Librarian: Katrina Barnett Teacher: Andrea Rankin Grade: 3 Library Content: Combination Collaboration Potential: Moderate Objectives
Librarian: Katrina Barnett Teacher: Andrea Rankin Grade: 3 Library Content: Combination Collaboration Potential: Moderate Objectives
Librarian: Katrina Barnett Teacher: Andrea Rankin Grade: 3 Library Content: Combination Collaboration Potential: Moderate Objectives
Students will be able to accurately respond to a constructed response
Students will be able to accurately respond to the constructed response
AASL Standards:
2.1.3 Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to
create products that express new understandings.
Students will write for a specific audience and purpose.
Students will respond to literature with specific reference to the text.
Students will use Padlet to submit their writing.
Audacity- for students who struggle with writing down their thoughts. This
program gives them the opportunity to verbally respond to a constructed
response question.
Find alternative stories that meets the needs of each students reading level.
Hook Read the ant and the Ask higher order thinking
Grasshopper aloud to questions to check for
students. understanding.