 1824)
September 1 Giuseppe Giacosa, Italian poet and
librettist (b. 1847)
September 5 Ludwig Boltzmann, Austrian physi-
cist (b. 1854)
September 23 August Bondeson, Swedish author
(b. 1844)
October 9 Adelaide Ristori, Italian actress (b.
October 16 Varina Davis, First Lady of the
Confederate States of America (b. 1826)
October 22 Paul Czanne, French painter (b.
October 23 Vladimir Stasov, Russian music critic
(b. 1824)
November 1 Archduke Otto Franz of Austria (b.
November 7 Todor Burmov, 1st Prime Minister
of Bulgaria (b. 1834)
Todor Burmov November 12 William R. Shafter, American gen-
eral (b. 1835)
November 16 Mother Veronica of the Passion,
Ottoman-born religious leader (b. 1823)
November 28 Jennie Yeamans, Australian born
American actress (b. 1862)
November 30 Edward James Reed, British naval
architect, author, politician, and railroad magnate
(b. 1830)
December 7 lie Ducommun, Swiss journalist and
activist, Nobel laureate (b. 1833)
December 8 Sylvia Gerrish, American musical
theatre star (b. 1860)
December 13 Jan Gerard Palm, Dutch composer
(b. 1831)
December 30 Josephine Butler, British feminist
and social reformer (b. 1828)
4 Nobel Prizes
Physics J. J. Thomson
Chemistry Henri Moissan
Blessed Veronica of the Passion Medicine Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramn y
gentina (b. 1846) Literature Giosu Carducci
August 14 Aniceto Arce, 27th President of Bolivia Peace Theodore Roosevelt
5 References
[1] Stuart, J. (1913). History of the Zulu Rebellion 1906. Lon-
don: Macmillan and Co. pp. 548581.
6.2 Images
File:Aisin-Gioro_Puyi_01.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6b/Aisin-Gioro_Puyi_01.jpg License:
Public domain Contributors: Japanese magazine Historical Photograph, March 1934 issue published by Rekishi-Shasin Kai. Orig-
inal artist: Unknown<a href='https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q4233718' title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718'
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tributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by User:EH101 using CommonsHelper. Original artist: Original uploader was
Wowaconia at en.wikipedia
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US Contributors:
Scan of original photograph by User:Mariaflores1955 Original artist: ?
File:Baker_Banana.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/Baker_Banana.jpg License: Public domain Con-
tributors: http://www.sheldonconcerthall.org/bakerpress.asp Original artist: Lucien Walry
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lic domain Contributors: La Nacin newspaper Original artist: Unknown<a href='https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q4233718'
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Olrik.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Thorsen, Svend (1967). De danske ministerier 1848-1901 (in Danish). Kbenhavn: Pen-
sionsforsikringsanstalten, p. 279. Own scan. Original artist: Ole Henrik Benedictus Olrik (1830-1890)
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nal artist: ?
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