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Gender Theory in Pop Culture

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Topic: Class: Date:

Gender theory of literary AP English Literature Tuesday Oct. 18


Content Objectives: Language Objectives:

Students will be able to Students will practice applying gender
argue from a gender theory to literature as well as popular
theory perspective of culture and arguing their points through
literary criticism. discussion.

Key Vocabulary: Materials (including supplementary and

Content Vocabulary: Handouts for guide to reading from a
Literary criticism gender theory perspective
Images and video clips from popular
Cross-Curricular Vocabulary: media for students to analyze
Gender theory

Higher-Order Questions:
How does culture define roles for women versus men? How does literature
reflect the gender roles of a culture it was written in or about?

Lesson Sequence Activities

1) Student-generated
question warm-up: Building Background
Students will think of
multiple questions that Explicit Links to Previous Experiences: Students
they have about the will analyze both images and videos from pop
novel so far as they culture and create arguments about these
pertain to the topic of images.
2) Students will share their Explicit Links to Past Learning: In the share
questions and discuss portion of step 2, students will reflect on what
them in a think-pair- they learned about gender theory from a previous
share format. class when they brainstormed words used to
describe men versus those used to describe

Lesson Sequence Student Activities (Check all that apply for

3) I will pass out a list of activities throughout lesson):
questions from a gender
theory perspective of Scaffolding: Teacher Modeling Guided (Small
literature and discuss Group/Partner)
them with students. Independent (I watch and
4) Together, we will look at respond; You do independently)
images from popular
culture (including those Grouping: Whole Class Small Group
of celebrities like Partners Independent
Beyonce) and analyze
these images using the Language Processes: Reading Writing
questions about gender Listening Speaking
5) In small groups, students Strategies: Hands-on Meaningful
will view clips from Links to Objectives
Disney movies together
and analyze them from a Review and Assessment (Check all that apply):
gender theory
perspective. Individual Group Written Oral
6) As a class, we will watch
the clips together. (Include methods of assessment throughout
7) Each group will share and Lesson Sequence)
teach the rest of the
class about gender theory Review Key Vocabulary: How and When?
as it applies to their clip. I will discuss gender theory in detail in step 3
8) We will then turn to when I pass out the guiding questions that go
specific passages of The with this perspective of literary criticism.
Bluest Eye and analyze
them as groups using
these same questions Review Key Content Concepts: How and When?
pertaining to gender I will review the concept of literary criticism with
theory. the students in step 3 as well, reminding them
9) Students will share their that we have already briefly discussed gender
ideas in a whole class theory as well as a historical theory of criticism
format. with an earlier text, Where Are You Going,
Where Have You Been.

Review of all content and language objectives:

How and When?

I will keep objectives posted on the dry erase

board so that they are visible throughout the
lesson. I will review them following the warm-up
activity in step 1.

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