HW 2
HW 2
HW 2
Q3: The starting workpiece in steel hot rolling of plate and sheet stock is which of the
following: (a) bar stock, (b) billet, (c) bloom, (d) slab, or (e) wire stock?
Q4: The maximum possible draft in a rolling operation depends on which of the
following parameters: (a) coefficient of friction between roll and w.p. and roll radius,
(b) roll velocity, (c) original w.p. thickness, (d) strain, and (e) strength coefficient of
the work metal?
Q5: Which of the following stress or strength parameters is used in the computation
of cold rolling force: (a) average flow stress, (b) compression strength, (c) final flow
stress, (d) tensile strength, or (e) yield strength?
Q7: A hot rolling mill has rolls of diameter = 24 in. It can exert a maximum force =
400,000 lb. The mill has a maximum horsepower = 100 hp. It is desired to reduce a
1.5-in thick plate (to) by the maximum possible draft in one pass. The starting plate is
10 in wide (wo=wf). In the heated condition, the work material has a strength
coefficient (K) = 20,000 lb/in2 and a strain-hardening exponent (n) = zero. Determine
(a) maximum possible draft, (b) true strain, and (c) maximum speed of the rolls in
rpm (N) and ft/min (vr).
Hint: (1) dmax = d , (2) use the average flow stress in the calculations.
1hp=396000 (in-Ib/min)
Q11: How the detrimental effects of residual tensile stresses can be reduced?
Q12: How can slipping and friction occur between rolls and w.p. in rolling processes?
Q13: Why Ff left > Ff right always and location of the neutral point should be toward the
exit zone?
Q14: What are the main reasons to arise the residual stresses?
Q15: Why the surface finish of w.p. in cold rolling is better than in hot rolling?
Q18: In rolling processes, at any condition it can be consider that the increase in width
of w.p. is not important?
Q19: Why the volume rate of w.p. flow is constant through the rolling processes?