Energyplus Hvac Global Tests
Energyplus Hvac Global Tests
Energyplus Hvac Global Tests
Prepared for:
U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Office of Building Technologies
Washington, D.C.
Prepared by:
Robert H. Henninger and Michael J. Witte
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States
Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their
employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or
responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus,
product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.
Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or services by trade name,
trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,
recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The
views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the
United States Government or any agency thereof.
Table of Contents
Section Page
2 MODELER REPORT................................................................................................................ 13
2.1 Modeling Methodology ................................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 Window Air Conditioner ................................................................................ 13
2.1.2 Hydronic Heating/Cooling System ................................................................. 15
2.2 Modeling Difficulties ...................................................................................................... 19
2.2.1 Building Envelope Construction ..................................................................... 19
2.3 Software Errors Discovered ............................................................................................ 20
2.4 Results ............................................................................................................................. 20
2.4.1 Window Air Conditioner ................................................................................ 20 Daily Comparison Test ................................................................. 21 Annual Comparison Test .............................................................. 26
3 CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................................... 47
4 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 49
The EnergyPlus Global Energy Balance Test checks the accuracy of EnergyPlus in regards to
energy balances at various boundary volumes when simulating the operation of HVAC systems
and equipment. The test procedure makes use of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 140-2011 procedures
for generating hourly equipment loads and ASHRAE Standard 140-2011 weather files. The test
suites described within this report are for testing of:
b) EnergyPlus hydronic heating/cooling system which utilizes chilled water, hot water and
condenser water loops along with an electric chiller (Chiller:Electric:EIR), cooling tower
(CoolingTower:SingleSpeed), and gas-fired boiler (Boiler:HotWater) to provide cooling
and heating to a 4-pipe fan coil system (ZoneHVAC:FourPipeFanCoil).
The EnergyPlus Global Energy Balance Test makes use of the basic test building geometry and
envelope described as Case E100 in Section 5.3.1 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 140-2011,
Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs.
The basic test building (Figure 1) is a rectangular 48 m2 single zone (8 m wide x 6 m long x 2.7
m high) with no interior partitions and no windows. The building as specified in Standard 140 is
intended as a near-adiabatic cell with cooling and heating loads driven by user specified internal
gains. For Global Energy Balance Test purposes, the building envelope is made totally adiabatic
so that the cooling or heating load in the space during any hour of the simulation is solely due to
internal loads. How this was done in EnergyPlus is discussed further in Section 1.2.2. Material
properties for the building envelope as specified in Standard 140 are described below. For
further details on building geometry and building envelope thermal properties refer to Section
5.3.1 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 140.
Element k Thickness U R
(W/m-K) (m) (W/m2-K) (m2-K/W)
Infiltration: None
An opaque exterior surface can be made adiabatic in EnergyPlus by specifying the outside face
environment of the exterior surface to be another surface and then setting the object of the
outside face environment to be the exterior surface itself. In other words, the surface is forced to
see itself. As an example, the input stream for specifying the east facing exterior wall as an
adiabatic surface is as follows:
This approach was used on all 6 exterior surfaces of the of the Base Case building to make the
building exterior adiabatic and ensure that the resulting cooling load or heating load in the space
each hour was always exactly equal to the total of the internal space gains.
Two different types of tests were conducted with varying internal loads: a limited daily
comparison test with cooling only and an annual comparison test with cooling and heating.
In order to create a cooling load for the cooling system, various internal gain scenarios are
imposed on the building interior space according to a fixed schedule which holds the internal
load constant throughout a certain test duration. Five types of internal loads (lights, electric
equipment, other equipment, gas equipment and steam equipment) which can be modeled by
EnergyPlus are tested for sensible, latent, radiant, convective, etc. fractions to test the programs
ability to properly transfer these space loads to the HVAC system. Table 1 describes eight test
cases (A through H), each of two day duration, and the internal load schedule by day of the
simulation. The first day of each case is simulated to allow steady state to be achieved. Energy
balances are then done for the second day of each test case. Zone internal gains are assumed to
be distributed evenly throughout the zone air. These are internally generated sources of heat that
are not related to the operation of the mechanical cooling system or its air distribution fan.
A second test was also performed with internal loads that created either a heating load or cooling
load in the space for each month over a 12 month period. A constant space cooling load of 1,000
W/hr was scheduled for the cooling season which ran from May 1st through September 30th. A
constant space heating load of 1,000 W/hr was scheduled for the heating season which ran from
January 1st through April 30th and October 1st through December 31st. Zone internal gains are
A simple and ideal air distribution system is used with the following characteristics to provide
whatever cooling the space needs in order to maintain the setpoint temperature:
For the annual comparison test, an electric baseboard convective heating system was added to
the zone to provide any hourly heating that the zone required. The heating capacity of the
baseboard was set to 1100 W and was assumed to be 100% efficient.
A three-month long (January March) TMY format weather file provided as part of
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 140-2011 with the file name of CE100A.TM2 was used for the daily
test case simulations. The outdoor dry-bulb temperature of 46.1C is constant for every hour of
the three-month long period.
For the 12 month annual simulation test case, a TMY2 format weather file for Chicago Ohare
converted to EnergyPlus epw format (IL_Chicago_TMY2.epw) was used for the simulation.
Eight test cases (A through H) as summarized in Table 1 are designed to test the accuracy of the
EnergyPlus Window AC system to handle internal space gains and the ability of the cooling
system to satisfy these loads. Twelve additional test cases (I through T) as summarized in Table
2 perform a similar series of tests but for a one year period.
A 16 day simulation period from January 1 through January 16 was used to cover the full range
of scheduled internal loads as described in Table 1. The 12 month annual simulation period
which used the internal load schedule described in Table 2 was January 1 through December 31.
Hourly internal load (sensible, latent and total) for each type of internal space gain
which is present in Wh
Hourly space cooling load (sensible, latent and total) in Wh
Hourly amount of cooling performed by the DX cooling coil (sensible, latent and total)
in Wh
Hourly HVAC system cooling (sensible, latent and total) delivered to the space in Wh
Hourly resulting space temperature in C
Hourly electric cooling energy used by the HVAC system
Hourly electric energy used by the HVAC system supply fan
Similar to the Global Energy Balance Test described in Section 1.3 for the Window Air
Conditioner, a limited daily comparison test and annual comparison test with varying internal
space loads are also prescribed for a typical hydronic heating/cooling system as further described
below which contains:
Two different types of tests were conducted with varying internal loads: a limited daily
comparison test and an annual comparison test.
The same eight internal load schedules that were used for the Window Air Conditioner global
energy test (see Section are also used here for the limited daily comparison test for the
hydronic heating/cooling system except that the magnitude of the internal load is increased to a
constant 10,000 W each hour. Table 3 describes Test Cases A through H.
A constant space cooling load of 10,000 W/hr was scheduled for the cooling season which ran
from May 1st through September 30th. A constant space heating load of 10,000 W/hr was
scheduled for the heating season which ran from January 1st through April 30th and October 1st
through December 31st. Zone internal gains are assumed to be distributed evenly throughout the
zone air. These are internally generated sources of cooling and heating that are not related to the
operation of the mechanical heating or cooling equipment or the 4-pipe fan coil HVAC system.
Table 4 describes the internal load schedules used for each month of the test (Test Cases I
through T).
A simple air distribution system was modeled as a 4-pipe fan coil HVAC system (EnergyPlus
object ZoneHVAC:FourPipeFanCoil) with the following characteristics to provide whatever
heating or cooling the space needs in order to maintain the setpoint temperature:
Chicago design day weather conditions were used to size the heating and cooling equipment for
both of the daily and annual comparison tests. Those conditions are as follows:
Latitude: 41.98 deg
Longitude: -87.9 deg
Time Zone: -6.0
Elevation: 201.0 m
A three-month long (January March) TMY2 format weather file provided as part of
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 140-2011 with the file name of CE100A.TM2 was used for the daily
test case simulations. The numeric code that is part of the file name represents the outdoor dry-
bulb temperature (without the decimal) used in the weather file. The outdoor dry-bulb
temperature of 46.1C is constant for every hour of the three-month long period.
A TMY2 format weather file for Chicago OHare converted to EnergyPlus epw format
(IL_Chicago_TMY2.epw) was used for the simulations required as part of this 12-month test
The eight test cases (A through H), as summarized in Table 3, are designed to test the accuracy
of an EnergyPlus hydronic heating/cooling system with four pipe fan coil HVAC system to
handle internal space gains and the ability of the heating and cooling equipment to satisfy these
loads. Twelve additional test cases (I through T), as summarized in Table 4, perform a similar
series of tests but for a one year period.
A 16 day simulation period from January 1 through January 16 was used to cover the full range
of scheduled internal loads as described in Table 3. The 12 month annual simulation period
which used the internal load schedule described in Table 4 was January 1 through December 31.
Hourly internal load (sensible, latent and total) for each type of internal space gain
which is present in Wh
Hourly space cooling or heating load (sensible, latent and total) in Wh
Hourly amount of cooling performed by the cooling coil (sensible, latent and total) in
Hourly amount of heating performed by the heating coil in Wh
Hourly HVAC system cooling (sensible, latent and total) delivered to the space in Wh
Hourly HVAC system heating delivered to the space in Wh
Hourly electric consumption of the HVAC fan and amount of fan heat added to the air
stream in Wh
Hourly resulting space temperature in C
Hourly resulting space humidity ratio
Hourly cooling output by the central plant water chiller
Hourly heating output by the central plant hot water boiler
Hourly cooling load on the cooling tower in Wh
Hourly electric consumption of the water chiller in Wh
Hourly electric consumption of the chilled water pump, hot water pump and condenser
water pump and amount of heat added to water loop in Wh
The building internal loads are simulated each hour to determine the zone load that the
mechanical HVAC system must satisfy. The DX coil model then uses performance information
at rated conditions along with curve fits for variations in total capacity, energy input ratio and
part load fraction to determine performance at part load conditions. Sensible/latent capacity
splits are determined by the rated sensible heat ratio (SHR) and the apparatus dewpoint/bypass
factor approach.
Five performance curves are required by the EnergyPlus window air conditioner model as
described below. Performance data for a range of operating conditions as presented in Table 26c
of Standard 140 was used along with the Excel LINEST function to perform a least squares
curve fit of the performance data and determine the coefficients of the curves.
1) The total cooling capacity modifier curve (function of temperature) is a bi-quadratic
curve with two independent variables: wet bulb temperature of the air entering the
cooling coil, and dry bulb temperature of the air entering the air-cooled condenser. The
output of this curve is multiplied by the rated total cooling capacity to give the total
cooling capacity at specific temperature operating conditions (i.e., at temperatures
different from the rating point temperatures).
Since the indoor fan always operates at constant volume flow, the modifier will be
1.0, therefore:
a = 1.0
b = 0.0
c = 0.0
Since the indoor fan always operates at constant volume flow, the modifier will be
1.0, therefore:
a = 1.0
b = 0.0
c = 0.0
5) The part load fraction correlation (function of part load ratio) is a quadratic curve
with one independent variable: part load ratio (sensible cooling load / steady-state
sensible cooling capacity). The output of this curve is used in combination with the rated
EIR and EIR modifier curves to give the effective EIR for a given simulation time step.
The part load fraction correlation accounts for efficiency losses due to compressor
To simulate the Bolier:HotWater model in EnergyPlus requires that a fuel use/part load ratio
curve be defined. EnergyPlus uses the following equation to calculate fuel use.
C1 C 2 OperatingPartLoadRatio C 3 OperatingPartLoadRatio2
The boiler capacity is the same for both tests since the maximum heating load for each test plus a
10% oversize factor results in the same design load (see Tables 3 and 4).
The Fuel Used equation which describes the part load performance of the hot water boiler has
coefficient values of:
C1 = 0.97
C2 = 0.0633
C3 = -0.0333
Before the curve fitting of the performance data could be done the performance data as available
from the manufacturers catalog (see Table 2) which is in IP units was converted to SI units. A
least squares curve fit was then performed using the Excel LINEST function to determine the
coefficients of the curves. Appendix A presents the details of this exercise for the first two
curves. The following results were obtained:
Since part load performance as required by EnergyPlus was not available from the
catalog for this piece of equipment, the part load curve from the DOE-2 program for a
hermetic reciprocating chiller was used. The coefficients for the DOE-2 curve specified
as EIRPLR4 in the DOE-2 documentation (DOE-2 1993a) are as follows:
a = 0.88065
b = 1.137742
c = -0.225806
The cooling tower was modeled using the EnergyPlus object CoolingTower:SingleSpeed. All
size related parameters were left to autosize.
The resulting chiller, cooling tower, chilled water pump and condenser water pump capacities
and flows were as follows:
The chiller capacity for the daily comparison test is five times greater than that for the annual
comparison test because of the difference in internal load schedules (see Tables 3 and 4). A 10%
oversize factor was also included when calculating the cooling design load for each test.
The specification for the building envelope indicates that the exterior walls, roof and floor are
made up of one opaque layer of insulation (R=100) with differing radiative properties for the
interior surface and exterior surface (ref. Table 24 of Standard 140). To allow the surface
radiative properties to be set at different values, the exterior wall, roof and floor had to be
simulated as two insulation layers. In addition, the wall layers were defined using the Material
feature of EnergyPlus. The wall, roof and floor constructions described in Section 5.3.1 from
Standard 140 are massless and typically these constructions would be defined using the
Material:NoMass feature of EnergyPlus where only the thermal resistance of the material layer
along with surface absorptances are required. When this approach was used however,
EnergyPlus generated a severe warning as indicated below:
** Severe ** This building has no thermal mass which can cause an unstable solution.
** ~~~ ** Use Material for all opaque material types except very light
insulation layers.
To avoid this possible severe error, the wall, roof and floor materials were defined using the
construction as follows:
During the initial testing of EnergyPlus with the new global energy balance test suite, one
software error was discovered as part of the testing which was subsequently corrected:
The sensible and latent cooling coil loads did not agree with the sensible and latent
cooling loads reported by the Window AC HVAC system. There was agreement
however with the total cooling load. This discrepancy was corrected in EnergyPlus
Plant solver routines were reworked which caused minor changes in some results
(changed in EnergyPlus version
2.4 Results
For the Window AC Global Energy Balance Test energy balances were performed at the
following boundary volumes:
At each level all energy flows into and out of the boundary volume are assessed using standard
output variables and node values to determine energy balances. Before such energy balances are
performed, the results of the simulation are first examined to ensure that the space temperature
setpoint is maintained for all hours and space humidity ratios are constant for all hours indicating
that all space loads have been met.
Daily comparison results from running the Global Energy Balance Test with EnergyPlus 8.2.0
for the one-zone building described in Section 1 which is cooled by an EnergyPlus Window AC
system are shown in spreadsheet format on the following three pages for:
Zone Level Energy Balance
Coil Level Energy Balance
HVAC Cooling System Energy Balance
Equipment Performance Summary
a) For each hour of the second day of each test case the zone setpoint temperature of
22.2 C was maintained and the zone humidity level remained constant
b) 100% of the internal loads showed up as sensible and latent cooling loads in the
space, therefore energy balance at the zone level was achieved.
a) For all test cases the amount of sensible cooling performed by the cooling coil was
equal to the zone sensible cooling requirement plus fan heat except for Case H where
there was a very small difference of 0.26%. Sensible energy balance was therefore
achieved for all cases except Case H.
b) For Case H when space latent gains did occur within the space, the amount of latent
cooling performed by the cooling coil was less than that required by 0.01% while the
total cooling by the cooling coil was differing by only 0.18%. For Case H the internal
load is 30% latent and surface temperatures did not reach steady state condition until
late in the second day.
a) When comparing the HVAC system cooling delivered to the zone versus the cooling
required by the zone, energy balance was achieved for all cases as shown below.
a) The Window AC system average COP during each of the test cases ranged from 1.97
to 2.36 while the outdoor drybulb temperature remained constant at 46.1C. Entering
coil wet-bulb temperature for Tests B through F when there was no latent load was
about 14C (dry coil). Full load COP and gross cooling capacity at these conditions
for this equipment are 6,250 kW and 2.81. During Test B when the hourly space
sensible load was held constant at 1,000 kW and the hourly fan heat was 48 W (PLR
= 0.16), the COP degradation factor according to Standard 140 is 0.81. It is expected
that the resulting COP during these tests would then be 2.81 x 0.81 = 2.27 which falls
within the range of COPs reported above.
Monthly comparison results from running the Global Energy Balance Test with EnergyPlus 8.2.0
for the one-zone building described in Section 1 which is cooled by an EnergyPlus Window AC
system and heated by electric baseboard are shown in spreadsheet format on the following four
pages for:
a) For each month of the simulation the zone setpoint temperature of 22.2 C was
b) During the summer cooling months the HVAC system did not maintain constant
humidity ratios in the space. The largest difference occurred during May when the
latent cooling load occurred for the first time and several hours were required during
the first day in May for semi steady-state humidity conditions to be achieved.
c) 100% of the internal loads were showing up as sensible and latent cooling loads in the
space, therefore energy balance at the zone level was achieved.
a) For all five of the cooling months there were very small differences between the
amount of sensible cooling performed by the cooling coil and the zone sensible
cooling requirement plus fan heat. The percentage difference was less than 0.35% for
these months.
b) For each of the cooling months when latent cooling loads were present, the amount of
latent cooling performed by the cooling coil was less than that required by as much as
0.48% while the total cooling by the cooling coil was differing by as much as 0.38%.
a) During the heating months the baseboard heater output equaled the space heating
requirement except for January and October where small differences occurred (0.05%
or less).
a) When comparing the HVAC system cooling delivered to the zone versus the cooling
required by the zone, energy balance was achieved for all cases as shown below.
a) The Window AC system average COP during each of the test cases ranged from 3.57
to 3.94 with varying outdoor drybulb temperature. Nominal cooling capacity and full
load COP for the system at ARI conditions is 8,181 W and 4.16. The average PLR
for the cooling system which had an hourly cooling load of 1,000 kW plus hourly fan
heat of 34 W is 0.13. The corresponding COP degradation factor is 0.80 resulting in
an operating COP of 4.16 x 0.80 = 3.33. Outdoor temperatures in Chicago during the
cooling season would typically be less than the 35 C ARI condition and therefore
COPs higher than the nominal would be expected as was the case.
For the hydronic heating/cooling system Global Energy Balance Test energy balances were
performed for the following:
Zone Level Energy Balance
Coil Level Energy Balance
Hot Water Loop Energy Balance
Chilled Water Loop Energy Balance
Condenser Water Loop Energy Balance
Equipment Performance Summary
For each heating/cooling coil, HVAC system and water loop energy flows into and out of the
boundary volume are assessed using standard output variables and node values to determine
Daily comparison results from running the Global Energy Balance Test with EnergyPlus 8.2.0
for the one-zone building described in Section 1 which is cooled by an EnergyPlus four-pipe fan
coil system with water supplied to the coils by a water chiller and hot water boiler are shown in
spreadsheet format on the following five pages.
a) For each hour of the second day of each test case the zone setpoint temperature of
22.2 C was maintained and the zone humidity level remained constant
b) 100% of the internal loads showed up as sensible and latent cooling loads in the
space, therefore energy balance at the zone level was achieved.
a) For the test cases where cooling was required (Cases B through H) there were small
amounts of differences between the sensible, latent and total cooling performed by
the cooling coil versus what was required for some cases with the maximum
difference being 1.65%.
b) For the heating test case (Case A), the output of the heating coil was 0.03% greater
than that required.
a) For Case A where the zone had a heating requirement, energy balance was achieved
when comparing the heating output of the boiler to the heating coil output less the
monthly hot water pump heat added to the hot water loop.
b) For Case A where the zone had a heating requirement, energy balance was also
achieved when comparing the heating output of the boiler to the zone monthly
heating requirement less the monthly fan heat added to the air stream less the hot
water pump heat added to the hot water loop.
a) For each Case B through H where zone cooling was required, energy balance was
achieved when comparing the cooling output of the chiller to the monthly total
cooling coil output plus the chilled water pump heat added to the chilled water loop.
b) Very small energy balance differences (0.42% or less) occurred for four out of seven
cooling cases when comparing the cooling output of the chiller to the monthly zone
total cooling requirement plus the fan heat added to the air stream plus the chilled
water pump heat added to the chilled water loop.
a) For each of the seven cooling cases, energy balance was achieved when comparing
the monthly cooling tower load to the monthly chiller load plus the chiller electric
consumption plus the condenser water pump heat added to the condenser water loop.
a) For the heating day (Case A) the boiler average efficiency was 79.9% comparing
favorably to the rated steady state efficiency of 80%.
b) During the seven cooling cases (Cases B through H) the average chiller COP ranged
from 2.65 to 3.87. The rated cooling capacity and COP of the chiller at ARI
conditions is 55,005 W and 3.926. The chiller entering condenser water temperature
The following is observed from examining the results (see following five pages) of the hydronic
heating/cooling energy balance test performed with the annual comparison tests:
a) For each month of each test case the zone setpoint temperature of 22.2 C was
maintained and the zone humidity level remained constant except for Case I
b) 100% of the internal loads showed up in the space, therefore energy balance at the
zone level was achieved.
a) For all five of the cooling months the amount of sensible cooling performed by the
cooling coil equaled the zone sensible cooling requirement plus fan heat. Energy
balance was therefore achieved at the cooling coil level.
a) During each of the heating months the heating coil output equaled the space heating
requirement less the fan heat, therefore, energy balance at the heating coil level was
a) For each month of the seven month heating season, energy balance was achieved
when comparing the heating output of the boiler to the heating coil output less the
monthly hot water pump heat added to the hot water loop.
b) For each month of the seven month heating season, energy balance was also achieved
when comparing the heating output of the boiler to the zone monthly heating
requirement less the monthly fan heat added to the air stream less the hot water
pump heat added to the hot water loop.
a) For each month of the five month cooling season, energy balance was achieved when
comparing the cooling output of the chiller to the monthly total cooling coil output
plus the chilled water pump heat added to the chilled water loop.
b) For each month of the five month cooling season, energy balance was also achieved
when comparing the cooling output of the chiller to the monthly zone total cooling
requirement plus the fan heat added to the air stream plus the chilled water pump heat
added to the chilled water loop.
a) For each month of the five month cooling season, energy balance was achieved when
comparing the monthly cooling tower load to the monthly chiller load plus the chiller
electric consumption plus the condenser water pump heat added to the condenser
water loop
a) For the heating months (Cases I throughL and R through T) the boiler average
efficiency was 80.0% each month matching the rated steady state efficiency of 80%.
b) During the five cooling cases (Cases M through Q) the average chiller COP was 3.87.
The rated cooling capacity and COP of the chiller at ARI conditions is 11,005 W and
3.926. The chiller entering condenser water temperature and leaving chilled water
temperature was held constant at the ARI standard conditions of 29.44 C and 6.67
C for all test cases. For each cooling month the hourly chiller load was 10,000 W
space load plus 223 W fan heat plus 253 W pump heat for a total cooling load of
10,476 W, the PLR is 0.95. The EIRfPLR at this PLR is 0.966. The COP at this PLR
is therefore 10,476 / (0.966 * 11,005 / 3.926) = 3.87 which is the resulting average
COP for each of the cooling months.
Zone Level Energy Balance exact agreement was obtained between the internal loads
generated within the space and the resulting cooling load in the space
Coil Level Energy Balance sensible cooling coil energy balance was achieved between
the sensible cooling performed by the cooling coil and the zone sensible cooling
requirement plus fan heat. Small differences (1.36% or less) occurred when comparing
the amount of latent cooling performed by the cooling coil versus what was required.
Small differences (0.02%) also occurred when comparing the sensible cooling performed
by the cooling coil versus what was required.
HVAC Cooling System Level Energy Balance energy balance was achieved when
comparing the HVAC system cooling provided to the zone to the cooling coil output.
Equipment Performance Summary the resulting cooling system COPs and heating
system efficiencies were within range of expected results.
The global energy balance test was also performed for a hydronic heating/cooling system which
utilized chilled water, hot water and condenser water loops, electric chiller, gas-fired hot water
boiler, cooling tower and 4-pipe fan coil HVAC system. Energy balances performed for each of
the three water loops for both daily comparison cases and annual comparison cases yielded the
following results:
Zone Level Energy Balance exact agreement was obtained between the internal loads
generated within the space and the resulting cooling load in the space
Coil Level Energy Balance small differences (1.65% or less) occurred when comparing
the amount of sensible or latent cooling performed by the cooling coil versus what was
required. Heating coil energy output compared favorably with the space required
Chilled Water Loop Energy Balance for each day or month during the both the daily
and annual comparison tests when cooling was required exact agreement was obtained
between the cooling required and delivered to the space by the chilled water loop and
water chiller after accounting for pump heat added to the chilled water loop. Small
differences (0.42% or less) when comparing the chiller output to the zone cooling load
plus fan heat plus chilled water pump heat.
Condenser Water Loop Energy Balance - for each day or month when cooling was
required, exact agreement was obtained between the cooling performed by the cooling
tower and that required by the water chiller condenser and condenser water pump.
Equipment Performance Summary the resulting chiller COPs and heating system
efficiencies were within range of expected results.
As a result of the testing several discrepancies were uncovered that need to be investigated:
differences between amount of sensible and latent cooling done by water cooling coils
versus that required by the zone (-1.65% to 0.88%)
differences between the amount of cooling provided by the chilled water loop versus the
zone cooling plus fan heat plus chilled water pump heat added to the fluid (-0.18% to
differences between the amount of heating done by water heating coils versus that
required by the zone (-0.03 to 0.0%)
As discussed in this report, one discrepancy, the difference between the sensible and latent loads
reported for the DX cooling coil versus the sensible and latent cooling loads reported for the
Window AC system, was discovered and corrected.
EnergyPlus 2014. U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Office
of Building Technologies.
York, Millennium Liquid Chillers, Water Cooled Chiller & Remote Condenser Models, 60 to
250 Tons, Models YCWZ, YCRZ, YCWJ and YCRJ, Engineering Guide, Form 150.24-
EnergyPlus Curve: RecipCapFt CHWS=Chilled Water Supply Temperature (F) CWS=Entering Condenser Water Temperature (F)
English Units
Normalized CAP-FT % Diff CAP-FT
Manufacturer Model CHWS CHWS**2 CWS CWS**2 CHWS*CWS Capacity (tons) CAP From Curve
York YCWZ33AB0 40 1600 75 5625 3000 55.3 0.979 0.9787 0.00% f e d c b a Adjusted a
York YCWZ33AB0 42 1764 75 5625 3150 57.5 1.018 1.0169 -0.08% -6.11884E-05 -1.08362E-05 -0.001174282 0.000103617 0.015197888 0.537801492 0.537601492
York YCWZ33AB0 44 1936 75 5625 3300 59.7 1.057 1.0560 -0.06% 3.53229E-06 1.88809E-06 0.000358351 7.82061E-06 0.000765626 0.024830849
York YCWZ33AB0 45 2025 75 5625 3375 60.8 1.076 1.0758 -0.03% r2 0.999966506 0.000467278 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
York YCWZ33AB0 46 2116 75 5625 3450 61.9 1.096 1.0958 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 48 2304 75 5625 3600 64.2 1.136 1.1365 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 50 2500 75 5625 3750 66.6 1.179 1.1781 -0.06%
York YCWZ33AB0 40 1600 80 6400 3200 53.8 0.952 0.9522 0.00%
York YCWZ33AB0 42 1764 80 6400 3360 55.9 0.989 0.9898 0.04%
York YCWZ33AB0 44 1936 80 6400 3520 58.1 1.028 1.0282 -0.01%
York YCWZ33AB0 45 2025 80 6400 3600 59.2 1.048 1.0478 0.00%
York YCWZ33AB0 46 2116 80 6400 3680 60.3 1.067 1.0675 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 48 2304 80 6400 3840 62.6 1.108 1.1076 -0.04%
York YCWZ33AB0 50 2500 80 6400 4000 64.9 1.149 1.1485 -0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 40 1600 85 7225 3400 52.3 0.926 0.9252 -0.05%
York YCWZ33AB0 42 1764 85 7225 3570 54.4 0.963 0.9621 -0.07%
York YCWZ33AB0 44 1936 85 7225 3740 56.5 1.000 1.0000 0.00%
York YCWZ33AB0 45 2025 85 7225 3825 57.6 1.019 1.0192 -0.03%
York YCWZ33AB0 46 2116 85 7225 3910 58.7 1.039 1.0386 -0.03%
York YCWZ33AB0 48 2304 85 7225 4080 60.9 1.078 1.0781 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 50 2500 85 7225 4250 63.2 1.119 1.1184 -0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 40 1600 90 8100 3600 50.7 0.897 0.8976 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 42 1764 90 8100 3780 52.8 0.935 0.9339 -0.06%
York YCWZ33AB0 44 1936 90 8100 3960 54.9 0.972 0.9711 -0.06%
York YCWZ33AB0 45 2025 90 8100 4050 56 0.991 0.9901 -0.11%
York YCWZ33AB0 46 2116 90 8100 4140 57 1.009 1.0092 0.03%
York YCWZ33AB0 48 2304 90 8100 4320 59.2 1.048 1.0480 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 50 2500 90 8100 4500 61.5 1.088 1.0877 -0.07%
York YCWZ33AB0 40 1600 95 9025 3800 49.1 0.869 0.8694 0.05%
York YCWZ33AB0 42 1764 95 9025 3990 51.2 0.906 0.9052 -0.11%
York YCWZ33AB0 44 1936 95 9025 4180 53.2 0.942 0.9418 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 45 2025 95 9025 4275 54.3 0.961 0.9604 -0.07%
York YCWZ33AB0 46 2116 95 9025 4370 55.3 0.979 0.9792 0.05%
York YCWZ33AB0 48 2304 95 9025 4560 57.5 1.018 1.0175 -0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 50 2500 95 9025 4750 59.7 1.057 1.0565 -0.01%
Metric Units
CHWS=Chilled Water Supply Temperature (C) CWS=Entering Condenser Water Temperature (C)
Normalized CAP-FT % Diff CAP-FT
Manufacturer Model CHWS CHWS**2 CWS CWS**2 CHWS*CWS Capacity (kW) CAP From Curve
York YCWZ33AB0 4.4 19.8 23.9 570.7 106.2 194.4 0.98 0.9787 0.00% f e d c b a Adjusted a
York YCWZ33AB0 5.6 30.9 23.9 570.7 132.7 202.2 1.02 1.0169 -0.08% -0.00019825 -3.51093E-05 -0.006886487 0.000335718 0.035768388 1.018907198 1.018707198
York YCWZ33AB0 6.7 44.4 23.9 570.7 159.3 209.9 1.06 1.0560 -0.06% 1.14446E-05 6.1174E-06 0.000370154 2.53388E-05 0.000499536 0.005921788
York YCWZ33AB0 7.2 52.2 23.9 570.7 172.5 213.8 1.08 1.0758 -0.03% r2 0.999966506 0.000467278 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
York YCWZ33AB0 7.8 60.5 23.9 570.7 185.8 217.6 1.10 1.0958 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 8.9 79.0 23.9 570.7 212.3 225.7 1.14 1.1365 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 10.0 100.0 23.9 570.7 238.9 234.2 1.18 1.1781 -0.06%
York YCWZ33AB0 4.4 19.8 26.7 711.1 118.5 189.2 0.95 0.9522 0.00%
York YCWZ33AB0 5.6 30.9 26.7 711.1 148.1 196.5 0.99 0.9898 0.04%
York YCWZ33AB0 6.7 44.4 26.7 711.1 177.8 204.3 1.03 1.0282 -0.01%
York YCWZ33AB0 7.2 52.2 26.7 711.1 192.6 208.1 1.05 1.0478 0.00%
York YCWZ33AB0 7.8 60.5 26.7 711.1 207.4 212.0 1.07 1.0675 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 8.9 79.0 26.7 711.1 237.0 220.1 1.11 1.1076 -0.04%
York YCWZ33AB0 10.0 100.0 26.7 711.1 266.7 228.2 1.15 1.1485 -0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 4.4 19.8 29.4 867.0 130.9 183.9 0.93 0.9252 -0.05% CHWS CWS
York YCWZ33AB0 5.6 30.9 29.4 867.0 163.6 191.3 0.96 0.9621 -0.07% 21.5 23.9 26.7 29.4 32.2 35.0
York YCWZ33AB0 6.67 44.4 29.44 867.0 196.3 198.7 1.00 1.0000 0.00% 3.2 0.9587 0.9369 0.9111 0.8847 0.8578 0.8304
York YCWZ33AB0 7.2 52.2 29.4 867.0 212.7 202.5 1.02 1.0192 -0.03% 4.4 1.0011 0.9787 0.9522 0.9252 0.8976 0.8694
York YCWZ33AB0 7.8 60.5 29.4 867.0 229.0 206.4 1.04 1.0386 -0.03% 5.6 1.0398 1.0169 0.9898 0.9621 0.9339 0.9052
York YCWZ33AB0 8.9 79.0 29.4 867.0 261.7 214.1 1.08 1.0781 0.02% 6.7 1.0794 1.0560 1.0282 1.0000 0.9711 0.9418
York YCWZ33AB0 10.0 100.0 29.4 867.0 294.4 222.2 1.12 1.1184 -0.02% 7.2 1.0995 1.0758 1.0478 1.0192 0.9901 0.9604
York YCWZ33AB0 4.4 19.8 32.2 1038.3 143.2 178.3 0.90 0.8976 0.02% 7.8 1.1198 1.0958 1.0675 1.0386 1.0092 0.9792
York YCWZ33AB0 5.6 30.9 32.2 1038.3 179.0 185.6 0.93 0.9339 -0.06% 8.9 1.1610 1.1365 1.1076 1.0781 1.0480 1.0175
York YCWZ33AB0 6.7 44.4 32.2 1038.3 214.8 193.0 0.97 0.9711 -0.06% 10.0 1.2031 1.1781 1.1485 1.1184 1.0877 1.0565
York YCWZ33AB0 7.2 52.2 32.2 1038.3 232.7 196.9 0.99 0.9901 -0.11% 11.2 1.2494 1.2238 1.1936 1.1628 1.1315 1.0997
York YCWZ33AB0 7.8 60.5 32.2 1038.3 250.6 200.4 1.01 1.0092 0.03%
York YCWZ33AB0 8.9 79.0 32.2 1038.3 286.4 208.1 1.05 1.0480 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 10.0 100.0 32.2 1038.3 322.2 216.2 1.09 1.0877 -0.07%
York YCWZ33AB0 4.4 19.8 35.0 1225.0 155.6 172.6 0.87 0.8694 0.05%
York YCWZ33AB0 5.6 30.9 35.0 1225.0 194.4 180.0 0.91 0.9052 -0.11%
York YCWZ33AB0 6.7 44.4 35.0 1225.0 233.3 187.0 0.94 0.9418 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 7.2 52.2 35.0 1225.0 252.8 190.9 0.96 0.9604 -0.07%
Appendix A -York YCWZ33AB0
RecipChillerPerf 7.8 60.5 35.0
Curve Data-CatalogVsCalc.xls/WaterCool-Recip-CAP-FT 1225.0 272.2 194.4 0.98 0.9792 0.05% 6/29/2006
York YCWZ33AB0 8.9 79.0 35.0 1225.0 311.1 202.2 1.02 1.0175 -0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 10.0 100.0 35.0 1225.0 350.0 209.9 1.06 1.0565 -0.01%
Performance Curves
Manufacturer: York
Class: Reciprocating Water Chiller
Type: Water-Cooled, Electric
Source of Data: YORK Millennium Liquid Chillers, 60 to 250 tons, Form 150.24-EG2 (899)
EnergyPlus Curve: RecipEIRFt CHWS=Chilled Water Supply Temperature (F) CWS=Entering Condenser Water Temperature (F)
English Units EER includes compressor power
EIR = 3.413/EER
Total Unit EER Normalized EIR-FT % Diff EIR-FT
Manufacturer Model CHWS CHWS**2 CWS CWS**2 CHWS*CWS Capacity (tons) BTU/Watt EIR EIR From Curve
York YCWZ33AB0 40 1600 75 5625 3000 55.3 14.5 0.24 0.92 0.9211 -0.33% f e d c b a Adjusted a
York YCWZ33AB0 42 1764 75 5625 3150 57.5 15.0 0.23 0.89 0.8917 -0.18% -0.00013587 6.72502E-05 0.008871755 0.000140632 -0.016039968 0.703719087 0.701619
York YCWZ33AB0 44 1936 75 5625 3300 59.7 15.5 0.22 0.86 0.8634 -0.13% 1.5715E-05 8.40004E-06 0.001594294 3.47937E-05 0.003406248 0.110471781
York YCWZ33AB0 45 2025 75 5625 3375 60.8 15.7 0.22 0.85 0.8497 -0.45% r2 0.999709348 0.002078905 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
York YCWZ33AB0 46 2116 75 5625 3450 61.9 16.0 0.21 0.84 0.8363 -0.15%
York YCWZ33AB0 48 2304 75 5625 3600 64.2 16.5 0.21 0.81 0.8103 -0.23%
York YCWZ33AB0 50 2500 75 5625 3750 66.6 17.0 0.20 0.79 0.7854 -0.37%
York YCWZ33AB0 40 1600 80 6400 3200 53.8 13.5 0.25 0.99 0.9904 -0.22%
York YCWZ33AB0 42 1764 80 6400 3360 55.9 13.9 0.25 0.96 0.9596 -0.46%
York YCWZ33AB0 44 1936 80 6400 3520 58.1 14.4 0.24 0.93 0.9300 -0.06%
York YCWZ33AB0 45 2025 80 6400 3600 59.2 14.6 0.23 0.92 0.9156 -0.24%
York YCWZ33AB0 46 2116 80 6400 3680 60.3 14.8 0.23 0.91 0.9015 -0.43%
York YCWZ33AB0 48 2304 80 6400 3840 62.6 15.3 0.22 0.88 0.8741 -0.19%
York YCWZ33AB0 50 2500 80 6400 4000 64.9 15.8 0.22 0.85 0.8479 -0.03%
York YCWZ33AB0 40 1600 85 7225 3400 52.3 12.6 0.27 1.06 1.0631 -0.04%
York YCWZ33AB0 42 1764 85 7225 3570 54.4 13.0 0.26 1.03 1.0309 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 44 1936 85 7225 3740 56.5 13.4 0.25 1.00 1.0000 0.00%
York YCWZ33AB0 45 2025 85 7225 3825 57.6 13.6 0.25 0.99 0.9849 -0.04%
York YCWZ33AB0 46 2116 85 7225 3910 58.7 13.8 0.25 0.97 0.9701 -0.10%
York YCWZ33AB0 48 2304 85 7225 4080 60.9 14.2 0.24 0.94 0.9414 -0.24%
York YCWZ33AB0 50 2500 85 7225 4250 63.2 14.6 0.23 0.92 0.9137 -0.44%
York YCWZ33AB0 40 1600 90 8100 3600 50.7 11.7 0.29 1.15 1.1391 -0.54%
York YCWZ33AB0 42 1764 90 8100 3780 52.8 12.1 0.28 1.11 1.1056 -0.16%
York YCWZ33AB0 44 1936 90 8100 3960 54.9 12.5 0.27 1.07 1.0733 0.12%
York YCWZ33AB0 45 2025 90 8100 4050 56 12.6 0.27 1.06 1.0575 -0.56%
York YCWZ33AB0 46 2116 90 8100 4140 57 12.8 0.27 1.05 1.0420 -0.46%
York YCWZ33AB0 48 2304 90 8100 4320 59.2 13.2 0.26 1.02 1.0119 -0.32%
York YCWZ33AB0 50 2500 90 8100 4500 61.5 13.6 0.25 0.99 0.9830 -0.24%
York YCWZ33AB0 40 1600 95 9025 3800 49.1 11.0 0.31 1.22 1.2185 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 42 1764 95 9025 3990 51.2 11.3 0.30 1.19 1.1836 -0.19%
York YCWZ33AB0 44 1936 95 9025 4180 53.2 11.6 0.29 1.16 1.1499 -0.45%
York YCWZ33AB0 45 2025 95 9025 4275 54.3 11.8 0.29 1.14 1.1335 -0.18%
York YCWZ33AB0 46 2116 95 9025 4370 55.3 12.0 0.28 1.12 1.1174 0.06%
York YCWZ33AB0 48 2304 95 9025 4560 57.5 12.3 0.28 1.09 1.0859 -0.32%
York YCWZ33AB0 50 2500 95 9025 4750 59.7 12.7 0.27 1.06 1.0556 0.04%
Metric Units
Total Unit EER Normalized EIR-FT % Diff EIR-FT
Manufacturer Model CHWS CHWS**2 CWS CWS**2 CHWS*CWS Capacity (tons) BTU/Watt EIR EIR From Curve
York YCWZ33AB0 4.4 19.8 23.9 570.7 106.2 55.3 14.5 0.24 0.92 0.9211 -0.33% f e d c b a Adjusted a
York YCWZ33AB0 5.6 30.9 23.9 570.7 132.7 57.5 15.0 0.23 0.89 0.8917 -0.18% -0.000440218 0.000217891 0.015890292 0.000455648 -0.020497212 0.54807728 0.545977
York YCWZ33AB0 6.7 44.4 23.9 570.7 159.3 59.7 15.5 0.22 0.86 0.8634 -0.13% 5.09167E-05 2.72161E-05 0.001646805 0.000112732 0.002222422 0.026345877
York YCWZ33AB0 7.2 52.2 23.9 570.7 172.5 60.8 15.7 0.22 0.85 0.8497 -0.45% r2 0.999709348 0.002078905 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
York YCWZ33AB0 7.8 60.5 23.9 570.7 185.8 61.9 16.0 0.21 0.84 0.8363 -0.15%
York YCWZ33AB0 8.9 79.0 23.9 570.7 212.3 64.2 16.5 0.21 0.81 0.8103 -0.23%
York YCWZ33AB0 10.0 100.0 23.9 570.7 238.9 66.6 17.0 0.20 0.79 0.7854 -0.37%
York YCWZ33AB0 4.4 19.8 26.7 711.1 118.5 53.8 13.5 0.25 0.99 0.9904 -0.22%
York YCWZ33AB0 5.6 30.9 26.7 711.1 148.1 55.9 13.9 0.25 0.96 0.9596 -0.46%
York YCWZ33AB0 6.7 44.4 26.7 711.1 177.8 58.1 14.4 0.24 0.93 0.9300 -0.06%
York YCWZ33AB0 7.2 52.2 26.7 711.1 192.6 59.2 14.6 0.23 0.92 0.9156 -0.24%
York YCWZ33AB0 7.8 60.5 26.7 711.1 207.4 60.3 14.8 0.23 0.91 0.9015 -0.43%
York YCWZ33AB0 8.9 79.0 26.7 711.1 237.0 62.6 15.3 0.22 0.88 0.8741 -0.19%
York YCWZ33AB0 10.0 100.0 26.7 711.1 266.7 64.9 15.8 0.22 0.85 0.8479 -0.03%
York YCWZ33AB0 4.4 19.8 29.4 867.0 130.9 52.3 12.6 0.27 1.06 1.0631 -0.04%
York YCWZ33AB0 5.6 30.9 29.4 867.0 163.6 54.4 13.0 0.26 1.03 1.0309 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 6.7 44.4 29.4 867.0 196.3 56.5 13.4 0.25 1.00 1.0000 0.00% COP=EER/3.413= 3.926164665
York YCWZ33AB0 7.2 52.2 29.4 867.0 212.7 57.6 13.6 0.25 0.99 0.9849 -0.04%
York YCWZ33AB0 7.8 60.5 29.4 867.0 229.0 58.7 13.8 0.25 0.97 0.9701 -0.10%
York YCWZ33AB0 8.9 79.0 29.4 867.0 261.7 60.9 14.2 0.24 0.94 0.9414 -0.24%
York YCWZ33AB0 10.0 100.0 29.4 867.0 294.4 63.2 14.6 0.23 0.92 0.9137 -0.44%
York YCWZ33AB0 4.4 19.8 32.2 1038.3 143.2 50.7 11.7 0.29 1.15 1.1391 -0.54%
York YCWZ33AB0 5.6 30.9 32.2 1038.3 179.0 52.8 12.1 0.28 1.11 1.1056 -0.16%
York YCWZ33AB0 6.7 44.4 32.2 1038.3 214.8 54.9 12.5 0.27 1.07 1.0733 0.12%
York YCWZ33AB0 7.2 52.2 32.2 1038.3 232.7 56 12.6 0.27 1.06 1.0575 -0.56%
York YCWZ33AB0 7.8 60.5 32.2 1038.3 250.6 57 12.8 0.27 1.05 1.0420 -0.46%
York YCWZ33AB0 8.9 79.0 32.2 1038.3 286.4 59.2 13.2 0.26 1.02 1.0119 -0.32%
York YCWZ33AB0 10.0 100.0 32.2 1038.3 322.2 61.5 13.6 0.25 0.99 0.9830 -0.24%
York YCWZ33AB0 4.4 19.8 35.0 1225.0 155.6 49.1 11.0 0.31 1.22 1.2185 0.02%
York YCWZ33AB0 5.6 30.9 35.0 1225.0 194.4 51.2 11.3 0.30 1.19 1.1836 -0.19%
York YCWZ33AB0 6.7 44.4 35.0 1225.0 233.3 53.2 11.6 0.29 1.16 1.1499 -0.45%
York YCWZ33AB0 7.2 52.2 35.0 1225.0 252.8 54.3 11.8 0.29 1.14 1.1335 -0.18%
York YCWZ33AB0 7.8 60.5 35.0 1225.0 272.2 55.3 12.0 0.28 1.12 1.1174 0.06%
York YCWZ33AB0 8.9 79.0 35.0 1225.0 311.1 57.5 12.3 0.28 1.09 1.0859 -0.32%
York YCWZ33AB0 10.0 100.0 35.0 1225.0 350.0 59.7 12.7 0.27 1.06 1.0556 0.04%