Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to
Familiarize about the principles of remote sensing and the data acquisition and analysis
of satellite data.
Unit 1 (07)
Physics Of Remote Sensing: Electro Magnetic Spectrum, Physics of Remote Sensing-
Effects of Atmosphere- Scattering Different types Absorption-Atmospheric window- Energy
interaction with surface features Spectral reflectance of vegetation, soil ,and water
atmospheric influence on spectral response patterns- multi concept in Remote sensing.
Unit 2 (08)
Data Acquisition: Types of Platforms different types of aircrafts-Manned and Unmanned
spacecrafts sun synchronous and geo synchronous satellites Types and characteristics of
different platforms LANDSAT,SPOT,IRS,INSAT,IKONOS,QUICKBIRD etc Photographic
products, B/W, colour, colour IR film and their characteristics resolving power of lens and
film - Opto mechanical electro optical sensors across track and along track scanners
multispectral scanners and thermal scanners geometric characteristics of scanner imagery -
calibration of thermal scanners.
Unit 3 (08)
Scattering System: Microwave scatterometry types of RADAR SLAR resolution - range
and azimuth real aperture and synthetic aperture RADAR. Characteristics of Microwave
imagestopographic effect - different types of Remote Sensing platforms airborne and space
borne sensors ERS, JERS, RADARSAT, RISAT - Scatterometer, Altimeter- LiDAR remote
sensing, principles, applications.
Unit 4 (08)
Thermal And Hyper Spectral Remote Sensing: Sensors characteristics - principle of
spectroscopy - imaging spectroscopy field conditions, compound spectral curve, Spectral
library, radiative models, processing procedures, derivative spectrometry, thermal remote
sensing thermal sensors, principles, thermal data processing, applications.
Unit 5 (09)
Data Analysis: Resolution Spatial, Spectral, Radiometric and temporal resolution- signal to
noise ratio- data products and their characteristics - visual and digital interpretation Basic
principles of data processing Radiometric correction Image enhancement Image
classification Principles of LiDAR, Aerial Laser Terrain Mapping.
Course Outcomes:
After completing the course, students will demonstrate ability to
Provide knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts, principles and applications
of remote sensing, particularly the geometric and radiometric principles;
Provide examples of applications of principles to a variety of topics in remote sensing,
particularly related to data collection, radiation, resolution, and sampling.