Micro CHP Systems
Micro CHP Systems
Micro CHP Systems
Picture on front page: 5 kWel/12,3 kWth micro CHP unit with storage tank (courtesy of Senertec)
The sole responsibility for the content of this document lies with the authors. It does not represent the opinion of the
Community. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained
Table of contents
1 Introduction____________________________________________________ 1
2 Definition of micro CHP _________________________________________ 2
3 State of the art of micro CHP technologies _______________________ 5
3.1 Conversion Technologies ________________________________________ 5
3.1.1 Reciprocating Engines _______________________________________________ 5
3.1.2 Micro Gas Turbines __________________________________________________ 8
3.1.3 Stirling Engines ____________________________________________________ 10
3.1.4 Organic Rankine Cycle ORC _______________________________________ 11
3.1.5 Fuel Cell Technology _______________________________________________ 13
3.2 Product characteristics of micro CHP technologies________________ 14
3.2.1 Reciprocating Engines ______________________________________________ 14
3.2.2 Stirling Engines ____________________________________________________ 21
4 Applications of micro CHP plants (including planning, selection,
integration into the heat and electricity system) _____________________ 23
4.1 General ________________________________________________________ 23
4.2 Procedure for determining the energy demand ____________________ 24
4.2.1 Energy Supply _____________________________________________________ 24
4.2.2 Determination of the energy demand structure for electricity and heat; drawing
up and evaluation of load curves _____________________________________________ 25
4.3 Analysis of actual energy costs __________________________________ 26
4.4 Drawing up a concept for the selection of CHP plants _____________ 27
4.4.1 Choice of type, size and number of CHP systems _______________________ 28
4.4.2 Load curves for electricity and heat generation by the CHP system ________ 29
4.4.3 Determination of the operation mode __________________________________ 29
4.4.4 Energy balances for electricity and heat _______________________________ 30
4.4.5 Consideration of legal and environmental regulations for installation and
operation of CHP systems ___________________________________________________ 31
4.5 Concept variations and selection of CHP systems _________________ 31
4.5.1 General ___________________________________________________________ 31
4.5.2 Methods for evaluating economic efficiency ____________________________ 32
4.5.3 Investment costs ___________________________________________________ 33
4.5.4 Fuel consumption costs _____________________________________________ 34
4.5.5 Operation and maintenance costs ____________________________________ 34
4.5.6 Simplified examples for the economics of micro- and mini CHP plants _____ 34
4.6 The final concept and follow-up activities _________________________ 36
4.6.1 Integration into the heat distribution system (heat driven operation mode) __ 36
4.6.2 Integration into the electric distribution system __________________________ 39
4.6.3 Planning of a stand alone power supply system_________________________ 41
4.6.4 Hydraulic integration for off-grid operation______________________________ 43
5 Barriers for the further introduction of micro CHP systems _______ 46
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
6 Summary _____________________________________________________ 49
7 Annex ________________________________________________________ 51
7.1 List of suppliers for reciprocating engines_________________________ 51
7.2 List of suppliers for rape oil engines ______________________________ 58
8 Literature _____________________________________________________ 61
1 Introduction
The project Green Lodges aims at promoting and facilitating RES heat & electricity applica-
tions (biomass, solar & micro CHP mainly) in rural lodges, usually located in areas with high
environmental value.
Delivery 8 (D8) report as the first deliverable of work package 3 provides information
regarding the state of the art of micro CHP systems. All kind of CHP applications and tech-
nologies below of 1 MWel (combustion technologies like internal combustion engines, diesel
engines, stirling engines, micro turbines, ORC, fuel cells, etc) and RES (rape oil/biodiesel,
biogas, etc) will be considered. The focus of the analysis will be laid on micro CHP units up
to an electrical output of 50 kW following the definition of the CHP directive.
As micro CHP systems are not very developed in all European regions/countries participat-
ing in Green Lodges project, this report also identifies critical economic success factors in
order to facilitate further projects. Beside of the technical and economic characteristics,
barriers for the further deployment of micro CHP plants were identified. Site specific aspects
like planning, integration into the heat system, interconnection to the grid, stand-alone ver-
sions, etc. were discussed in detail in order to qualify the project partners themselves for
implementing micro CHP systems in their own regions. In this context tables and figures
giving precise planning guidelines will round up the content of the report.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
In the past several definitions concerning micro CHP were used in the literature. The publica-
tion of the cogeneration directive in February 2004 [Lit 3] finally clarified this situation in
Europe because of the following definitions:
(i) micro-cogeneration unit shall mean a cogeneration unit with a maximum capacity below
50 kWel, and
(ii) small scale cogeneration shall mean cogeneration units with an installed capacity below
1 MWel.
Cogeneration production includes the sum of produced electricity and mechanical energy
and useful heat from the cogeneration units. This generally means that conventional heating
systems are replaced by electricity generators equipped with heat exchangers to additionally
use/recover the waste heat. The heat is used for space and water heating and possibly for
cooling, the electricity is used within the building or fed into the grid.
However, in the literature several authors refer to smaller power outputs (< 15 kWel) when
they talk about micro CHP. Arguments that support the definition of smaller power range are:
(i) CHP systems < 15 kWel are clearly systems for the deployment in single buildings like
small hotels, small business enterprises, guest houses, apartment houses, inns, etc.
which can be distinguished from systems supplying heat to a district or neighbourhood
(f. ex. district heating systems).
(ii) Systems in a power regime (< 15 kWel) substantially differ from larger ones with respect
to electricity distribution, ownership models, restructuring of supply relationships, and
consumer behaviour. Compared to conventional CHP, for example based on district
heating, no additional heat distribution grid is required. Systems below 15 kWel can be
directly connected to the three-phase grid. The implementation barriers for small scale
CHP systems are more pronounced than for the larger ones.
In central Europe micro CHP products are typically run as heating appliances, providing
space heating and warm water in residential, suburban, rural or commercial buildings like
conventional boilers. But unlike a boiler, micro CHP generates electricity together with the
heat at very high efficiencies and therefore helps to save fuel, cut greenhouse gas emissions
and reduce electricity costs. Most units operate in grid-parallel mode, so that the building
continues to receive some of its electrical needs from the electrical network, but it may also
export some electricity to the electrical network. These can be used to provide heating and
electricity to district heating schemes, apartment buildings, hotels, guest houses, commercial
buildings and small industries. They can run on natural gas, light oil gas, biogas, rape oil
and/or RME. These products are either already available commercially or they are close to
market entry.
A number of different conversion technologies have been developed for the application in
micro CHP systems.
Definition of micro CHP
Stirling engines are thermal engines where the heat is generated externally in a
separate combustion chamber (external combustion engines). They are also
equipped with a generator and heat exchanger(s).
Micro gas turbines are small gas turbines belonging to the group of turbo machines
up to an electric power output of 300 kWel. In order to raise the electrical output mi-
cro gas turbines are equipped with a recuperator (heat/heat exchanger). They are
also equipped with a regular heat exchanger in order to use the waste heat from the
exhaust gases.
ORC: The Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is similar to the cycle of a conventional
steam turbine, except for the fluid that drives the turbine, which is a high molecular
mass organic fluid. The selected working fluids allow exploiting efficiently low tem-
perature heat sources to produce electricity in a wide range of power outputs (from
few kW up to 3 MW electric power per unit).
Fuel cells are electrochemical energy converters similar to primary batteries. Fuel
cell micro CHP systems are either based on the low temperature polymer electrolyte
membrane fuel cells (PEFC or PEMFC) which operate at about 80 C, or on high
temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) working at around 800 - 1000 C.
Various other technologies, such as steam cells, thermoelectric devices, etc. are
still under development.
While reciprocating plants are already commercially available, stirling engines, ORC and
micro-gas turbines are close to it with a substantial number of pilot and demonstration plants
being in operation. Fuel cells are still in the R&D phase1 with a number of pilot plants cur-
rently being tested. (see Table 1 for comparison of the state of the art micro CHP technolo-
R&D is the abbreviation for research and development.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
Figure 1 Comparison of the technological state of the art of micro CHP technologies using
R&D cycles (Source: characterisation is based on the EU ATLAS project,
State of the art of micro CHP technologies
The previous chapter showed an overview of the available technology portfolio available for
micro CHP systems. This chapter provides a detailed description of the different technolo-
gies up to an electrical power output of 1000 kWel. A special focus is given to the available
product portfolio in this power range. Due to the many technology providers, distributors and
the many available products the descriptions receive a special focus on a power < 50 kWel. Diesel engines (incl. the usage of biodiesel and rape oil)
They are also called compression-ignition engines. Most Diesel engines running in CHP
units are four stroke engines with a cycle consisting of intake, compression, combustion and
exhaust. During the first stroke air is drawn into the combustion chamber through an intake
valve, and then during the second stroke, a little part of the air is compressed bringing its
temperature to about 440 C. At the end of the compression phase vaporised fuel is injected
within the chamber. The high temperature provokes the instant combustion of the fuel-air
mixture. The final stroke consists in the exhaust of the combustion gases. This kind of en-
gine presents a higher power to heat ratio compared to spark ignition engines, and operates
through a large scale of very small sizes from 5 kWel for small units to a power equivalent of
some 10 MWel for large systems.
In the last few years a trend for using biodiesel and rape oil in diesel engines could be moni-
tored. Due to the excellent biodegradability and to its low ecotoxicity of rape oil/biodiesel the
deployment of CHP plants in ecological sensible regions receives major attention. Further-
more such systems achieve high efficiencies, do not produce any direct CO2 emissions and
contribute to a sustainable energy supply in green lodges. For these reasons several alpine
refuges were equipped with rape oil/biodiesel CHP systems mainly in Austria and Germany.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
However, some particular details have to be taken into account when using biodiesel or rape
oil in diesel engines:
By using biodiesel in diesel engines it has to be taken into account that the diesel engine
(especially the rubber parts and the seals/gaskets) is capable to use biodiesel. A mixture of
biodiesel and fossil diesel can be used without any problems; even a 100 % usage of bio-
diesel. When using biodiesel in CHP systems the emissions of particles, NMHC, CO are
lower than with fossil diesel. The usage of Oxi-catalysts further improves the emissions. Due
to the fact that biodiesel shows hygroscopic characteristics unintended water uptake should
be avoided. Otherwise the storage of biodiesel should be as careful as with fossil fuel.
Due to the specific characteristics of rape oil in comparison with diesel and/or light fuel oil the
CHP system requires adjusted plant components in the fuel storage system, in the fuel
system, in the fuel preheating unit, in the injection system and in the engine itself. Principally
a number of vegetable oils could be used in diesel engines. However, most experience
exists by using rape oil. Furthermore minimum requirements of the characteristics of rape oil
have already been defined by the Weihenstephaner quality standard and consecutively by
a German prenorm DIN V 51605.
The next table summarises the characteristics both of diesel and spark ignition engines.
State of the art of micro CHP technologies
The investment costs for micro CHP systems vary significantly depending on the kind of
technology. Furthermore there exists a high dependency of the specific investment costs
from the electrical power output. Figure 2 gives an overview for standard prices for CHP
systems based on reciprocating engines for natural gas CHP, fuel oil CHP, biogas CHP and
rape-oil CHP plants. The prices include hardware, transport, assembly, starting, commission-
ing and acceptance tests. The lines in Figure 2 represent average price levels based on 250
quotations from over 40 suppliers.
Rape-oil CHP
Biogas CHP
Natural gas CHP
Standard Prices [/kWel]
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Electrical Power Outpt [kWel]
Concerning the maintenance of reciprocating CHP systems many forms of service contracts
may be agreed with the suppliers and/or distribution companies. The simplest form includes
only the delivery of spare parts and the repair work is done by the plant operators staff. In
case of no available staff by the operator full service contracts are closed to provide the
continuous maintenance of the CHP plant.2 Figure 3 gives an overview of average standard
prices for full maintenance contracts showing again a high dependency of the prices from the
electrical power output. The lines represent average price levels based on over 180 quota-
Principles for drafting of service contracts are provided in VDI 4680: Combined heat and power systems (CHPS) -
principles for the drafting of service contracts.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
Biogas CHP
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Electrical Power Output [kWel]
Principally the standard prices of natural gas CHP can be also used as orientation for
oil/diesel CHP systems including a supplement due to higher maintenance intervals. Roughly
the prices are between 1 and 5 cents/kWh for full service contracts. This price level also
applies for rape-oil CHP plants. Due to the higher price levels for oil/diesel CHPs a trend to
LPG systems could be observed in Austria in the last years. Companies offering LPG addi-
tionally offered special financing and operation modes to support and foster this trend.
Micro turbines function similar to their large-scale counterparts, but their electrical efficiency
is only about 15%. However, this figure can be improved with the installation of a recuperator
(heat/heat exchanger) that preheats air used during the combustion process by reusing
exhausting gas heat. This device also allows varying the power to heat ratio (see Figure 4).
The core component of micro turbine systems could achieve in the last years very compact
technical designs (see Figure 5).
State of the art of micro CHP technologies
Figure 4 left side: system diagram of micro CHP gas turbine (Source: Bowman Power Sys-
tems Ltd.); right side: T28-60/80L plant in the heating station in Delmenhorst (Germany)
(Source: Austrian Energy Agency)
Figure 5 Capstones C30 micro turbine generator (Source: Capstone Turbine Corporation)
Micro turbines are still more expensive than internal combustion engines (see the compari-
son of investment costs in Figure 6). Because of the few moving parts of the device lower
operation and maintenance costs are possible compared to combustion engines. The life
expectancy of micro turbines is over 40.000 hours. The principle characteristics of micro gas
turbines are shown in the next table.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
Natural gas CHP
2500,00 Gasturbo
Standard Prices [Euro/kWel]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Electrical Power Output [kWel]
Figure 6 Dependency of specific investment prices for selected micro gas turbines in com-
parison with reciprocating engines as function of the electrical power output in a power range
till 100 kWel (Source: price function of reciprocating engines is based on [Lit 18], prices for
micro turbines are based on [Lit 20], [Lit 21], [Lit 22])
The so-called stirling cycle consists of the expansion and compression of a working gas,
generally helium or hydrogen, inside a chamber featuring a system of pistons and crank/-
shaft mechanisms to move the gas around. The pistons can be arranged in different ways,
e.g. two pistons in one cylinder, two pistons and two cylinders per cycle, or four cylinders
with four double acting pistons leading to four separated cycles.
State of the art of micro CHP technologies
The stirling engine technology is on the verge of commercialisation. For this reason almost
no statistical data on reliability, availability or prices are available. Stirling engine develop-
ments in the car industry during the 70s could not beat the conventional diesel and Otto
engines. Yet, the promising prospects in terms of emission, noise, vibration and efficiency
stimulate the further R&D into this device for CHP applications.
The organic working fluid is vaporised by application of a heat source in the evaporator. The
organic fluid vapour expands in the turbine and is then condensed using a flow of water in a
shell-and-tube heat exchanger (alternatively, ambient air can be used for cooling). The
condensate is pumped back to the evaporator thus closing the thermodynamic cycle. Heat-
ing and cooling sources are not directly in contact with the working fluid nor with the turbine.
For high temperature applications (e.g. combined heat and power biomass-powered plants,
high temperature thermal oil is used as a heat carrier and a regenerator is added, to further
improve the cycle performance.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
The system also has practical advantages, such as simple start-stop procedures, quiet
operation, minimum maintenance requirements, good part load performance.
The company Turboden presently the European market leader in ORC product develop-
ments located in Brescia (Italy) has developed a standard range of turbo generators using
as working fluid silicone oil.
Table 4 Sizes of standard ORC turbo generators for biomass powered CHP proposed as
standard by Turboden (Source: [Lit 14])
So far biomass fuelled ORC systems have been mainly applied in the wood processing
industry and in the local district heating systems. For green lodges the standard power
outputs seem too large in order to realise feasible technical and economic solutions.
RPM is the abbreviation for revolutions per minute.
State of the art of micro CHP technologies
Figure 8 The Admont (Austria) T450-CHP unit during installation on site in 1999 (Source:
Both systems are equipped with auxiliary burners and boilers in order to be used for heat
driven operation modes. In the years 2002 till 2006 five micro CHP systems were tested in
Austria confirming the early R&D stage of fuel cell systems.
By the end of 2005 Sulzer Hexis company announced that they are discontinuing its SOFC R&D activities. Latest
news point to a continuation of the Hexis product development on a smaller level.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
Figure 9 Sulzer Hexis 1 kWel/3kWth Fuel Cell Systems equipped with aux. Burner (Source:
Sulzer Hexis)
Presently major R&D programmes are carried out world-wide in order to push forward these
technologies (f. ex. as part of the 6th and 7th EU R&D programme, R&D programmes from
USA, Japan, etc.).
Figure 10 Front and side view of Sachs 5 kWel/12,5 kWth HKA G and F (courtesy of
State of the art of micro CHP technologies
Table 5 Technical data sets of Dachs HKA (Source: www.senertec.de, January 2006)
Type DACHS HKA G 5.5 HKA G 5.0 HKA F 5.5 HKA HR 5.3
Low NOx Low NOx
Fuel Natural Natural gas LPG *) ELFO **) Biodiesel
Electrical output [kW] 5,5 5,0 5,5 5,3 5,3
Electrical output [kW] 12,5 12,3 12,5 10,5 10,3
Fuel input [kW] 20,5 19,6 20,5 17,9 17,6
Max. water flow temp. 83 C
Max. water return temp. 70 C
Voltage / frequency 3 ~ 230 V / 400 V 50 Hz
- electrical 27% 26% 27% 30% 30%
- thermal 61% 63% 61% 59% 59%
-Fuel efficiency 88% 89% 88% 89% 89%
CHP coefficient 0,44 0,41 0,44 0,50 0,51
Noise level at 1 m dB(A) 52 - 56 54 - 58
Emissions < TA-Luft X X X
Emissions < 1/2TA-Luft X X
Service intervals [running 3.500 3.500 3.500 2.700 Recom-
hours] mended:
Minimum methane number 35 35 35
*) Liquefied petroleum gas; **) Extra Light Fuel Oil
Other companies offering micro CHP products based on reciprocating engines include
Power Plus (recently purchased by the boiler company Vaillant) with its 4,7 kWel Ecopower
module, capable of modulating its capacity (see Figure 11 and Table 6).
Figure 11 Ecopowers 1,3 - 4,7 kWel (modulating) / 4 - 12,5 kWth (modulating) micro CHP
system (Source: www.minibhkw.de, January 2006)
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
Table 6 Valentins small scale CHP unit distributed by Ecopower (Source: Power Plus)
Other companies offering engine based micro CHP systems are: Spilling Energie Systeme
GmbH (see Figure 12 and
State of the art of micro CHP technologies
Table 7), Buderus (see Table 8), Oberdorfer (< 150 kWel) (see Table 9) and GE Jenbacher
(> 100 kWel) (see Table 10). A product list of all producers and distributors would be beyond
of this report. Nevertheless a list of the most known companies is provided in Annex 7.1.
As already outlined in section in the last few years a trend for using biodiesel and
rape oil in diesel engines could be monitored. Compared to fossil diesel advantages are
given by its excellent biodegradability and its low ecotoxicity. CHP systems based on bio-
diesel/rape oil achieve also high efficiencies, do not produce any direct CO2 emissions and
contribute to a sustainable energy supply in green lodges. A list of suppliers has been
compiled and this list is attached to Annex 7.2.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
Table 8 Logano CHP product series from Buderus company (Source: Buderus Heiztechnik)
CHP Module DN-20 MN-20 DN-50 DN-70 DN-100 TE-150 LE-190 DN-200
Electr. output 18 18 50 70 120 143 190 238
Therm. output 34 32 81 115 200 220 290 363
Fuel input [kW] 56 54 145 204 350 407 560 667
Electr. effi- 32,1 33,3 34,5 34,3 34,3 35,1 35,5 35,7
ciency [%]
Therm. effi- 60,7 59,3 55,9 56,4 57,1 54,1 51,8 54,4
ciency [%]
Total efficiency 92,9 92,6 90,3 90,7 91,4 89,2 87,3 90,1
Engine type AEG AEG E 0824 E 0836 E 2876 E 2876 E E 2876 LE E 2842
Engine speed 1500 1500 1500 1.500 1500 1500 1500 1500
Characteristics = 1, > 1 lean = 1, = 1, = 1, > 1 lean Lean operation = 1,
three operation three three three operation ~ 1,6 (with turbo three
way (no turbo way way way (incl. biogas charging) (incl. way
catalyst charging) catalyst catalyst catalyst and sew- biogas and catalyst
age) sewage)
State of the art of micro CHP technologies
Table 10 GE Jenbachers natural gas CHP systems (Natural gas / NOx < 500 mg/Nm3)5
(Source: GE Jenbacher)
5 3
Source: Also available in models achieving NOx < 250 mg/Nm .
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
Table 11 Characteristics of Hondas Ecowill micro CHP system (Source: [Lit 16])
Other companies from the Asian region offering micro CHP products are Yanmar, Aisin and
Sanyo. From the United States Victor Cogen is also developing a micro CHP system. It is
State of the art of micro CHP technologies
expected that these companies will start to distribute their systems in the next few years in
Europe after having completed their R&D efforts using their home markets.
The New Zealand-based company WhisperTech is developing a stirling engine called Whis-
per Gen, with a capacity of up to 1,2 kWel and 8 kWth of heat (see Figure 14). In the Whis-
perGen power stations, four sets of piston cylinders are put in an axial arrangement. As
stirling engines require very precisely produced components, the scale-up from small scale
to series production presents a considerable challenge. The British utility Powergen, part of
Germanys E.ON, has ordered 80.000 WhisperGen power stations in 2005. At this stage
information about the results of the field tests could not be received by Powergen company.
Figure 14 Whispertechs four cylinder -stirling micro CHP plant (1.2 kWel/4,8 kWth; modulat-
ing system) (Courtesy of WhisperTech)
With respect to systems above of 1 kW electrical capacity, the German companies SOLO,
Mayer&Cie. and Sunmachine have been developing Stirling machines. The Solo engine has
sold around 60 units (including test units) by the end of 2005 in Europe.
Table 12 Technical characteristics of the Solo Stirling 161 microKWK-Modul (Source: Solo)
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
Total efficiency 92 - 96 %
(in condensing mode)
Working gas Helium
Service intervals 5.000 - 8.000 h
Emissions CO 40 60 mg/m3
Emissions NOx 80 - 120 mg/m3
Emissions NMHC max. 2 mg/m3
Dimensions (L x B x H) 128 x 70 x 98 cm
Weight 450 kg
Output and efficiencies are based on flow tempera-
ture of 50 C in the heating system
Other companies developing micro CHP systems based on stirling engines are: MicroGen
(UK), SunMachine (Germany), EnAtEC micro-cogen B.V. (Netherlands), Stirling Systems
(CH), etc. However, the product developments of these companies are still in the R&D
phase. Solo and Sunmachine are also experimenting with wood pellet burners and solar
Applications of micro CHP plants (including planning, selection, integration into the heat and
electricity system)
4.1 General
The main potential of micro CHP systems is mainly seen in buildings with central heating
systems. This generally means that conventional heating systems are replaced by electricity
generators with heat exchanger(s), peak load and storage boilers. The produced heat is
used for space and water heating and possibly cooling, the electricity is used within the
building or fed into the grid.
Figure 16 Conceptual visualisation of the application of micro CHP plants (Source: [Lit 2])
In the last few years a trend for the usage of micro CHP units in isolated regions could be
monitored. Especially buildings with no grid connection and/or less reliable electrical energy
supply were using micro CHP systems in connection with battery systems and hot water
tanks. Moreover instead of using diesel as fuel, nowadays environmentally friendly rape oil
and/or biodiesel is used in these micro CHP systems. Especially in ecological sensible
regions like mountains due to reasons of air-, soil- and water/groundwater conservation, etc.
these systems have decisive environmental advantages (especially in case of usage of
natural untreated rape oil).
In the past several studies have been carried-out in order to determine the potential of micro
CHP units in Europe. For example, studies, such as MicroMap ([Lit 2]) see a large potential
for micro CHP plants. They developed scenarios according to which in 2020 some 5 to in
the optimistic scenario 12 million Micro CHP systems could be delivered in Europe, with
United Kingdom, Germany and Netherlands as initial markets. MicroMap concluded that
stirling engines have the highest potential in domestic energy supply. The FutureCogen
project estimated that under optimistic assumptions, up to 50 GWel in EU15 could be in-
stalled ([Lit 5]). The mass market for micro CHP will be mainly seen in the replacement of
gas and oil heating boilers.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
In spite of the sustainability potential identified above, the European development of micro
CHP systems in competitive markets is rather disenchanting. The large gap between expec-
tations and reality make it important to identify the barriers which are responsible for this
discrepancy. Main reasons are seen in the rather slow technology development, in the
assessment of the economic opportunities, in the political framework, f. ex. the institutional
and regulatory framework, in lacking innovation policies, and consumer acceptance (see
also chapter 5).
As micro CHP systems are not very developed in all European regions/countries participat-
ing in Green Lodges project, the next chapters should provide the project partners with
information and tools to make feasibility studies in their own regions/countries.
In this context tables giving additional guidelines to the project partners are also included in
the next sections.
Applications of micro CHP plants (including planning, selection, integration into the heat and
electricity system)
HFO ****)
Solid Coal/coke
Heat Warm
Hot water
Electricity HT *****)
LT *****)
*) Lower Heating Value; **) Extra Light Fuel Oil; ***) Light Fuel Oil; ****) Heavy Fuel Oil;
*****) HT = high tariff, LT = low tariff)
4.2.2 Determination of the energy demand structure for electricity and heat; drawing
up and evaluation of load curves
This step includes the determination of the consumption patterns for electricity and heat
while taking into account physical parameter (required temperature levels, etc.) and the
operational hours. The measurements have to cover representative time periods.
Typical daily/weekly load curves and annual load curves should be determined. In practise,
daily load curves for the heat and electricity demand or heat and electricity generation are
rarely available for the days over a representative period. This means that it is necessary to
determine the demand and generation as realistically as possible on the basis of a few,
typical daily load curves. It will be necessary to assure in each individual case whether that
representative figures are available.
The following periods could be used for the determination of typical daily load curves both for
heat and electricity:
Heat demand including hot water supply (five daily load curves)
A more detailed understanding of the requirements for heat and electricity may be obtained
by analyzing additional typical daily load curves. The identification of typical daily load curves
has to be undertaken with caution. For example, the typical load curve for a winters working
day should be one which is representative for all 125 working days!
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
The heat demand should be covered by the heat generated by the micro CHP plant system
and, when applicable, by the additional installed boiler. While the electricity demand should
be covered by the electricity generated by the micro CHP plant system, when applicable
supplemented by additional electricity from the grid and/or other systems (other generators,
batteries, etc.). An example of a yearly load curve is shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17 Example of an annual load duration curve of the heat demand (Source: Lit 27])
The rectangels present thermal power ranges that could be delivered by micro CHP systems (continuous lines with
6.500 hours; interrupted lines with 3.500 hours). The areas in which the heat generation of the CHP is above the
heat demand curve corresponds to the charging time of the storage tanks (normally part of the CHP system). These
operations can extend the operation times of the micro CHP plants.
*) Extra Light Fuel Oil; **) Light Fuel Oil, ***) Heavy Fuel Oil
Applications of micro CHP plants (including planning, selection, integration into the heat and
electricity system)
It is preferable to know how the individual types of energy are used both in terms of quanti-
ties, outputs, temporal usage (= load curve) and temperature levels (particularly return
temperature). If no data are available, measurements could be taken over representative
periods to overcome these knowledge gaps.
In case of larger buildings (f. ex. hotels, hospitals, etc. ) with more complex energy systems
plans for the different types of energy with details of the supply and extraction points, the
dimensions, the pressure and temperature zones should be available or drawn up. An en-
ergy flow diagram helps furthermore to avoid multiple accounting and misinterpretations.
Possible energy saving measures should be identified (as done in WP1 of green lodges
project). Furthermore changes in the future energy demand (f. ex. due to renovations, ex-
pansions, etc.) should also be taken into account. The energy demand corrected by the
energy saving and the anticipated demand should be taken into account in the future de-
mand structure (corrected load curves).
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
Figure 18 Basic scheme of storage tank integration by series connection of CHP and boiler
(Source: Lit 27])
Table 17 Typical volumes of storage tanks in comparison of the thermal power output of
CHP systems (Source: Lit 27])
The concept for selecting a CHP system includes the following steps:
CHP plant
Model Type
electrical kWel
Temperature difference: T = 30 K, 2/3 of the storage volume can be used for one full load hour.
Applications of micro CHP plants (including planning, selection, integration into the heat and
electricity system)
*) Lower Heating Value; **) Extra Light Fuel Oil; ***) Heavy Fuel Oil; ****) HT = high tariff, LT = low tariff)
4.4.2 Load curves for electricity and heat generation by the CHP system
The load curves for electricity and heat production by the CHP system should by drawn up
and compared/adapted to meet the load curves of the future energy demand (see Table 16).
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
implemented by means of an energy management system which selects the optimum oper-
ating mode for the specific requirements. This should already be considered in the early
planning phase.
The controlling variable for the operation of the CHP system is in this operation mode always
the heat demand. The electricity generated has to be supplied (for own use or to be fed into
the grid). The CHP system may be supported by additional boilers in order to cover the heat
For this operation mode the electricity demand is the controlling variable for the power output
from the CHP system. Principally there are two operation modes possible:
(i) When working in parallel with other systems, the CHP system supplies the consumers
until it reaches its maximum electrical output. Extra requirements are covered by the
public grid.
(ii) When working independently, the CHP system (very often in combination with a battery
system) has to cover the consumers demand on its own.
(iii) By taking additional measures the CHP system may also be used as stand-by power
supply system.
The thermal energy which is produced simultaneously by the CHP system should be used as
good as possible, where appropriate heat storage tanks or other measures may be used for
heat storage.
In order to achieve an optimum match with demand and supply it is possible to implement
several operation modes. The selection of the most favourable operation mode should be
determined by economic criteria.
Applications of micro CHP plants (including planning, selection, integration into the heat and
electricity system)
Module characteristics
Model Type Quantity
Module output
Thermal When t =
Fuel requirements
Electricity balance
Demand CHP system Supplementary Surplus Utilization period
generation demand
kWhel/a kWhel/a kWhel/a kWhel/a h/a
Thermal balance
Demand CHP system Supplementary Surplus Utilization period
generation demand
kWhth/a kWhth/a kWhth/a kWhth/a h/a
4.5.1 General
Different selections and quotations for installation modules may influence the technological
and economic outcome of the feasibility and planning concepts.
The economic and ecological optimum should be determined by varying the module size and
module number of the CHP system. The results of the energy balances may be used as a
basis for evaluating the economic efficiency.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
The most significant factors to take into account are the investment costs, the operation and
maintenance costs and profits. Furthermore the tariffs for electricity, for fuel and heat appli-
cable for every alternative (energy price, capacity charge, LT, HT8, demand, purchase price,
feed-in price) and the energy balance meeting the daily and annual load curves (full load
hours) for electricity and heat play a significant role in the economics.
The evaluation of the economic efficiency of CHP systems may be performed using familiar
methods used in investment mathematics. Preference should be given to the following
By using the annuity method (with reference to VDI 2067 Part 7 [Lit 12] and Part 1 [Lit 11])
the annual capital costs are calculated from the investments determined on the basis of an
interest rate fixed with the owner and the corresponding period of use using the subsequent
annuity. The annual costs are added up and the value of the electricity generation is sub-
tracted to produce the annual costs of heat production or the specific costs of heat produc-
tion for each individual variant (in case of calculating the specific costs for electricity the
value of heat is subtracted). However, this calculation is based on the assumption of con-
stant, annual flow of funds. Price increases, and particularly the different price increases for
individual types of energy, are not taken into consideration.
The net present value method is used to calculate the present value of an investment. This
is made up of the difference between all discounted cash outflow costs and inflows at a
specific point in time. This method may also take price increases into consideration. The
trend of the net present value over the years of useful life shows both the payback period
and the profit at the end of the useful period. The payback period which reflects the time
between the time of investment and the time at which the capital investment is recovered
provides information of economic efficiency and is also an important parameter for assessing
the financial risk. The shorter the payback period, the lower is the risk of the investment.
Both the information on the risk and details of the achievable profit are helpful when select-
ing a suitable concept.
The internal rate of return method calculates the actual percentage rate of return on the
capital investment. A comparison between the calculated internal rate of return and a pre-
For detailed information concerning the economic efficiency of building installations see also VDI 2067, Part 1 and
7 [Lit 9], [Lit 10].
LT and HT are the abbreviations for low and high tariff.
Applications of micro CHP plants (including planning, selection, integration into the heat and
electricity system)
set, internal calculation rate may be used for an investment appraisal. This method can also
take price increases into account. It may be helpful to use a sensitivity analysis when evalu-
ating future economic development, for example, price increases. The variation of individual
influential factors within a feasible, apparently realistic bandwidth reveals their effect on the
economic efficiency of the plant.
Even though the economic efficiency of a concept for CHP systems is an important criterion
in the selection procedure, it is also necessary to take into account other arguments like
reliability of the supply, emissions (f. ex. noise, emissions, etc.) produced by the individual
concept, construction requirements, etc.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
10 Constructions/foundations
CHP module(s)
Peak Load boiler
11 Building
12 Sound proofing
13 Estate
14 Planning costs
15 Delivery
16 Approval costs
17 Acceptance costs
4.5.6 Simplified examples for the economics of micro- and mini CHP plants
In this section simplified examples of the economics of micro- and mini CHP plants are
introduced. Three typical micro-/mini CHP plants fuelled with natural gas and with an electri-
cal power output of < 100 kW have been taken into account as typical examples for possible
applications in small and medium sized hotels (green lodges). These are: (i) the low NOx 5,0
kWel micro CHP plant from Senertec company, and (ii) the 70 and 90 kWel mini-CHP plants
from Oberdorfer Kraft-Wrme-Kopplung GmbH in Austria. Furthermore a 60 kWel micro gas
turbine from Capstone packaged by G.A.S. company in Germany was also included. The
data sets used for the economic analysis are summarized in Table 21.
Table 21 Parameters for the economic analysis (Source: Austrian Energy Agency)
Applications of micro CHP plants (including planning, selection, integration into the heat and
electricity system)
*) Because of missing experience for the micro gas turbine a life time of 10 years was assumed.
Figure 19 gives an overview of payback periods for four micro-/mini-CHP plants as function
of full load hours in possible green lodges projects. Because of the lower specific invest-
ment and maintenance costs of larger CHP systems (f. ex. the 70 kWel and 90 kWel CHP
plants) the payback periods of the larger ones are much lower than for the 5 kW unit. Pro-
jects with 4000 to 4500 full load hours can achieve payback periods of < 5 years. For micro
CHP systems longer pay back periods have to be accepted. Any decrease of costs (f. ex. in
form of subsidies, low integration costs, etc.) improve the payback periods significantly.
18 ICE 5,0 kW
Micro GT 60kW
ICE 70 kW
ICE 90 kW
Payback period [Years]
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Figure 19 Dependency of the return on investment upon the achieved full load hours
(Source: Austrian Energy Agency)
When implementing a concrete project the cost effectiveness of the project has to be ana-
lysed by using sensitivity analysis. In Figure 20 a sensitivity analysis was carried involving
the 90 kWel system. The base case (with 5000 full load operating hours) involves the 90 kWel
CHP plant with the parameters introduced in Table 21 and in Figure 19.
Both the fuel price and the full load hours have the biggest influence on the payback period
of the project. If the full load hours increase by 10 % the pay back period will improve to 3,3
years (from 3,7 years). On the opposite if the full load hours decrease by 10 %, the pay back
period will increase by 4,2 years. Similar effects have an increase of the fuel prices by 10 %.
In this case the payback period increases by around 20 % (from 3,7 years to 4,4 years). A
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
decrease of the natural gas price of 10 % also has the effect that the payback period de-
creases by 14 % (to 3,2 years).
Fuel price
Investment costs
Full load hours
Payback period [Years]
70% 80% 90% 100% 110% 120% 130%
Parameter variation
Figure 20 Parameter variation of the fuel prices, the investment costs and the full load hours
Base case: 90 kWel CHP micro CHP plant, 5000 full load hours, other parameters: see Table
21 (Source: Austrian Energy Agency)
4.6.1 Integration into the heat distribution system (heat driven operation mode)
The micro CHP gets installed like any additional boiler. The return flow temperature should
be as low as possible (< 70 C) and the micro CHP should take priority over the boiler (base
load) to achieve a long operation time and to keep the pulse rate as low as possible. The
priority operation of the micro CHP is ensured by the central control unit.
Because the micro CHP is only designed for the thermal part load; the additional installed
boilers have a higher thermal output. Furthermore it is recommended to equip the boilers
with modulating burners in order to avoid high temperature changes in the return flow of the
heating system.
Generally the hydraulic integration should be cost-efficient and safe to operate. In case of
already existing heating systems bigger reconstructions should be avoided. Important criteria
for the hydraulic integration of the micro CHP system are:
Applications of micro CHP plants (including planning, selection, integration into the heat and
electricity system)
Space conditions
Basically there are two ways of hydraulic integration of micro CHP plant and boiler: (i) the
series connection and (ii) the parallel integration.
It is advisable to install a boiler by-pass line to avoid a flow through the boiler if the boiler
isnt needed (off-peak periods). Experience of the past could show that the series connection
is very safe to operate and long CHP operation periods can be achieved.
Figure 21 Basic scheme of series connection of Micro CHP and boiler (Source: Lit 27])
In case of the parallel integration the water of the return flow is distributed proportional to the
performance of the individual system (a higher performance of every individual system can
be reached). To avoid any adverse effects by flow rate changes it is advisable to decouple
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
heat generators (primary side) and heat consumers (secondary side) by a compensating line
(hydraulic switch).
Figure 22 Basic scheme of parallel integration of Micro CHP and boiler (Source: Lit 27])
If the CHP system is only equipped with a module control the CHP operates till the tempera-
ture of the return flow passes the desired flow temperature (f. ex. approx. 70 C).
Usually the heat demand is covered by a CHP unit and a peak load boiler. For this reason a
central control unit for the whole system is necessary.
Applications of micro CHP plants (including planning, selection, integration into the heat and
electricity system)
To reduce the start-ups and maximise the operation time the CHP has to take priority over
the boiler. First the central control system switches on the CHP modules (in case of installa-
tion of multiple modules) and if the heat demand is still raising the installed boilers gets
switched on sequential. The switching should be almost stepless or in continuous form in
order to provide the appropriate heat demand.
Operation of systems in parallel connection to the public grid with the same voltage
and same frequency; asynchronous or synchronous generators may be used
Independent operation no connection to the public grid; only synchronous generators
may be used
Emergency operation if required, this may be an emergency standby in case of main
failure; synchronous generators are required. Technical and organisational rules for the operation of micro CHP systems in
parallel with the grid
In Austria the basic technical framework for the integration of decentralised energy resources
is defined by the Technical and organisational rules for operators and users of transmission
and distribution networks (TOR) as part of the ElWOG the Austrian Electricity Act (see
Table 22). The TOR represent the national grid code and the TOR is also part of the so
called Market rules for the liberalised electricity market, which have a special legal status,
similar to a law.
Table 22 Austrian market rules for the liberalised electrcity market (Source: [Lit 25])
Issued by/responsible
Document title Abstract Technical Committee
ELWOG 2002 This law implements the EU electric- Ministry of Economy and
Elektrizittswirtschafts- 2004 ity directive and regulates the Labour Section Energy
und Organisationsgesetz liberalised Electricity market in
(Electricity Act) Austria
The first edition of the TOR was published in 2001, following the opening of the electricity
market, by E-Control Ltd. the official body responsible for the monitoring of the liberalised
energy market in Austria. In this function E-Control also coordinates the development of the
national grid code. Meanwhile, several parts were updated and adapted to the latest devel-
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
Out of the 6 main parts of the TOR, there are 2 documents which are of special relevance for
DG and grid connection. The first one TOR D2 describes procedures for the assessment of
network interferences and states limits for the permissible impact. Although it is primarily
dedicated to the assessment of loads, there is a special section that provides guidelines for
the treatment of generators.
Parallel operation issues like installation, protection devices, voltage control and others are
covered by the TOR D4 (Parallel operation of generation units connected to distribution
networks). This document is rather less detailed and contains more basic guidelines for
DNOs9 than specific requirements. These specific requirements are laid down by the DNOs
themselves, based on the local grid situation and the capacity and technology of the distrib-
uted generator.
Last Issued by
Document title Abstract
revision /responsible TC
TOR Technische und Various dates The TOR series of documents Energie-Control
organisatorische Regeln fr represent the national grid code. This GmbH (Austrian
Betreiber und Benutzer von series consists of 6 parts which cover regulator), Working
bertragungs- und Verteiler- almost all issues related to the group TOR, experts
netzen gem ELWOG technical and organisational operation from E-Control,
(General technical and of electricity grids. For DG, two parts DNOs and Austrian
organisational rules for are relevant, Part D2 (grid interference Utility Association
operators and users of and PQ) and D4 (grid-interconnection
transmission and distribution of DG)
grids according to the
Austrian electricity act
TOR Part D2 Recommen- 01.06.2004 General guidelines for the assessment Energie-Control
dations for the assessment of of grid interference caused by equip- GmbH (Austrian
network interferences ment connection of power supply regulator), Working
TOR D2: 2004 systems. Section 9 provides special group TOR, experts
guidelines for the assessment of from E-Control,
impacts caused by DG units. DNOs and Austrian
Utility Association
TOR Part D4 Parallel 2001 Technical rules for the grid intercon- Energie-Control
operation of generation units nection and operation of DG units in GmbH (Austrian
connected to distribution parallel with the distribution grid. regulator), Working
networks group TOR, experts
TOR D4: 2001 from E-Control,
DNOs and Austrian
Utility Association
Concerning the international cogeneration standards the draft EN 50438 Requirements for
the connection of micro-cogenerators in parallel with public low voltage distribution networks
is of special interest. With this draft international harmonisation requirements for the connec-
tion of micro CHP systems operating in parallel with public low-voltage distribution networks
get created.
Distribution Network Operators
Applications of micro CHP plants (including planning, selection, integration into the heat and
electricity system)
Standard no. Stage Standard
IEEE 502 Published IEEE Guide for Protection, Interlocking and Control of
Fossil-Fuelled Unit-Connected Steam Stations
UL 2200 Published STANDARD FOR SAFETY Stationary Engine genera-
tor Assemblies
PrEN 50438 Draft CLC/TC8X WG 2 Requirements for the connection of micro-
cogenerators in parallel with public low-voltage
distribution networks
micro CHP
battery management system
storage tank
cooling unit
The stand alone system has to be adapted to the thermal and electrical demand of the
object. Basically a stand alone power supply can be designed for the usage of
The stand alone micro CHP supplies buildings with electricity by means of a battery and
three one-phase inverters to build up a three phase supply network. An additional inverter is
recommended to guarantee the supply. If the batteries are charged, the continuous power
output of the inverters has to guarantee constant electrical power supply. When the micro
CHP is in operation, the power output of the micro CHP and the permanent power of the
inverters sum up to supply the total available power. When the micro CHP is not in operation
the total supply period is determined by the battery capacity and depends on the total con-
sumption. How much of the heat requirement can be covered by the micro CHP depends on
the chosen hydraulic connection.
It is worth mentioning that the maximum rated electrical output of the CHP unit decreases
with increasing sea level. Standard levels of this power loss are listed in the next table.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
The following figure shows an example of the electrical integration of a stand alone micro
Generally, a battery capacity is dimensioned for the electric base load (1/3 to 1/4 of the peak
load). The electric peak has to be covered by the CHP. Standard values for selecting the
battery size are listed in Table 26.
Table 26 Standard values for selecting the battery size (Source: [Lit 27])
A battery with a larger capacity than necessary can reduce the charging/discharging cycles
and increase the battery life. Also if a larger energy demand (exceeding the output of the
Applications of micro CHP plants (including planning, selection, integration into the heat and
electricity system)
CHP) occurs over a long period of time (more than two hours) a larger battery should be
The next table gives an overview about standard values for the time period until next re-
charging (charging level < rated value) and the possible supply time for the different battery
sizes (based on lead acid batteries) depending on the average connected consumption
when the CHP unit is not in operation.
Table 27 Standard values for selecting the battery size (Source: [Lit 27])
For guaranteed power generation the increase of the return flow temperature must be limited
by suitable means (if the heat consumption of the building is too low). The emergency cool-
ing unit always has to be installed in the return flow of the micro CHP. If heating plates are
used to lead off heat it is optimal to use them as good as possible for example in a drying
room. If a swimming pool is used as emergency cooling the excess heat can also be led into
the pool by means of heat exchangers.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
If a heat driven operation mode is applied to the building, an additional heat generator (elec-
trical heating device or boiler) is compulsory.
As follows three possible cases for the hydraulic integration of stand alone micro CHPs are
1. Hydraulic connection primarily for electricity generation: The micro CHP is only op-
erated according to the criteria of electricity generation. In general the micro CHP
system is controlled by the battery management system. If no cold start device10 is
required, there is also no additional electrical heating device necessary.
2. Hydraulic integration in the case of heat and power generation with electrical heating
device: The micro CHP operates according to the criteria of power generation as
well as heat generation. If no cold start device is necessary the electrical heating de-
vice should be installed in the storage tank. If an emergency cooling is necessary it
has to be installed in the return flow of the micro CHP.
By continuous temperated system no cold start system is necessary. In case of Senertecs model Dachs WRA a
cold start system is recommended at temperatures below 5 C.
Applications of micro CHP plants (including planning, selection, integration into the heat and
electricity system)
Figure 25 Example of a hydraulic integration for heat and power generation including
electrical heating (Source: [Lit 27])
3. Hydraulic integration with additional boiler: The micro CHP operates only according
to the criteria of power generation. In this case the boiler has to cover the basic heat
demand of the building.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
There are a number of likely barriers to the widespread deployment of micro CHP technolo-
gies. Differentiations of these barriers result in three groups. These are:
cost constraints the lack of demand for micro generation technologies has restricted
the extent to which the industry has been able to exploit scale economies and learning
effects in their production. Combined with the infancy of the industry and the significant
expenditure on R&D associated with product development this means that the costs of these
products are currently very high and act as an economic barrier to their uptake.
technical constraints the lack of metering arrangements that meet the needs associ-
ated with the management of electricity distribution and the needs of the consumer, and the
lack of a comprehensive approach to dealing with the issues surrounding the connection of
micro generators to the distribution network, constitute barriers of a technical nature that
could be preventing take-up of micro generation technologies.
As already outlined in section 4.1 the main target market for micro CHP is the domestic
mass market within the European Union as a replacement for conventional gas and oil
boilers with central heating systems. The MicroMap project [Lit 2] reported that 80% of
replacement/upgrade boiler purchases are estimated to be distressed purchases i.e. where
the existing boiler breaks down and a replacement is required at short notice as the buildings
owner has no heating and/or hot water.
These circumstances mean that the whole process for replacing a boiler with a micro CHP
must be both simple and quick. Customers will not choose micro CHP systems if there is any
scope for delay, additional network costs or any additional paperwork. It is essential, there-
fore, that procedures adopt a plug and play approach.
Micro CHP units are similar in size to other buildings appliances. Their electrical output is
equivalent to the load of their appliances and therefore these appliances can be considered
as negative loads.
The impact of a micro CHP unit on the low voltage network is minute and there is no need
for any additional works outside the domestic premises. A study recently funded by the UK
government [Lit 24] and conducted in co-operation with electricity distribution companies has
concluded that existing distribution networks could accommodate up to a 50% penetration of
all households with micro CHP before there is any noticeable impact on the electricity net-
For this reason there is principally no need for distribution network operators (DNO) to re-
ceive prior notification of installation, though notification after installation is necessary in
order to allow DNOs to track the long-term trends of micro CHP penetration and plan ahead
Barriers for the further introduction of micro CHP systems
for any necessary network reinforcements. This is clearly not the case for larger units where
the impact on the network does indeed warrant prior notification to the DNO and may involve
additional works to be undertaken.
Because micro CHPs target at the mass market, individual certification and testing of each
customers installation by the DNO is neither possible nor necessary. Therefore a type-
certified approach, where the quality of the appliance is already guaranteed by CE-marking,
is required. Again, this necessitates a different approach for micro CHP than for larger sys-
Recognising the specific requirements for micro CHP in 2001 work started on standardisa-
tion of the electrical interface between the unit and the low voltage network. At the European
level CEN11 created a Workshop Agreement on this area and this was completed and pub-
lished by CEN and the National Standards Bodies in February 2003.
Following the completion of the CWA, the work on standardisation was moved to Cenelec for
the development of a European Norm. This work started in February 2003 and is ongoing.
The work is undertaken under the auspices of Cenelec technical committee TC8X WG212.
In parallel, some Member States have been developing their own regulations for the installa-
tion of micro CHP. The UK has already brought forward related changes in legislation, and
published engineering recommendations in this area. Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands
and Austria are also developing regulatory and pseudo-regulatory changes in this area.
Both European and some national standards for the connection of small-scale embedded
generators are developing fast (these are generally up to 16 amps per phase, but in some
countries higher ratings are permitted) in parallel with public low voltage distribution net-
works. There have also been related changes to statutory requirements. This recommenda-
tion adopts the plug and play approach i.e. the installation of a single micro co-generation
unit within a single customers installation can be connected in parallel with the public distri-
bution network without the prior permission of the local DNO. The installer is required to
provide the DNO with information on the installation once commissioned.
There is a need for a harmonised approach at EU level because there is a danger that each
country, or region within a country, will develop differing standards, or guidelines, or it will be
left to DNOs to develop individual requirements. This will create distortions between Member
States, limit trade, the size of the potential market and in some domains be a barrier to entry
(see also Lit 29).
Moreover, the continued presence of vertical integration in the electricity industry in some
Member States creates poor incentives for utilities to accommodate highly energy efficient
measures such as micro CHP. These poor incentives are amplified by the direct and active
involvement of some electricity companies in the development of their own micro CHP
CEN is the abbreviation for European Committee for Standardization.
Draft Cenelec standard prEN50438: Requirements for the connection of micro-generators in parallel with public
low-voltage distribution networks.
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
products. For example, a DNO could, through administrative burden, make it difficult for a
competitors micro CHP product to be connected, and allow much easier passage for the
micro CHP technology in which it holds a direct commercial or financial interest.
Apart from the technological potential, from private and social costs, corporate strategies and
consumer acceptance, the further implementation of micro CHP systems is importantly
influenced by the institutional structures. Institutions guide the strategies of different actors,
producers, consumers and regulators in choosing or not choosing micro CHP systems.
Institutions here are defined as the social rules that enable or constrain action by setting
incentives, providing orientation or prescribing or forbidding specific behaviour. The next
figure shows an exemplaric institutional setting for the deployment of micro CHPs in Ger-
6 Summary
The project Green Lodges aims at promoting and facilitating RES heat & electricity applica-
tions (biomass, solar & micro CHP mainly) in rural lodges, usually located in areas with high
environmental value. D8 report as first deliverable of work package 3 delivers information
regarding the state of the art of micro CHP systems. All kind of CHP applications and tech-
nologies below of 1 MWel (internal combustion engines, diesel engines, stirling engines,
micro gas turbines, ORC plants, fuel cells, etc) using different energy sources (like gas, fuel
oil, rape oil/biodiesel, biogas, etc) were considered. Described products are either already
available commercially or they are close to market entry. The focus of the analysis was on
micro CHP units up to an electrical output of 50 kW following the current definition outlined in
the CHP directive.
Micro CHP products are typically run as heating appliances, providing space heating and
warm water in residential or commercial buildings like conventional boilers. But unlike a
boiler, micro CHP systems generate electricity and heat at very high-efficiencies and there-
fore help to save fuel, cut greenhouse gas emissions and reduce electricity costs. Most units
operate in grid-parallel mode, so that the building continues to receive some of its electrical
needs from the electrical network, but it may also export some electricity to the network.
Cooling applications based on micro CHP and absorption systems still need major R&D
efforts to introduce them in competing markets.
In the last few years a trend for the usage of micro CHP units in isolated regions could be
monitored. Especially buildings with no grid connection and/or less reliable electrical energy
supply were using micro CHP systems in connection with battery systems and hot water
storage tanks. Moreover instead of using diesel/light fuel oil as fuel, nowadays environmen-
tally friendly rape oil and/or biodiesel is used in these micro CHP systems. Especially in
ecological sensible regions like mountains due to reasons of air-, soil- and wa-
ter/groundwater conservation, etc. these systems have decisive environmental advantages
(especially in case of usage of natural untreated rape oil).
As micro CHP systems are not very developed in all the regions/countries of the partner
organisations of green lodges project, Austria is in the position of transferring experience of
the installation and operation of several hundred units in the past few years. Beside of the
technical product portfolio a special focus was laid in this report in the identification of critical
economic success factors like investment costs, O&M costs, calculation methods, and
parameter variations for selecting the final concept. Planning aspects for heat and electricity
integration but also for stand alone versions were described in detail including the different
possible operation modes (i.e. heat and electricity driven modes, or a combination of both).
Tables and Figures giving precise planning guidelines for the analysis of the energy demand
and for the selection of the right micro CHP system were included to enable the partner
organisations for the further deployment of micro CHPs in their own regions/countries.
There are a number of likely barriers to the widespread deployment of micro CHP technolo-
gies. Three types of barriers were highlighted: (i) cost constraints, (ii) information, and (iii)
technical constraints. For the operation of micro CHP systems regional and national regula-
tions (varying from region to region and country to country) governing energy and environ-
mental matters have to be followed. However, instead of individual region and/or country
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
7 Annex
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
85625 Glonn
Tel: +49 8093 / 90 38 0
Heinke Dring Energie GmbH 9 BHKW 9/16,5 LFO
Fischbach 15 The models can be
adapted for the usage
35418 Buseck Gewerbegebiet
of natural gas and
rape oil
22 BHKW 22/40
Tel:+49 6408-504 684
www.heinke-doering.de 37 BHKW 37/66
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
1170 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 804 3382
DEUTZ Power Systems GmbH 240 4000 Natural gas
& Co. KG
Carl-Benz-Str. 1
68167 Mannheim
Tel: +49 621 384 0
Menag Energie AG 25 3916 Natural gas
Bachmatten 5
CH-4435 Niederdorf
Switzerland 25 1696 Biogas
Tel: +41 61 956 2500 Sewage gas
ETW Energietechnik GmbH 130 1560 Natural gas
Ferdinand-Zeppelin-Strae 19
47445 Moers
110 1370 Biogas
Tel: +49 2841 99 90-0
GIESE Energie- und Re- 5 63 LFO / Diesel / RME
geltechnik GmbH
Huchenstr. 3
7,5 35 Rape oil
82178 Puchheim bei Mnchen
5,5 - 63 Natural gas
Tel: + 49 89 / 800 653-00 /LPG/Biogas
Hfler Blockheizkraftwerke 22 1030 Natural gas
Ladestrae 26
88131 Lindau
21 142 Biogas
Tel: +49 8382 25057
SCHMITT-ENERTEC GmbH 105 812 Natural gas
Kottenheimer Weg 37
56727 Mayen, Germany
20 771 Biogas
Tel: +49 2651.409310
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
D-04519 Rackwitz 194 1974 CHP plants in the Natural gas, biogas,
construction sewage gas
forms: industrial
Tel: +49 34294 8360 plants and con-
tvp-energysystems GmbH 100 20000 Natural gas
Lange Zeile 112 Biodiesel
7311 Neckenmarkt
Tel: +43 2610 423 54
ABL-Energietechnik GmbH 30 340 Biogas lean operation
Mhlberger Str. 6
83527 Moosham 35 340 Natural gas lean
Tel: +49 0 8072 3747 04 70 300 LFO,
rape oil operation
Germany Biogas
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
8 Literature
Lit 2 MicroMap (2002): MicroMap - Mini and MicroCHP - Market Assessment and De-
velopment Plan. Study supported by the European Commission. London, FaberMaunsell
Ltd, COGEN Europe, EA Technology, ESTIA Consulting, Energy for Sustainable Develop-
ment, GERG, SIGMA Elektroteknisk AG
Lit 4 Prosmaco (2002): Promotion of small scale cogeneration in rural areas, Study
supported by the European Commission, Inestene, France
Lit 5 Future Cogen (2001): The future of CHP in the European markets the European
cogeneration study, Study supported by the European Commission, ESD, UK
Lit 10 VDI 3985, Principles for the design, construction and acceptance of combined
heat and power plants with internal combustion engines, VDI Gesellschaft Ener-
gietechnik, Berlin, March 2004
Lit 12 VDI 2067 Blatt 7, Economy calculation of heat consuming installations; Block
heating and power station, Dsseldorf, 1998
Lit 13 STIA Holzindustrie (in cooperation with BIOS), Biomass fired CHP plant based on
biomass, Final report of EU project: BM/120/98/AT/IT, Admont, 2001
Lit 14 A. Duvia, M. Gaia, ORC plants for power production from biomass from 0,4 MWel
to 1,5 MWel: Technology, efficiency, practical experiences and economy , paper pre-
sented at the 7th Holzenergie Symposium, October 2002, ETH Zrich (Switzerland)
Micro CHP systems: state-of-the-art
Lit 22 G. Simader, et.al., Analysis of the market potential for micro-gas turbines in
Austria, Study for ATEL company, Vienna, 2001
Lit 23 G. Simader, P. Lackner, P. Lucny, Small and micro scale CHP in Austria, Report
in the frame of the OPET CHP project (Contract Nr.: NNE5/2002/52), Vienna, 2003
Lit 24 Energy Saving Trust on behalf of the DTI in conjunction with Element Energy Limited,
Econnect and Cambridge University Faculty of Economics, Potential for Microgeneration,
study and analysis, London, 2005
Lit 26 Senertec (ed.), Dachs WRA-G/F, Instruction for installation, starting and
maintenance of the 3-phase stand alone grid with the Dachs WRA-G/F, Schweinfurt,
Lit 28 Verein Deutscher Ingeneure, VDI Richtlinie 3985, Grundstze fr Planung, Aus-
fhrung und Abnahme von Kraft-Wrme-Kopplungsanlagen mit Verbrennungskraft-
maschinen, Dsseldorf 2004
Lit 29 R C Knight, et. Al., ELEP European local electricity production deliverable 2.1,
issue 1 distributed generation connection charging within the European Union, Revew
of current practicies, future options and European policy recommendations,
September 2005
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