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Guidelines For External Prestressing As Strengthening Technique For Concrete Structures PDF

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Guidelines for External Prestressing as Strengthening Technique

for Concrete Structures

Pedro B. Preto

Departamento de engenharia civil of Instituto Superior Tcnico, October 2014

The scarcity of technical documentation on methods for structural strengthening, combined with the
increasing importance of rehabilitation on the construction sector, justifies the work developed on
strengthening using external prestressing, herein presented in the format of guidelines. The selection of
this technique is due to its significant interest in situations where no other technique is adequate, e.g.
removal of columns, as well as to the fact of being probably the one with less information published.
Thus, this article aims at providing structural engineers with design guidelines, covering most relevant
aspects of conception, calculation and detailing, when adopting external prestressing as strengthening

Keywords: Strengthening of Structures; External Prestressing; Reinforced Concrete;

Prestressed Concrete; Structural Retrofitting

1. Introduction there is a need to: (i) drastically change the

structural system, e.g. with the removal of a
Different techniques can be adopted in the
column, being its reaction replaced by a
scope of structural strengthening. The choice
deviation force from the external prestressing
depends on the specific requirements of each
system [1]; (ii) substantially increase the
specific case. Some of the most frequently
flexural strength of a structural element (more
used are the following: (i) addition of shear
common in bridges) [2]; (iii) correct a deficient
walls, (ii) addition of steel bracing; (iii) bonding
service behavior, e.g. excessive deflection or
steel plates; (iv) bonding fiber reinforcement
cracking [1].
polymers (FRP) sheets or laminates; (v)
reinforced concrete jacketing; (vi) steel The following sections present guidelines to
jacketing; and (vii) use of external prestressing. support the design of structures retrofitted with
external prestressing, including materials and
Unlike the other mentioned techniques,
components, as well as calculation and
external prestressing is an active
strengthening technique. For this reason, it
leads to a reduction of deflections, stresses, 2. Guidelines for the use of external
and cracks in structural members. prestressing as a strengthening
technique for concrete structures
Therefore, the application of external
2.1 The external prestressing concept
prestressing is particularly appropriate when

(1) Concerning the structural strengthening of is defined, prestressing bars can also be used.
concrete elements, the use of the external The choice of the external prestressing profile
prestressing technique should be considered depends on the goals of the strengthening
when: operation and it should be performed
A. There is a need to change the according to the following instructions [3]:
structural system, such as in the case Situation A. (column removal) the
of the removal of a column, in which its profile must be polygonal with a
reaction will be replaced by a deviation deviation device in the region of the
force from the external prestressing removed column;
system (Fig. 1); Situation B. (deformation/cracking
correction) either a straight or a
polygonal profile may be used.

(2) In order to prevent excessive vibration in

the external prestressing cables, the length
between deviation points should be limited to
Figure 1- External prestressing for the 7-8m [4]. If this exceeds 12 m, the first natural
strengthening of a structural element after
the removal of a column frequency of the cables, assuming vibration
between deviation points, must be checked, to
B. The structural element shows excessive
ensure that is not in the range of 0,8 to 1,2
cracking and/or deflection (Fig. 2).
times that of the structure [5].

(3) In order to limit second order effects,

referred to in [6], to prevent a reduction of the
load capacity and/or to avoid an inadequate
use of the prestressing tendons, the following
rules should be taken into consideration:
The second order effects can be
neglected in structural elements with a
span-to-depth ratio below 20, if one
Figure 2- Correction of the excessive deflecion by deviation device is provided at mid-
using external prestressingExternal prestressing to
correct deflecion span; or if two deviators are positioned
at a distance of one-third of the span
of each support section, when the ratio
2.2 Layout of the external prestressing
is higher than the mentioned value [7];
The effects may be neglected if the
(1) The profile of the external prestressing
distance between deviation points
tendon may be straight or polygonal, the latter
does not exceed 12 times the
requiring the adoption of deviation points. If the
minimum depth of the element [5].
polygonal profile is adopted, prestressing
cables must be used, whereas if a linear profile (4) For the purpose of avoiding damage of the
prestressing cables and of the protective

ducts, due to excessive stresses, the radius of existing structural element. If this is not
the external prestressing cables in the possible, due to geometrical limitations (lack of
deviation areas should be limited. When using space for the placement of the anchorage
smooth polyethylene ducts, the minimum value devices) or due to impositions of the profile
should be calculated using the following (need to maximize the eccentricity), one of the
expression [8]: following solutions should be adopted: (i)
increase the thickness of the element in the
( ) ( )( )
anchorage zone (Fig. 3a), (ii) use of reinforced
where fpk represents the characteristic tensile concrete blocks (Fig. 3b), or (iii) use of steel
strength of prestressing steel in MPa; and Ap elements (Fig. 3c).
represents the cross section area of the
prestressing cables in m .

When adopting FRP cables, the minimum

radius in the deviation zone should be
calculated using the following expression [9]:

( )

where Ef is the modulus of elasticity of the FRP

cable; y is the distance from the centroid of the
cable to the tensile face; P is the applied force
at jacking; and pmx is the allowable jacking Figure 3 - Different arrangements of anchorage
stress for straight tendons shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - recommended maximum jacking stresses for 2.3 Materials and components
FRP straight tendons (adapted from [9])
(1) The external prestressing system consists
Type of fibre Allowable jacking of: prestressing tendons; anchorage devices;
stress external duct (frequent, but not mandatory);
Carbon 0,65fpu corrosion protection systems; and deviation
Aramid 0,50fpu devices (in the case of polygonal profiles).
Glass 0,45fpu
* Prestressing tendons
fpu represents the maximum tensile strength of
(1) The prestressing tendons are usually made
the prestressing material.
of high strength steel, although there are
The minimum radius adjacent to the trumpet in tendons made of FRP as well, usually carbon
the anchorage zone must comply with the fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP). Compared to
requirements present in source [10]. the high strength steel tendons, these provide
a higher resistance against corrosion and
(5) Whenever possible, the anchorage devices
fatigue. However, their cost is higher, their
should be positioned to lead the resultant of
resistance to UV radiation lower, they are
the forces to the center of mass of the pre-

much more difficult to anchor, and they present ducts is also possible. The diameter of the
a linear behavior up to failure. polyethylene duct can be calculated using the
following expression [10]:
(2) The high strength steel tendons must
comply with the requirements presented in the ( )
European standards [11], [12] and [13].
Regarding FRP, although there are different (2) Different corrosion protection systems are
commercial systems, European standards presented in [8]. External duct systems
have not been provided yet. Some of these injected with cement grout are most adequate
FRP commercial systems can be consulted at because, when compared to wax or grease
source [14]. injection, it reveals higher mechanical strength
and fire resistance, being also inexpensive and
Deviation and anchorage devices
easier to apply. In the external duct systems
(1) When adopting steel deviation devices,
filled with cement grout, the strands can be
these must be designed to provide the most
directly in contact with the cement grout or they
efficient profile to the prestressing cables. In
can be individually greased and plastic-
the contact areas with the ducts, the deviators
sheathed. The latter should be chosen if the
should comprise a curved tube made of
need to correct the tensioning force and/or to
smooth steel, larger than the external ducts, so
replace the tendons is foreseen.
that there is no interruption along its length
(Fig. 4). This way, the effectiveness of the 2.4 Preliminary design of the jacking force
corrosion protection system is assured. and the cross sectional area of the
Nevertheless, the use of other configurations is prestressing tendons
possible as well, as mentioned in [6]. (1) The preliminary design depends on the
strengthening purpose. The following
situations can arise:
1) Situation A (column removal) The
deviation force applied to the structure
Figure 4 Detail of the tendons duct in the deviation
zone (adapted from [15]) in the region of the removed column
must be equal to the axial force acting
(2) The anchorage devices of steel external
before in the latter, for the quasi-
prestressing cables used as strengthening
permanent combination of actions.
system are exactly the same as the ones used
2) Situation B (deformation/cracking
in current applications. Some examples of
correction) The deflection due to the
anchorages used for external prestressing with
quasi-permanent combination of
FRP tendons are given in [16].
actions added to the deflection
Ducts and materials used for protection against resulting from the equivalent external
corrosion of external steel tendons prestressing loads, must be lower than
(1) For external prestressing, smooth the maximum admissible deflection
polypropylene or polyethylene ducts are according to EC2 [17]. For a polygonal
advised. However, the use of smooth steel profile, as preliminary design criteria,

the load balancing criteria can be FRP tendons, which must be calculated
used. In this case, the deviation forces according to [9].
applied along the span should equal
(2) To calculate losses due to friction, the VSL
80 up to 90% of the quasi-permanent
European Technical Approval 06-0006 [10]
recommends the value of coefficient of friction,
(2) In the preliminary design of the jacking , as 0,05 for external cables comprised of
force, 10% of immediate and 5% of time individually greased and plastic-sheathed
dependent prestress losses may be strands. If the external tendons horizontal plan
considered. view is not straight (which is quite frequent in
external prestressing) it is necessary to take
(3) In the preliminary design of the cross
into consideration the sum of the angular
sectional area of the external prestressing
displacements in both horizontal and in vertical
tendon, the limit to the maximum stressing
plans. On the other hand, the losses due to
force must be taken into account, according to
friction may be neglected, if
section from EC2 [17]. On the other
polytetrafluoroethylene is applied in the interior
hand, to better control the applied stresses,
of the tubes from the deviator that are in
and to preview the need to correct these, the
contact with the ducts of the prestressing
maximum stressing force should be limited to
tendons. Alternatively, the jacking force can be
50% of the characteristic tensile strength
applied simultaneously at both ends, which
defined in EC2 [17]. In this case, the time
require the existence of active anchorages
dependent losses can be estimated in nearly
1%, since, given the low stress level in the 2.6 Ultimate limit states
external cables, a reduced relaxation effect is Bending
expectable. The recommended maximum (1) The calculation of the ultimate moment
jacking stresses for straight FRP tendons resistance of an externally prestressed
should comply to the limits presented in table 1 element must consider the following aspects:
[9]. For deflected FRP tendons, the allowable (i) That the increase of force in tendons, from
force at jacking (P) should be limited taking the effective prestress to the force at ultimate
into account the radius in the deviation zones limit state, Fps, depends on the element's
(R) and the maximum allowable stresses for global deformation; and that (ii) the tendon
straight FRP tendons given in table 1, eccentricity loss must be accounted for at
according to the following expression: ultimate, if not taken measures for the limiting
of the second order effects.
( ) ( )
(2) In a conservative way, Fps can be
considered equal to 0, neglecting the increase
2.5 Losses of prestress
of strain in the external tendons, caused by the
(1) The losses of prestress in steel and FRP
deformation of the prestressed element, up to
Tendons can be calculated according to
failure. The EC2 [17] indicates that, in the
sections 5.10.5 and 5.10.6 from EC2 [17], with
absence of more rigorous calculation, Fps
the exception of losses due to relaxation in
may be considered equal to 100 MPa. For a

more rigorous calculation of Fps the
expression presented in [6] can be used.
Additional expressions can be consulted at where:

[18]. ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )

(3) If the second orders limitative measures

are not verified (exposed in point (3) from and where Mpe represents the moment, at

section 2 of the current chapter), then they each section, due to the external

should be considered in the calculations of the prestressing equivalent loads; L represents

stress in external prestressing tendons at the element length; the value of the

ultimate. Its accounting can be performed by moment, at each section of the element,

adjusting the effective depth of the external due to unitary load, applied to the element,

prestressing tendons (dp), as shown by the according to the direction in which it is

expressions present in [18]. Additional intended to account for the displacemen;

expressions can be consulted at [19]. ( ) the creep coefficient at the time of

application of the prestressing; II and III the
moments of inertia of uncracked and
(1) In terms of analysis, the shear strength of
cracked cross sections, respectively; Ec
an externally prestressed element can be
the modulus of elasticity of concrete; and
evaluated considering that it is subjected to the
, which represents the partition coefficient
equivalent loads of prestressing and to the
defined in EC2 [17], is calculated
applied loads [20].
accounting for the stress in the

2.7 Serviceability limit states reinforcement steel due to dead loads, live

Deflection loads and equivalent loads of prestressing,

(1) The calculation of the long term deflection for the used combination of actions.

(a) of an element strengthened with external

prestressing, can be performed using the
(1) The calculation of crack width of a certain
following expression:
element can be performed quite accurately, by
( )
overlapping the load effects to which the
in which a1 represents the deflection of the element is subjected to, before the application
element due to dead and live loads, for a of the external prestressing, with the effects of
specific combination of actions, considering the equivalent loads of external prestressing,
the shrinkage and the creep in a long term, taking into consideration that both were
and may be calculated according to the section applied simultaneously in the structure, using
7.4.2 from the EC2 [17]. And ape, which the expressions in section 7.3.4 from EC2 [17].
represents the value of the deflection induced
by the external prestressing system, can be 2.8 Local safety verifications and detailing
calculated by the following expression: Anchorage devices embedded in concrete
(1) The minimum strength class of the concrete
used in these areas should be C25/30. The
( )
safety verification in these areas should take

into consideration: (i) the design strength of the concrete interface, and are therefore less
compressive struts (according to section 6.5.2 effective.
from EC2 [17]); (ii) the design values for the
compressive stresses within the nodes
(according to section 6.5.4 from EC2 [17]);
(iii) the design strength of the transverse ties
(according to section 6.5.3 from EC2 [17]);
(iv) the concentrated resistance force for
partially loaded areas (according to section
6.5.3 from EC2 [17]); (v) the design shear
resistance at the concrete to concrete interface Figure 5- Example of the connection between the pre-
existing element and the reinforced concrete blocks
(according to section 6.2.5 from EC2 [17].
(adapted from [2])
Additionally, according to EC2 [17], in the
Fastening of steel elements to the concrete
verification of local effects, the value of
P,unfav.=1,2 should be used. (1) The steel elements that bear the
anchorages devices or that belong to the
(2) The calculation of the reinforcement to
deviators, are fastened to the concrete by
embed in concrete, so it can resist the tensile
means of anchors. The most common types of
stresses resulting from the action of
fastenings are shown in Figure 6. For external
prestressing, as well as its detailing, can be
prestressing, the most used types are the
carried out in accordance with what is stated in
threaded rods and the prestressing bars.
[21] and [22]. In order to guarantee the
When using threaded rods, its usual for them
cracking control in these areas, the
to go from side to side, but its also normal to
reinforcement ties should be calculated
use adhesive anchors. When considering
considering a maximum tension of 300 MPa
prestressing bars the fastening is always done
form side to side.

(3) The shear resistance at the interface

(2) The calculation and detailing of fastenings
between concrete surfaces should be ensured
with undercut, expansive and adhesive
by the combination of several methods (Fig. 5),
anchors, must be performed according to the
namely: (i) the increase of the interface
expressions and constructive arrangements
roughness; (ii) the placement of reinforcement
provided by the anchor manufacturers.
and/or anchors intersecting the interface;
(iii) the compression of both surfaces of the (3) In general, the forces are transmitted to the
interface by the use of prestressed bars. To concrete structure by the combination of axial
ensure the roughness of the interface the force and shear on the anchors. However, if
surface of the pre-existing element should be the transmitted forces are of high magnitude, it
treated using water jetting, which is the method is normal to use prestressed bars, transmitting
that leads to better results in shear resistance the forces to the concrete, by the combination
[23]. The percussion methods, e.g. electric of axial loads in the anchors with friction force
concrete hammer, tend to damage the

mobilized between the concrete surface and being of negative value in case of
the steel plates. traction and positive in case of

(5) When using threaded rods, that go from

side to side, and solely subjected to shear
(usual arrangement in the fastening of the
deviator to the concrete), the safety verification
of the fastening can be performed taking into
account the section 3.10-1 from the Model
Code 90 [24], using following expression:

( ( ) )

Figure 6 - most common types of fastening between where:

steel elements and concrete
FV,Rd represents the resistance of the
(4) If the fastening is performed using fastening;
prestressed bars, transmitting the forces by b represents the rod diameter;
means of friction, assumes that there will be no
fcd represents the design value of the
slipping between the steel plate and the concrete compression strength;
concrete, at ultimate. The resistance to slipping fyd,b represents the design value of
may be calculated by the following expression: the steel yield stress of the rod;
s,b represents the axial stress on
( )
the rod;
As,b represents the cross sectional
area of the rod.
FS,Rd represents the resistance force
to slipping; Final considerations
Pbar represents the effective
prestress force in the prestressed bar; The use of the external prestressing

c/b represents the friction coefficient strengthening technique takes on several

between the steel plate and the aspects that must be understood for its proper

concrete surface, ranging between the use. These aspects relate to external

values of 0,3 and 0,5, depending on prestressing features, such as accounting for

the roughness of the steel plate and the second order effects and the correct

the concrete surface; resistance assessment of strengthened

represents the axial force in elements, the setting of the minimum radius in
the deviation zones and limitation of the
the bar due to the forces which are
tendons free length, as well as traits related to
intended to transmit to the concrete,

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